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Nerf Bounty Hunters


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I'm not saying to nerf them or not nerf them but does everyone really believe they got the balance 100% correct right out of the gate on launch day?


Just as the OP is wrong for assuming absolutely it is a balance issue, others are wrong for assuming the only possibility is that the BH players are better than he is. I could claim that about any class or balance - wouldn't make it actually balanced.

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More WoW kiddies making it into star wars i see. Guess i will start seeing more crying post about nerf this and that now. Well at least i didnt have to put up with this for quite awhile in beta. Low lvl player never has had a 50 nor having played a class yells for a global nerf of another class.... ya really constructive post there. Should just delete your toon and quit i say. Would serve more purpose to the community that way to.
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Every single WZ I have been in a Bounty Hunter destroys everyone and everything, no matter what level and is tops for kills and damage. And the little hook thing where they grab you from across the zone when you're carrying the huttball is overpowered too.


You can't in any way shape or form remotly prove that a BH is even sort of over powered. Secondly the game is nearly officially out for a few hours and you post this. What server are you on, I want to come there and melt your in-game face.


I am a BH and I have had many different classes lock me down. You OP do not have a clue at all. PvP wise this game is the closest thing to balance I have ever seen. Get a grip learn your toon, and quit whining.

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They should reduce the amount of CC that can be used at once, in void star the team with the most Si, and BH's can hold off the other team at the front doors. I was in a game last night where it was 4 SI's and 4 BH's, and yes the Si would force speed circles spamming lightning while others stealthed in and force pushed the people setting bombs.




Nothing is worse than running on the bridges to the second do and having 2-3 SI's stealth and push you off the bridge instantly killing you, but CC them you say, I would if they couldn't sprint across the bridge behind me faster than I can react.

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Every single WZ I have been in a Bounty Hunter destroys everyone and everything, no matter what level and is tops for kills and damage. And the little hook thing where they grab you from across the zone when you're carrying the huttball is overpowered too.



Your tears make me happy inside!!! The game is new and people suck at the class they picked so we should nerf people who know how to play. QQ **** and go PvE cry babys!!!

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Bioware balances classes based on metrics not forum whining so guys like this are just wasting their time.


He is also obviously exaggerating. I've played well over 40 matches and I've seen every class top the damage meter at one time or another. With the bolster system player skill matters most and gear/class abilities the least.


By player skill I mean knowing WHEN to use certain class abilities. WHERE to place yourself to benefit your team and achieve objectives. HOW to best use your abilities to counter a particular opponent.

Edited by Hellapain
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When I played beta, I played a BH. I was top 3 in almost every warzone for damage out... had a great KDR all the time and wiped the floor with the enemy team.


Now that I'm playing live, I play a Sorcerer. I'm top 3 in almost every warzone for damage out. I always have great KDR and I wipe the floor with the enemy team.


Do you realize what the constant in this equation is? I'll give you a hint. It's not the class. Good players will be good... bad players will be bad.




Seriously though, this game is the most well balanced PvP game on launch that there has ever been. Don't ruin it by complaining and crying for nerfs because you aren't willing to learn your class.


i just sign.

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quit with the nerf this class or nerf that class. it ruins every single MMO I have been in. it isnt the class that is overpowered, some people are just better than others doesn't matter what class they are playing. geez.


AGREED! I even hate the statement underpowered, but I fear that may be the case... SI, SW, JK & JC were WAY stronger in the 2nd to last beta. I fear they may have cut the some fingers off when they trimmed the fat on the force wielders.


AT ANY RATE>>> Instead of fraking a game (like swg????) by nerfing everything,,,, maybe we should instead insist they focus on increasing strength on the under powered classes?


AKA I do NOT think nerfing everything is a good idea... Before long it wont be BH & TR, it will be SM & IA, and then we'll move on to the force wielders.... There has GOT TO BE A BETTER ANSWER! And some self realization amongst the masses...


Yes, yes, yes, I have played all 8 primary classes, & have played 7 advanced classes blah blah blah. I know what you're dealing with, and while yes a BH is strong.... I feel the real source of this issue is, they've weakened the force sensitive classes more then they needed to, NOT overpowered BH.


