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Current Transfer Servers


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The problem isn't exactly lack of communication...Swtor has one of the more active CM teams I've seen. The problem is they always must spin the message. They're still constantly trying to sell me a game I've already bought, constantly putting an excessively positive spin and hype on new features, patches and announcements. It leads to to high expectations followed by a crash of disappointment....I still remember 1.2 being though of as a "Jesus patch" based largely on the massive hard sell.


A company trying to tell you its new product is best thing since sliced bread? I don't believe it! A company who's product relies on a monthly subscription to generate revenue tries to sell its existing customers on sticking around? Shocking!

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We have since made a change on our side that should prevent this issue from happening. If you were in this state before the fix was implemented, please see this workaround. CS has gotten a list of people affected (it was a small list) and they are helping them each out individually. Please let us know if you see any other issues.


I realize you are busy but any idea how many servers you will open up for transfers per wave?

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We have since made a change on our side that should prevent this issue from happening. If you were in this state before the fix was implemented, please see this workaround. CS has gotten a list of people affected (it was a small list) and they are helping them each out individually. Please let us know if you see any other issues.


TY for the response and glad to see you guys are on top of things and keeping the transfers smooth.

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I think BW have bad Marketing teams.


Understandably the process will take time and they can't just do all at once; however they could easily release information about servers and where they can go and a start date for transfers, even if that is further down the line, then at least people on that server will know they will be able to move or their server is getting players etc.


I hope they take it seriously that releasing information that the server players are on are either destination or transfer servers or if nothing is happening at all, because trust me if some servers are left alone in which people want to move and/or get new players they will quit regardless so you might as well get the info out now.


They explained this too. Last week. They didn't release the list early because they didn't want to have to change it at the last minute and disappoint players.


The players had to do that themselves, as we've seen.

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Well this is true :D Its dead and in 6th place. But maybe they will merge all the RP servers into it. That would be great.


The selfish bit in me is glad that the ebon hawk ended up a destination server, means I don't have to fiddle with character names or legacy names :-p


I also in an unrelated note feel very very sorry for the community people right now having to follow this thread... moves fast.

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I guess this was a way to reward people who abandoned their old servers and re-rolled to the top servers in the game. It really makes a ton of sense to start these transfers not by buffing the mid servers to a good working player base but to put people on to the servers that are already doing great!
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An updated list:


Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant

Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

Fa'athra to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Kath Hound to The Ebon Hawk

Zayne Carrick to Vanjervalis Chain

Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse

The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Kessel Run to Battle Meditation

Ven Zallow to Jung Ma

The Courageous to Canderous Ordo

Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion

Soresu to The Harbinger

Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony

Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor

Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus

Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower

The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword

Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force

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They are allowing character transfers. It doesnt say that they are allowing a few transfers to begin.


And yet that is exactly what they did say (emphasis mine).


As we mentioned in our blog, the character transfer service will be made available gradually, starting with a small number of origin servers and adding more until all servers eligible for transfer are available in the service. We know everyone is excited for the opportunity to transfer their characters, but it is critical that we do this gradually to ensure both a smooth transfer as well as a great player experience on the destination servers.


and it was copied to the 2nd Post in the discussion thread on that article.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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wow Eu english get one extra yay :confused:


Give the EU playerbase a break.


All throughout Beta, they got shafted. They still get shafted on Tuesdays (I believe anyways) so let them have an extra server to transfer too :)

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The way BW is handling this is ********. Plainly the lucky people will get to consolidate their characters on one server. The rest of us will still have characters spread across multiple servers, once The Fatman closes for transfers the rest of us doomed to paid transfers in order to have all characters on one server. It's ********, if one group of players will be forced to use paid transfers to consolidate our characters then all groups of players should have to be forced to use it. The Fatman should NOT be a destination server for anyone.


The amount of complaining by people is hilarious. With this set up, a player will not have toons spread across more server then they started with unless the purposely leave some toons behind on their old server. And that's really the fault of the user, not BW.


Btw, I'm on a dead server (Mandalore) and we haven't gotten our notification and I'm okay with that. It'll come around. Too many kids here what their instant gratification.

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They explained this too. Last week. They didn't release the list early because they didn't want to have to change it at the last minute and disappoint players.


The players had to do that themselves, as we've seen.


nah, the disappointment was Bw-made ... logging into the site after maintenance and seeing the short, short list after days/weeks/months of expectation and not a small amount of hype from dev side was quite a downer.

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Wow it is really frustrating every 5 minutes I have to re log into my account using my authenticator just to check the account section for updated lists on transfers. Please bioware stop having me have to log in multiple times Im already logged into my account!
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Seems to be going well... more servers soon I hope?


I hope so. My server (bondar crystal) hasn't been addressed yet. We either need a big server influx via transfers or, hopefully, to be able to run off to the fatman. Keep up the good work bioware, I can't wait to see the fate of my server whether we absorb afew others or get eaten by the fatman.

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Seems to be going well... more servers soon I hope?


Given that it was about 4 hours or so since the first wave i guess they might be able to fit one or two more in today, guess we'll need to wait and see.

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i certainly hope they are quick about this. paying to not play is just not working out for me.


and you sir just hit the nail on the head!!


People are not complaining because they are doing a very silly job with this character transfer. They are complaining because they are paying for a service which was promised on the box (this is very important as that can stand up in a court of law as a promise to the consumer) this service is being paid for but not delivered, and that is why people are angry. People want the transfers now because they are sick of being the only person stood on the fleet during the day, because they are sick of missing out on dungeons because there is not 4 people on a server. People are raging because they are not recieveing what they are paying for

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The amount of complaining by people is hilarious. With this set up, a player will not have toons spread across more server then they started with unless the purposely leave some toons behind on their old server. And that's really the fault of the user, not BW.


Btw, I'm on a dead server (Mandalore) and we haven't gotten our notification and I'm okay with that. It'll come around. Too many kids here what their instant gratification.


And they are all on my lawn damn it... sorry couldn't resist the crotchity old man routine made me laugh. (as someone who has a cane that they can use to wave at the damn kids on his lawn ;))

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You guys. They cannot communicate more because they DO NOT KNOW. They do not know if only 10 characters will transfer, or thousands. They will open more transfers when they can.


If they tell you to check back every day, and ONE DAY they cannot do something FOR WHATEVER REASON, BW will get slammed.

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East - PVE - Keller's Void -> Jedi Covenant

East - PVP - Hedarr Soongh -> The Fatman

West - PVE - Soresu ->The Harbinger

West - PVP - Rakata Mind Prison -> The Bastion



PVE - Stereb Cities ->The Jedi Tower

PVE - Eye of Ashlanae -> The Red Eclipse

PVE - Phateem Halls of Knowledge -> Mantle of the Force

PVP - The Restoration Zone -> Jar'Kai Sword

PVP - The Shadow Runner -> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

PVP - Mecrosa Order -> Darth Nihilus


Transfer Details: http://www.swtor.com/transfer


This is really disappointing to see.


Of all the destination serves they could of chose for the NA servers, that have to choose 3 of the most populated.


In my opinion, Fatman, Jedi Covenant, and Harbinger should not be destination servers. They already have a health population. How about helping population servers that need it, not sweel the ones that dont.


Been optimistic so far, but frankly I am starting to lose faith in BioWare.

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So having transfers to The Fatman is a good idea how every week they are heavy to full pop. It should have if anyting been 2 or 3 low pop servers going to the same place to even it out with the other heavy servers. Its not going to help at this time to have low pop servers go to another low pop that is going to be like what 30 people on the fleet. Edited by triciawhatever
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