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Everything posted by TheManAndres

  1. seriously that must have taken ages! did you waste like an hour for that picture? I could never punish myself to do that with force pull
  2. some time ago I made a very similar code and I said it in the fleet of either jedi covenant or red eclipse (cant remember) and I admit I think yours is better. I was wondering did you use some of my "rewritten code of the sith"? but my intentions where not to make fun of Baras but rather that I waned to use the line cake is lie , there is only pie? (another thing how do i make qoutes say your name?) its for you ardiin
  3. I do believe that many people thought fatal alliance and deception where not so good also I did forget to mention I read Revan and I enjoyed it
  4. so months ago I made a post asking about star wars books, as I was new to the forums I didn't know how the whole subscribe thing was so I lost the thread anyway since then I finally got and read the Darth Bane trilogy and I'm moving on to the Thrawn trilogy and I was wondering what book should I read next? At the moment I'm just waiting for the first book of the Thrawn trilogy to come back:(
  5. what about the time on ilum where he is on the war council?
  6. also why is mandalore not wearing the mask when you see him?
  7. My sith warrior is an pro Imperial who does not care much about himself except the advancement of the empire he is more DS then LS. He does not show mercy if there is nothing to be gained for the empire so most high level commanders and leaders of the republic are spared only to be tortured for information, allies to be gained or other usefulness that help the empire. On a sidenote why would a LS sith want the empire to win? He/she does know those people he helped to get under the empires fate just might end up being tortured for the amusement of some dark lord or does she/he believe that wont happen? because most sith are evli, is he/she really that blind? please help me understand the motivation so if I decide to roll my third warrior he would have some logic to go by why the empire would be better for the galaxy.
  8. I am pretty sure I got negative points with corso on my smuggler but it was a long time ago so I could be wrong
  9. Could you please explain how the force does not have a will yet darkside users are dominated? doesn't that contradict about the force not having a will? I mean you cannot be controlled by something that does not give directions so to speak. Let me add I haven't read any of the books except the Revan novel by Drew Karpashyne (probably spelled wrong) so please correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. sm kp drops the chest you want its called xenotech weaponmaster something google it its kinda like the 40 pvp jug armour except its red, hope that helps but I want them to fix clipping issue with body type 3 with pvp chest and head
  11. is bioware going to fix that? because I would like to see that happen and I think many people will agree with me
  12. what is the gear requirement for hm denova assassin tank and what should my stats look like?
  13. I would like to see that but why would the sis say take the agent if he has destroyed countless operations of theres? why would quinn follow the warrior? i mean quinn is super loyal to the empire so is ensign temple.
  14. since I recently just finished kotor 1-2 and it left alot of questions unanswered like where did the purebloods come from where they not extinct? when did revan get captured by the emperor? what happened to the exile? Since kotor 2 just kinda ended and it was a really disappointing ending? and I'm assuming it was done with books/comics (please be books). and I don't know the name of said books/comics so if you can give me like a name list in the correct order it would be really appreciated and if they are worth the read?
  15. don't a lot of jedi have sith ancestry?
  16. I see some people complain about it being to anti melee and I disagree with that on a healing point(scoundrel) as long as the group is stacked behind the boss also it really depends on the skill of tank and I admit that I could not tank the first boss I suck at it but never been a problem with my melee dps if the tank and healer is decent.
  17. I'm a healer who plays pvp casually and in my recruit/bm gear and most matches I'm never guarded because there is no tank and if there is a tank who guards me he got my mvp vote:D and I **** you not tanks are like the rarest thing ever in pvp for me at least on red eclipse
  18. If you could decide which class does the plant quest line for all the planets based on there expertise and skill and why? (Not including 1-10 planets since there are no real quest lines except class.) now I haven't decided on all planets but here are mine. Balmorra - republic - trooper/knight because its leading an assault and smugglers aren't leaders and the consular is a diplomat Balmorra - empire - sith warrior because you are leading an assault and I don't think the bounty hunter or agent have the skill the hunter is more point and shoot or for the agent cunning and stealth and I don't think the inquisitor would bother with such things of little importance to themselves. Nar shadda - empire - agent because It would seem more fitting for the diplomatic service to use some one they can trust unlike bounty hunters. Tatooine - empire - inquisitor securing that weapon for your own power base. Alderaan - republic - consulars because they are diplomats and it just fits for Alderaan IMO. Taris - empire - sith warrior because Thana Vesh and the warrior fit perfectly except she is incompetent unlike the warrior and its about destruction (I would have gone with bounty hunter but Thana Vesh ) Quesh - empire - bounty hunter because he is an asset Hoth - republic - smuggler (don't know why just cant quite put my finger on it.) Voss - empire - agent because the agent is discreet. Voss - republic - consular because of diplomacy again. corelia - republic - knight because you kill some dark council members and lead an assault against the empire so this is my list not complete but what is your list? and sorry for my crappy English:)
  19. the reason why lotr army could never win is because sw army is like 10000 times bigger the end.
  20. sometimes while questing you get a cut scene and a battle I like to vanish and gain the upper hand from attacking from stealth . the way I took down Strongs/elites was to tranq them crouch put sabotage charge/vital shot and a back shot and that usually takes a nice bit of health and is still useful on elites at higher lvl with shoot first if you flash bang/ dirty kick him for another back shot,sabotages charge and vital shot that also gave you a nice advantage.
  21. can you still be rooted with full resolve because that happened the other day but animations that looked like stuns did not stun me so?
  22. I'm very disappointed that Bioware made this into an MMO because this is supposed to be a story driven MMO and IMO it really doesn't work because none of the choices you make matter and they don't impact the world except you get different mail which sucks. also the game is dying as we know and I myself don't want that for the story sake which would be as long as the game survives and there is a good chance we will just get an unfinished and unsatisfying end but if it was single player it would get at least an ending good or bad. do you guys agree or not? if not please give me your opinions.
  23. instead of making it instant maybe have a talent that allows you to move while casting it?
  24. just more ideas that could be rewarded from pvp: more mounts,pets,schematics for augmented gear,more sets then just the one so you could make your own armour with Helm from set 1 with chest from set 2 or something like that and ofc more orange jedi/sith armour that fits the lore.
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