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Everything posted by Robbydog

  1. If they end up moving us all to one server anyway (which for some server types is highly likely), presumably that server has the capability to hold ALL the players? If so, past the initial trial run (and subsequent fixes the first night) they should have just opened it to everyone at the same time. Doesn't seem fair from a free for all names point of view, no matter how you factor it in the people who move in week two HAVE BEEN SHAFTED. Not only that but we've got another wasted week of sub, plus when we come to the forums to aire our views we have to put up with the smug idiots that moved on Tuesday/Wednesday and are trolling the rest of us. Hope you're having a nice long weekend BW...
  2. The relevant questions are: 1) Why did BW only open servers Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (*** happened to Friday, *** happened to working at the weekend - surely a happy customer is more important than a weekend off when you've already lost 90% of your subscriber base...) 2) Why if we're all being moved to the same destination server (as it seems for EU PVE servers) did you stagger the transfers (after the initial trial and bug fixes - open it to everyone at the same time so we have a fair chance at getting our names?)
  3. No one said that or you don't recall anyone saying that... Or is your name Google (do you read everything)?
  4. When the transfers were first announced, it was said that people would be moved from medium/heavy servers TO light servers. Was there a reason this didn't happen? Only 1 PVE English speaking EU server had a decent population (The Red Eclipse) and that is the only one everyone has been moved too so far. If EVERYONE is going to the same server was there really a need to stagger it (surely opening it to everyone at the same time would have been the fairest way to handle names)? Not moaning (they're questions not complaints), just wondering if there was any form of reasoning behind this (I understand a small number on day one to test the transfer process, but once it was proven and the bugs were fixed open it to everyone)?
  5. Hi all, please don't flame but I wanted to get everyones opinions on what they consider to be the top priority for new patch features? There is a reason for me asking, my server (Sith-Ari) has an average of 4-6 people online in the fleet during the weekends. Flash points haven't happened for months, PVP has really died in the last 3 weeks (6 hours in queue so far, no PVP). Guildies are getting fewer day by day (3x 16 man ops teams 2 months ago is now 2 8 mans - and other than ops time they often don't login...). I'm not moaning, great things are incoming and I will continue to subscribe until the tranfers/mergers happen. But on my server no one cares about ANY of the features up-coming, other than the server transfers. I just wondered if other people felt the same. They said (the dev's) there was a chance of bringing it in before 1.3, I say stop 1.3 until this is done (don't care about 1.3 but being on a dying server is a massive issue). /lettheflamesbegin
  6. EQ was the competition then, this is going head to head with some good games. So a completely irrelevant observation.
  7. It's hardly "new content" though... So far it's mainly just been big fixes and things that should have worked from day one... Which is the point, is the four month wait for patch 1.2 too slow (considering most of the features inside should have been in from day one). We all have our own opinion on it, mine is it's too slow. Compounded by 1.2 not even containing all the basics, more to follow in 1.3 and 1.4...
  8. That's not strictly true though. Most people have an idea of what the "minimum" requirements are to call a game ready for release. We're comparing the game as we play it today, to our expectations of what they game should have been at launch. 3 months in and it's looking like patch 1.3 or 1.4 to get all the basics working (cross realm lfg, server moves etc). Minimum expectations are things like guild banks (and we're still a month away from those). Maybe August/september before the last of the basics are in. Will patch 1.2 be enough to keep people going for another 5 months, I doubt it. So yeah they're moving too slowly.
  9. There are other countries apart from America. You knew this right?
  10. Lot's of details of 1.3 have already been released... Try to keep up.
  11. Good point, but TRION had a nack for only taking the good suggestions onboard. Can't say that I agree with sticking the crystals at a vendor, they should have put an epic questline in to get them instead. One devalues the crystals while giving the players what they want, the other gives players what they want while giving them a reason to stay (firstly doing the questline, secondly you're less likely to leave after spending weeks doing quests to get your gear). But none of this is new, TRION already did it...
  12. So you have 5% good suggestions, from a player base of (from what some people claim in the forums) 1 to 2 million, that's a heck of a lot of good suggestions to ignore...
