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HK-51 Quest & its PVP requirement.


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This is a silly thing to complain about. This zone is not overflowing with PVP battles happening, nor is it crawling with the other faction trying to bar your way. You'll be able to easily walk up to the guy, buy the parts, and go back to fleet or wherever. It's already incredibly easy. Would you rather the guy be on the fleet so you don't even see someone from the other faction, ever? Jeesh...
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PvPers have to do PvE content to get him... and the PvP "content" for us carebears is a measly vendor in a FFA zone? Seriously?


I want the OPTIONAL companion. I hate PvP in games like this, but.. guess what? I'll be jumping in and running to get to the vendor to buy what's needed and I may even dabble in some 1vs20 in the process. Meh. Who cares? Required content for OPTIONAL content should never be a problem.


At least you aren't a solo player (yeah.. they exist in MMOs.. whoulda thunk it?) complaining about having to do easy flash points.

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PvPers have to do PvE content to get him... and the PvP "content" for us carebears is a measly vendor in a FFA zone? Seriously?


I want the OPTIONAL companion. I hate PvP in games like this, but.. guess what? I'll be jumping in and running to get to the vendor to buy what's needed and I may even dabble in some 1vs20 in the process. Meh. Who cares? Required content for OPTIONAL content should never be a problem.


At least you aren't a solo player (yeah.. they exist in MMOs.. whoulda thunk it?) complaining about having to do easy flash points.


You do realize that most of the "die hard" KOTOR fans are soloists, right? And where was there any PvP in KOTOR? Oh, right, there wasn't. Duh.



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Why do people keep calling HK a PVE item? I use my companion ALL THE TIME for pvp. Corelia Dailies frequently include fighting the other faction for me. And since it is world pvp I am able to use my companion.


How you use your companion is completely up to you. But claiming HK as a PVE item doesn't make sense.

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You mean like Illum was when noone actually PVPed and they just traded vehicle kills?


Ilum used to have some good battles.The problem was the lag with real large groups.A lot better than playing ring around the knoll.

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This is a silly thing to complain about. This zone is not overflowing with PVP battles happening, nor is it crawling with the other faction trying to bar your way. You'll be able to easily walk up to the guy, buy the parts, and go back to fleet or wherever. It's already incredibly easy. Would you rather the guy be on the fleet so you don't even see someone from the other faction, ever? Jeesh...



Having a popular quest objective in a FFA area will bring in a lot more pvpers than what the area has now. Any area with guaranteed people will attract campers/griefers, much like Czerka Dig Site does now.

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Any FP I choose to. See, for FPs, the number of people in a group is suggested. Not required. So, we can bring him into a FP if we decide to. We can also use him for dailies, including the Heroics on any of the daily planets (which are also part of his quest line).

That was a rhetorical question, you are obviously not going to be using him for Flashpoints, we both know that.

Dailies? A lot of PVP people also have to do dailies because Warzones pays so little credits.

Can you bring him into a Warzone? Nope.

Now I see where the problem is, you are confused and think that you have to do Warzones to get him. :D


You don't have to do any Warzones to get HK-51, you just have to go to Outlaw's Den.


Can you bring HK-51 to Outlaw's Den? -Yes, you can.


Good, now that's finally settled. :)

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Why do people keep calling HK a PVE item? I use my companion ALL THE TIME for pvp. Corelia Dailies frequently include fighting the other faction for me. And since it is world pvp I am able to use my companion.


How you use your companion is completely up to you. But claiming HK as a PVE item doesn't make sense.


Yeah I thought that was funny too...


"You can't bring HK-51 to warzones!"


Guess what, you're not taking him into operations either...

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Though this is an attempt to revive World PvP I fear it may just end up like during the Rakghoul event where guilds (Most notably imperials) will just clean house and sit on the vendor. Sorry, but, has BW seen the pvpers on the republic side? I might as well have an army of companions, at least they would put up a better fight than most pub pvpers. :jawa_tongue:


It's also more likely to happen since the vendor practically sits on the entrance of the imperial side of Outlaw's Den.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Though this is an attempt to revive World PvP I fear it may just end up like during the Rakghoul event where guilds (Most notably imperials) will just clean house and sit on the vendor. Sorry, but, has BW seen the pvpers on the republic side? I might as well have an army of companions, at least they would put up a better fight than most pub pvpers. :jawa_tongue:


It's also more likely to happen since the vendor practically sits on the entrance of the imperial side of Outlaw's Den.


Well you are obviously a "leet" PvP'er, so get together with some of the others and clear the area so all your republic allies can get to the vendor? Help out the rest of the population?

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Let's not forget once you already done the series of quests to obtain him. You can unlock him on you're other legacy's


For one Million credits




350 CC


Does anyone have a problem with stuff on they're legacy should be unlocked on others. Stuff like companion the subs should got free is now going be used as an excuse to refill on Cartel Coins to unlock on all our alts.

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Why do people keep calling HK a PVE item? I use my companion ALL THE TIME for pvp. Corelia Dailies frequently include fighting the other faction for me. And since it is world pvp I am able to use my companion.


How you use your companion is completely up to you. But claiming HK as a PVE item doesn't make sense.


Ì don`t think you can use any companion on a open pvp area. It's not like regular maps on a pvp server or being flagged.

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That was a rhetorical question, you are obviously not going to be using him for Flashpoints, we both know that.

Dailies? A lot of PVP people also have to do dailies because Warzones pays so little credits.


