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[Bug??] Did /Whisper just get changed???


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You can now whisper to someone on the same faction with any of their toon names. I didn't see this in the patch notes. This still doesn't allow cross faction chat, but you can use a pub of an Imp name to whisper that Imp when your on an Imp.




Example Below:


Account 1:





Account 2:





Users logged in as Imptoon1 and ImptoonA


Imptoon1 can /whisper ImptoonB and it will showup in ImptoonA's chat box

Imptoon1 can /whisper PubtoonA and it will showup in ImptoonA's chatbox

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noticed it also with mailing alts/guildmates alts


How does it work for mailing to alts and guildames?

Does it just go to the what they are logged into or can any character get the mail.


This is awesome and it feels like it was an oversight in the patch notes.

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However (I have not had a chance to play with it) Does it work perfectly?

It may not have been an oversight and is just a QoL enhancement that is coming but isnt finished. The bug could be that we have access to it now?


Hopefully we get a dev response about this,

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Just tried whispering a guildie from my pub toon. he is a sith warrior, nothin.


I think you misunderstood. IF you are your buddy are both on the pub side. You could message the name of your buddys IMP side character but he will get the message on his PUB side character.


No cross faction but basically you can message any of your buddies characters and as long as you are both on the same faction, your buddy will see the message.

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So just to confirm...


My most regular chars are Jhoira, Skarjis and Ric-Xano (all on republic side).


But if I now level a twink (still got several republic toons) and someone were to message me, they could just whisper to my main and I would get the message ?


And followup question... do they SEE that their message got through ? Sometimes I am taking a break from my guild responsibilities and just want to play on my own a bit... and I would not want anyone to notice, that my account is online.

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So just to confirm...


My most regular chars are Jhoira, Skarjis and Ric-Xano (all on republic side).


But if I now level a twink (still got several republic toons) and someone were to message me, they could just whisper to my main and I would get the message ?


And followup question... do they SEE that their message got through ? Sometimes I am taking a break from my guild responsibilities and just want to play on my own a bit... and I would not want anyone to notice, that my account is online.


I can't log in yet. But assuming this scenario. This is why I really wonder if we just got access to this before it was done. I would imagine something like this would come with a changed buddy list and some sort of per character privacy settings.

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So just to confirm...


My most regular chars are Jhoira, Skarjis and Ric-Xano (all on republic side).


But if I now level a twink (still got several republic toons) and someone were to message me, they could just whisper to my main and I would get the message ?


And followup question... do they SEE that their message got through ? Sometimes I am taking a break from my guild responsibilities and just want to play on my own a bit... and I would not want anyone to notice, that my account is online.


yes, the person see's it going though. They would be able to whisper your guild toon and it would go through on your alt... given that the alt is the same faction as the person sending it.

Edited by Sameria
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So, people can now send me messages -- and know that I am online and received them -- when I am playing on an alt that I have not told them about? Not sure I am understanding this correctly. :confused: I hope I am not though. Since my guild went poof I have come to enjoy being able to just log in and do whatever I want without having people bug me, but sometimes I might want to be "bugged" (aka be sociable and friendly) so I have been thinking of joining a guild again on one or two of my characters . . . note I do not say ALL of my characters. >.<


If this is true, I really hope they add some well thought out privacy settings, or it looks like I'm going to be as antisocial in this game as I am in GW2 (which has a similar system). Given an "all or nothing" choice when it comes to being available socially in a game, I will probably choose the latter option. :p

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So, people can now send me messages -- and know that I am online and received them -- when I am playing on an alt that I have not told them about? Not sure I am understanding this correctly. :confused: I hope I am not though. Since my guild went poof I have come to enjoy being able to just log in and do whatever I want without having people bug me, but sometimes I might want to be "bugged" (aka be sociable and friendly) so I have been thinking of joining a guild again on one or two of my characters . . . note I do not say ALL of my characters. >.<


If this is true, I really hope they add some well thought out privacy settings, or it looks like I'm going to be as antisocial in this game as I am in GW2 (which has a similar system). Given an "all or nothing" choice when it comes to being available socially in a game, I will probably choose the latter option. :p



I completely agree! I enjoyed the way WoW went, with the BattleNet ID. If i friended you, you could talk to me throughout any game I was playing with that ID. Unless, of course, I changed my status to "Away" or "Busy" or "Invisible". THAT would be an excellent feature for them to consider in the future. May take some work -- but an "Account ID" way to /friend people would be cool.

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I completely agree! I enjoyed the way WoW went, with the BattleNet ID. If i friended you, you could talk to me throughout any game I was playing with that ID. Unless, of course, I changed my status to "Away" or "Busy" or "Invisible". THAT would be an excellent feature for them to consider in the future. May take some work -- but an "Account ID" way to /friend people would be cool.


