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Worst Story


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My ranking for the 4 level 50 I have. I play all my characters full light side except the smuggler which I played neutral.


1. Agent - BY FAR. If you have to pick a class only based on story, this is the one imo. Even if I had to stop playing my Agent as soon as I had reached 50, the story would have make the leveling journey worth it all alone.

2. Sith Warrior - Really like Chapter 1 and the building up to getting Jaesa

3. Smuggler - Chapter 1 was amazing imo, I really hated Skavak like it was meant to and like the other people said, the humor in this one is so freaking good.

4. Jedi Consular - It's last in my ranking but it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, the feeling the story gave me were simply less powerful.


Jedi Knight story looked very good. Not necessarily original but it fitted the style of the classic JK imo. I only played it to level 20 though.


I leveled my sniper with my sorc friend and oftentime we would go in the story area together. Like a lot of peopel have said... the Sith Inqui story is the worst. I think there are things to be enjoyed in it, but overall I think it's the weakest.

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I have to say that so far for me, the consular story is... decent.


The smuggler story had something of a curve, though. The beginning was great, the middle was not, and the end was fairly strong.

To be honest, I did wish there was a bit more emphasis on doing things on par with the knights and agents and all that, but that mostly just because I tend to enjoy stories where the underdog comes out on top.

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My first 50 was an Inquisitor, and it was slow and frustrating, but a lot of that was just learning the game. There are some nice twists here and there, but to be honest, it really starts to drag, especially in the 3rd Act.


Sith Warrior seemed to move a bit faster, with more drama, several twists and turns (including one that hits very close to home) and a MUCH better antagonist.


Jedi Knight was okay -- certainly the stakes are high, especially in the final act -- but it felt repetitive and I didn't care for the voice actor's performance.


Agent was by far my favorite. Deep, involving, occasionally surprising storyline, intriguing characters, some variety to the missions and, as someone mentioned, the best companions by far. And both the male and female versions boast some of the best voice acting in the game.


I've played all of the above to 50. Currently I'm at 42 with my trooper, and I know there's sharply divided opinion on this class, but I'm enjoying it. Fits comfortably into both the Star Wars universe and the military/SF genre, allows you to make morally challenging decisions that are more interesting than anything the JK faces and again, some cool companions and secondary characters (also a couple of annoying/useless ones).


I'm in the mid-20s on both my smuggler and bounty hunter, and they're each enjoyable in their own way, although I'm not finding myself compelled to play them as much. Smuggler is good, snarky fun, but the stakes seem low by comparison to the classes mentioned above, and the storyline more diffuse. Bounty Hunter also seems to meander all over the place, but I'm not that far into it.

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Sith Warrior has one of the hardest Final Bosses in the game as well as some of the toughest bosses in general. Not many other classes have to fight bosses multiple times. The things that makes the Warrior epic is your direct tie to the Emperor and all the betrayal and the way you bounce back from it, not to mention having the only story that directly transforms a companion based on the type of story you are writing.

Actually, I found the

Darth Baras boss fight

to be dissapointingly easy. All you have to do is apply DoTs to the enemy to slow him down while Vette empties her blasters into him; when he reaches half health lay everything on him and you can get him on the first try. I found the

Nomen Karr

boss fight to be more difficult then this.

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IA >>>the rest.

So far I played trooper, JC, IA, BH and smuggler up to lvl 45 (voss).

So far I'd say (from the best to the most horrible)


Don't know about the SI, SW and JK. I'm only lvl 20-30 on my JK, so far the storyline is boring (go there and find the superweapon we lost, guarded by a sith who can redeem himself)


Consular is actually pretty neat in my opinion, but seems most people don't like stories about helping people and diplomacy. It's actually closer tied to the different worlds in act 2 and 3 than many other stories.

Diplomacy is about using diplomacy. And we don't do that during the JC story. I'd love to use diplomacy during my JC storyline, but we do it only once on the end of alderaan.

The JC spend his time to go to one planet, kill stuff, people happy, they bring back an army. That's the whole plot of act 2-3. Sorry about spoilers, I just gave you the whole story arc. It's not diplomacy.

