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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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If this has been asked before I apologize but I don't have the time to search every page...How will going about receiving the Kurtob Alliance Speeder mount change with the transition to Free to Play? Will it require a friend to become a subscriber, spend a certain amount of money in the Cartel Store or something else entirely?...Thanks in advance for any help!


On that note. Will you guys revamp the Recruit-a-Friend plan, instead of getting a one time reward like the Kurtob Speeder we can get Cartel Coins for each one?

Edited by ChazDoit
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How will you differentiate in game a p2p character and a f2p character. Dont want to waste time trying to group with someone who cant do the same content as i can. Also my guild would like to know who is f2p cause we reserve the right to exclude all f2p users from the guild. Lol
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I would like to know what is going to happen to my server when the f2p players are let in, will they be able to create characters on a server that is already bogged down with lag no matter what instance I am in or will they be put on the recently locked servers so they wont affect my already bad gaming experience with over crowding? This is the question I need an answer to before I decide if I am going to continue playing this game when f2p finally comes out. Many past games I have played had premium only servers where I could avoid overcrowding and gold sellers spamming general chat, what do you plan to do to protect us from these massive drawbacks in f2p games?


I'm also wondering what you plan to do about the companies that are already planning to massively farm this game for credits to sell to other players. It has been months since I got my last spam mail in game trying to get me to buy SWTOR credits on some chinese website but you have to realize that since they won't have to buy the game anymore to create an account they will flood this game to pimp their wares on us and harrase players with in game mails.

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Will Cartel Coins be available via in-game mechanics? To elaborate a bit - my question is if there is going to be something like a tier 3 operation against the Hutts, which will reward the Cartel Coins. In other words, will good end-game players that are able to down the hardest content (or achieve like top 100 rank in RWZs) be able to enjoy all the content without spending real money?
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Q1: If I'm paying subscription will i have to spend additional money to have access to Cartel items or other shortcuts? I'm playing mmo with subscriptions because i don't want to play game where people that are wiling to pay more have access to better gear and other conveniences. I want to have unlimited access to everything in game in one acceptable monthly fee and be equal to other players in every possible aspect.


Sorry for my English.

Edited by Zuhok
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As a subscription player will I have to pay for Carthar and possible other new species with Cartel Coins or will the subscription people get it for free? The same for the character slots we were told were coming.


Exactly what I´d like to know. As a subscriber I won´t pay extra money for these things. I might unsub and stop playing.

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1. Please specify the limited access F2P will have. What are the limits in detail.


How much money can they hold, how many character slots, how many bank tabs, how much inventory space?

What is the limit for WZs and FPs?

Is there any limit in just questing on Planets?


Please tell us the exact limititions a F2P playerw ill have so we can make an educated decision.


2. What kind of unlocks will we able to buy in the Cartel Market?


Can i buy permanent access to Operations, WZs and FPs?

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Some of the questions I have are already posted on the other posts so I'm not going to place the same ones.

However, the question I would like to see answered is about the "space project" that you mentioned a while ago. Is it still coming? I'm not asking for a full description of it (but I don't mind if you provide it :-P). A yes or no will suffice (for now)

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Some of the questions I have are already posted on the other posts so I'm not going to place the same ones.

However, the question I would like to see answered is about the "space project" that you mentioned a while ago. Is it still coming? I'm not asking for a full description of it (but I don't mind if you provide it :-P). A yes or no will suffice (for now)


They mentioned a Space Project? Oooooh I hope that means we can control our craft and explore space similar to Star Trek Online's mode!! :D

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How will you differentiate in game a p2p character and a f2p character. Dont want to waste time trying to group with someone who cant do the same content as i can. Also my guild would like to know who is f2p cause we reserve the right to exclude all f2p users from the guild. Lol


Maybe no access to a guild will be one of the restrictions in place for F2Ps... :p

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1) Will there be an option to purchase new species through either rmt or the cartel coins. If so will any of them be worth purchasing or all near humans which once no one bothers to purchase you deem no one wants more species and don't add any that are any good?


2) What insentive in tangible game play options will subscribing or rmt offer. I have seen the list of things like a chair, a mask, acesss to legacy like fast travel and access to opperation. Now most of those seem like fluff with only access to opperations being real game play which requires a group and therefore not for everyone. So what can be said of my single player SWTOR experience will I have access to as a sub that I can't get as free to play and purchased through legacy or some cheaper means.


3) If people quit because they didn't want to pay 15 bucks a month how much money do you think they will pay in order to have access to fast travel and some opperations? Do you really think that such a small sum is the real reason people aren't playing or do you think it is because there is very little to do at end game? But this is rather a marketing hype since you can downgrade people that have quit to f2p you can count them in the subscription figures?


4) What solo content will be available through subscription or rmt that is not available to free to play? Or do I only need to subscribe if I want hard mode content and opps?


5) Are you going to follow numerous other rmt games and have a vanity slot so I can purchase new looks without then having to rip out everything from my current set and get new augment kits every time I purchase a new outfit from the rmt store?

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Are new class, companion, and world stories going to be part of the expansion updates in your new model, or are you focusing entirely on end game raiding and pvp content to lure in paying subscriptions?
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Once the game officially goes Free-to-Play, do people who continue paying the subscription after that date get a monthly allowance of cartel coins every month? Or do we just get the coins for the months we have already subscribed prior to the change?
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Will you implement a "content package" system where people can buy access to an op instead of subing?


What items will be in the shop?


How many warzones a week can you do? Flash points? Is it account wide or per character?


You say you want to do content more regularly, elaborate please. Are we talking 4 tiers a year?


Will players be able to buy a "season pass" for pvp, unlimited warzones for that season for a few dollars?


Will you be selling new social gear, adaptive, in the store like skins from league of legends?

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1)Will there be a lifetime subscription option to remain on a premium account forever with one payment?When lotro went f2p they had this offer for 120 euro. Also they add turbine points every month as if the player is a regular subscriber.


2)Will you offer additional character slots per server?


3)Will you increase the already ridiculous high credit sinks and the same time offering the same things via real money?

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