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Current Transfer Servers


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You all are looking at this wrong. I know in this day of instant gratification it is so hard to wait. From my experience with mmo's this is what has happened.


1. Launch day-crazy amounts of people bought the game and started playing only to be stuck in queues. To fix this BW opened up more servers.


2. As time went on play time/subs leveled out and started declining...because no one sticks to every game they buy or play it is much two months later as they did at release


3. BW did not have all the kinks of server transfers worked out so it took a little longer than the community liked but now they have it figured out.


4. To test out the system and also not cause a huge crash of the overall game they decide to phase it in and not give options (good idea really, just cause your server was not picked first does not make it a bad one).


5. Once they get through all the low population server transfers to large ones they will likely open up the choice to transfer where you would like.


6. They will then start merging the low populations either all together or too high populations and our server list will likely go to about 20 servers or less.


So in conclusion...calm down...wait a bit...this process is going to take less time then you realize and I bet they have it mostly done before the next patch is out and they start opening up the free to play lower levels in July.

Edited by Aimey
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I'm really really really amazed that anyone is transferring to Fatman. That server is literally huge compared to all the other servers.


It's going to suck for everyone on East Coast PVP servers that don't get to go to Fatman now.

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Why shiuld he or anyone else stop qqing. BW failed once more and wasted half an hour of my life this morning. This game is such a piece of ****.


BW didn't waste your morning. YOU did by making an assumption that was compeltely opposite to what they said ahead of time.


Cry me a river.

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Stop spreading disinformation Captain Rage




This is exactly why so many are upset. People post this stuff and others take it an run with it, then lose their proverbial minds when the misinformation does not come to fruition. It really is amazing.

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BW didn't waste your morning. YOU did by making an assumption that was compeltely opposite to what they said ahead of time.


Cry me a river.


Sir, this is the old republic forums, your general logic and comon sense are not tolerated nor are they needed. We here on the forums prefer to over react and do a virtual verson of screaming known as caps lock as per our inability to reason or use reading comprehension. Furthermore we will ignore any other "smartypants" posts and continue to blather ignorance and hyperbole with amazing veracity and incredible idiocy.


~ The old republic forum warriors.

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wait, you can't choose what server you want to go to?




This is as nutty as the Pre-Order guild assignment.


Yes, shocking is it?

Especially as they always said they would only allow transfers from and to designated servers on just about every occasion the matter came up, I can totally see how you missed this.

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You all are looking at this wrong. I know in this day of instant gratification it is so hard to wait.


So in conclusion...calm down...wait a bit...this process is going to take less time then you realize and I bet they have it mostly done before the next patch is out and they start opening up the free to play lower levels in July.


Totally right . Calm down please..

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Wow amazingly Bioware has messed up yet again. Nowhere is that does it say only 4 servers will be eligible for transfer. What a joke. A 3rd rate ISP that can barely pay rent could copy data faster. Just one HUGE joke after another with these people. Have to be THE MOST incompetent group of game developers ever to exist. Seriously how could you guys possible have done any worse?


Now you expect us to continue to sub while you inch along with 4 servers a week? You say it wont be a month? It better not be 24 hours. This was your last chance and you BLEW it. Whats next? Only 1 server a week gets 1.3 because you guys cannot seem to copy a database? Just utterly amazing but not surprising. I knew the whole transfer thing was too good to be true. Just a ruse to get us to keep subscribing hoping one month we will see our server.


Im done this was the final straw that broke swtor's back. This game will be less than 100k subs in 6 months and closed within a year. The biggest failure ever in the history of video games.


Whoa calm down - bioware is doing their best :rolleyes:

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I'm playing on The Jedi Tower mostly republic side, though it has around 100 people at the fleet it feels still empty and far to less is going on.


Hope i will see at least 200 this evening. :t_eek:

Edited by -sasori
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All i want to know is, how long before all the servers are eligible for transfer? Whats a good estimation please?


Based on how other games have done this, how long should it take?


That's a different Transfer service than what this is. Not ALL the servers will be eligible for transfer. Destination Servers will not be Origin servers as well. This basically is a "Do-it-yourself" server merge. It's what they need to do as well.

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While we understand the difficulties of the process, we hoped that they would give more attention to PvP servers.


