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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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Okay, it you find it ugly.


I just thought it was bizarre to put them in the same lot as Wookies, Mon Calamari and Jawa, who are species who fit your point perfectly. (Just that Weequays seemed out of the place in that list)


To be completely fair, I think I'd take Mon Cals out of that particular group, too. Yeah, they're fish people. Yeah, people probably don't want to kiss them, but that's a quote that has been discredited shortly after it was posted without people accepting it.They could still be very easy implemented using the current body types - they're not as "alien" as Wookiees or Jawas. Heck, they can even speak Basic unlike those two. :)

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Top Posters In This Topic

1. Selosian


2. Nautolan


3. Togruta




P.S. Togruta was a toss up with Weequay


P.P.S a Quarren Sith would, in fact, rule...


P.P.P.S. Darn it... Voss could be very nifty in the character editor...

Edited by Bydandii
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P.S. Togruta was a toss up with Weequay


P.P.S a Quarren Sith would, in fact, rule...


P.P.P.S. Darn it... Voss could be very nifty in the character editor...


Togruta are absolutely dominating at this point, heh. I'd love to see a few more Weequay votes - more OT love. And I agree - if we ever get Mon Cals, Quarren should come with them. Although the free-to-play system casts a shadow on how future additions to the game will play out, I'd love to see them as faction-specific. As for Voss, I believe they should be a reward for completing the Voss planet storylines - they don't make sense unless you've actually "recruited" them for your faction and legacy already.

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1) Kel Dor ( didn't even knew they spoke basic until I encountered an npc that spoke basic to me)

2) Torguta

3) Selkath (although I don't think I have encountered a selkath that speaks basic)


Although I can see massive clipping issues for all of these species, so if bioware could implement them it would be one heck of an accomplishment.

Edited by CthulhuRyleh
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Togruta are absolutely dominating at this point, heh. I'd love to see a few more Weequay votes - more OT love. And I agree - if we ever get Mon Cals, Quarren should come with them. Although the free-to-play system casts a shadow on how future additions to the game will play out, I'd love to see them as faction-specific. As for Voss, I believe they should be a reward for completing the Voss planet storylines - they don't make sense unless you've actually "recruited" them for your faction and legacy already.


That'd be interesting, actually. Playing the game a certain way and you'd unlock a species as a reward. Now I can head to Jabba's Palace and reap me a Gamorrean species unlock by feeding them to the Rancor. >:)

Edited by Setsugetsuka
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Even though I know it won't ever happen.






Those are the ones that make the most sense to add, and are probably the most likely.


Wookies and Rodians, as much fun as it would be to play as, are too far from being human.


The same goes for Kel Dor, except they are even less likely because of their species views on morality and law. There is no real grey area for them. Say you steal some medicine for your dying child and in the process accidentally injure the shopkeeper when trying to escape. You will be thrown in prison by ANY Kel Dor because you broke the law; they have a societal inability to discern any difference between that scenario and, say, you walking into the store, breaking the shopkeepers legs, and taking the money just because you feel like it. This makes them REALLY bad for any story that has player choices.


EDIT: Oh, same goes for Voss. They have a really weird society, so they are very unlikely to be player characters as well. They are, however, human enough that they aren't completely out.

Edited by MoobooMagoo
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I think you should change your top 5 to a top 10 and instead of not showing the "extreme" races, do show them but with a colour code.


So this :


Overall Top Five


1. Togruta

2. Nautolan

3. Kel Dor

4. Voss

5. Rodian


would become this and reflect the reality of the votes a little more :


Overall Top Ten


1. Togruta

2. Nautolan

3. Wookie

4. Kel Dor

5. Jawa

6. Voss

7. Rodian

8. Droid

9. Mon Calamari

10. Trandoshan


Besides, on another note, am fairly certain that integrating Voss as playable would be a much higher difficulty due to the entire planet storyline (essentially ALL the dialogues would have to be re-written), than just say having a Mon Calamari with the normal voice they already have for players, or a Jawa replacing the voicing by Jawaese chatter (and reworking the camera angles)...


I agree 100%. Could you at least do a top 10? I'm not sure if other people do too, but I keep tallying it myself because a top 5 isn't sufficient; would make so much more sense with a top 10, even if that top 10 is separate for some reason.

Edited by redhuntinghat
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I agree 100%. Could you at least do a top 10? I'm not sure if other people do too, but I keep tallying it myself because a top 5 isn't sufficient; would make so much more sense with a top 10, even if that top 10 is separate for some reason.


I hesitated to do a top five, because the categorizations are important to the process here. If anything, I would completely remove the top five so people would have to look at the categorizations.

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