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Emergency Fleet Pass cooldown...


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And I'm still waiting to hear why convenience is bad.


Convinience isn't bad in itself, too much convinience on the other hand makes people lazy, spoiled and bored.


I do agree that 18 hours might be a tad overkill but making it 1 hour combined with the 30 min CD "recall to almost any place you've been on the planet" and taxis, wouldn't just be "convinient".

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And Im still waiting why you cant be happy and be thankful with it rather that it not be in the game at all, Not like people are hitting 50 already, so it doesnt seem speed of doing things is being hampered all that much.


OK Bioware are not gods, I'm not required to be "thankful" for anything they do, I am a customer paying them money.


Now that that is out of the way, being on such a stupidly long timer means it will just NEVER be used.


It's just an insult considering 90% of the conveniences are only located in two places per side.


Extending your content by extending travel time is just a lame OLD MMO trick, I'm surprised people still fall for it.

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Convinience isn't bad in itself, too much convinience on the other hand makes people lazy, spoiled and bored.


I do agree that 18 hours might be a tad overkill but making it 1 hour combined with the 30 min CD "recall to almost any place you've been on the planet" and taxis, wouldn't just be "convinient".


We can already send our companions off to sell loot any time we want - this game builds in convenience in other ways, why not continue this pattern and actually make the fleet transport skill convenient as well.


It really won't be used at all, 18 hours cooldown makes it something you save, then forget about entirely.

Edited by lollie
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Why? Making someone ride a taxi, run to the spaceport, run to your ship, run to the bridge, click the fleet, run out of your ship, run out of your spacedock and finally wind up at the station is fun how exactly? You also still need to fly back to your quest area so no...it wouldn't be OP.


Totally agree, there is enough running and screaming ingame already!

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Shrug, its nice they even have it there in the first place, cant you be happy with that. I mean this thread wouldnt even exsist if they never had in the game. To me its a nice, I really have to log now and in a bad place power. Not be used to replace regular travel in the game.


I just cant get over the I want more never happy crowd.



Most of us can't get over the "I'm happy with everything, even if it sucks" crowd, so the feeling is mutual.


Would you be happy with them placing your grocery store 50 miles out of town, just because they could? Sure there's a nice spot right in town, and it makes more sense to do so. It's totally out of town and inconvenient for everyone where they put it, but hey, could just not have one!


They could have put the fleet pass in and given it a year cooldown. Would that still be better to you than not having it? The key here is that they had to spend time doing it. A feature that ends up being useless is time spent that could have been used to create something useful. Everything in the game should be fun, convenient, and useful.


"Life sucks, and then you learn to live with it" is a great philosophy when it comes to the real world, natural disasters, the weather, and luck. It shouldn't factor into our entertainment. The reason you just accept those things is because there's nothing you can do about them. They just happen. Video games do not just happen. Somebody specifically designed this feature and then said "Hmm, how long should we make the cooldown? Wouldn't want players to be able to get around too easy, better make it ridiculously long", or something along the lines. Whatever was thought, there's no way they added an 18 hour cooldown without specifically considering how pointless that makes it.


Worst part is, for those of us who are "savers", we always put off using things with such long cooldowns, just in case we "need it more" later. I never use mine because the slight convenience of getting there instantly is less important than being able to jump back to station to help a friend, or if I need to emergency AFK, or something. Due to this, I've used it once in six days.

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So can any of you rabidly defending this show me where it's only supposed to be used if you're stuck?


the description of the item in game states...


Request emergency transportation to the fleet - a location where vendors and trainers of all kind can be found.


Now I don't know about you, that doesn't sound like something that's in game to get around a bug.

Edited by Conundrum-NSA
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Most of us can't get over the "I'm happy with everything, even if it sucks" crowd, so the feeling is mutual.


Would you be happy with them placing your grocery store 50 miles out of town, just because they could? Sure there's a nice spot right in town, and it makes more sense to do so. It's totally out of town and inconvenient for everyone where they put it, but hey, could just not have one!


They could have put the fleet pass in and given it a year cooldown. Would that still be better to you than not having it? The key here is that they had to spend time doing it. A feature that ends up being useless is time spent that could have been used to create something useful. Everything in the game should be fun, convenient, and useful.


"Life sucks, and then you learn to live with it" is a great philosophy when it comes to the real world, natural disasters, the weather, and luck. It shouldn't factor into our entertainment. The reason you just accept those things is because there's nothing you can do about them. They just happen. Video games do not just happen. Somebody specifically designed this feature and then said "Hmm, how long should we make the cooldown? Wouldn't want players to be able to get around too easy, better make it ridiculously long", or something along the lines. Whatever was thought, there's no way they added an 18 hour cooldown without specifically considering how pointless that makes it.


Worst part is, for those of us who are "savers", we always put off using things with such long cooldowns, just in case we "need it more" later. I never use mine because the slight convenience of getting there instantly is less important than being able to jump back to station to help a friend, or if I need to emergency AFK, or something. Due to this, I've used it once in six days.


Shrug, sucks to be you then. Most of your ramble up there makes no sense. I see it as a nice gesture on their part and feel there are better things to complain about. But keep the good fight and wish you luck.

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We can already send our companions off to sell loot any time we want - this game builds in convenience in other ways, why not continue this pattern and actually make the fleet transport skill convenient as well.


It really won't be used at all, 18 hours cooldown makes it something you save, then forget about entirely.


Sending your companions of to sell gray loot (and gray loot only) also has the drawback of leaving you without a companion for a minute.