I also think that there is some gross mismanagement in the ability progression, in most of the classes. AKA SI needs an AOE attack sooner. A few of the BH skills shouldn't show up till a little later aka death from above, my fav bh skill.


The other worthy note is that yes MANY people are being overpowered by better players. LIFE is not fair. GET OVER IT.


To the nerf herd out there, maybe you should actually TRY to play the dif classes. You might learn something.


And in all fairness for the force classes, I hope strongly they increase our(I have 4) dmg &, resistances, and then re-adjust skills for better early lvl game play. SI needs AOE lighting WAY SOONER then 26 & taunts for the tanks, needs to be made available at around 12.

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Every single WZ I have been in a Bounty Hunter destroys everyone and everything, no matter what level and is tops for kills and damage. And the little hook thing where they grab you from across the zone when you're carrying the huttball is overpowered too.


You must be playing on a server with a lot of BHs then. I have seen quite a spread on my servers, with Troopers always near the top. I also see a lot of Ops in the leader position; just last night I saw a wz where the 1, 2, 3 and 5th place spot were Ops.

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quit with the nerf this class or nerf that class. it ruins every single MMO I have been in. it isnt the class that is overpowered, some people are just better than others doesn't matter what class they are playing. geez.


Do you really believe you'll ever play an MMORPG where buffs or nerfs aren't necessary? Seriously?

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its not the class its the player, and bad players seek nerfs and blame others for their failings. So in summation L2P


I'm not a huge nerf fan, but these kind of statements are just as bad as the nerf statements. Yes, player skill is a huge factor, but the bottom line is there are usually classes that are much stronger than others, it's just a fact of MMO life.


Yes some people are much better and can make a "bad" class look decent or ever good, but that doesn't mean the class is as balanced as it should be. To be balanced all classes should be good in an average players hands and fantastic in a skilled players hands. If a class is only powerful in the ultra-skilled hands there is a problem.

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If a class is only powerful in the ultra-skilled hands there is a problem.


Let me introduce you to the bard...


I for one, enjoy flaunting my ultra-skill while playing a hard to master class. If all classes were easy to master, and little-no skill was required, we wouldn't be playing a game.


When/if you play Risk do you tell everyone they can't have more armies than the other guy? Do you tell everyone playing Monopoly that they must share their money, collectively, in a large pot? When you play soccer do you set limits on how many times someone is allowed to kick the ball?


Seriously... It's a game. It should take skill, there should be the Ultra Good, The Good, The Neutral, The Bad, and the Horrible players. Sure we can offer the terrible players some sort of handicap, but we can't just lay down and wait for them to crawl over our highly geared toons and /dance to victory.


Actually on second thought, the Empire should encourage skilled players. The republic can balance themselves out and ensure no one is better than the other. Then we can walk in and lay waste while they are trying to figure out WASD.



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I'm not saying that BH (Mercenary in particular) is overpowered, but I play a lot of WZs and usually the top damage dealers on the other side (Empire) are Bounty Hunters.

I don't think that can be attributed just to player skill.

Maybe BHs are supposed to do the most damage, but that's for the developers to decide.

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The fact that the BH's death from above makes him hover in the air gives him an advantage as well... Most people don't think to look up when pvping and BH escape alot of deaths just by being out of the normal level of vision. Compared to the LS counterpart ability, were it seemed to me having played both toons to the same level, I always got more kills, less deaths and more damage on my BH... Usually I was number one or two on the list. Also, I'd like to add that the damage output per tick for an AOE ability is a bit much and should get nerfed. You should never be able to AOE down a single target to it's death..
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I find it funny that we have 10 pages of people crying because their Uber Jedi character is getting steamrolled by a Bounty Hunter. You guys are honestly idiots, crying for Nerfs already because you can't PvP properly. If you get Bounty Hunters nerfed today, your going to get nerfed tomorrow. Atleast give the game a few weeks before you cry for nerfs, when games cater to whiners like this is when they fail. Edited by ObsidianVorteX
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DPS sith melee is super underpowered it's actually laughable, switched to a Bounty hunter character I leveled to 20 and what would you know literally racking up kills and medals in PVP arena.


Its not about leveling evenly, its about what the classes finish like at level 50 being balanced. How about playing the game through to level 50 before crying Nerfs and breaking the balance that was intended.

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