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[Bug??] Did /Whisper just get changed???


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I'm guessing they were tweaking around with it while in development phase and someone just forgot to turn it off on release or something like that.


I'm actually disappointed that this is not intended. I rather like it. :p But I understand if people don't want everyone to know what their alts are. It doesn't seem to work for everyone in every case, though.

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Hey everyone,


I apologize as this was not intended to be implemented, which is why we did not have a patch note for it. We can completely understand that there are some privacy concerns around this right now. If someone whispers you through your main while you are logged into an alt it will not actually show them the name of your alt unless you respond. We understand this will let them know that you are online, however, if you do not wish for them to know your alts named, simply do not respond to the whisper.


We will be working on fixing this in a future update, I will have more information as I have it.




By fixing, you mean improving right? This is a great feature if done right.

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Eric, thanks for the reply. However, here's another case. X is the name I know, Y is an alt I suspect is them.


"Just don't reply" isn't a protection when autoafk messages are in game:


/tell X .

To [X]: .

Y is away from keyboard.


^^^ Do Not Want.

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By fixing, you mean improving right? This is a great feature if done right.


Yup. This. Give us adequate controls over it and it'd be great. I'm not ************ about the feature in general, just the lack of controls (and lack of warning, and lack of opt-in).


@AlixMV: You can also use login/out info to probe who is who. If I suspect X is Y, I can /friend X and send /tell Y ... when they log out. It's not perfect, but...

Edited by Khalhazar
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Needs a way to opt-out. Even more, needs to be opt-in. Bioware used to be better at security and privacy.


Edit: let me explain a bit more. This is very convenient, and it's good that they are thinking about chat problems (because maybe it means the chatbugs will finally be fixed?) However, there are serious privacy implications of this feature. Nobody can ever have a secret alt from anyone ever, anymore.


Does Semah have a secret bank alt? What if you want to test to see if RP character X is really person Y? Now you can find out. With a single /tell.


It also allows for harassment: if X is ignoring Y, and X has an alt Z that is not ignoring Y, Y can send a tell to X which will be routed to Z with no problems.


Unacceptable. Needs to be opt-in at per-legacy granularity at least. Needs to protect against harassment. Needs to be thought out better. Needs immediate dev comment.


^^^ this


This would make me quit the game instantly if it remains. Wouldn't care if it was the greatest game of all time, it's a game breaker for me.


I've experienced and witnessed way too much drama from crazy people to ever play another game with chat "features" like this.

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By fixing, you mean improving right? This is a great feature if done right.


^This times 1000. One of the things I hate worst about playing on republic alts is my imp guildies can't ping me if something comes up. I really hope you are planning to do a legit version of this system in the future, just add an option to opt out if you have privacy concerns.

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Tried this just now with a guild member,its no differant than how it was before.either they respond or ignore me.people acting like this tells me someones life story makes no sense.


It's too much a positive for guilds,friend lists and quality of life period to even object to it,good luck trying LOVE IT!


bet all the same complaints came up with WoW and the real friend ID and guess what,last i checked that didn't disappear,just being on the internet is a security risk.....

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Hey everyone,


I apologize as this was not intended to be implemented, which is why we did not have a patch note for it.


This is the best bug ever. Can you please, please implement it cross-faction? I will shed tears of joy if you implement cross-faction guild chat.


Clarin @ The Harbinger, just whisper him, you'll catch any alt I'm on!

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bet all the same complaints came up with WoW and the real friend ID and guess what,last i checked that didn't disappear,just being on the internet is a security risk.....


The complaints for RealID were different. RealID was and is opt-in, not automatically available on/for everyone.


RealID exposed real names initially, which was a separate concern from this.

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The complaints for RealID were different. RealID was and is opt-in, not automatically available on/for everyone.


RealID exposed real names initially, which was a separate concern from this.

Well considering that,I can see how the whole opt in is a major concern for some.


personally i find a simple whisper,that can easily be ignored no where in the same league as real id which involves alot more information. but thats just me.


But I would honesty like to understand,where this is such a security and privacy concern that some would quit the game over?

Edited by Pantaro
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The complaints for RealID were different. RealID was and is opt-in, not automatically available on/for everyone.


RealID exposed real names initially, which was a separate concern from this.


The big outcry about Real ID was that originally they were going to force everyone to display their real name on the forums. That's what got them the death threats, and they retracted the idea very quickly.