But you're right, why not continue this pattern, first we lower the CD of Emergency Fleet Pass to 1 hour, but then there's that pesky travel time back to the planet we were on, I know, let's make the recall usable to anywhere we've been (convinient right), oh, now we have too take a taxi back to the hub we were at, np we make taxis into instant teleporters (why not, it would be more convinient after all), then we lower the recall to 10 minutes (even more convinient), but wait, if I can use recall to any place I want every 10 minutes emergency pass is useless, ***, why don't they change that into something usefull.

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having it be 1-2 hours doesnt seem odd.


its still 1-2 hours, thats a lot of time and not too big a deal.


convenience is good but i do see how bioware has set things up so certain areas wont just be depopulated wastelands in the future (looking at you coruscant). and those things are going to be seen as inconvenient, definitely.


id love a quick travel terminal at the part of a spacedock where all the ship instances connect. that'd be dandy.


im sure in time they will adjust things and probably allow something like this. not really a big deal since you're not able to warp around anywhere you want freely, just to the fleet and on a sufficiently long timer.

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Sending your companions of to sell gray loot (and gray loot only) also has the drawback of leaving you without a companion for a minute.


But you're right, why not continue this pattern...*snip*


One hour cooldown on portal skills is normal; nobody is asking for anything other than normal convenience here.

Edited by lollie
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It's not Bioware's fault you dont remember to use long cooldowns. Besides, why are you going to the fleet so often? Only need to go once ever other day or so anyways. 18 hours is perfect.


I'm guessing one of the main reasons the timer is so short is so that they can keep in perspective that this game spans an entire galaxy. If you could just teleport across it on a whim constantly, the gameworld feels so much smaller, and you lose the whole flying across the stars in your own ship aspect.

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One hour cooldown on portal skills is normal., nobody is asking for anything other than normal convenience here.


It's not a "portal" skill, it's an EMERGENCY skill, you already have a 30 minute CD quick travel skill that's more convinient than it has to be, the Emergency Fleet Pass skill is meant for EMERGENCIES, quick travel is meant for convinience.


I find it funny that my ignore list is going to fill up with the exact same people that it had before release.

Edited by WereMops
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Sending your companions of to sell gray loot (and gray loot only) also has the drawback of leaving you without a companion for a minute.


But you're right, why not continue this pattern, first we lower the CD of Emergency Fleet Pass to 1 hour, but then there's that pesky travel time back to the planet we were on, I know, let's make the recall usable to anywhere we've been (convinient right), oh, now we have too take a taxi back to the hub we were at, np we make taxis into instant teleporters (why not, it would be more convinient after all), then we lower the recall to 10 minutes (even more convinient), but wait, if I can use recall to any place I want every 10 minutes emergency pass is useless, ***, why don't they change that into something usefull.


Slippery Slope Fallacy

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I'd appreciate if those asking for the 1 hour cooldown not try to speak for the entire community on the whole "nobody will use this" points.....


I respect your opinions, but please dont state them as facts without data to back them up. Just because you dont use the fleet pass doesnt mean the rest of us havent been enjoying it.


If they change it, cool. If not, its still a free pass to a trainer or safe place to log out in or whatever you need. Plenty of time for improvement over the life of this game, and Im willing to wait.

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It's not a "portal" skill, it's an EMERGENCY skill, you already have a 30 minute CD quick travel skill that's more convinient than it has to be, the Emergency Fleet Pass skill is meant for EMERGENCIES, quick travel is meant for convinience.


I find it funny that my ignore list is going to fill up with the exact same people that it had before release.


Again, show me where it says that it's for emergencies only. Also, if you try to just use the name...well then we can start a laundry list of things in game that aren't being used for what their title implies.

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Why do you need an 1 hour cooldown - every planet I encountered (from Hutta to Nar Shaddaa atm) has a taxi service that get's you to the fleet for free(!) (normally named "Flashpoint Shuttle") - which can be reached in like 2-5 minutes (ok, it's not 10 sec like the fleet pass, but so what?)


So you don't need to taxi to the shipyard, enter your ship, fly to the fleet all the time.


EDIT: Just quick travel to that shuttle and go to the fleet - cooldown: 30 min.

Edited by Aiwan
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It took me reading the title and getting about 4 or 5 posts into this thread to realize that people who have an issue with the CD on the pass....



Are the ones that ruin games.


Is it really that difficult to click your mouse and keyboard for a few minutes?


Don't have much time/patience? Then you sure as hell shouldn't be using the little time you DO have playing games.


This is a can of worms that needs to be left undisturbed... because it starts with this...


And moves to "portals" BUT only to "Major" areas...


And then of course ques...


And then of course things like LFD...


Because, God forbid a game, something you do for recreation, makes you use some of your time to actually partake in it....

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It took me reading the title and getting about 4 or 5 posts into this thread to realize that people who have an issue with the CD on the pass....



Are the ones that ruin games.


Is it really that difficult to click your mouse and keyboard for a few minutes?


Don't have much time/patience? Then you sure as hell shouldn't be using the little time you DO have playing games.


This is a can of worms that needs to be left undisturbed... because it starts with this...


And moves to "portals" BUT only to "Major" areas...


And then of course ques...


And then of course things like LFD...


Because, God forbid a game, something you do for recreation, makes you use some of your time to actually partake in it....


So insults...misdirections....more slippery slope fallacies.



Still can't answer my question though...how would a shorter cooldown hurt the game?

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