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MVP system is trash


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Players don't vote for the mvp, they vote for their friend Guildie, or anybody but that person they don't like.


MVP should be calculated and chosen by an in game program. Tired of being the one doing most of the work, or having highest dps and watching some clown that isn't healing or doesnt have any medals or dps getting the vote over me when I sat around and waited for the team to exit the match.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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I feel like the MVP system should force you to vote for an opposing player making it more arbitrary as you're more like to vote for someone you feel really contributed to the team.


Voting should not be lossed when someone leaves either. But I'd like to see an automated vote for each as the "all around player" for each team.

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It won't let me vote for myself so I don't vote. Let's be honest, I did all the work. :cool:


That's exactly what I was thinking... I was looking around for somebody to vote for and I said well damn... I can't vote for the mvp because that is myself. Anyhow, I like the idea of voting for the opposing team.

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LOL! I vote for guildies over nobodies.If someone actually heals me, I'll vote for them.


I vote for no one if we lose, unless guildies are in the match.


Who are you to dictate otherwise?


I vote for guildies that are in my match too, tbh.


I just said the system was trash, but w/e I vote for healers , if i don't get healed I will vote for DPS, or a guildie if one is in there. I vote for people when we lose just to see if i got a vote.


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each time I`m in a premade everybody votes down(bottom guy votes top), simple I don`t play with brain dead ppl in my group, if I`m solo I will vote the guy I *saw* contribute most for the team(smart use of CC, epic cap save(s), a freaking guy that knows how to play huttball etc)

Personally I couldn`t care less if they took out the mvp system

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Players don't vote for the mvp, they vote for their friend Guildie, or anybody but that person they don't like.


MVP should be calculated and chosen by an in game program. Tired of being the one doing most of the work, or having highest dps and watching some clown that isn't healing or doesnt have any medals or dps getting the vote over me when I sat around and waited for the team to exit the match.


Personally I don't care aboot the MVP thing. vote for whoever you want. Alot of times it isn't even known who was mvp. It don't keep track of who scored, who capped, who stopped cap etc.... So my vote will always go to the horrible Sentinel/Marauder who smashed his way to 80K damage.



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If I'm playing with a friend or guildie then they come first, but otherwise I vote for who I saw did well. Today in Huttball a teammate made 3 goals (thanks to healing from mwa!) and I voted for them. In turn I got 3 MVP votes. So yeah. Mine goes to the person who deserves it most of the time. Not farmers.
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Not sure they should incent or disincent MVP voting. The system is there for players to use if they want, or not use. It's an open system, so I'm not sure that BW needs to change it in an effort to change player behaviour. If players are using it to favour their buddies, that's out of BW purview and reflects on the player base not the game. Working as intended.


I tend to favour healers, tanks, node-guardians, players who engage constructively in chat, clever ninja-cappers, and anyone who did something clever/creative in-game, or went the extra mile, and that stuck with it even when they were getting focused the whole time.. Barring that, I'll vote for the poor guy and the bottom that was queued into the WZ late.

Edited by klham
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I like voting for the player who really made a difference in the match more than any other teammate; regardless of their role or scoreboard numbers.


But I like even more voting for the guy who joined 2 mins from the end, with straight zeros and 5 deaths on the board.

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MVP must give social points.


I actually like this suggestion. You don't get much more social than running a 16 player activity.


As for MVP - guildies first, then whoever I feel like. I always vote and if you express that you deserve my vote, you'll never get it.

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Players don't vote for the mvp, they vote for their friend Guildie, or anybody but that person they don't like.


MVP should be calculated and chosen by an in game program. Tired of being the one doing most of the work, or having highest dps and watching some clown that isn't healing or doesnt have any medals or dps getting the vote over me when I sat around and waited for the team to exit the match.

Most comms are calculated by medals that IS the "chosen in game program". MVP is just a way of saying good job, props to you. The point gain is minuscule.

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But I like even more voting for the guy who joined 2 mins from the end, with straight zeros and 5 deaths on the board.


This is a wasted vote a player must achieve 1 (down from 3) in order to recover ant reward from the match. This includes for MVP votes. So while you concede their tugh luck theywont get anything from your vote.

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Players don't vote for the mvp, they vote for their friend Guildie, or anybody but that person they don't like.


MVP should be calculated and chosen by an in game program. Tired of being the one doing most of the work, or having highest dps and watching some clown that isn't healing or doesnt have any medals or dps getting the vote over me when I sat around and waited for the team to exit the match.


people reserve the right to vote for whom ever they want. but based on your attitude i would be willing to bet that you are constantly belittleing or yelling at your team mates. mabie if that is the case they refuse to vote for you.

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It should be automated, with higher value system, give people reason to actually try. Top dmg, Top heals, Top Objectives, Top protection, Lowest Deaths, Most kills, top killing blows, and so forth, Need more incentive for people to try and be good, and reward those who do try and are good
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Players don't vote for the mvp, they vote for their friend Guildie, or anybody but that person they don't like.


MVP should be calculated and chosen by an in game program. Tired of being the one doing most of the work, or having highest dps and watching some clown that isn't healing or doesnt have any medals or dps getting the vote over me when I sat around and waited for the team to exit the match.


I ALWAYS vote for healers, DPS and medals don't consider me.

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Luckily i don't have friends :p so my vote generally goes towards who i think was most valuable player.


3 exceptions,firstly the rare tank that guards me is auto top of list,close second is a decent peeler...and if it's been a really bad team with a buncha quitters,i'll just throw a vote to whoever joined really late and didn't have the sense to quit straight away again :p


I do see a lot of same guildys voting for each other even when they're bad(and there are quite a lot of those actually which surprises me,aren't these squadded premades supposed to be good??)and i think that's just lame.

Edited by biguydeadd
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