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  1. Guild on my server "Sixteen and Pregnant" I admit i laughed...but it is a horrible guild name.
  2. I roll PT pyro and I wreck in warzones. Personally my DoT is just a bonus to the damage its real purpose is for rail shot. Flame burst is my bread and butter and I can spam the crap out of it. Using everything else when its off CD. It's very mobile and most spells are instacast. I luv being a pyro and I tried the other specs as well and it just didn't flow well for my style of gameplay.
  3. I've seen it happen twice. Once I was in full view of the node and the guy popped out of stealth 75% capped already. Was able to stop him. Another time the guy popped out of stealth after it was capped. Me and another player spotted this and both said ***. Say what you want I was paying attention with a full view both times. I can say with full certainty at the very least there was no blue light shooting into the sky either time. The who capped may have been behind the node out of my LOS but there was no blue light for sure. Rank 26 valor and those are the only 2 times i've seen it.
  4. agreed...1v1 if a good operative gets the jump on u ur pretty much dead...i consider myself to be a very skilled pvp player but I will stun and run from a good operative...just the nature of the beast tho...if i have even 1 person throwing weak heals my way i can kill him...but that initial attack is rough..specially if none of my CD's are up
  5. Not biting ur head off but ur whole argument requires coordination and a lot of what if's. If a guild is grouped together in a warzone more than likely that side will win simply because of coordination and staying together and communicating. Doesnt matter what their make up is. I don't believe i've ever seen a warzone with 4 BH's in it before either. So odds of that happening are slim unless 4 BH's queue together. And almost any time one side has people dedicated to healing they're gonna have an edge regardless of the classes in the group
  6. agreed...no reason u should have to reform a group after every warzone...by just fixing that it should be just as easy to fix it so u stay queued as a group after its over
  7. While I do agree with most of ur points I have to say why don't you just go back to WoW. Since obviously thats what you want. SWTOR is not WoW, stop trying to make it. Just take it for what it is already. So it's not as responsive as WoW, guess what? Every other player has the same problem. It's not like its giving someone else an advantage over you. The game has to go thru some tweaks obviously, its still not released. Biggest problem for any MMO is all the problems complain its not like WoW but theyre sick of WoW. And yea there is a lot of CC in the game, but it's not like a class is gonna 2 or 3 shot you. If your getting chained CC by 3 or 4 players, guess what? Your prolly gonna die anyway whether or not you get CC'd. Targeting is an issue tho but again, everyone has the same problem.
  8. In defense the game is still new so some people aren't quite sure of the mechanics of the game yet. Also with all the stuns every freaking class gets passing the ball can be difficult at times. It is aggravating when people don't pass but in due time people will learn. Or you can join a guild and run as a group.
  9. prolly IA sniper or republic equivalent.
  10. And how can you knock the grapple? Just imagine watching a Jedi run along without a care in the world in Huttball...then BAM!!!...grapple into Flame Vents, electro dart, death. I dont care who you are that's funny.
  11. Why yes...yes I do destroy everything and everyone...what people get for leaving me to my own devices and not targeting me first.
  12. Finally got my email yesterday played until 3am (had to be at work at 730am)...I'm hurting right now. And I have a xmas party tonight I have to go to. Gonna dip out as soon as I possibly can. Horrible timing on the xmas party I must say.
  13. I never saw that many people when I logged in either. But that didn't mean people weren't there. Even just looking at Drommund Kaas (sp) there were 150 people in that zone alone. I doubt I ran past 10. Same with other zones having lots of people but saw few of them. There is a lot of instancing in the game and people could be doing Warzones. I don't believe your as alone as you feel.
  14. Agreed. If I can throw more money at people in six flags to be able to cut in line why can't I do that here?
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