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what's your swtor score?


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Hmm. I haven't experienced any bugs, personally, other than a few very minor graphical glitches here and there. Nothing that affects gameplay or anything like that.


My main beef with the game itself is that I seriously hate the UI and the camera's "smart pivot" behavior.


This has been the best MMO launch I've ever seen, without a doubt.


Will I be playing 6 months from now? Who can say? If future content lives up to the standard set so far, I can't think of why I wouldn't be playing.


I have been enjoying the game quite a lot so far. For me it falls somewhere in the B++ to A- range.

Edited by belialle
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Right now 3 going to 4 and I am being extremely generous with the score cause all this issues this game has I let it pass in beta cause it was a beta. But now at launch after all that testing feedback it's inexcusable. Edited by Kevinik
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I won’t be giving any kind of holistic score until I’ve managed to experience a greater range of content and generally given time for any launch issues to be dealt with. Bluntly, I’m befuddled as to how anyone (with the exception of those that have considerable play-time from Beta) feels that they’re informed enough to make a valid judgment as to the games overall success or failure. I view it as absurdly unfair.


At present, I’m enjoying the story, find the quests far more compelling than in most MMOs, enjoy the aesthetics, find the PvP engaging (especially the environmental dangers and their uses in Hutt Ball), think that space combat successfully evokes the glee of old arcade games, and see a vast array of opportunities for roleplaying. Above all, I adore the companion system since levelling as a healer in other MMOs has been unfairly penalised and excessively reliant on repeating the same party-orientated content for pace.


With that said, I’m not enjoying the low FPS irrespective of settings on something that can easily handle many others games on High/Ultra; not enjoying the inaccurate representation of Health in Operation/Party frames; and generally dislike many things that feel clunky, buggy, or poorly optimised.


There are positives and negative so I shall gladly wait a while to see whether negatives are transient issues related to launch or the project’s time-frame and whether positives are simply temporary fancies that dissipate.

Edited by Sufran
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Pretty much average.

Would give it a much higher score if not for all the useless travel.


I spend more time traveling in this game than any other activity...its really pretty lame. :(




*edit* scratch that, traveling time is second only to queueing time...


Gah. If anything there is too little traveling. I really hate it when MMOs go the 'let's just teleport every' route. This isn't Star Trek. In fact, I really dislike our quick-travel. It says a shuttle will pick you up, but it does this in the middle of a friggin mountain or imperial base. How does it navigate the corridors? How does it land? I think the fact that it allows you to go to any place you have discovered is gerat, but it should only be usable outdoors. I don't like QoL stuff that don't make sense. It ruins the experience for me. Levels can be designed in such a way that a landing pad is available towards the end of the larger missions.


There are plenty of these things I'd like to see gone -- the ability to dismiss and summon companions at will (that's what your ship is for). The ability to pull a speeder out of your derriere (although that one requires a bit more thought on how to solve properly).


With that said.... 7/10. I'm having great fun with the game, even though there are some serious issues that need to be ironed out.

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I was skeptical about this game; expecting it to be an exact replica of WoW in space. Whilst it does borrow a lot from the most popular MMO ever to be created, it does add a little to its forumla to make what I believe will grow to be a better game.


I do have a few criticisms though. For one, the game's textures are incredibly dated. So dated in fact, that they wouldn't have looked too out of place in WoW back in 2003. That really is a shame, for me - could have been so much more immersive with more time invested into the graphics.


It's also a pain in the arse having to run through each linear starting planet, and I am totally lacking the 'open world' feel at the moment. Everywhere I have visited so far has a set amount of paths to get from one point to the next; nothing feels wide open, and big. I hope this will change when I finally get to Tattooine.


On the positive side, levelling feels rewarding, as does the PvP. I enjoy being told I am unbeatable in the warzones (although, the warzone with the doors I don't enjoy much at all). PvP feels very amateurish right now, mainly due to most people not having a clue how to play the game properly. I mean no disrespect there, but it's rare more than two people know how to pass the damn ball in Huttball. Again, this is not a criticism of the game itself. I think Huttball could be really fun with a team of players that know what they're doing.


I'm also enjoying being able to make darkside choices as a Jedi. I originally wanted to play a Sith, but it just feels like a good 70% of people had the same idea. I've always been a fan of playing the underdog, so I switched over to the republic.


All in all, I am actually looking forward to playing the game when I am offline, and constantly get that feeling of 'just another mission', or 'just another warzone'. This is something I haven't experienced with an MMO in many, many years.


My final comment is one related to end game. This COULD keep my attention for over a year, as long as the end-game content is worth playing. I haven't reached it yet, but I hear there are capturable territories. This really is a game-maker for me, and probably the thing I enjoyed the most about past MMOs that had it.


My score: 7/10 right now (up to level 24)

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8/10. Graphics and environment are awesome, they put a lot of attention into the details. A planet like Naar Sada looks fantastic and immersive. Fighting animations and mechanic are well done and gives you a good combat feeling. You have challenging fight. I'm a lvl 32 Sith sorcerer and the fight with Darth .... is really fun.


I just have an issue with some side quests which are really boring, specially when you think you are done and the quest updates and give you more things to kill, again and again.


Don't know what to think with crafting for now as i picked only gathering profession.


I don't lag, neither had a single disconnection since last thursday. I have a decent fps and i don't see major bugs. I have some queue (around 30/45 min) each day since almost a week.


I'm impatient what new things they will bring in the future. This game can only become better and better.

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New to MMO's huh?


Fanboy much?


Sorry, I realize you obviously will accept whatever they give you because of your fanboy sensibilities, I'm just saying there is far too much travel for what seems like... no reason at all.


Last night on a story quest, I spent 30 mins round trip -spacetraveling,taxiing,and running to an NPC on a planet I finished 10 levels prior.. for no other reason than to watch a 2 minute cinematic. I'm sorry, but this is not good game design IMO.

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I can see I am more generous than most but Id give it a 90-95 out of 100. Then again I am taking into consideration that I have launched more than one MMO and expect some of these "gamebreaking" flaws that I see the community clamoring about. Its not perfect, its not the best game of all time, but it is very well done and deserves to be recognized as such.
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7/10, but really without playing the end game - the scores dont carry much weight yet.


Questing, classes, leveling is pretty solid imo. My biggest gripe so far is that there is barely any world PvP.


I am 3/4 to level cap and I barely ever seen the enemy. For those of us who rolled on PvP servers.... this sucks. If the only place we PvP is in instances why even make PvP servers??? You can join PvP ques on PvE servers just the same as any game.


With all the polish and money spent on this game, I expect quite a bit more for the PvPers. And from the looks of the amount of PvP servers... we are not a small handful of customers, but we are a great chunk of the customers they are trying to win our loyalty and subscriptions fees from. The MMO market is starting to boom and many PvPers will find other games if swtor doesnt do something about world PvP.

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The reason being that although it is a fun game, certain aspects like the UI, the traveling between planets, the lack of addon support, the lackluster space combat, amongst many other things, mar the experience.


These things would've been excusable 7, maybe even 5, years ago but not anymore. The game just feels outdated when it comes to certain features.

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If I ignore the fact of Queue times, (which suck for my server, and my guild is on it.)




Really impressed positively, specially after playing the beta.


People hating I don't really know what you were expecting?

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