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Chiss Marauder - Are there many?


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Basically I'm contemplating either levelling a Chiss to 50 or buying the Chiss Race in order to create a Chiss Marauder, as I haven't seen many out there and believe it will be quite cool/unique :)


Just wondering if any of you guys have or see many Chiss Marauders running around?



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Basically I'm contemplating either levelling a Chiss to 50 or buying the Chiss Race in order to create a Chiss Marauder, as I haven't seen many out there and believe it will be quite cool/unique :)


Just wondering if any of you guys have or see many Chiss Marauders running around?




Most of my alts are chiss. My first toon was a Chiss BH and then 1.2 hit and I used chiss for new toons. I have a chiss jug, smuggler and knight, but I don't see many others when playing through.

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For some reason when I decided to roll my Commando (who is now my main-though at the time I had three other classes at 50 - Gunslinger, Operative and Assassin) I knew two things: I wanted to heal and I wanted to be a Chiss. Not wanting to level a Chiss BH/IA to 50, I opted to spend 1,500,000 credits to unlock the Chiss race.


I am relatively unique on my server, which I discovered while spending at least 1/3 of my time leveling healing warzones (I ended up having my helmet on at all times because people went 'LOOK! CHISS HEALER! FOCUS FIRE!'). Though I'm still occasionally recognized via my race in hardmodes, since I keep the helmet off because of how ugly the Tionese/Columi/Rakata helms are.

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Can't say I have seen many marauders. Personally I have a BH and Agent (obviously), I also have a Chiss Smuggler and I used to have a Chiss Sage (before I changed him to a Sith after levelling the Sith out.


I have seen other Chiss Smugglers, and even the occassional Chiss Trooper, but I rarely, if ever have seen any Chiss Jedi, and that is on either side. Though if I didn't already have a 50 Guardian, I would consider it.

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I have a Chiss marauder, mercenary, gunslinger, and shadow. My four other ACs are Purebloods.


There's something about my Chiss marauder I really love though. The pupil-less, glowing, red eyes seem really emotionless and empty, and it works well with the dark side warrior storyline.

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Chiss Marauders? I've not seen many Chiss Marauders actually. Maybe only a small handful - Juggernaut on the other hand, I've seen a few Chiss Juggernauts.


I have Chiss unlocked and on Republic side I run into so many Chiss Jedi/Troopers with my Chiss Sentinel it's crazy. They're around every corner :p

Edited by relayinabox
correcting spelling errors
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I have seen a Chiss Marauder run past me sometime while playing. But you don't see them too often. I have a Chiss Sage that I really look forward to lvl:ing once I am done with my Sith Warrior. Contemplating a Chiss Bounty Hunter but we will see what happens :p one lvl:ing character at the time for me.
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Being on an RP server, I see a lot of Chiss. They're definitely a favoured selection for those literate in the post-Ep.6 EU. Complete'wiith'names structured like that. I tend to see them as Force-users on the Republic side more often, but they're still respectably represented within the Sith. Edited by CelCawdro
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I have a Chiss sentinel with a nice black mohawk ... i love the character and dropped the 1.5mio for it the second 1.2 hit live servers XD


On my server i have been the only chiss knight for about 2 or 3 months ... but recently i have seen 2 or 3 others :p but nothing's like the original right?


protip: Chiss with black mohawk and two blue/black lightsabers :D that rocks ...

Edited by Davenmor
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I have a Chiss shadow, PT, and Operative.


Chiss are cool. I just wish their racial ability stayed what it was in beta...the /salute... it was awesome to salute your troops and have them /salute back before each WZ.

Yeah loved the salute. Why they took it out I have no idea.


Just another in a long list of pointless/questionable decisions on EA/BW's part.

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