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Why do you not play ranked PvP?


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It seemed that everyone was disappointed when ranked matches were left out of 1.2, but now that they are here with 1.3 there does not seem to be too many of them happening at least not on my server (Bergeren Colony).


The reason I don't participate in them is because I cannot find people that want to, their reasons vary, so I wanted to ask the general PvP populace.


Why aren't you playing ranked PvP matches?


If you are I don't really want to know, but it seems like few are.


Before 1.2 people were

A) Expecting solo ranked queue.

B)Expecting to get rid of premades from normal warzones thus they supported ranked. Seriously I think the majority were only in favor of it because they thought it would get rid of premades from normal warzones (lol being scared of 4 man premades).


The queue is single server. Most of us knew exactly what would happen. There would be a bunch of teams that would queue for the first couple days and then after about a week they all give up and there is only 2-4 teams left and only 1-2 is actually really any good. The opposite also happened as well. People in my guild got bored and stopped logging in. Because people stopped logging in we could no longer get a full group. Since we can't ever get a full group we haven't actually done a ranked match in almost 2 weeks.


Also since most people have WH gear now since they gave us the gear in 1.2 even without ranked warzones most "teams" don't see the incentive to queue for ranked.

Edited by Raansu
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Ranked warzones were over-rated. I don't play because I don't see the need to. You really get nothing out of them except a worthless number that really says nothing about you. All those who cried that ranked zones were needed now don't play most of the time. Bioware could have used the time and resources to make more improvements to pvp as a whole rather than create this ranked fiasco.


I would rather see them focus on actually balancing the classes instead of catering to this ranked BS. I mean, considering how few the ranked zones pop I think they should not even worry about season 1 for a while.


^There is a lot of truth to that.


I don't play ranked because I'm in a small guild and we have no guild team, so I would be forced to pug and I don't want to do that for competitive play. Besides, I'm fully geared since before the server merges, so I don't really have to either.

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Oh please, how much will the population have dwindled by then? You really think cross server queuing is the great white hope for PvP? We said that about rated, and look what a massive disappointment they are.


And LOL at "OMG they want fast PvP gear". So what? Gear shouldn't be a factor in the outcome of PvP, so fast and easy gear can only make PvP better. How does solo = no competition. Our current system is the one with no competition. Solo just means you have to be more dynamic in how you play. You can't just roll a full team full of FOTM and expect to be top dog. You have to learn to play with different people playing different classes and specs. If anything, it is YOU who wants no competition.


Oh yea, all these valor 90+ FOTM rerollers on my team.

How does getting free top pvp gear is making pvp better again? The same have been said about giving people basically free BM gear and did it make pvp better? No. You still see tons of trash players in WZs, you even see some pve'rs doing them for the gear now.

If you are pvp'er the gear will come fast enough, it's the bads or people who only do pvp daily that cry about gear holding them back.

Edited by Isislol
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Did you not transfer? It seems all the destination servers per the xfer's are jam packed...


If you didn't xfer then you're a sadist.


I believe he plays on an APAC server which means he DID transfer. The Asia/Pacific servers, from what I've heard - DO have population issues as he describes.


And I think you mean masochist.

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1) We play the same team over and over again. The team that wins ALWAYS wins and the other team stops queuing. No more rateds for that day.


2) Comp dependency means play the FOTM spec on the FOTM class or no one wants you.


3) Takes FOREVER to get a decently geared team together. Then you get smashed by a guild team and you wonder why you bothered in the first place.


4) No solo ranked queues. This was a SERIOUS mistake.


5) Warzones are now speed based, but only for the first 30 seconds. Whoever caps the turret first keeps it. Nodes don't flip. Alderaan side turrets never flip, middle never gets capped, whoever caps side turret first wins by 5. Denova nodes never flip, whoever caps first keeps it. Voidstar doors are camped by engineer snipers/sabotage gunslingers and never get planted on. Voidstar tie break system = fail.