Yes, I do like the idea of a global friends list sort of thing, as a lot of people like it and it can be a pain trying to keep track of people's alts. But I absolutely loathe the idea unless they allow you to hide characters that you do NOT want included. In GW2 they failed miserably with this -- you can't even set your status as invisible until you are already logged in. :rolleyes: I'd be happy if they had it so you could set your preferences per character, so for characters that you want to be just for you, you could set them to "always invisible" as their default.

Edited by Gwena
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So, people can now send me messages -- and know that I am online and received them -- when I am playing on an alt that I have not told them about? Not sure I am understanding this correctly. :confused: I hope I am not though. Since my guild went poof I have come to enjoy being able to just log in and do whatever I want without having people bug me, but sometimes I might want to be "bugged" (aka be sociable and friendly) so I have been thinking of joining a guild again on one or two of my characters . . . note I do not say ALL of my characters. >.<


If this is true, I really hope they add some well thought out privacy settings, or it looks like I'm going to be as antisocial in this game as I am in GW2 (which has a similar system). Given an "all or nothing" choice when it comes to being available socially in a game, I will probably choose the latter option. :p


As much as I'd be excited about the prospect of an account-wide / account-based friend/ignore system, I would prefer some sort of privacy setting, too. I do enjoy friendly, helpful guild life, but there are moments and days when I prefer to be incognito. I even started to remove my alts from the guild for leveling, because I want to be immersed in the story and go at my own pace without being poked and prodded about this and that.

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I'd love it if we managed to get a dev response to this. Is it intended? Not intended? Something being worked on?



Don't get me wrong -- I'm insanely appreciative of y'all if this is something you plan to roll out. I'd just prefer if you didn't roll it out until we have some of the basic options that most people find necessary. As has been said perfectly by others, sometimes we want to play, but be anti-social or just not be bugged! :rak_03:


However, I feel maybe this is also a good time for us to toss out there what we'd love to see as part of this "system" -- if that is truly what we're seeing the beginning of!


Clearly, some of us want:


1.) Privacy settings! Probably have the entire chat be set up to /friend only - but on an account-wide basis. Character preferences would be incredible.


2.) Cross-server would be cool! I have a few friends I wouldn't mind chatting with, but they don't use vent/TS/Mumble. I'd certainly say that this takes a backseat to most other things though, as it may be horribly frustrating to implement.


3.) Could these changes maybe make /ignore account wide? Or -- is ignore already account wide? Not something I've ever really thought about, because I don't have to use it often.


4.) I don't know!?! I'm sure others have suggestions. Those are really the only things I can think of that I personally care about :-)

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Needs a way to opt-out. Even more, needs to be opt-in. Bioware used to be better at security and privacy.


Edit: let me explain a bit more. This is very convenient, and it's good that they are thinking about chat problems (because maybe it means the chatbugs will finally be fixed?) However, there are serious privacy implications of this feature. Nobody can ever have a secret alt from anyone ever, anymore.


Does Semah have a secret bank alt? What if you want to test to see if RP character X is really person Y? Now you can find out. With a single /tell.


It also allows for harassment: if X is ignoring Y, and X has an alt Z that is not ignoring Y, Y can send a tell to X which will be routed to Z with no problems.


Unacceptable. Needs to be opt-in at per-legacy granularity at least. Needs to protect against harassment. Needs to be thought out better. Needs immediate dev comment.

Edited by Khalhazar
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  • Dev Post

Hey everyone,


I apologize as this was not intended to be implemented, which is why we did not have a patch note for it. We can completely understand that there are some privacy concerns around this right now. If someone whispers you through your main while you are logged into an alt it will not actually show them the name of your alt unless you respond. We understand this will let them know that you are online, however, if you do not wish for them to know your alts named, simply do not respond to the whisper.


We will be working on fixing this in a future update, I will have more information as I have it.



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Eric, thanks for the reply. However, here's another case. X is the name I know, Y is an alt I suspect is them.


"Just don't reply" isn't a protection when autoafk messages are in game:


/tell X .

To [X]: .

Y is away from keyboard.

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Hey everyone,


I apologize as this was not intended to be implemented, which is why we did not have a patch note for it. We can completely understand that there are some privacy concerns around this right now. If someone whispers you through your main while you are logged into an alt it will not actually show them the name of your alt unless you respond. We understand this will let them know that you are online, however, if you do not wish for them to know your alts named, simply do not respond to the whisper.


We will be working on fixing this in a future update, I will have more information as I have it.



Uhm...how do you accidentally implement something like this? :p

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