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1.5 On PTS There's Hope Yet!


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I was actually surprised that they had 1.5 on the PTS. It seemed quick compared to the previous updates. Good for them and us that they are trying to stick to a schedule. Maybe I'll get around to earing an HK companion because, honestly, I was unexcited about that when the announcement first came out.
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A new companion is a plus, looking forward to that. Not crazy about yet more dailies, but maybe these will be fun dailies?? A girl can dream anyway. NiEC - not particularly interested. I don't do much pvp, but I know pvp'ers were really looking forward to a new wz. Been quite a few patches without anything for pvp'ers while we have 2 op releases in a row (TFB and NiEC).


Overall, I'm glad there's more content coming, but kind of meh for me, personally.

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I dare say that there is more here than is usually released in a patch because people are forgetting about the 2 pages of notes that explain the class rebalancing that typically come with a major patch. Good news you aren't getting nerfed (yet).


New daily quest section, world boss, STORY companion quest with a new companion, and an operation. Good stuff.

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'nothing' for PVPer is probably not true, anyway...


I remember when the black hole was fresh out there was a lot going on, even on the back then empty servers. and there is still opvp found over there almost daily now (and if it's not already going on you can still just grab a few people and start trouble)


granted, if you mean pvp as 'warzones', then no, there will be no new pvp content. but then you shouldn't be playing on a pve server :p

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I keep saying again and again. The whole time we didn't have content was because of the free to play in works. They probably have most of the free to play done and just need to release it with a big patch 1.6 or 1.7


They will keep on their 6 week content releases and after f2p hits you can expect to see more and more things coming out also. ;) Trust me. See ya!

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they did mention a few months back that hk would be unlocked by having a character of each faction, so they did give warning.


eaxctly, they had months to level a imp, even PART TIME few hours a week should be 50 by now..


lazy folks are lazy :mad:

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'nothing' for PVPer is probably not true, anyway...


I remember when the black hole was fresh out there was a lot going on, even on the back then empty servers. and there is still opvp found over there almost daily now (and if it's not already going on you can still just grab a few people and start trouble)


granted, if you mean pvp as 'warzones', then no, there will be no new pvp content. but then you shouldn't be playing on a pve server :p


Good point! I hope you're correct.

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I'm pleasantly surprised, I thought for sure 1.5 would cater to the PvPers.

Hope it will be possible with my playstyle to unlock HK-51. We'll see.

Now if it only were possible to copy my two mains to the PTR to try it out....


Agreed. Actually I cannot agree more with all the unwanted PvP changes and the one warzone we got several months ago and no incentives for any open world PvP I am glad there will be a 4th area for dailies to go with the operation you just got along with a new set of armor.


Yep PvPers like myself have gotten so much content I don't know what to do with it all.

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Agreed. Actually I cannot agree more with all the unwanted PvP changes and the one warzone we got several months ago and no incentives for any open world PvP I am glad there will be a 4th area for dailies to go with the operation you just got along with a new set of armor.


Yep PvPers like myself have gotten so much content I don't know what to do with it all.


My sarcasm detector is goin' off the charts!!!



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I'm guessing they are putting this up early this time unlike the last patch so it'll have more testing time. They have until Nov. 7 before people start getting all up in arms about "the deadline", lol.

More time is great, but who will test it? No character copies results in very little testing.

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eaxctly, they had months to level a imp, even PART TIME few hours a week should be 50 by now..


lazy folks are lazy :mad:




I spent all my time Republic level 4 toons (3 max and rakata or better gear and 1 at 38) and had no Empire toons at the time this was mentioned.


So I very slowly worked on one toon Empire side to make sure I could do this quest line and the only requirement was to get them to mid level.


I took that to mean around level 25-30.


Not working hard on it at all and still playing my 4 Rep. side toons I was able to get a sith sorcerer to level 28.


I do think people just let it slip up on them and didn't really try.

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I spent all my time Republic level 4 toons (3 max and rakata or better gear and 1 at 38) and had no Empire toons at the time this was mentioned.


So I very slowly worked on one toon Empire side to make sure I could do this quest line and the only requirement was to get them to mid level.


I took that to mean around level 25-30.


Not working hard on it at all and still playing my 4 Rep. side toons I was able to get a sith sorcerer to level 28.


I do think people just let it slip up on them and didn't really try.


The popular conjecture is that you will have to have a toon that can access level 32-38 taris/balmorra. :cool:

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play time is still ticking down, 1.5 looks interesting, but hardly enough to warrant a resub. Maybe when I see server transfers are available so I dont have to play on Jung Ma with 12 people per zone, I'll be happy :p


Umm how about Nightmare Mode Denova, a new world boss and a new daily section. Did you even bother to read the PTS notes? This is a pretty meaty update.

Edited by Typeslice
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What does everyone think of this recent development does it make you optimistic, hopeful?

... or not?


All is proceeding as I have forseen it.


Honestly, for all my impatience with certain things, I am optimistic about this game. I think they meant to shoot for six weeks when they said six weeks. I think they mean this year when they say this year. And realistically, we should allow for additional development time as required.


Want to know why the developers aren't hanging out with us on the forums? Because they're at work, making the game. :) And because the forums are a barracuda tank these days.


So, 1.5 on the way, Cantina Tour, SWTOR Encyclopedia, Meet the Developer blogs, Companion 101 blogs... yeah - this game is dying. Not. It's just now building momentum and finding its stride.

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