Being in a dead server sucks, it sucks HARDER if you are a PvPer.


1 person can do PvE dailies to farm for gear while waiting for something to happen

4 people can do a HM

8 people can do an OPs


We need 16 people to have a queue pop.

We cant farm gear without comms (queue pops)

PvPers do literally NOTHING in a dead server, we tought they would throw some love to us, if they are xfering 1 PvP server per week we are in for a long wait.


I love the game and im waiting, but its already wearing me out. Im not naive to think they would transfer everyone in day 1 (it would create more trouble than solutions) but i had legit expectations they would kick off with at least 2-3 PvP servers.

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Why shiuld he or anyone else stop qqing. BW failed once more and wasted half an hour of my life this morning. This game is such a piece of ****.


No, you failed to read and understand the info that was available to us all and wasted a half an hour of your life.

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BW didn't waste your morning. YOU did by making an assumption that was compeltely opposite to what they said ahead of time.


Cry me a river.


Ya I assumed more than 1 east coast pve server would be on the list. I do not think that was out of touch or I set my expectations too high. They only had to say they were going to do 1 of each server at first and I would have been fine with it. I was purposely lied to and mislead. No way gradual means 1 freakin server and no definate plans on when they will add anymore. Reeks of bait and switch. A lot of people paid a sub in June because of this. Its the same thing they did with ranked warzones. Change everything at the last minute and screw over your customers. How anyone can say they expected only 1 east coast pve server to make the list is beyond me. Gradual I understand this is 1 little drop at a time.

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You all are looking at this wrong. I know in this day of instant gratification it is so hard to wait. From my experience with mmo's this is what has happened.


1. Launch day-crazy amounts of people bought the game and started playing only to be stuck in queues. To fix this BW opened up more servers.


2. As time went on play time/subs leveled out and started declining...because no one sticks to every game they buy or play it is much two months later as they did at release


3. BW did not have all the kinks of server transfers worked out so it took a little longer than the community liked but now they have it figured out.


4. To test out the system and also not cause a huge crash of the overall game they decide to phase it in and not give options (good idea really, just cause your server was not picked first does not make it a bad one).


5. Once they get through all the low population server transfers to large ones they will likely open up the choice to transfer where you would like.


6. They will then start merging the low populations either all together or too high populations and our server list will likely go to about 20 servers or less.


So in conclusion...calm down...wait a bit...this process is going to take less time then you realize and I bet they have it mostly done before the next patch is out and they start opening up the free to play lower levels in July.


This needs to be seen again, and ready many times by all.


Wise post, wise words, and a wise player.



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``Does it cost anything to transfer my characters?


The initial Character Transfer Service is free of charge, allowing you to move as many characters as you wish from select origin servers to select destination servers, as long as you have character slots available on your destination server. Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee.``


Dear Bioware why You just not let ppl to move to the server they wish? You force ppl to move from point A to point B?

And future versions omg...Yes sure for cash. Transfer fee. This whole char. transfer thing was annouced for today and we can see very few servers on the list. So many ppl have only days from subscription (like me) and in this state I think I`ll not subscriebe again... It will be an adult step to PAUSE all subscriptions till this transfer thing ends or till the servers list is fully detailed.

This entire things smells like ``hungry for cash`` When You can now allow to transf. characters for free - in the future why ppl must pay for it? To make the Origin advertising in the future? EA strategy.

OFF: Why there are 4 warzone maps only in the game? Add at least 15-20 maps to warzones please.

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Because Fatman and Jedi for example are Heavy to Very Heavy servers during prime time? Also people who are on those servers have told me they have a large community?


Increasing the pop cap wouldnt change the fact that there is already an established community thats big enough to sustain itself. As I said, Im not ************ or whining, Im just saying I dont understand the logic of it unless its a trialrun for the proper transfers which would make a lot of sense


They already stated:

1) That they're substantially increasing the capacity of the servers. So even though Fatman can handle the current population, they're looking at making it much bigger than it already is, along with Jedi Covenant and other soon-to-be-announced destination servers.


2) That in some cases, a couple of low-pop servers would xfer to an already high-pop server and in some cases, a bunch of low-pop servers would be combined into one high-pop server. And yet you act surprised that they are transferring one server to an already high-pop server. Read their damned posts before you complain.

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