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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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How does moving your legacy work? Do you have to move the main legacy holder, then what happens to the other characters, do they lose the legacy? Can you move mulutiple, etc?


Wondering the same thing myself.

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Wondering the same thing myself.


Don't quote me on this;


1. Your "main" legacy holder is something you set in the legacy tree.So when you move that character it will just bump another character up to the main.When you get to the new server (with the character you moved) you will just chose the legacy when you get there.


2. All of the characters you don't move from your old server will keep their legacy


3. Profit

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I love that when I finally decide to transfer some characters to another server, the only ones left at least on the north american server are just lightly populated ones. Maybe Bioware should close down some servers until the population of players goes back up.
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I really wish they would have given people the option to petition to move to a server that is not their set "destination" server.


I've rolled on a total of 3 servers. 2 of which I've built up some characters I really enjoy, as well as substantial wealth. Problem is, Im now on a 3rd server, and don't play on the other 2.


I'd really would have liked to be able to get all my characters in one place, so they could ALL be useful again, instead of still having them scattered about and basically stuck.


Any idea when server transfers will open up where you can select your destination? I'd even pay for it at this point...

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The relevant questions are:


1) Why did BW only open servers Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (*** happened to Friday, *** happened to working at the weekend - surely a happy customer is more important than a weekend off when you've already lost 90% of your subscriber base...)


2) Why if we're all being moved to the same destination server (as it seems for EU PVE servers) did you stagger the transfers (after the initial trial and bug fixes - open it to everyone at the same time so we have a fair chance at getting our names?)

Edited by Robbydog
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The relevant questions are:


1) Why did BW only open servers Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (*** happened to Friday, *** happened to working at the weekend - surely a happy customer is more important than a weekend off when you've already lost 90% of your subscriber base...)


2) Why if we're all being moved to the same destination server (as it seems for EU PVE servers) did you stagger the transfers (after the initial trial and bug fixes - open it to everyone at the same time so we have a fair chance at getting our names?)


1. I don't think your math is right.


2. To gather data and let things shake themselves out a bit before the final push most likely.

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1. I don't think your math is right.


2. To gather data and let things shake themselves out a bit before the final push most likely.



Except it's not a final push.


It's less than 20% of the remaining servers left hanging in the wind.


It could have easily been finished before the weekend.

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Except it's not a final push.


It's less than 20% of the remaining servers left hanging in the wind.


It could have easily been finished before the weekend.


And just what are the technical details of this issue that could easily be fixed?

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It isnt like BW is a couple of days late with server transfers, lots of people have been waiting months, servers started dying long ago. With this they only piss more people of and the only ones they hurt are themselves, players just unsub and move on. So for the ones saying "cant U just wait a couple of days", people have been waiting months already
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All the decisions BW made so far make technical sense to me. I see reasons behind them.


- It makes sense to start with just a few servers as they did Tuesday, to test the process in case there is a bug and something needs to be done by hand

- Once they fixed one (that we were told about) such bug that did come up, most servers were rolled out on Wednesday and Friday.

- Leave a few servers in reserve to balance out the populations nicely. You want to get as close to the server caps as possible, without causing queues.

- Watch the weekend behavior, which is significantly different from the weekday behavior.


What BW has not accomplished, though, is provide enough TRANSPARENCY about their decisions. I understand this company is as far from the open source model as it gets. The franchise is very tightly controlled as well. However, they could have described some of the tech, and the math, and the undoubtedly cool modeling behind their decisions. It would be interesting for people, and it would feel tons better.


I have no doubts there ARE serious math and tech reasons behind all the choices. It's not like BW folk are sitting there, aggregating the Dark Side points for being randomly unfair to 18% of the population. We just can't have fun discussing all that cool reasoning - instead, we are left to speculate, without much data. Frustrating.


Online communities do expect more transparency these days. We want to play with data some more!

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It isnt like BW is a couple of days late with server transfers, lots of people have been waiting months, servers started dying long ago. With this they only piss more people of and the only ones they hurt are themselves, players just unsub and move on. So for the ones saying "cant U just wait a couple of days", people have been waiting months already


If they end up moving us all to one server anyway (which for some server types is highly likely), presumably that server has the capability to hold ALL the players?

If so, past the initial trial run (and subsequent fixes the first night) they should have just opened it to everyone at the same time.


Doesn't seem fair from a free for all names point of view, no matter how you factor it in the people who move in week two HAVE BEEN SHAFTED. Not only that but we've got another wasted week of sub, plus when we come to the forums to aire our views we have to put up with the smug idiots that moved on Tuesday/Wednesday and are trolling the rest of us.


Hope you're having a nice long weekend BW...

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- Leave a few servers in reserve to balance out the populations nicely. You want to get as close to the server caps as possible, without causing queues.


I have to disagree with this. Especially when you look at the two remaining pvp servers in the east.

When you look at the eu servers it either they move them all into current destination servers (this will create ques) or create new destination servers and move all remining there.

If you move just a few to the the current destination servers and some now you will have one nearly full and one at standard. People on the standard server will not take that and i bet a huge number on the leftover server will quit if that happens.

Same goes for the east pve servers. Currently they have enough servers left to warrent a new destination server. It is the same problem as in the eu.