Rated teams use every exploit, trick, and FOTM tool in the box to win. That actually makes the game 10x less fun. I can't play what I want. I can't play how I want. I can't even play with whom I want. Why bother playing?


I agree with point #4 more then anything else, Get Solo Ranked queue's in ASAP.

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I agree with point #4 more then anything else, Get Solo Ranked queue's in ASAP.


Kind of defeats the purpose of ranked. Why would you ever want to trust a pug with your rating? And knowing BW the solo and group ranked queue's are going to be in the same queue anyways. Then instead of people QQing about 4 man premades (lmao) they will be getting steamrolled by full teams as the full premade doesn't have to worry about the lottery queue with the 4 randoms they get stuck with in normal warzones.

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It is just to hard to get 8 people together often enough unless you are in a big dedicated PvP guild. If you do manage to get a team together or pug it you are going to be going up against big dedicated PvP guilds that have been playing ranked together and have good strategies. No one wants to play against the four teams that play ranked together non-stop with a bunch of pugs.


I was really looking forward to ranked PvP but when it hit as 8 man only what it did was pull some people from my guild to go to more hardcore PvP guilds, got other people to feel like they won't ever do ranked and just quit doing PvP all together and a couple that just quit logging in anymore. Thanks to ranked we now have trouble doing our 8 man ops LOL.

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It is just to hard to get 8 people together often enough unless you are in a big dedicated PvP guild. If you do manage to get a team together or pug it you are going to be going up against big dedicated PvP guilds that have been playing ranked together and have good strategies. No one wants to play against the four teams that play ranked together non-stop with a bunch of pugs.


This is one reason why I quit playing League of Legends - good game, but being queued with randoms against full premades is just no fun.

Same will happen here if the solo and group queue are the same and I suspect Bioware would have to make it that way or else the group queue would have long, long waits.

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Same will happen here if the solo and group queue are the same and I suspect Bioware would have to make it that way or else the group queue would have long, long waits.


**** the group queue I say. They can learn to PUG, can they ;)

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The real reason is most people would rather farm 11k new 50s in unranked than actually face someone equal or better than them, so the second tier teams stopped playing since it hurts their ego.


And to those who complain about team size, 2 of the best teams on my server are made up of multiple guilds.

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I do play everyday in rwz. At first i was in pugs, then the pugs gradually became 100% guild. I tell people you are going to get rolled at first. Consider it paying your dues.


With that said, my complaint is that the game is filled with dps players. I play four toons at 50. Two tanks, one heals and one dps.


From what I've seen, 9/10 of the tanks are wearing dps gear and/or hybrid builds. I see a lot of healers in dps gear as well.


I would love to have two healers in heal gear with heal tree's paried with similar tanks, however that will never happen.


One thing I heard recently is a fellow was saying that tanks sucked in war zones. The guy was playing a dps operative. We went to a war zone and I joined him as my operative. After some time of him getting pwned he quit. My operative was number one dmg, and most objectives for the match. After that, I was extremely disappointed in him and will keep that in mind when I do pvp again. Literally if as an operative you can't get one kill in (as did this fellow) you should not say anything. You really have no clue what you are doing.

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Because no one wants a shadow :\


Despite the fact that I do very well, both doing damage, tanking, tanking while doing damage, taunting, pulling, pushing, capping objectives, scoring huttballs, planting bombs, solo capping turrets against "the best guild on the server" because they thought they could solo defend right and the ******* broke my mind maze and got insta force lifted while I capped it.


All that, and yet I still can't get invited to a ranked team, because 1. I'm a shadow. 2. I'm not full war hero augmented (which is why I want to do ranked, so I can get full WH aug'd) and 3. Performing well, no matter the circumstances, doesn't mean **** to teams, unless your advanced class starts with Van, Sent, Guar, or Sawbones Scoundrel.

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I do play everyday in rwz. At first i was in pugs, then the pugs gradually became 100% guild. I tell people you are going to get rolled at first. Consider it paying your dues.


With that said, my complaint is that the game is filled with dps players. I play four toons at 50. Two tanks, one heals and one dps.


