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Everything posted by oturak

  1. Hi, The quickest way to have a good headstart is to do some PVP with your healer. It will teach you mobility, a good grasp at prioritization and multitasking, and a good idea of how you can burst heal and manage your resources in emergency situations. I've seen many decent PVE only healers who became utterly useless whenever the situation took an unexpected turn (such as getting aggroed by an add, or everyone in the raid are suddenly low on HP). You don't have to remember a set rotation, but you need to know how to manage your "normal" cycle and how to burst heal. Concerning your issues : Compare your ehps with your cohealer (taking into amount the bubbling). If there's a big difference, something is probably wrong. Use Parsec or Starparse to see how your healing was distributed amongst raid members. Work with your gut feeling : Were you comfortable healing, or were you struggling with keeping up or resource ? Are you able to get good numbers when the raid needs to be mobile or very spread out ? Are you able to anticipate mechanics and precast heals when big hits are coming or are you purely reactive ? Do you (or your group) need to overgear significantly the content to clear it or no ? The difficulty as a healer is that all these issues could either be your fault, or your group's fault if they're doing wrong and taking unnecessary damage. Sometimes having a scale to compare to (like getting in a ops with another experienced healer) is necessary.
  3. If I remember correctly, the chest token is on Styrak (final S&V boss). Don't expect to get it anytime soon if you don't actively work for it (it requires an experienced group). Your best chance would be a random shadowed drop (same as Krell Dragon, but without set bonus) while pugging the first bosses. I don't pug that much, but according to my experiences a bad pug will fail at Trasher in S&V (3rd boss) and Operator IX in TFB (3rd boss too). A good pug will kill Olok (5th boss) in S&V and clear TFB. It should be enough for you to get a torso drop with some tries.
  4. Nightmare gear is still "Token only" (sure, you can get 186 gear with comms but you need the tokens to get the good mods and sophs), so no other way than doing the ops (TFB and S&V). All in one, since there are boss that actually require teamwork, strategy and following mechanics, you can't expect to faceroll them. The dps checks are not that hard to meet with current gear, but can still be hard if you're just an occasional player.
  5. Happy to see my feelings are shared. Numbers are fine but the Bulo HM fight is making me work way harder on my scoundrel than on my commando. I'd sure like to have a bit more burst like some instant proc or crit every 30 seconds or so. Hell, even lowering the total HPS would be fine (our AOE HPS is still quite overpowered i think). We're still getting good results running this fight with 2 ops though, so it's not impossible at all, but it takes some real effort on the raid positioning and the transitions. On the good side, our roll helps quite a lot getting out of the Volley AOE on time. On some tries on my commando I got hit every time even with Hold the Line, i guess it's some server side lag.
  6. Hi, First excuse me if I come off rude. English is not my first language, and perhaps my simple sentences will make me sound harsher that I really mean. You can't expect understanding from random people : they can't know your personal issues. You're also asking for pain if you try to do the new content right now : 60 HM and ops, because right now PUGs have trouble doing them properly, so they won't be able to get above your shortcomings and will blame you for failure. Now, a game is about having fun, and tons of fun can be achieved even with your condition. I agree, you should try to find a nice guild. Even if they're only casual, you should still be able to do all the "old" content (pre 55 ops) without much trouble. As long as you're overgearing the content, it should be fine. You could also try to get better results chosing a role and a class which does not overwhelm you. I think tanking and melee dps would be difficult for you. The easiest would be perhaps a ranged dps, since it would free up a lot of time moving and avoiding boss cleaves. You could also try healing, if your cohealer is good it should not be an issue.
  7. I feel like they lost a lot of their possible single target burst too. Not an issue in a raid setting with a decent healer, but the average joe in a flashpoint will probably suffer. Forgot to get hots running on the tank and he's melting and not using CDs ? Too bad, he'll probably drop by the time you cast two single target heals. Pure reactive healing is easier to achieve right now on commandos and sages. But changing that without toning down some more the AOE healing would make good scoundrels overpowered again. Perhaps providing some kind of instant cast heal proc (on gcd) like once every 20-25 seconds would help without changing the total hps output.
  8. Thanks for your feedback. I used to play Sage but gradually switched to scoundrel when I started raiding in Nim ops. Playing mainly 8 players, felt like the design of some problematic bosses was not encouraging player stacking and turret healing. Sure it worked but I achieved better results with less hassle with the scoundrel at that time (and the self cleanse on Raptus Nim was the cherry on the pie). Nice to know they made such a good work.
