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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

My MVP vote goes to...


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...the player on my team with the most deaths. They need the commendations the most.


I have also looked at it this way, Deaths=Try or Poor gear and need better! I aplaud try and I want my team better so get that guy some better gear!

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I try to give my vote to someone with the most protection (if there is any) besides me. Because we don't get votes :(


Aint that the truth. Nothing more valuable than actually taking the hits for your local dps or healer yet I cannot recall one time getting an MVP vote on my Shadow unless I actually led in dps.


My vote always goes to the person in second place on objectives, only because first place always gets votes and second place always gets robbed....unless I see a standout in battle. If I notice we take a node because somebody was guarding or healing or even dps'ing the right targets I will give them a vote. I have also given votes to someone who stepped up and led the fight through chat in pugs.

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...the player on my team with the most deaths. They need the commendations the most.


Ever checked their total damage intake? Total deaths could be just brainless rushing into enemy zerg all alone or getting lured away from the healer or constantly LoSing the healer etc. while not helping at all.


In pugs my mvp go that guy that volunteered to guard west/east and stayed there the whole match while calling incomings properly. Well atleast I woud, but that one peep rarely stays there. On my dps toons I prefer to give the mvp to the dps who helped me focus down a heal.

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it depends on the senario;


my usual trend is to give it to the healer that does the best at keeping me alive; or the person that has the most objective points.


The solo defender that does well (call incs, ect) is also a candidate. As is the dude that solo caps/ninja caps a door or turret when the team needed it.

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it depends on the senario;


my usual trend is to give it to the healer that does the best at keeping me alive; or the person that has the most objective points.


The solo defender that does well (call incs, ect) is also a candidate. As is the dude that solo caps/ninja caps a door or turret when the team needed it.


Not to fly in the face of conventional logic, but in my experience, the guy who solo caps a node, is the same guy who will fail to solo cap a node 17 times, and keep on trying. It's great when it happens, but I think the success rate makes it prohibitive.


You go mid and natural. Period. I pugged two consecutive WZs today where people insisted on "Let's take right and left, leave mid!" Ooh, tricky. Let's focus our efforts on the turret that is the farthest from our spawn point, the closest to theirs, and the farthest away from the turret we are holding.


You win any of the objective based matches by killing the opposing team off long enough to have a free 8 seconds. to cap, and then having good communication and movement between the two points you hold.


Have I ever won holding east/west? Of course. And all I can think is how much easier it would have been if we just did things the right way.


Wow, strayed off topic... My MVP vote goes to the guy that understands that if there is only one person guarding a turret, the other 7 people are killing your teammates, and they need your help.

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It's utterly silly how little respect tanks get in pvp. At least on my server the default vote seems to go to the healer with highest numbers... But do people really think that healer got that 400k or whatever and zero or 1 death because he wasn't guarded the whole time? Very often the healers themselves don't even vote for the tanks...

I've lost count of the amount of times I have had 100k+ protection 100k+ damage and the most objective points and the most medals only to have zero votes while watching the healer I was guarding get 5 or 6...

I could have easily gotten more damage... for those who will pfft my number claims, but was busy punting or pressuring those on the healer I'm guarding, and doing this silly thing like complete the wz's objectives so our team could get a win...

When tank specced... and still getting most objective points, I, like a lot of tanks... have the most deaths... its because we are absorbing a boat load of damage taunting and guarding only to watch the healer heal someone thats at 75% health. So we die, and that what happens? who do you think is the next to go? To many times I've died and right after I see "so and so healer has been defeated" while waiting to get back into the fight... but thats neither here nor there.

The biggest pvp mvp sin is the players giving the vote not to those who most deserve it, but to the guildies and pugs they grouped with... its a shame really... and that and people oohhing and aahhing at high dps or heal numbers that leave tanks on the back burner in regard to mvp voting... protection doesnt get the respect it deserves... I've had way too many people say "you only had that many medals because of the protection ones" yeah? and? probably because they are important and you just fail.

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To me, it's in this order:


If I feel like I noticed that someone did a very good job with the objectives, such as looking for the pass in Huttball, or good calls/tactics/CC in the take/defend game types, and so on, that's who gets my vote regardless or role or numbers.


If I'm healing and there was actually someone there who protected me, especially in the take/defend objective game types, then they get my vote.


If I'm not healing and there was a healer who kept people alive, they get my vote.


Last, I think I'll start taking your suggestion, start giving it to someone who had a rough game. :)

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I am a healer


1. Guild mate (almost always solo que though, because I play at odd times)

2. The tank that guarded me

3. Most protection

4. Most heals if they out healed me (almost never happens)

5. Most DPS


Except in huttball, In huttball its all about who was playing the best/smartest. Its easy to out heal me there, if you just stand in the mid. But I watch for who is passing, getting ahead, attacking the right people, using there CCs wisely, pulls, leaps...

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I'm a healer who plays pvp casually and in my recruit/bm gear and most matches I'm never guarded because there is no tank and if there is a tank who guards me he got my mvp vote:D and I **** you not tanks are like the rarest thing ever in pvp for me at least on red eclipse
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I rarely see anyone vote for the actual MVP of the match. People vote for their noob friends.


I see people at the very bottom of every stat get 3+ votes sometimes. I guess people get confused and vote for the worst player in the team.

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