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Current Transfer Servers


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What a cruel joke Bioware. I'm glad this is just a joke and you aren't letting people transfer to the already overly populated servers! Oh... wait what you are? Terrific! Let me know when my server is eligible for this inflation of The Fatman server! :rolleyes:


Quoting myself because I'm actually curious if they plan to consolidate the entire community onto these 4 servers. I really want to move to one of these -_-

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Why did you even give people an option, why didn't you just move all those people off that server and close the dead one. This is not what you said you would do in your video. You said you understand that people want to play with their friends on other servers and should have that opportunity. Well were is that opportunity, you don't even give them a choice other than to stay on the dead server, which you will probably close, or go to this server were you might see other people playing. Who cares if it is not the server your friends are on, this is your only choice, take it or leave it.


That is a horrible way to do transfers. This is a server merge not transfers, you guys did it wrong.

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Um, gradual is one thing, but do the math Mr Reading Comprehension. This is a dying game, and server transfers/mergers are the ONLY thing that can save it.


People are pissed because they like the game and want to play it, and today they discovered that only 3.25% of US servers are eligible for transfer.

I'm sure waiting some more days won't kill them either. They waited for what 3-4 months so far?

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Errrr so lets say they add 4 servers per hour....Then what will your wait be, its barely been 10 minutes and already 20 pages on this thread are from whinny babies with a day off school.


Its been an hour and they havent added any so sorry. Also the rudeness is not acceptable and has been reported.

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Let me give you a little perspective.


If they set it to transfer from high-pop servers to low-pop servers... NOBODY would transfer. Because people IN active servers would not want to leave unless there's like a three-hour queue... which none of the servers have.


There's more people who want to get to active servers than people who want to leave active servers. Stop complaining about the transfer direction.

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Everyone who is losing there head over the transfer process now are only showing there OWN fail since they obviously didn't take the time to actually read how it was going to shake out. No one who actually read the details about the transfers is flaming because it is happening exactly as they said it would.
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At 4 servers lets say per week that is 30 weeks (more than 6 months) we could be waiting to transfer. Tell me again how I am being impatient? Im supposed to sit on my hands for months waiting for them to get around to my server? Really?


Stop spreading misinformation .... seriously

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Shut Up, really. Take this binky and put it into your mouth. The Page states to check back in the coming days as the list is updated.


It's really pathetic that you people can't even have a semblence of patience and appreciation that Bioware is even doing Transfers at all.


They stated it would be a gradual process and waves. So kindly take a seat in your high chair and wait.


They are doing transfers, because if they dont the game IS DEAD!. We have no patience, because BW has given us no reason to be so with their past performance on being timely with any sort of update. The little notice a few days ago on whats servers to were, would have gone a long ways in helping with that. But as typical with BW they never say anything except trivial BS. They cannot even fix the damn CS green tag, they said they fixed it in todays patch, but it still gives the same damn notice even though there is no message on the same dam help tickets each time you change to another character on the same server. Do they even test **** anymore before they patch it and say its fixed? LMAO

That is the reason primaryly for NO PATIENCE!

Edited by SgtWalt
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It's not about how the information was presented, it's how the service is being done.


People have been waiting for server transfers for MONTHS and on the day where they were supposed to begin, out of the 208 servers that are permanently Light, they choose 10 servers. Ten. At this rate, we may be looking at over a week or longer for all the "available" servers to become eligible for transfer.


PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF WAITING TO PLAY THE GAME! Why is it that every system that should have been ready by launch in this game drags out and feels so amateur? You had the information buried in a blog post that I know damn well half the people didn't bother to read.


The current FAQ for server transfers holds information that everyone could have used before today. Nothing within it merits having waited to release it.

Edited by Abominant
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To everyone saying people didn't read..we did, but nobody could have expected this miniscule amount of player population would be addressed. Instead of getting everyone looking forward to this letdown they probably could have sent a hand written letter to the couple hundred people this actually affects. I would venture to guess they transferred more people to the pts than are currently eligible. The process should be tested enough at this point
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So you are seriously telling me the people at Bioware are so incompetent even after months and months of testing and using the transfer tool they still dont even know if it works? If thats the case they should all be fired tomorrow. The point of drawing this out is to keep people subscribing while they wait. If they come out and say "Itll be 2 months before server#soandso gets to transfer people will start cancelling like crazy.