  9. You're both right and wrong about that fight in my opinion. First, i'll post my first parses on that ops, 8SM : http://imgur.com/a/Wa7LR . It was the night I dinged 60, no precise knowledge about the new rotation (didn't even know that emergency medpack gave a healing bonus), so I was not doing that great. Gear was a mix of optimized 180 and 186. 180 main hand, 186 second hand. As you can see, I did 4675 HPS (2943 EHPS) on the Sword Squadron Unit. I used Kolto Waves 15 times, meaning every 20 seconds average. First, was it necessary ? Nope, could have done the entire fight without it. You can see that I overhealed quite a bit. Secondly, was it impossible to use ? The only time you have to move in that fight is when you're personnaly targeted by a "Ground Burst Missile" , and perhaps if you got the "Huge grenade". You can stay static for all the rest of the fight. Lets say you're very unlucky, and get targeted every time. Since "Ground Burst Missile" happen every 8 seconds, you should still have 6 seconds available to cast it. Now back to my parse. I casted it every 20 seconds in average, which matches the only source of non avoidable raid damage "Rain of Missiles". So I think it did the job. Still, on that particular fight where the raid damage is quite low, the total contribution of Kolto Waves is only 12.5% of my HPS. Rounding it to the whole ops, i think we can say it contributes to around 25% of my HPS. Does not sound useless to me. I uploaded the other parses of my first raid to answer a simple question : Is scoundrel / operative healing nerfed ? If pulling 4k5 to 5k7 ehps with obsolete gear is bad and unadequate to do ops, then it is. And seeing as my APM is quite low on some fights, I could have done some damage while pulling the same healing numbers.
  10. Could you post specific examples, like fights and phases ? Either it's a very specific fight i haven't done at all since the 3.0, or luckily i'll be able to provide a combat log with significant kolto waves uptime on the fight you're talking about.
  11. Ehm, don't ? I think i'm misunderstanding what you mean, because it's the worst moment to use it. Could you elaborate ? When there are ground AOES, first people are supposed to run the hell out of them, so casting anything inside is useless. Let's suppose you still want to deal some healing while running, you still have your probes, your kolto cloud and emergency medpack. Even with the new raids being very mobile (and I enjoy it immensely), it was not an issue at all using kolto waves on cooldown. Let's be clear, the scoundrel / operative mobility was nerfed a bit, and the rotation requires a bit more thinking. It's intentional. Maining one, I cannot say i didn't see it coming, the class was just too good. But thinking the other classes are way above us now ? I call bull****. The commando healing rotation is still as tight on energy as it was before, and their probes are toned down a bit too. They got great burst, but managing wide raid damage which is very present in all new ops requires lots of attention. Their new aoe ticks for a lot, but they got globally less ticks than the scoundrel ones. I cannot speak for the sages / sorcerers, coudn't get mine to 60 yet and i'm a bit perplexed about roaming mend.
  12. Man, I was ready to reply and you beat me (had a sudden issue to solve). Reading the previous posts I felt like living in a totally different dimension. While healing this week in the new ops with my scoundrel, the first thing i said was : "what the hell is a nerf, numbers are up ?". Even with kolto cloud nerfed a lot, kolto waves is a beast. Even without using targeted heals, it's really easy to get high hps just using SRMP, kolto waves and kolto cloud. Emergency medpack refreshing stacks of SRMP is really nice too, once you get used to it you can both gain some energy (spend 5 energy instead of 10), give some heal and refresh your SRMP. I'll concede two things : first we lost some burst, and yeah we're less mobile, which is perhaps a loss PVP wise (but scoundrels and operative are still very strong in that aspect). I think most people here are feeling the drawbacks of the 3.0 more than issues with scoundrel / operatives healing, namely that even in SM ops or HM flashpoints, if your DPS or your tank does a mistake, they'll die, there's no way you'll be able to cheese mechanics with any healing class.
  13. No circumstance. The tooltip is for the skills that are shared between the guardian and the sentinel (or juggernault / marauder). If a sentinel / marauder executes the same move, then he'll strike with both hands.
