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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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No Lucas has said, balance in Star Wars is just the Lightside. The whole ying/yang doesn't work here.


Nearly every novel in the EU contradicts that statement though, including the Darth Plagueis novel.


Yes, I know there are different levels of canon and what Lucas says is the highest, G-canon. But since he creates so many contradictions and no longer owns the franchise I can see the established EU lore taking precedent from now on.

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But it didn't. It's still going, unless you mean the prequels, then no, it ended on a very low note.


Yes the EU is going, what I mean is. The movies themselves ended on a high note. Unless this new movie, takes place away from the Rebellion vs Empire a lot of lore is more then likely gonna be changed around at some point in time.

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Lucas has outright said that balance was brought to the force when Anakin killed the Sith, meaning his alter-ego and Darth Sidious, the prophecy came true when the Banite line of Sith was extinguished.


The single thing I hope for in this buy out is drastic retcon of that. Lucas no longer owns any part of the franchise, his days of tyranny and bad writing are over.

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I am speechless.


I can only hope that good things come from this and I still remain shocked that he felt the need to sell. I am still really hoping this is a mega troll job but apparently it's true. Lucas has so much money now you'd think that additional fictional money that is only viewable on a computer screen would be meaningless to him.


I guess this is my thought on his motivation. Star Wars is an amazing story that has the potential to never end. In order to be the lead guy behind another 3 Star Wars movies he'd have to devote another 10 years of his life to doing it, in a near everyday all day capacity and I never expected him to do it. Instead I thought he'd die retaining control of the Star Wars IP.


I guess in allowing the story to continue without him he is giving us everything we wanted as fans and something he knew he couldn't provide himself. In that sense I'm happy.


By retaining creative control as the creative consultant on the series he still has the ability to shape the content without having to be involved on a day to day basis. Provided Disney doesn't screw this up by trying to change what made Star Wars so engaging this should interesting. They can still ruin this franchise if mismanaged so I'm apprehensive but risk is an accepted part of life.

Edited by Tim-ONeil
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This can only be a good thing for the Star Wars franchise and its fans. I foresee more CANON content, produced and overseen by people that brought us Pirates of the Caribbean ( I know it was already there content), Marvel, etc. THX and Pixar have been known to work together and since Dinsey owns Pixar… this announcement marries two technological styles of filmmaking that already are symbiotic. Further, Lucas was fortunate to have created the idea of Star Wars… but he was a sub par filmmaker that seemed to get pleasure out of torturing his fans with disappointing films (need I remind anyone that Episode 1 actually happened?).


Dinsey can’t really do worse for Star Wars than its creator already has (you know… that whole saying ‘you have no where to go but up when you hit rock bottom’).

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The single thing I hope for in this buy out is drastic retcon of that. Lucas no longer owns any part of the franchise, his days of tyranny and bad writing are over.


He remains a creative consultant.


Funny how people object to what they see as George's retcons in the prequel trilogy, but want to insert their own which would drastically change the meaning of the entire saga.


Oh, and in anticipation of future arguments that Disney won't allow same-gender romantic content in the game, they haven't objected to it in Marvel Comics, which they also own.

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wow I'm suprised so many people are against this.


Disney did amazing things for Marvel now that they own it. Just look at the recent Super Hero movies like the Avengers. The entire reason we got Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is because of Disney.


Now my question is what they will do with the EU?


My money is on that they will completely ignore it and start the EU over to build their own mythos around it.

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wow I'm suprised so many people are against this.


Disney did amazing things for Marvel now that they own it. Just look at the recent Super Hero movies like the Avengers. The entire reason we got Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is because of Disney.


Now my question is what they will do with the EU?


My money is on that they will completely ignore it and start the EU over to build their own mythos around it.


If they do overhaul the EU, they better be prepared for A LOT of pissed off fans.

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wow I'm suprised so many people are against this.


Disney did amazing things for Marvel now that they own it. Just look at the recent Super Hero movies like the Avengers. The entire reason we got Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is because of Disney.


Now my question is what they will do with the EU?


My money is on that they will completely ignore it and start the EU over to build their own mythos around it.


I can see armies of Star Wars fans destroying everything owned by Disney if they did that, Post-ROTJ I can almost work with, but very reluctantly, if they do a reset button, I'll be joining the horde(no not the WoW one) against them.

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This can only be a good thing for the Star Wars franchise and its fans. I foresee more CANON content, produced and overseen by people that brought us Pirates of the Caribbean ( I know it was already there content), Marvel, etc. THX and Pixar have been known to work together and since Dinsey owns Pixar… this announcement marries two technological styles of filmmaking that already are symbiotic. Further, Lucas was fortunate to have created the idea of Star Wars… but he was a sub par filmmaker that seemed to get pleasure out of torturing his fans with disappointing films (need I remind anyone that Episode 1 actually happened?).


Dinsey can’t really do worse for Star Wars than its creator already has (you know… that whole saying ‘you have no where to go but up when you hit rock bottom’).


Disney more merged with than bought Pixar. The Pixar people are Disney's movie making brains now and they are pretty amazing brains.

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This can only be a good thing for the Star Wars franchise and its fans. I foresee more CANON content, produced and overseen by people that brought us Pirates of the Caribbean ( I know it was already there content), Marvel, etc. THX and Pixar have been known to work together and since Dinsey owns Pixar… this announcement marries two technological styles of filmmaking that already are symbiotic. Further, Lucas was fortunate to have created the idea of Star Wars… but he was a sub par filmmaker that seemed to get pleasure out of torturing his fans with disappointing films (need I remind anyone that Episode 1 actually happened?).


Dinsey can’t really do worse for Star Wars than its creator already has (you know… that whole saying ‘you have no where to go but up when you hit rock bottom’).

i dont see disney respecting the EU that exists i mean they will simply want to make money and could destroy things we love such as the ever popular thrawn trilogy, at least with GL we were safe knowing that he had no plans to make episode 7 8 and 9 so they were safe but this could ruin it all, i will hold judgement of course to see what they are planning but for all the faults of the PT i still love them and i just fear that Disney wont do star wars justice.

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I can see armies of Star Wars fans destroying everything owned by Disney if they did that, Post-ROTJ I can almost work with, but very reluctantly, if they do a reset button, I'll be joining the horde(no not the WoW one) against them.


I am pretty sure that nobody is scared of a horde of Star Wars geeks. ;)

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