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The big outcry about Real ID was that originally they were going to force everyone to display their real name on the forums. That's what got them the death threats, and they retracted the idea very quickly.
That's really really just dumb of blizzard to even think that is ok.knew i hated that game for a reason....
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Thank you for the reply Mr. Musco, it is appreciated. I am really glad to hear that this was not an intended feature, and I hope it gets fixed soon.


I realize that this is something that people will be divided on. Some people will LOVE this, even without privacy controls, but other people will not. To those of you that love it, even as-is, please understand that not everyone want to be open for socializing/grouping/ops/etc every time they log into the game. Could be because of a bad day, limited playtime, to immerse themselves in the story, or any number of reasons.


As for, "so just don't chat, and say no if you don't want to do something! Tell people you don't want to do stuff when you're on an alt!", that isn't always a viable solution. Sometimes, people will ask you to do stuff or try and chat with you anyway -- because they're your friend, not just some shmuck in your guild! Or because you're the only level 55 healer they know that's online, so won't you help so the 7 of them can finish this operation after soandso had to leave? -- and it can be hard to say no and brush them off without seeming rude or hurting their feelings. Sure, you can ignore /whispers to your main on your alt so they remain unnamed, but whoever whispered you will still know that you are online and are ignoring them.


I'd like to see this "unintended" feature removed completely and added back only once it is fixed to include proper privacy options, rather than left in the game and slowly fixed.

Edited by Gwena
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^^^ this


This would make me quit the game instantly if it remains. Wouldn't care if it was the greatest game of all time, it's a game breaker for me.


I've experienced and witnessed way too much drama from crazy people to ever play another game with chat "features" like this.


. /agree ^


Just as a quick example of something that comes to mind. I am one who likes to keep my alts private from my Main character for those times when I just want to go along at my pace and basically just be a "lone wolf" for the night.


The example I thought of right away is: I'm on one of my alts. Someone asks a question in chat on Fleet. I, thinking I can help them with the answer, respond to the question in chat. Someone who has been watching to see if it's an alt of my Main whispers me about my response to the question in chat. I, having no idea that they actually whispered my Main character name, respond to the whisper,,,, Boom, they got me,,,, now they know it's my alt :p


I can see why for some this would be a good thing. But for those of us who do like to keep characters separate for different reasons, this would be a definite game breaker. Privacy means a lot to some of us. This definitely breaks the privacy barrier.


I hope for some that could use something like this for guild purposes, or friend purposes get something they can utilize. But not something like this where there are too many ways someone can track you down and harass or just generally bother someone else.


If it stays how it is today, definite game breaker for me :(

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Hey everyone,


I apologize as this was not intended to be implemented, which is why we did not have a patch note for it. We can completely understand that there are some privacy concerns around this right now. If someone whispers you through your main while you are logged into an alt it will not actually show them the name of your alt unless you respond. We understand this will let them know that you are online, however, if you do not wish for them to know your alts named, simply do not respond to the whisper.


We will be working on fixing this in a future update, I will have more information as I have it.




Put it in, hiding is never a good idea.

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How does it work for mailing to alts and guildames?

Does it just go to the what they are logged into or can any character get the mail.


This is awesome and it feels like it was an oversight in the patch notes.


always been able to mail to alts on opposing factions...as long as they are in the same legacy.

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Hey everyone,


I apologize as this was not intended to be implemented, which is why we did not have a patch note for it. We can completely understand that there are some privacy concerns around this right now. If someone whispers you through your main while you are logged into an alt it will not actually show them the name of your alt unless you respond. We understand this will let them know that you are online, however, if you do not wish for them to know your alts named, simply do not respond to the whisper.


We will be working on fixing this in a future update, I will have more information as I have it.



This is a really cool feature, though! Any chance you could keep it in and add a toggle so a user could toggle this on/off for themselves so they could choose to keep it on if they wish to be able to be contacted on all their characters (heck, even toss in cross faction, too - what's the status on the long promised features of /whisper, /emote and custom chat channels being visible/usable cross-faction anyway?) or toggle it off for privacy reasons? That'd be a nice quality of life improvement in addition to chat bubbles. And since you promised to be working on quality of life improvements from now on (since the expansion has been released) anyway, why not do this? Edited by Glzmo
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Tested this with the ignore feature.


Person A ignores Person B on toon 1, and Person B logs into toon 2, Person B is still able to whisper Person A. I think this is very bad and needs to change. Makes it far easier to e hassled and harassed ingame. Now, I won't say that it isn't handy, but I think it still needs a lot of improvements. :(

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Personaly I love this "Bug" and I'd rather they leave it be or transform into a feature. I have friends who have like 12 characters and being able to whisper their mains all the time, even if they're not on their mains is very convenient.
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