  14. Salut, Content de voir que ca va mieux. Concernant les recommandations sur les stats secondaires, soyons clairs : elles ne transforment jamais un heal insuffisant en bon heal. Ce sont dans le meilleur des cas une façon d'optimiser ton perso à ton gameplay et et à ton rôle en raid. Tu peux tout à fait en pratique obtenir les mêmes HPS avec des profils de stats secondaires totalement distincts (alacrité importante vs full afflux, puissance ou crit). Le jeu est assez permissif pour qu'une différance de stats secondaires même assez importante sur le papier (genre 600+) soit totalement gommé par le gameplay. TLDR : Adapte ton profil de stats secondaire comme tu le sens au mieux, utilises les templates de base comme points de référence mais ils ne sont pas figés dans le marbre. Deuxième point : Oublie les HPS purs. Tu ne feras pas en situation de raid autant qu'un malfrat en HPS, car les profils de heal sont différents. Le malfrat doit conserver un certain nombre de hot sur les membres du raid car ils sont longs à mettre en place, il fera donc forcément de gros scores si bien joué, mais des masses d'overheal. Un bon commando aura un HPS très proche de ses EHPS (généralement 90 a 99% selon les combats) sur un combat non trivial, car ses soins sont réactifs (tes sondes qui se déclenchent uniquement apres dégats déja). Tu as également a prendre en compte tes capacités de mitigation et ton buff de soin à maintenir (la bombe de kolto + la surcharge). Y'aurait une tripotée de choses à traiter, je vais essayer de les lister : Ta répartitions des soins (et par extension ta rotation) est elle correcte ? Dans un parse sur un combat décent, quelle est la réparttion en % de chacun de tes soins ? Maintiens tu tes buffs (bombe de kolto, buff d'armure via la sonde médicale avancée) sur les tanks ? Penses tu au buff de défense (la surcharge) aux moments ou il y a des pics de dégats, ou au long du combat pour aider sur la mitigation totale ? Sais tu burst correctement tes soins ? Quelle serait ta rotation si tu devais remonter au plus vite une personne au maximum ?
  15. First, let's exclude any kind of pve questing or even SM ops. These are so easy you could be using the wrong main stat and still manage it. We can as an extension forget the question for companions too : if you want to seriously do some challenging stuff with them like 1 manning HM ops, you'll want them to perform their best. Otherwise, it's easy enough to not care about their weapon. Let's talk about any kind of content hard enough for you to want to be able to get out at least 70% of your character potential. First, there is roughly a bit more than 10% weapon damage difference between the "optimal weapon" and the "alternative one" The second issue is that using the wrong weapon will prevent you to use some skills at all : - hail of bolts and charged bolts for the commando - Assassinate, Force Breach, Spike, Maul, Lacerate or Discharge for the assassin The only spec where a rotation is still doable at all would be a gunnery commando, where you'll probably lose around 6% dps (the weapon damage difference has to be weighted against each skill multiplier and usage within the rotation). For any other spec (assault commando, or shadow), you cannot perform at all your rotation, thus nonviable. Sources : A old post by oaceen for my gunnery commando numbers. Not 100% sure i quoted correctly all impossible skills from memory, please correct if necessary Edit - Forgot about the sniper, never played one, cannot answer on this part.
  16. You lose the use of hail of bolts and charged bolts , and cannons have higher base attack than rifles. It can be worked around if you're healing, perhaps even if you're playing gunnery and you stick to story mode ops, but any more and you'll need to be carried by your team.
  17. Salut, Tu m'excuseras d'utiliser les termes côté république. La seule spé hybride encore viable actuellement est la hybride sabo / perfidie (5 / 18 / 23). Son intérêt a été diminué suite à la 2.0, tu as un meilleur dps potentiel en pure perfidie (perso je parse sensiblement pareil sur les 2 spés). Elle reste pratique sur les combats a forts mouvements pour conserver du dps grace aux dots. Amélios : toujours stat principale (astuce) Stuff : cap de précision (110%), le reste en afflux Idéalement tu adaptes ton index de crit en fonction de ta spé (tir de précision et sabo : index tres faible, entre 0 et 150), en perfidie ou hybride tu peux te permettre un index compris entre 100 et 300 pour le regen d'énergie via les crits. A toi de voir en fonction de ton ressenti et de ce qui te donne les meilleurs dps au final.
  18. Difficile de répondre correctement à ce genre de questions, tu ne peux pas comparer un coup de deux classes sans prendre en compte la spé choisie et la répartition des dégats dans le cycle. Grosso modo, le seul cas ou le déchargement est une partie importante de tes dps, c'est si tu es mercenaire spé arsenal. Dans ce cas, avec les bonus de l'arbre, il contribuera a quasi 30% de tes dégats, et on pourra effectivement le comparer en terme de dégats et d'importance à la série de tirs (qui reste un contributeur de dégats indispensable dans les 3 arbres du tireur d'élite). En spé pyro, le seul avantage du déchargement est pour la gestion de la chaleur, ce n'est pas un coup prioritaire. Et en spécialiste t'as carrément autre chose à faire que de le sortir, c'est une perte sèche.
  19. Bonjour à toi. La réponse courte est non, et non. La possibilité de porter certains types d'armures s'acquiert par des traits passifs, attribués automatiquement quand tu choisis ta classe. Ainsi une sentinelle (pourtant même classe de base qu'un gardien) ne peut porter qu'une armure intermédiaire.
