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Emergency Fleet Pass cooldown...


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How about this: Reduce it to 1hr then the players that don't want a shorter CD can 'role-play as it was intended' and use it once every 18hrs.. while those of us who do want a shorter CD can use it once an hour.




Oh wait it will be too OP. Damn what was i thinking!?

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How about this: Reduce it to 1hr then the players that don't want a shorter CD can 'role-play as it was intended' and use it once every 18hrs.. while those of us who do want a shorter CD can use it once an hour.




Oh wait it will be too OP. Damn what was i thinking!?


nonono...you see it doesn't work like that. It must be made a certain way and those who don't like it that way must be forced to use it that way.


It's the same thing people pull in politics (on both sides of the isle).

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Conundrum, you are my hero.


These Bioware junkies are hilarious.


"Bioware is my god, I worship them every day and they are infallible. Even though this is their first MMO, it is completely perfect in every way, and everyone who wants a change is just stupid. No legitimate reason, just stupid! In fact, why is this even an MMO? We just wanted a multiplayer game, where we could cuddle with the other fanboys in awe of their perfection. They get everything perfect the first time, and there should never be any changes to the game as it currently stands! We enjoy spending 50% of our play time just running, gaping in awe at the scenery even after making the exact same run hundreds of times already."


If you tools don't want changes to make the tedious parts less tedious, how about you go back to KOTOR, or Dragon Age, or Mass Effect.


This is an MMO, and it's even a SUBSCRIPTION BASED MMO. It thrives on change and progress.


You people try using the 'slippery slope' garbage? How about they go the other way, cut off all support, patches, and content updates to you fanboys, and you guys can play the 'vanilla' version into eternity while still paying the 15 bucks a month that NORMAL people pay for their updates and improvements.

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Ever-present instant travel largely trivialized the actual 'world' in the World of Warcraft. I hope they don't make the same mistake with this game. It made the whole game feel like a cheesy carnival rather than an actual world.


I like that I have to actually use the spaceport and fly my ship.


I like that the planets feel huge because I have to use transit or a speeder to get around.


I like that the galaxy feels big because I navigate it.


I think a once-per-day 'hearth' to the most useful place in the game is fine.

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They have also added a "Flashpoint Ship" or whatever they're called to about every planet I think. You can take this "taxi" straight to the Fleet from wherever you are, so that's pretty convenient.


The "emergency fleet pass" has an 18hr cool-down but can be used from anywhere. Its not much effort to use your quick travel back to the bind area near the flashpoint taxi and click that for a free trip to the fleet. Seems to me they're constantly adding more quality of life improvements like that.

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Ever-present instant travel largely trivialized the actual 'world' in the World of Warcraft. I hope they don't make the same mistake with this game. It made the whole game feel like a cheesy carnival rather than an actual world.


I like that I have to actually use the spaceport and fly my ship.


Fly your ship? Really? Are you talking about the boxed,railed minigames, or about the instant travel when you click?

Wouldn't call any of those flying my ship.


I like that the planets feel huge because I have to use transit or a speeder to get around.


Using a taxi to get yo your destination is fine. The problem is, you still have to walk corridors, ship hangars and boring places for a lot of time to just go buy,train, or try to do an instance.


I like that the galaxy feels big because I navigate it.


You don't navigate it, you just instant travel. Where you spend lots fo times is in corridors with nothing worth exploring.


I think a once-per-day 'hearth' to the most useful place in the game is fine.


You wouln't be forcerd to use the reduced cooldown and could role play those 20 min corridor travels if the rest gets what they want

Edited by kalarro
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Because it would make the consumable fleet pass you buy for 1k from sec key vendor obsolete... shh your whine...


Thank you! Oh my god, how can you people continue to whine and whine and not even read all the posts?


There is ALREADY AN ITEM that does what you are talking about, the EMERGENCY Fleet Pass is an added bonus. The FLEET PASS is for any-time convenience.


If you all still REALLY want to have this discussion, don't make it about Bioware Defenders vs. The Whiners. Save that for "Nerf Class X". At least be informed and realize that the reason Bioware has an 18hr cooldown on the ability is to force you to spend 1k credits every time you want to teleport to Fleet.


If you want to whine about that, go ahead, but do so with the realization that credit sinks combat inflation, and until someone figures out a better way they are a necessary part of MMO economies.


