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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Developer Update: Legacy Achievements


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Say, for instance, you and your friends buy Gears of War 2. The rate at which achievements are unlocked by your posse are on constant high-relief, so that eventually a certain element of competitiveness begins to seep in. Currently there's no platform in place to allow this to happen in SWTOR.


When a guildy unlocks an achievement everyone online is notified. Also most people that I've spoken to DON'T disable the nameplates on friendly pcs, just the ones on friendly npcs.


Regardless, certain titles really are there merely for the cool factor: "meatbag" is nostalgic, and running around with HK-51 out with that title is sort of funny. "Beastmaster" honestly sounds funny, macho and cool at the same time.


You can say that there's no purpose to titles all you'd like, but they make quite a few players happy, regardless of whether Xbox does the same thing.

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"You may view another player’s Achievements at any time by right clicking their portrait in-game and selecting Additional Commands -> Inspect Achievements. You will be able to fully browse their progress in any category, as well as see their overall Achievement score and any recent accomplishments they’ve achieved."



Thank you for valuing my privacy and giving me a say what i want to share about MY legacy and MY achievments.


But why stop there?

Why not giving everyone access to my ingame mail?

My inventory and cargo hold?


How will i ever be able to show off my 20 Crimson Claws?



But seriously, (this is my first, only and most likely last MMO) can someone explain to me, why everyone feels the need to rifle through someone else's recepies, legacy and god knows what next?


Note to trolls: Before you start flaming this post, please don't mind the stranger sitting next to you, going through your purse, bag and wallet. Thank you.

Edited by GoofyGamer
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This sounds awesome! Been looking forward to it from day one, and was one of the reasons I took a break from the game, so it is great to see it finally get into the game. :)


Now the big 10 Mill credits question.:


"Will I be able to take my trooper and go to Tython and do ALL the achievements there, or am I forced, which I fear to make a jedi to do them?"

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i would like to know if this achievement system is going to be as ...."good" as the codex? are you intending on fixing the codex at all?


i worked quite hard over the year or so on filling my codex but found that there are so many i just cannot do because for example im not an inquisitor...so there are specific codex which are impossible for me to get so why they are in my codex list is beyond me.


mine is currently at 659 / 817 (iirc, its been a while since i looked) there are a few more i do still need but i dont see myself getting over 680 once i done all i can.


is this achievement system going to replace the codex? are you just going to delete it one day and just keep the achievement system, ? whats the point in having both.

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Why won't u be able to go to tython u can go now and do whatever u want.

But you won't be able to go to korriban with ur trooper.

And in that case u can roll an alt for 5 levels and finish wtv it is. Why the fear, omg omg omg. Chill.

That question Wasnt even worth 1 credit.




This sounds awesome! Been looking forward to it from day one, and was one of the reasons I took a break from the game, so it is great to see it finally get into the game. :)


Now the big 10 Mill credits question.:


"Will I be able to take my trooper and go to Tython and do ALL the achievements there, or am I forced, which I fear to make a jedi to do them?"

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Whoever is complaining or having negative comments about the achievement system is really just in a horrible mood and whants to be annoying. They are giving u an expansion a huge one along with that system, just ignore this achivement thing, i domt understand, There is nothing to complain about, it's an additional thing u have in the game which u dont have to do, it's like complaining that there was a red speeder added. So what , those who like it like it, if u don't ignore it, what exactly is the problem??? Are you guys serious or what?? Pure trolling!!


From the perspective of development achievements have proven to be one of the most successful things in gaming, every publisher has that and Steam owes a large part of its success to achievement system they've said it over and over again. It's a system that makes completist gamers tick, and guess what MMOs are based on?

exactly that concept, grinding collecting comparing. So it fits perfectly and we love it.



The only thing that distinguishes in-game achievements from "Xbox 360 achievements" is whether or not the developer decided to allocate gamepoints to the unlocking of said achievements. Sometimes these achievements unlock tangible rewards, other times they do nothing other than add to the gamerpoints total, and some other times they even do both.


Whichever the case, your original argument that Xbox 360 achievements are inherently useless and players are given no incentive to do them—other than for the sake of completion—is, to put simply, just flat out wrong.


/end discussion

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If they don't have that 'Dance with 100 Womp Rats' achievement, that will be really sad.