So it's "pretend like I actually understand the details of how any of this works and then call the people who actually do understand it incompetent because reality doesn't conform to the magic picture in my mind"


Do friendship-lovin' ponies live in that magical world off MMO management you're in as well? :rolleyes:

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Everyone who is losing there head over the transfer process now are only showing there OWN fail since they obviously didn't take the time to actually read how it was going to shake out. No one who actually read the details about the transfers is flaming because it is happening exactly as they said it would.


Show me where it says only 1 NA PVE server would be allowed to transfer today? Gradual means 1 freakin server?

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They did say that. You failed to read it. You are upset, that is understandable. However, looking for someone to blame for it, blaming the developers is not.
No theyy didnt advertise it at all, its their job to get the information out to us, not for us to hunt it down in some obscure location on their site, it should be on their main page on log in screen, send stuff in the in game mailbox. Edited by TriviumIsGOAT
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Everyone complains until they see they are next on the list.


They also said they were increasing the server capacities, so Fat man and Jedi Covenant should be able to handle the influx of characters.


Millions of characters. Yes there are a lot of characters to be transferred. Even if there is only 200k subs, multiply that by the number of characters some people have on multiple servers. It adds up.

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Um, gradual is one thing, but do the math Mr Reading Comprehension. This is a dying game, and server transfers/mergers are the ONLY thing that can save it.


People are pissed because they like the game and want to play it, and today they discovered that only 3.25% of US servers are eligible for transfer.


Also, where is the list of reccomended servers to transfer to???????????????????? Watch everyone get scattered to light and empty servers again. The point for transfers is to also add in a reccomended list of servers to transfer to, to keep the population well in shape and shut down the other servers. If bioware doesnt do this, there will be more complaints then you see now on the forums.

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It's amazing how many folks are willing to blame BioWare for their own inability to read. Nobody should've assumed their server was transferring today based on all the info they posted.


The process was beginning today, not completing today, not available to everyone today. Stop and take a deep breath.




stop moaning and let them get on with there jobs. just be bloody patient.

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Wow.. you can't even keep up with this thread even if you try! The last time I saw so much entitled, impatient and totally funny whine was during the whole staggered entry into early access thing.


It seems the whine and entitlement generation prefers "error 37" to smooth operations of services.



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No theyy didnt advertise it at all, its their job to get the information out to us, not for us to hunt it down in some obscure location on their site, it should be on there main page on log in screen, send stuff in the in game mailbox.


It is not in an obscure location...

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So it's "pretend like I actually understand the details of how any of this works and then call the people who actually do understand it incompetent because reality doesn't conform to the magic picture in my mind"


Do friendship-lovin' ponies live in that magical world off MMO management you're in as well? :rolleyes:


They are paid to do this. If they cannot do it then how is that acceptable? They have no plan even today they cannot tell us anything except 4 servers thats it and we have no clue when we will do anymore. It might not be a month is all I know. So please stop with your rude smart aleck remarks ok? They are not helpful and you look like a fool.

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There is a difference between a gradual process and this...this is 4 NA servers, 10 servers in total. This doesn't even put a dent in the dead or dying servers. And then to top it off, they are going to already high populated servers. I love having to wait for a pvp que for like 2-3 hours... Maybe it is finally time to call it quits and unsub.




20 servers getting involved in the transfer process is gradual to me. We have 10 origin server that are finally moving to a more populated server an 10 destination servers that are going to get even more packed with people, their original intention. To have 10-20 servers packed with people.




If you are gonna unsub because they randomly picked a server that isn't yours then you are really childish. You'll get your transfer eventually, at worst in 2 weeks, at best tomorrow. they informed everybody very well that this transfering process would be gradual and it would only start today, Not that everyone would get transfered today.

Edited by _Zorth_
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BW , you suck balls. Coordinated with guild to get ready to transfer on 12th and server is not on list. Your incompetence at everything is mind boggling. Why in the world EA gave you money to make a video game is beyond me. Fail after fail after fail and story continues. How about you transfer one character a day. That may not be too "technically challenging" for you.


It's not their fault you are an incompetent reader. They said transfers would START today on a staggered basis, not to open the floodgates all at once.

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