From what I've seen, 9/10 of the tanks are wearing dps gear and/or hybrid builds. I see a lot of healers in dps gear as well.


I would love to have two healers in heal gear with heal tree's paried with similar tanks, however that will never happen.


One thing I heard recently is a fellow was saying that tanks sucked in war zones. The guy was playing a dps operative. We went to a war zone and I joined him as my operative. After some time of him getting pwned he quit. My operative was number one dmg, and most objectives for the match. After that, I was extremely disappointed in him and will keep that in mind when I do pvp again. Literally if as an operative you can't get one kill in (as did this fellow) you should not say anything. You really have no clue what you are doing.

Bioware kind of forced peoples hands regarding the tanks. I roll hybrid if I tank on my Jugg just because full tank tree isn't that good for pvp. You don't lose a lot of survivability going hybrid, but you gain an whole lot more damage which is good for getting people off your healers. Tank gear doesn't help a great deal either.


I don't go hybrid on healing chars though.

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Because it is an absolutely useless feature. I have done it and still occasionally do it but really


And if they add a solo queue it will become more of a useless feature, and in turn will, increase the queue for reg warzones

If they add a solo queue they might as well just eliminate regular pvp


With the state of balance in this game, which is at its worst since it started, they couldve spent some time on balance and less on useless epeen nonsense

If people and BW actually thought this concept was going to be good I don't even know what to say


Ranked should have gear limitations and ranked should have been xserver from the beginning.

I mean honestly I get asked quite alot to do a pugged ranked and I look at these people in recuit/bm mix and all I can do is shake my head


If you remember rift had a gear check, ranked should have this same thing. Doesn't have to be complicated just base it off of expertise total

If you dont have 1100 or more (or whatever number) you cant enter

Granted that only solves an equiptment issue, doesn't solve the fact that you have to have certain makeups, and you have to have some coordination


Right now with the state of classes ranked doesnt mean a thing. And really it doesn't mean a whole lot anyway


It failed because you have team who have the correct makeup and know how to pvp, then you have the majority who think they know how to play team objective based pvp, and they found out that they dont.

Ranked is not only a failure but continues to ruin regular as well

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1. Because only 3 people in our guild (maybe 4) constantly do PvP

2. Because I already have full War Hero gear

3. Because I'm a Commando

4. Because I always thought ranked PvP is nothing but an e-peen measurement that hits most people on their face

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Pretty much this as no decent team would ever take an Arsenal Merc or Gunnery Commando into a Ranked Match.


Yeah this is one of the reasons I usually do not partake in ranked as we always are in need of one more dps and it always ends up being a BH.

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I don't play rated because there is no need (except for cosmetic rewards) If they would've implemented rateds when they introduced the next tier of PvP gear, it would've created a much broader base of people that would be playing. But now it's pointless to do RWZ's unless you and everyone in your group is full aug'd WH gear.


I think once they introduce the next tier of gear, the competition levels will be much better, and more diverse.


Secondly, I think if they put a minimum requirement of expertise and/or valor level, solo queues could become quite more fun than 2 teams of 8. Having some form of randomness and having to overcome adversity is what will give people the great experience of pvp we're looking for.


RWZ's as they stand now, is who can execute a certain build of characters the best. The lack of unpredictability is what's bringing the fun level down. But like I posted earlier, once everyone pretty much has full aug'd WH, when they make season 1, the competition will be a bit more robust.


When a game realizes that it's the unpredictability that PvP'ers thrive on, is when they'll have a great game. (that's why we don't give a crap about pve, it's all predictable so much that you can set timers)

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I don't play in them because my guild is mostly a PVE guild so getting even four decent players together for a group is tough, much less eight geared and experienced ones for ranked wz. Plus the hours I can play are sporadic and I just don't want to commit to the time that would be necessary for me to join a decent ranked team even though I do enjoy pvp quite a bit.


So I pug it in the normal wz and sometimes it's fun and awesome, and sometimes its frustrating and horrible.

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