Its such a cool thing :)


The sad thing is that some of my guild was standing around during the first Double XP weekend waiting and watching my female Twi'lek Sith Assassin dancing with Womp Rats for enemies at the Open PvP zone

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Sure, but I would make it two achievements.


"They'll Never Take Our Freedom..." - Deliver an inspirational speech to your group mates while in a Warzone.


"...But They May Take Our Lives" - Kill any player who is currently delivering an inspirational speech in a Warzone.


Ooooh...that was good lol :)

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This sounds awesome! Been looking forward to it from day one, and was one of the reasons I took a break from the game, so it is great to see it finally get into the game. :)


Now the big 10 Mill credits question.:


"Will I be able to take my trooper and go to Tython and do ALL the achievements there, or am I forced, which I fear to make a jedi to do them?"


Some of the achievements are tied to class storyline completion. So no, you will not be able to do all achievements with a single char on each side.

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I've been playing since early access, I have 6 50s and the last 2 almost there, and you're saying that there will be no recognition of that in the planetary achievements? There is no freaking way I'm going back to Coruscant to blow up a bunch of droids or something, but you should at least be able to give me some kind of ESTIMATED CREDIT for the fact that I have four characters that have completed it. Just give us X whatever kills per planet quest completed per character or something. The system is a farce if the people who actually have earned those achievements never get them.


I don't know about you. I have no problem taking a lvl 50 and hunting some jawa.

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Why won't u be able to go to tython u can go now and do whatever u want.

But you won't be able to go to korriban with ur trooper.

And in that case u can roll an alt for 5 levels and finish wtv it is. Why the fear, omg omg omg. Chill.

That question Wasnt even worth 1 credit.

Yes, I can goto Tython, and no, I cant' do whatever I want to. How do I know this? I tried. There are Certain codex entries on Tython I can't get to with my trooper, simply because they are part of a quest chain that is only accessible from Jedi Knight or the Sage. Some of us are not interested in rolling 8 toons, not even 2. Some of us enjoy to play Just 1 character, and I don't understand why you think its fair that I have to roll 2-3 toons jsut to keep up in the achivement race? And about the chilling, It would be nice if you took off your master fanboy outfit for a few minuts, and could read a question as a question, and nothing more. Thank you. :)

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nice addition, but we all know what this will lead to.


LFM Operation Must have <said Achievement>


^^^ This without a doubt !!




On a brighter note, might as well get as many achievements as we can while the game is still young to keep ahead of the curve.

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. Some of us are not interested in rolling 8 toons, not even 2. Some of us enjoy to play Just 1 character, and I don't understand why you think its fair that I have to roll 2-3 toons jsut to keep up in the achivement race? . :)


I understand what you're saying. I enjoy my Troopers and BH's and don't get the same enjoyment others get by playing a saber-jockey. It goes without saying this game has been marketed for it's story and pretty much everything has been to encourage players to play multiple toons from day one. If that's not your thing then don't do it. Have fun and play it however you wish.

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I'm happy that achievements are here and I'm looking forward to pursuing them.


I'm sad that all those planetary kill counts that I racked up leveling ten toons to fifty count for nothing.


I'm assuming there are some planetary meta-achievements that are going to make me want to go back and kill several thousand MORE Black Suns, Mandalorians, Rakghouls, etc., etc.


I'm rationalizing that the "Kill X enemies with companion Y" achievements provide a justification for chasing those goals, where "Y" equals companions like Broonmark, Yuun, and Rusk that barely saw the light of day.


I'm wondering if there is some kind of therapy for this sort of thing.

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Achievements aren't a race. It's something you put time and effort into to get. Some people don't want to do any PVP. If you don't want to PVP, you don't get PVP achievements. If you don't want to roll multiple classes, you miss out on things already such as getting class and presence buffs. Everybody has the same opportunity to earn achievements, if you don't want to do them, it does not make it unfair.
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I understand what you're saying. I enjoy my Troopers and BH's and don't get the same enjoyment others get by playing a saber-jockey. It goes without saying this game has been marketed for it's story and pretty much everything has been to encourage players to play multiple toons from day one. If that's not your thing then don't do it. Have fun and play it however you wish.

I hear you man, and I am, was just hoping they got this one just right. ;)

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