I can't believe I wasted my time reading six pages of this just so I could show how smart I am; I suppose I am just as bad.

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I agree with the cool-down on this is WAY to excessive. Should be 1 hour.


As for the consumable version, not every1 has the feature enabled on their account.



Or, here is an idea, make one that takes you to your own ship!



Also, loading screens are a big pain, i have a 4Ghz machine, with swtor installed on a SSD, and it still takes 40sec sometimes to load.


Between a planet where you are questing, and the fleet, there is too much loading and screen "blackouts" involved.

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An ability that removes you from wherever you are and takes you to the single most useful location in the game? If the CD was 1hr I'd call that OP.


I'd call it nice. This game has too many times where you need to go through multiple loading screens and considering it takes my PC what feels like 5 minutes to load a planet I think 1 hour is suitable. Is it really any different than a hearthstone set to IF/ORG/SHATT?

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I like that I have to actually use the spaceport and fly my ship.


See if u say the same thing a few months from now.


The CD is pretty ridiculous I think. We're not given that much inventory space to start with, so I need to access the trade network more frequently than that.


I really don't like these boring, unneeded ship-travel steps just to get to a trade network terminal.

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And why would it be over powered prey tell? You can't use it during combat.


Too me comes off as them trying to make things inconvenient for the sake of being inconvenient. The only thing this changes is now I have to ride to a taxi stand and and take a taxi to a spaceport with my ship...or use my normal shuttle recall (which shared a timer with the fleet pass) and go to my ship.


because convenience and quality-of-life is a WOW thing and nobody wants to see it here!


Seriously, OP is right.

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If it had a one hour cooldown then what would be the point of even having a ship? Is it really that hard to hop on your speeder/take a taxi/use quicktravel and get to the dock for your ship? It will only take like ten more seconds. And btw I never remember the fleet pass having a one hour cool down and I played in the Thanksgiving beta and all of early access.
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I am fine with the 18 hours cooldown. Have used it only once so far and think it is not necessary to have that more than once per day.


I have to agree with this, actually. The whole point of the word "emergency" would indicate that it's not meant to be a convenience, but to be used in, well, emergencies.

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I made a thread about this before. I listed the positives about it too. The fanboys attacked me though. I swear they ruin MMO's. Some of us actually try to improve the game with progress, and the fanboys just say "it's fine, lrn2play". They just ruin the gameplay experience when the devs listen to them.
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I bet Bioware could change all weapons to rocks and clubs and the Bioware Defense Force would come in to explain why it was a good idea.


Yeah, bacause if someone doesn't agree with you they must be the evil Bioware defense force... Why can't people just accept that others have a different opinion ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

It probably has something to do with overflow of the GTM. Like in Forza where everybody has a million cars up at the same time all the time on the Auction House. A lot fo people can't compete without losing credits. This is probably the same thinking behind WTH far in the future we don't have email or GTM access on our ships! We have holo this, and holo that (even on our wrists). We have interenet and email access just about anywhere in 2012. But not far in the future. lol


I will say though that 18 hours is far too long. (12 hours I could see). With work/sleep cycles. 18 hours Falls in between and doesn't work well. Some people need to think about it before screaming everything is perfect when it is not. How the h*** do you exect games to get better if you take what ever they jam up your ***!? Amazing. Today we have tons of people that love to take it. And expect others to be mindless sheep as well (because they like it, so it has to be right). :rolleyes: And others that expect far too much. Where are the senisble people in the middle?

Edited by JediJudoChopx
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Shrug, its nice they even have it there in the first place, cant you be happy with that. I mean this thread wouldnt even exsist if they never had in the game. To me its a nice, I really have to log now and in a bad place power. Not be used to replace regular travel in the game.


I just cant get over the I want more never happy crowd.


I beg to differ. We'd all be asking for a fleet pass instead of asking for a more rational cooldown time, though.


Apparently you can get fleet passes from the vendor if you register a security key, but I have... issues with that. At least the the App version, anyway. When time and cash permits, I may track down one of the real deals.


(The thing is, I reformat my phone infrequently, and I'm not sure how this might affect the app. The Kindle App frequently gets very confused by android updates, for example, to the point that Amazon currently believes I have 5 Android devices [just 2]).

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