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I don't get it when dudes play as girls in MMOs...


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I'm female and have played several male toons. My latest is a pretty big male bounty hunter. Why? He's sexy, handsome and has a wonderful voice!:rak_03:


LOL! I imagine that would work okay. I have a friend who, not having heard the male Hunter's voice, decided to build a male bounty hunter of diminutive stature. The voice makes us laugh every time the character is in conversation.

On the other hand is my Imperial Agent, who is a Chiss of massive stature... and he has this wimpy, British agent sort of voice that would work really well with the Bounty Hunter. The best part? We play these toons as a team! :D


I honestly don't concern myself too much with the gender of my toons. I tend to roll males by default, but my main toon is female. Why? Well, when I was free-to-play and restricted to two characters, my wife built out a female Consular to (as much as possible) resemble her. A few days later, I hit an account authentication snafu when my male character reached level 16. Not getting any recourse through the help options, I played her character just to get to the same point in the game (they were both Consulars) to see if the problem was one-up or systemic.


It was systemic. So, I researched a little more, got it resolved through a switch-and-switch-back of email accounts, and then kept playing her character because I enjoyed the play style of the Shadow over the Sage. *shrugs* I never thought too much about it, even if she does have well-rendered curves (the toon and the wife). :cool:


I now have six characters (5M 1F), and hadn't thought about gender much until now. I think the next one will have to be female just for the sake of gender equality!

Edited by -Wes-
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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


This is were you and I are differing. Maybe its different for role players or some freak with low esteem that desperately need to believe he is on a star wars adventure. Not saying this applies to you in any way of course.


Anyway, I do not "become my character" when playing. I don't relate to it in a way that "I am doing this". I rather see it as an interactive adventure of sorts. It feels nice watching a cute girl own ppl with a light sabre. Really. I often speak of the avatar in third person.


At other times.. well I dont really reflect on it at all. Its just me as a player and I behave like myself and I dont get any existential problems whether I control a girl, man or green blob.

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


I am male and I play both male and female toons. I don't really play female toons because they look better, even though they really do. I play female toons when I feel the role I want to play would best be served by a female toon. Such as my sorcerer is female because it feels like she should be female and my gunslinger is male because it feels like he should be. That's not to say that a gunslinger MUST be male or a sorcerer MUST be female, it's just these particular ones feel that they should be the sex they are. I don't know why. Maybe it's the voice acting. When I played WoW, I played female toons almost exclusively just for looks because I never felt that the sex mattered in the roles.

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I'm male, hetero, and I have eight characters, one for each basic class. Six are female, two are male.


I view my characters as toys more than anything else. Action figures. Dolls. As such, I just want to make them look as cool as possible. Most of the time, that means female; that's the aesthetic that appeals to me.


For me to play a male in a MMO generally requires some compelling reason.


For my Trooper, it's that afro hairstyle. I modeled him after that one guy from every giant robot anime of the 1970s, the slender guy with a blond/light brown afro who's always a real ladies' man and the best fighter on the team. And getting to romance Elara helps, too. In keeping with that 70s thing he's got going, I got Elara the customization that makes her black (biracial couples were also sort of a big thing in the 70s, at least in American movies).


For my Warrior, it's Vette. A Warrior is the only dude who gets to start wooing an alien right off the bat, and I love the role Vette plays in the development of the character. She's basically that fork in the road where you go toward Light or Dark; either you treat her kindly and move toward Light, or you treat her like dirt and go down the Dark path. That was great work on the part of the writing team!

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Unique to this game is the voice acting that come with the toons. I specifically chose to pay a female Trooper because it's Jennifer Hale.. why would you want to play the male version??


I think players who are 'relating' their characters to themselves, or real life, probably need to start playing less video games and start experiencing some real life socializing for a change. It seems to me they are projecting far too much of their real life emotions and values into these games if they can't understand why someone would chose to play as different sexes in them.


I mean, people roleplay as far weirder things in real life in their own bedrooms at night.


And now if you'll excuse me, I need to find where I left my Scooby Doo outfit before the missus gets home.

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Yeah that's what most people think before they actually try it.


I don't personally "roleplay" as my characters (its a challenge when they're the opposite gender), i more consider them as really epic tamagotchi's living their own world. Its easier to get into that as our characters are voiced so they take on an identity of their own (in wow when you do this, its more you and your companion just have alot in common).