  13. Agreed and I would roll on a new server, but wait there's a problem... *checks server list* They all have "light" population, hmmm
  14. You can't fault TRION tbh, even though I don't play rift anymore games developers can learn a lot from them. They take comments on board and *shock* unlike the **** that is Greg Street (aka: ghost crawler) actually listen to the players. All the rift patches were huge patches, even some of the hotfixes were bigger than some of the content patches in other games. And while we're talking about hotfixes, with TRION they are done server by server involving a simple reboot (10 minutes inconvience). Shame Lucasarts didn't get TRION to do SWTOR, now that would have been a good game.
  15. Hmm 7 patches, 12 months live... I make that closer to 1.5 months between content. And as I remember it, "guild banks" didn't count as a content patch
  16. We are discussing the game, we just happen to be discussing the things we don't like in the game. Leave the thread if you don't agree, but don't waste your life trolling.
  17. ^^ This. The forums are here for everyones use, for the good things, the bad things and the downright ugly things. It's the players opportunity to speak to the developers, make suggestions and yes even make complaints. It's BIOWARE's official forums, we as subscribers have the right to come up here and moan at BIOWARE if we want. If you don't like what's being said, don't waste your time reading the thread, don't waste your time commenting. Take your own advice, go outside and enjoy this sunshine... But don't troll the complaints threads, we have every right to complain if there are aspects of the game we don't like.
  18. Patch 1.2 is pretty much going to be what the game should have been at the start. With that in mind, BIOWARE have lost their way. Waiting 4 months to get basic features like a guild bank is not a good launch schedule. LFG and cross realm PVP will following some time after (after 1.2 before 1.3), so that will probably be 6 to 7 months after launch. It's a really bad release schedule, if the new content and fixes had been rolled out quickly the botched start could have been forgiven. The reality is we're probably looking at 8-9 months to get everything fixed and working based on the current schedule.
  19. The fact is (and no amount of us arguing is going to change that), my server is dead, MMORPG are not fun when the "MM" part is missing. BIOWARE dropped the ball, they caved in at launch when there were 2 hour queue times and bought more servers in, we're now all paying the price (dead servers). There's no merge in sight, yes patch 1.2 will be good, but my server will still be dead. My guild has 2 16 man ops running, so compared to most I have it good (I will at least get to see 1.2 if I'm still here). But there's little point in you pretending that all is SWTOR is rosey, the fact is it isn't server are dead, BIOWARE could do a couple of quick fixes like "recommending" a couple of servers then at least all the die hard fans would know where to group up. But they don't. Will patch 1.2 save SWTOR, I doubt it. It's not the bugs that are killing it, it's the dev's attitude, poor CS, flakey servers, poor coding, lack of player base (concentration of players on a single server) and other annoyances like to continuation of switching the servers off at will during peak times. It's a shame as I really could have seen myself playing through the bugs and playing SWTOR for a while, but dead servers is simply not fun.
  20. LMAO, I am talking about "logging in during peak times", not hours in a day... We are talking about the same thing, go redo your maths... According to your figures if my server had 5,000 during peak times (50% of the player base) at the start it should have around 500 people now (5% of the player base). It peaks on about 100 to 200 after weekly reset. I'm sure you're already aware (and you're just talking round it and trying to make out I don't understand), if it's 200 when it should be 500... That's 60% lower than it should. So using your own maths that works out to a 60% drop on what it should be. Like I said, you've proved my point for me. Thanks.
  21. I don't know about that, I have seen the trailers. Looks like WoW/Rift/SWTOR (every MMORPG I have ever seen) to me... But thanks for the info, I shall certainly Google it further. It's got to be a better use of my time the sitting on the SWTOR forums (which incidentally is more fun than actually playing the game), listening to people trying to convince me that SWTOR isn't dead. Log in, I can assure you it is
  22. But this doesn't account for going from 5,000 during peak to 100 during peak. That's 2% not the 5%. So as I said a drop of around 60%... Your maths are backing up what I said, not what you're saying...
  23. Yes handy reply... You clearly pointed out the difference as to why SWTOR would be enjoyable to MMORPG player, where as Tera would not appeal to the same MMORPG player. Clearly a troll reply originally.
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