Now I see where the problem is, you are confused and think that you have to do Warzones to get him. :D


You don't have to do any Warzones to get HK-51, you just have to go to Outlaw's Den.


Can you bring HK-51 to Outlaw's Den? -Yes, you can.


Good, now that's finally settled. :)


Once again, my point is missed. And on top of that, you're taking my statements out of context.


I'll try to use small words so that you can understand.


1. Actually, I can and will take him into FPs. I often use companions in FPs when I want to knock one out real quick, or to run through and grab some items I want on FPs of all level ranges. So, no, we both DON'T KNOW that I won't be using him for FPs.


2. PVP people do dailies. I never disputed that. And what kind of content are dailies? Or yeah, they are PVE content. Unless you mean your daily warzone. Can you bring HK into your warzone to do that daily? No. You can't.


Side note, neither I, nor anyone else in this thread, has said anything about having to do a warzone to get HK. I have no idea where you got that. The point I made, which you clearly missed, was that he is a PVE companion and that you can't take him into a warzone, which are the only pure PVP areas in the game.


3. Now, as you have pointed out, and someone else did as well, yes, you can bring HK into Outlaw's Den. You can also use him in any open world PVP that you want to do, if you're on a PVP server or flag yourself for PVP on a PVE server. However, this does not make him a PVP companion/item.


Bottom line (since I know you have trouble with reading comprehension): HK can and will go into operations and flashpoints which is PVE content. HK cannot and won't go into warzones which is PVP content.


And just to avoid your inevitable retort, no, those aren't the only options for using HK. But those are the areas that are solely either PVE or PVP. Every other part, whether it be Outlaw's Den, Ilum, or Black Hole is PVE with potential PVP content.


There, now that's settled.

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Yeah I thought that was funny too...


"You can't bring HK-51 to warzones!"


Guess what, you're not taking him into operations either...


The difference is that we CAN take him into an operation. Whereas you CANNOT take him into a warzone.


Is it the best idea? No. But there are groups that do enjoy downing ops with companions and/or less than eight players. It's a challenge. You know, that thing that everyone complains is missing from the game.

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The difference is that we CAN take him into an operation. Whereas you CANNOT take him into a warzone.


Is it the best idea? No. But there are groups that do enjoy downing ops with companions and/or less than eight players. It's a challenge. You know, that thing that everyone complains is missing from the game.


I dont believe you can bring companions in an OP. You may want to recheck that.

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I dont believe you can bring companions in an OP. You may want to recheck that.


I'll double check on that. If true, then I'll retract that statement in regards to ops, and stand corrected.


However, the same argument still holds for FPs (which are still solely PVE content).

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no, you can't bring your companion into an operation. in fact you even get a message telling you so every single time you have a loading screen inside an opreation.


flash points? oh you mean those little thingies that take 20 minutes? yeah, you can take your companions there.


same as you can bring your companion into pvp. warzones? no. but warzones is not all there is to pvp (unlike popular belief)


one of my companions actually only wears pvp gear.



companions are neither pvp nor pve. they are your companion. they craft for you and repaint your ship.

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Getting HK-51 ...


Solo-only players are annoyed they have to do a HM FP.

PvE-only players are annoyed they have to go into a PvP area.

PvP-only players are annoyed they have to do PvE.


The HK-51 quest lines seems to cross all areas of the game. Personally, I think this is a Good Thing


Step out of your comfort zone and give the other side a try.

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Most but not all pvpers are starving so bad for world pvp that they WILL CAMP this vender count on it. But I say if they want open world pvp they should go play on a PVP server. Isnt that what they are for? PVErs play on PVE servers specificly cause they want to avoid PVP totally or want the CHOICE to pvp if they want. There should not be ANY open world PVP areas on PVE servers. If one wants to zone into an OPEN Instance where ONLY PVP activities are then so be it just dont mix any PVE content in there.


There are those who despise PVP with a passion and will unsub if you can believe that if required to play in a way that they dont like. HK-51 is PVE content. So PVPers cant claim being forced to PVE for it as you can only use companions in PVE. Being that the open areas are broken. Why would a full time PVPer even want HK-51? They will never use him. Unless they ALSO like to PVE.


Couldn't agree more. You've put my own thoughts on the matter into words very well, thus the quoting.


Outlaw's Den may be dead now, but as soon as the rush is on and everyone and their brother is trying to unlock HK-51, you can bet there will be bunches of people camping that vendor. It'll be the only "guaranteed" open PVP there is, after all.


I agree wholeheartedly that "open" PVP areas like this should remain solely on PVP servers. Otherwise, why do we even have PVP/PVE server designations?

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Couldn't agree more. You've put my own thoughts on the matter into words very well, thus the quoting.


Outlaw's Den may be dead now, but as soon as the rush is on and everyone and their brother is trying to unlock HK-51, you can bet there will be bunches of people camping that vendor. It'll be the only "guaranteed" open PVP there is, after all.


I agree wholeheartedly that "open" PVP areas like this should remain solely on PVP servers. Otherwise, why do we even have PVP/PVE server designations?


I am also wary about this because of the ease-of-griefing™ factor

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(I'm guessing this is a way of plugging the outlaw's den to the people who either ignored it or didn't know it existed. I think it's pretty clear that they expected everyone to be using it at launch. The whole HK thing seems like an attempt to make people more well-rounded players.)


I completely agree, though its shameless done. I would rather events and end game PvP dailies be centered around there though. But with server imbalances, especially with Apac I can see how this can be an issue.

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