Species and class also effect the choice. While these days i default to female, some races and classes better fit as males.. SW and Smuggler as examples. Actually since all the species are some form of human they work as female, nevermind. In wow there's orcs, trolls, and dwarves etc which are infinitely better as male characters.

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MMORPG = Many Men Online Role Playing Girls.

Also most guys who play female toons stare at their character's butts all the time, instead of what's in front of them for some reason, so there you go.

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I don't get why this is such an big issue for some. It's like boys don't allowed to be even watching films with girls as protagonists. Man go watch Cload Atlas, in that movie some actors even played the different gender... or do you know that back during Shakespere's time all actors were male? And now look up how many female characters there are in Shakespere's plays.
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I play pen & paper table top RPGs and was asked this once why I was running a female character. For me it is about the character concept and what makes sense for the character.


Now, if you are asking why do guys play female toons and pretend to be girls in RL while playing said toon, then I cant answer that one. Maybe they are confused :eek:

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It's about that time when we have this thread. We haven't had this topic in a while.


why do dudes play a pixelated chic in a video game?


does it matter? I mean I know when I play an orc in a game, I really think I'm an orc.

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I mean I know when I play an orc in a game, I really think I'm an orc.


Exactly, however it seems some people just can't immerse themselves into their characters... so they stare at their bottoms instead... and pick a gender with a bottom that looks nicer to them.

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


*To see all conversations / possibilities

*For role-play purpose / legacy tree

*For the looks


(there are probably more reasons, these just came up isntantly.


you can compare it with a huge guy playing a dwarf or gnome in another game, how can you relate to being a small rodent when you are as big as a basketball player, same thing..

I do hope you play human characters only, because how can you relate to other races, that don't even exist.

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I tend to look mostly at my players as other people whose fate I am in control of (I guess I have some sort of Atheistic God Complex or something, maybe I should get that checked out XD), and since the vast majority of people I know and interact with on a daily basis are female, I'm more comfortable dealing with Female characters than Male characters. I also tend to think MOST women are slightly more realistic and natural when performing as voice actors in video games, and EA/Bioware have always had a pretty good history of picking female voice actors who have quite pleasant voices.


I think I'm in the minority there, though, I get the feeling that most players who play female characters simply play them because it's more aesthetically pleasing for them to have a female character on the screen (When I play on my Male toons, I tend to use First Person instead of Third, because I tend to immerse myself into my character, and relate with them easier that way.)


Disregard all that, I'm probably just a whack-job who takes his games a little too seriously XD.

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So, why CAN'T men relate to being a woman in the Star Wars universe? Is it because they don't have ***** (mammaries, stupid profanity filter, that wasn't a swearword!)? How you relate to being a male twi'lek then? After all you got no lekkus either?


I never understood why people seem to think it's possible to 'be' a whole different species in an rpg but not simply another gender.

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So why did i chose to play a female toon....


- Crappy male voices in the german client

- If ihave to stare at the back of a character for countless hours, i rather look at a female one

- She looks even better in cutscenes


And the main reason....


Because i can do it.

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Just for the record, I'm not judging. I'm simply asking.


Is it a sexual thing?


This has to be the most stupid question I have ever heard lol


I'm female, however when I play something like FFVII, I don't consider playing the character of Cloud a sexual thing. Why should this be the case when males play female characters? Are you really so insecure in yourself that you had to run to this forum to ask that very question? WOW!

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I have 4 male toons and 4 female toons. Why, because conversations and interactions with characters take a different turn.

"Woman on the battlefield? hah They don't belong here." then you can just go unlimited power on his ***.


It doesn't matter what gender it is. It's only a game, I don't relate to them.


Do you want to play tomb raider as a male, because you can't relate to the character?

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I don't get why this is such an big issue for some. It's like boys don't allowed to be even watching films with girls as protagonists. Man go watch Cload Atlas, in that movie some actors even played the different gender... or do you know that back during Shakespere's time all actors were male? And now look up how many female characters there are in Shakespere's plays.


And I don't get why discussing this is such a big issue for some... it's not like somebody here is not approving guys playing girls. People are just discussing reasons, because some of us didn't know them.

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


I don't perceive my toon as being me. We are two different "people" in communication with each other and solving tasks together. And when it comes to spending loads of time with someone, I much rather spend it with a lovely girl than with some boring, posing douche.

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