  20. Talking about fun times, I had once a hilarious run with 1 guardian tank, 2 sentinels and me as a sage healer. The flashpoint was The False Emperor I think. It starts very well : good players, CC's are respected, kill order too, and for once I never had aggro on the adds. Then the fun begins when we cross a big droid : I force speed, position myself, and force push it out of the bridge, only to see with horror that the sentinels had already leapt on it. While they were going "FUUUUU" on the chat, I couldn't help but laugh seeing how their jump trajectory changed mid-air to follow the droid in his demise. We wait for them to come back, I apologize and say I'll notice them whenever I'll use wave. Next droid is a little to far from the ledge for me to push, so I just let them engage. Guardian leaps in, goes to the side, force push, and here goes our two sentinels again ! We decide to not use any kind of knockback anymore. 3rd droid, they jump with no accidents this time. As I type "By the way, you shouldn't stand between the droid and the ledge, I think he bumps", well, Mr droid thinks it's time to make our sentinels meet their maker. After that we're just like "F* that, it's hilarious, let's just continue" We finished the flashpoint, with a sentinel dying every two minutes or so.
  21. Hello, and thanks for the new features. I love the timers. I read the documentation on CodePlex, and I couldn't find any mention of where the timers definitions are saved. If I want to reinstall my PC, or copy my timers to another computer, what file(s) should I backup ?
  22. Thanks for the correction, I'm not a native english speaker so I mix sometimes words up. Tried to stop. Most of the times they just continue anyway, or once i was votekicked because "not cooperating". I'm not trying anymore. As for the packs, it's not like as a scrapper you have strong AOE's (flyby is quite weak now, and the grenade is not that strong either). Sometimes we survived with some smart CC's on the droids + burning the adds, but most of the time stealth saved me. I think the only time I wasn't bothered with the mass aggro was when i was once paired with 3 commandos, 1 dumb one with no notion of spatial awareness (he'd aggro like crazy and just go "I didn't see them" and two good ones.
  23. Finished levelling my 2nd scoundrel (scrapper) , running mostly KDY. It was a painful experience, don't think I'd do it again (or probably will only for stealth classes). Had a couple of frustrating issues (map with the 4 room and objectives, if you do it counter clockwise you'll lose the least amount of time, still people will run clockwise, or people going afk during the long intro, or people getting killed from knockbacks from droids), but a few things made me really crazy. 1 - Jail map, or trollmap Thanks consular, commando, jedi or slinger for knockbacking and aggroing half of the fu* map. Of course, you didn't answer (or sometimes said "OK") when I asked politely not to use knockbacks. And of course seeing what you did, you will use the "headless chicken" strategy, jump to the bottom of the map and aggro all the packs you missed before + the miniboss. Then, after dying : "what happened ?". Seems that there's probably a guide for shadows and jedis somewhere stating : "Knockback is the core of your rotation. Use it on CD." 2 - Sentards. Seriously. I hate lowbies sentinels now. I don't understand. I run raids with very good sentinels, but there seems to be something with low level sentinels that impedes how your brain should be working. Double aggro, breaking CC's, jumping from pack to pack without self healing, trying to solo the boss while you're explaining the strategy, name something dumb, I've experienced it. Worst part was than even when I was paired with good sentinels, they'd suddenly turn crazy somehow in front of the final boss (solo jump it, tunnel vision and not taking care of adds, standing in the aoes and trying to facetank). I ended up removing myself from the queue whenever there was more than 1 sentinel in my group. 3 - Ramboes. Simple but efficient strategy I guess : never heal yourself, never wait for your party, never walk the same path they use. They run forward, aggro all they see, die, respawn and aggro another pack while you're dealing with their mess. And message me "man you're a scoundrel, offheal me" then try to votekick. Sorry for the wall of text, I feel better now that's it out Edit - Mixed up pushback and knockback
  24. Are you serious ? Anyone here can mash buttons faster than once every 1.5 seconds. The delay reported between non interruptible gcd's won't be the time you pressed the key, but the time the ability queue sent the next command. It has no relevance at all with human reaction time. You cannot use it as a reference.
  25. Pas possible en l'état effectivement. Beaucoup de gens demandent la mise en place du heal over (c'est a dire pouvoir activer un soin en ayant la souris au dessus du nom d'une personne sans cliquer d'abord dessus), mais tu demandes encore autre chose la. Qu'on implémente un truc qui permette d'augmenter la réactivité je peux comprendre, mais le heal en 2 temps est surtout une perte de temps (je peux comprendre toutefois la mise en place d'une telle option pour des questions d'accessibilité ou de souci moteur, sans aucune ironie). Pour le moment je pense que tu devrais déja binder tes soins principaux sur le clavier.
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