In the west they have not enough servers to warrent a new destination server. So those servers have to be moved to current destination servers. This will most likely create ques at prime time.


With what they have left they can't balance servers out nicely. They moved themself into a position that they can't back out off anymore.


If they create leftover servers they are in for a nother 5 - 10 % subscription loss. I can only hope they know this.

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Ok, first off. There is a common sense piece here.. You don't transfer 80% of the community and then claim you need metrics to deal with the final 20%. If there were serious issues, that would have been seen after 50% had been transferred.


People were probably up night and day to get what they were able to get done. With that being said, I really wish BioWare communicated more respectfully to the user base. Using Pre-canned messages over and over is not communicating, it's just trying to tide us over, etc..


It's amazing that I picked TWO of the only PVP East servers to build toons on that haven't been transferred. I still don't believe this situation is FAIR on an ethical or moral level certainly not technical.


Hopefully the powers that be figure out that the 20% of people that had to wait nearly 5 extra days for a transfer should be given a FREE week of play.


They altered OTHER gamers experiences for the better. That is the only thing as a customer that I think we're entitled to is the gaming experience that they promised to deliver.


BW doesn't like constructive criticism too much though.. There is a line because they don't want to hear about how they messed up a situation that could have been easily avoided with experienced Customer Service.


I just hope they don't destroy the branding of the game because it's been painfully obvious they are turning massive amounts of people off. That is not conjecture or speculation but truth. If they don't fix the overall experience soon, this game will be free - to - play in a year.


Started off so promisiing but again, it's like someone thinks there is this EASY button. I Beta Tested Everquest and those guys had some REAL challenges in the late 90's.


BW, if you need someone to write effective customer service messages I could help you out...

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So still no answer from BioWare on when the forgotten 18% will be remembered and granted a server transfer that would allow them to enjoy the game again?


I've seen an increase in deleted posts and closed threads from folks expressing their anger, frustration and dismay at the poor communication and customer service or seeking answers to questions that have been left unanswered by vague BioWare statements. BioWare doesn't seem to understand that people are already, for the most part, aware of the vague statements published by BioWare and are seeking information that these statements do not offer.


As BioWare has made no commitment on when, or even if, they will restart server transfers next week, I would like to know if server transfers will actually resume next week and if so, which day of the week they expect to resume them. Will it be Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? or Friday? Is the plan to transfer all of the forgotten 18% in the same day or will they be spread out? Which day can each server expect to be transferred if transfer are bing spread out? If transfers are not going to happen on Monday, is it possible to tell the forgotten 18% which servers they may ultimately be transferred to so they can at least roll a toon on those servers and check it out?


I know I will not receive any answers to these questions and if I do get a response to this post, it will simply be one that redirects me to an old post that provides no information. BioWare has made it very clear that they have no understanding of the needs or concerns of the forgotten 18% or if they do understand their needs and concerns, they simply don't care. Either way, it clearly demonstrates that BioWare is the customer service model that you would point to as an example of how NOT to do it.


I really love this game and could see myself playing it for years to come but the fact that BioWare either resfuses to try and understand the needs and concerns of its customer base or simply ignores them indicates to me that BioWare simply does NOT care and that has killed the game for me.

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What happens if server loads are too stretched for the rest of us? It seems they've left servers with teeny weeny active population... Just wondering, although someone on FB said they had a character transferred this weekend... one of his last ones.... sooooo he's had fun with the transfers :D
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So currently on the EU servers we have 1 Heavy server, 2 Standard Servers, an incredible amount of Light servers and Tomb Of Freedon Nadd which was a target transfer server is now Full with wait times.


Real great job on the server transfers...


A Queue to get in is a lot better than a queue that doesn't let you play at all :p

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So currently on the EU servers we have 1 Heavy server, 2 Standard Servers, an incredible amount of Light servers and Tomb Of Freedon Nadd which was a target transfer server is now Full with wait times.


Real great job on the server transfers...

Yeh.. I got free transfer from Hex Droid to only Freedon Nadd and I must say that there is huge delay on all my attacks and everything is laggy as hell.. During peek hour there are about 280+ people on Imperial Fleet :/ Please fix this BW now..

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A Queue to get in is a lot better than a queue that doesn't let you play at all :p


The queues to get onto servers were why BW overreacted and opened a stupid amount of new servers creating this problem in the first place. They've started going full circle now.

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Please everyone keep in mind that populations in fleet aren't the numbers they're looking at. They're looking at total number of "potential transfers", which includes people away from the game, waiting for transfers.


They have no way of knowing how many people will start playing again after transfers, which is why they're doing what they're doing. They need time to see the *unknown* variables.


The other point people keep mentioning is 'why not transfer my low pop server ... it'll make no difference."


Again, saving the lowest pop servers for last is the better idea for two reasons: 1) it's easier to top-off servers with small pop servers, and 2) fewer people are left waiting.


Wouldn't you rather have the greater number of people enjoying the game more quickly, or would you rather have fewer people benefiting?

Edited by Teefal
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One other point ... people keep saying the last 20% of servers that are waiting.


It's *not* the last 20% of PLAYERS. This is the more important number. If these waiting servers are indeed low pop, then the number of waiting players is much lower than 20%.

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