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Everything posted by Tendaras

  1. I would say 82% of the people in this thread right now. Or is it 18%?
  2. Ok so they probably just got there at most 2.5 hours ago....
  3. It's 10am EST........ Which means its 7am PST..... What makes you think they are even there? Or if they are that they've finished going over the data and are ready to make a decision?
  4. They were anticipating a bigger rush for the game and made all the servers to handle the expected load. Unfortunately a lot of people left and it emptied a majority of the servers after a few months. They are trying to consolidate things now and the process should be handled within the next week here.
  5. Where are people getting these 82% and 18% numbers from? Or 80% and 20%? Is someone in these forums a math major? Does someone in these forums have access to the records of every player in the game? Who is the person who has access to server population and subscription records? How do you know the exact percentage? Did you spend all night figuring the numbers from records that are supposed to be confidential? Do you have a friend in bioware giving you this data?
  6. Keep up all this whining and they may just say forget the rest of us. Everyone really just needs to chill out and step away from their keyboards for a few hours. Go clean something. Do some laundry. Some of you might need a shower too. Relax guys the transfers will come. Let them analyze the data so they can get things done right. I know patience is a lot to ask from a bunch of people who need immediate stimulation but just give it a bit and everything will be okay.
  7. Don't quote me on this; 1. Your "main" legacy holder is something you set in the legacy tree.So when you move that character it will just bump another character up to the main.When you get to the new server (with the character you moved) you will just chose the legacy when you get there. 2. All of the characters you don't move from your old server will keep their legacy 3. Profit
  8. You see I would be rather be the part that has to wait for them to work the kinks out. I'm not worried about changing my names or having to chose a new legacy. I'm worried about bugs and glitches. I can wait a few days to be on a server with 500+ people during primetime. I just want this to go smoothly. At first I was in the same boat as a lot of the other people here. "Why us?!?! Why didn't we get chosen!! We have the lowest population and can;t do anything because our server is dead" I got over it rather quickly. I realized that good things come to those who wait and if we have to wait a few days then fine, let it be. There is no point in raising your blood pressure over something you have no control over. I'm sure a few holes got put into a few walls over this but I will not go even close to that far. There is no reason to. Save your health and do something else if your server is that dead. I took apart my computer and gave it a good cleaning and adjusted a few things around my desk area. It was really relaxing.
  9. I've been playing since launch and understand where you are coming from. I am a veteran of MMOs and can say that I'm used to this. For anyone that's played wow since before burning crusade we should be used to this. "OMG guys patch this week" 3 weeks later "OMG a patch to fix the patch!!!" 2 weeks later "A patch to fix the patch of the patch!!!!!" MMOs are a strange beast. What works in beta and on PTRs may not work on live servers. As for these transfers we need to realize that they are moving low pop servers into high pop ones. A low pop server can be anywhere from 10-150 people. You merge 5 servers of 150 people into a server that already has 500+ and you have over 1000 people playing on that server at once. This is a scary thing to just jump into and BW did it, for us. Because they launched with 150 servers expecting a huge outcome and only got 2mil. Now with other games coming and people leaving out of boredom a lot of those servers have died (like mine, Firaxan Shark). I would rather they take their time and get it right then rush into it like other MMOs *cough* WoW *cough* have done and screwed up then spend 6 months trying to fix it.
  10. Gotta keep hope alive broham, they may come through on monday and be like "ok all we got it figured out, everyone else can transfer now!! Yay!!!!!" and we'll all be like "oh emm gee BW we are sorry we ever doubted you!!" Then we all go to the winchester and have a pint while this whole fiasco blows over.
  11. Has anything been posted today about the numbers and expectations of reopening server transfers to everyone else? I don't feel like sorting through 500+ pages to find the last CS post
  12. Firaxan Shark would make a good destination server for all the PvE'ers who are left on dead servers!!
  13. I dont want to repost it but I put a solution up a few pages ago. Open Firaxan Shark as a destination server and it will end a lot of this whining and screaming. It might save a few subs too.
  14. My PvE brothers and sisters left on dead servers! Request transfers to Firaxan Shark! You will be welcomed and loved here. If we can get them to open a transfer to Firaxan Shark we can get HMs, OPs, and Warzones going tonight!!
  15. Joveth!!!! Issue: Servers may break or have long queue times if they transfer more servers into them Solution: Firaxan Shark is a low pop server that has a lot of potential to it and 2 high rated guilds (The Hand of the Empire (Empire) and Leviathan (Republic)). Make us a destination server and we can alleviate some of the stress of some of the other destination servers. Answer me!!!!
  16. Issue: Servers may break or have long queue times if they transfer more servers into them Solution: Firaxan Shark is a low pop server that has a lot of potential to it and 2 high rated guilds (The Hand of the Empire (Empire) and Leviathan (Republic)). Make us a destination server and we can alleviate some of the stress of some of the other destination servers.
  17. Can we get a few more opened before the weekend here? Will love you long time for Firaxan Shark transfers!! Or make us a destination server!! Transfer a few east coast PvE servers to us!!!
  18. Damn got me beat, they should open both of our servers for transfers today then. It seems like PvE servers are getting dusted while they allow PvP servers to transfer first
  19. Firaxan Shark population - Empire - 18 total (1 on Fleet) Republic - 19 total (1 on fleet) That's 37 people total......... Transfer us plx!!!!
  20. If you're good and know how to play you can be 85 in 3 days lol
  21. Once again I love seeing the people complaining about their server when they have 50+ people on the fleet. Try logging into Firaxan Shark and look at the server pop. You will be the only one there most likely. If you are lucky there will be 5 people on the fleet and 20 people total. I don't know how it is for republic side recently but the few people I know over there say it is just as bad.
  22. I loved the SWTOR vid he did, and the D3 one was even more hilarious!
  23. 60-80 people on fleet and you want a transfer?!?!? Try being a server that has 60-80 people total....... that includes empire and pubes!!!
  24. This is what I do to pass time on my server. It's kind of lonely being the only person on Belsavis.
  25. I see a lot of people complaining about queue times and what not during peak hours. Do me a favor and sort the list by population and see who is at the bottom. That's right, Firaxan Shark. We have NO warzone queues even during "peak hours" unless we can con people to log off Diablo 3 and join the queue for a bit which only lasts for maybe 2-3 hours lol. If a server deserves transfers it's Firaxan Shark.
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