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Emergency Fleet Pass cooldown...


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I always make sure to buy 3 fleet passes evey coulpe of days then you can travel to fleet when you want. no CD. Whats the point of the fleet pass from the vendor if the one you already have can be used all the time. There are not enough ways to spend credits as it is. I havent once nealry ran out of money in this game and I buy stuff from the auction house all the time. I dont even craft and still have heaps of credits.


Dont be so cheap and go buy some 1000 credit passes

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Ha i played one BH to 32

a second on to 24

a trooper to 25

and a jedi knight to 20


All before i even knew i had the darn thing.


It's fine as is, what's the rush?


I have to admit I'm in a similar boat. I have various chars and was never aware of the feature at all. My main is in the late 30s and my other chars are dotted all over the place but never realised this existed until very recently and have started using it since :D

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You can buy single use Fleet Passes from the Security Vendor that don't have a cooldown.


This, and they only cost 1,000 creds. Pocket change, even for a level 15~.


Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, every planet spare Ilum has a Flashpoint shuttle that sends you directly to the Fleet. I also dislike having to go back to the spaceport, run through the terminal and into my ship OR run to the Orbital Station shuttle, go to the station, go to my ship, listen to that GOD!@#$ED !*^+ALL ANNOYING DROID, then go to the galaxy map and to the fleet. But this gives the game depth, and I like it at times.


For all the times I don't, Speeder -> Flashpoint shuttle -> Fleet.

Edited by Weizzeger
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This, and they only cost 1,000 creds. Pocket change, even for a level 15~.


Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, every planet spare Ilum has a Flashpoint shuttle that sends you directly to the Fleet. I also dislike having to go back to the spaceport, run through the terminal and into my ship OR run to the Orbital Station shuttle, go to the station, go to my ship, listen to that GOD!@#$ED !*^+ALL ANNOYING DROID, then go to the galaxy map and to the fleet. But this gives the game depth, and I like it at times.


For all the times I don't, Speeder -> Flashpoint shuttle -> Fleet.


Yeah they are a godsend. Free travel with no c/d :D

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Gotta love the necros, anyhow...


1.- Get your iPhone/Android Smartphone

2.- Get the SWTOR security key app

3.- Link it to your account

4.- Purchase a load of fleet passes from the security vendor in the fleet at 1k a pop (same functionality, 1hr CD)



See, there isn't even a "???" step!


Leave the so called "emergency fleet pass" to real emergencies (ie. ran out of regular fleet passes) and, of course, the fanbois.

Edited by coldcite
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Holy Christ, i'm not even going to read the rest of the five or so pages because it is utter trash. View yourself as a fan boy or not, to argue that an 18 hour cool down on a skill that has no significance to the game other than allow you to do what you were going to do faster, on a cool down, is asinine.


This sheer stupidity in this thread is overwhelming.


Also, what would you dubs say to an item that costs 1k, has a 1 hr cool down, doesn't share a cool down timer with your emergency fleet pass, and is a consumable that you can buy and have no limit on?


OH WAIT, IT IS IN THE GAME ALREADY. HERP DERP. Its called Fleet pass sold at the security key vendor.



Now ****. Emergency fleet pass should be 1hr, these fleet passes shouldn't be in the game, and you should all ****.




Enjoy your walk to the flight path - ride to the destination - walk to the space port - elevator and run to the shuttle - shuttle to orbit station - run to orbit station space dock - run to your ship - run to your navigation - run back to the door - exit door into loading screen.



Meanwhile, I will press my single consumable that costs 1k, which I have no less than 20 on me at a time, with my 1.3 million credits to restock whenever I need button that allows me to go back the ship when I don't feel like wasting 5 minutes just to get back.




Compare it to real life all you want, this is a video game meant for entertainment. Game immersion is one thing, completely unnecessary inconveniences are another.

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Why deliberately make something inconvenient when you could make it actually useful.


People save things on long cooldowns to the point where the skill is never used. This is going to become one of those things that never gets used, unless they change the cooldown to a more normal one hour.


Truth be told, they could even make it 2 hours instead and people would find it just as convenient and have More of a mind set to save it for when recall is on CD.


just my 2c

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I'm pretty sure earlier it was 1 hour.


Now it's 18 hours.


Isn't that a bit....excessive?


its 18 hours to encurage people to buy security key's (its a marketing gimmick)


The security key vendor sells consumable fleet pass's that do the same thing but only have a one hour cooldown.

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An ability that removes you from wherever you are and takes you to the single most useful location in the game? If the CD was 1hr I'd call that OP.


no its purely a marketing gimmick for digipass sells, The security key vendor sells consumble fleet passes for 1k. they also do not share CD with fleet pass ability.


The consumable fleet pass only has a one hour cooldown as you just described.

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its 18 hours to encurage people to buy security key's (its a marketing gimmick)


The security key vendor sells consumable fleet pass's that do the same thing but only have a one hour cooldown.


I'd wager Bioware makes a very minimal, if any, profit on security keys. Blizzard didn't make a profit, and they charged $4 iirc. These keys have 2 more digits than the ones Blizzard uses, so one could expect them to be slight more expensive.

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Enjoy your walk to the flight path - ride to the destination - walk to the space port - elevator and run to the shuttle - shuttle to orbit station - run to orbit station space dock - run to your ship - run to your navigation - run back to the door - exit door into loading screen.

If you are going to the Fleet, you can skip most of that by taking a Taxi or Quick Travel to the Fleet Shuttle and using that. Every planet that I have been on so far has had a Fleet Shuttle very close to where you first land.

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Don't know if it has been said before but you have 2 fleet passes you know. One on an 18hr cooldown and one on a 30min cooldown.


Where you ask? It's called Quick Travel. On EVERY SINGLE PLANET there is a shuttle to fleet and it located near a Quick Travel location. All you have to do is use your Quick Travel there and BOOM! Instant Fleet. I have used the actual Fleet Pass once because I was LFGing outside my ship and didn't FEEL like walking anywhere. I just Fleet and waited like 10mins for my party to get to the flashpoint.

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get a security key/authenticator on your account, go to the security vendor and buy the 1000 credit fleet passes that have an hour cooldown.... Profit!!!


I don#t have a smartphone (why would I want one ? I use my mobile only for SMS/Phone). And the security key is not available for my region.


And why the heck would I need to use an ADD ON on account security to use a very useful in game item ???

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