Also, killing or saving the Master in act 1 is not rewarding at all. There is no difference if you save them or if you kill them. I mean, you are supposed to feel more and more weak, and ultimately die, if you save them, and yet ingame, nothing at all. I heard killing them is also not rewarding at all.

The endboss is so obvious almost everyone knew who it is before we learn it.

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What I meant by the sickness not really being explained for the Consular story is:



There are no serious consequences, at least that I have seen about making the DS choices, meaning you kill the "affected" masters (Tykan, Fain, Eriz, Fain's daughter, Sidonie and Yuon), they pretty much just glance over that fact, other than saying how tragic it is. I know they explain where the plague comes from.


EDIT: or hand over the masters, or whatever the DS choice is on Nar Shaddaa


Edited by JMarchini
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The SI's story is awesome! Or at least, it's great as a Sorcerer. As an Assassin, it doesn't really...I don't know....fit.

The Agent's story is amazing.

The Jedi Knight's story is...well...epic. It feels like KOTOR 3.

The JC's, Trooper's, SW's, and Bounty Hunter's stories aren't that great in my opinion.

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IA is probably the best by far, where bioware have the most freedom to create their own story without having to worry about the original Star Wars back story.


I like BH chapter 1, all the way up to becoming the champion of great hunt or whatever, but chapter 2+3 have no relevance to the entire SWTOR story. BH was my first 50 and I really didn't even know the war had started by chapter 3 because the story was so self absorb.


Jedi knight is your stereotypical Luke Skywalker story... boring and goodie two shoes


SI is really, really bad... and I even tried playing as an evil sorcerer... I mean i don't care about any of the campanion and azshara was so WHINY and Hard to please... pure annoyance


Sith warrior is pretty good overall... very nicely done and you do hate Barras by the end.


JC was meh in chapter 1, I didn't care about curing any of these masters... i mean they just showed up 5 minutes ago... but I do actually enjoy chapter 2 + 3, feels like you really matter in the war... building an alliance... very much like dragon age origin.


Smuggler is meh... I mean there's got the most humor of all the story line... but its entirely designed for Male toon with his romance with Risha... and playing as female smuggler just feel out of the place.


I didn't get through trooper chapter 1, its weak and i DISLIKE the premise and the story. Sorry if republic senator betray me and leave me to DIE, i'm gonna come back and HUNT them. Why is it okay for Havoc squad to be sacrificed for some senator's GREED? Why should I hunt them when I want to JOIN them and defect to empire so that I can come after the GREEDY senator that was the CORE problem in the first? Ridiculously dumb story....

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IA story is great so far(only on chapter 2)

BH story was good for the first two chapeters (****** hunting competition and a hunting spree on some almost impossible targets), but the third chapter was a self absorbed vendetta that completely drew my focus from the big picture and held no relevance to the previous chapters, felt like it was just trying to tie the BH to the empire instead of a more neutral class.

SI story is bland.

JC story is slow


IA is the best story I have experienced, and I haven't finished it

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I've done every story except BH to completion except BH(got to like act 3 of it before I stopped playing that char) and Consular is by far the worst overall. IA has a bad ending and an extremely stupid twist at the end, but the rest of the story makes up for it and it rivals JK for the best story.


It's the only one I spacebared the first time I went through it. It's not that it's "unlocking the mysteries of the Force", it's that it's presented in the most boring matter.

Edited by Stncold
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I have played to completion JK, SW, JC, SI, RT, and BH. I am on the last planet for Smuggler, so I expect to finish it today. My IA has only finished DK, so I will not consider him in the rankings. All of my characters were LS. I would probably do the following rankings:


1. Sith Warrior

2. Jedi Knight

3. Smuggler

4. Bounty Hunter

5. Trooper

6. Jedi Consular

(all world arcs and side quests)

100. Sith Inquisitor


I found the Sith Inquisitor to be the most poorly written out of all of them. It lacked any sense of player agency in the story. I realize that all the stories are on rails, but the SI did a very poor job of hiding it and the result was that the character comes off as a moron, and in the end I was probably rooting more for the guy who was trying to kill the SI than the SI despite that guy being a moron also. Actually I was probably hoping more for the two to kill each other even if I knew that wasn't going to happen.

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idk, I feel a little like people miss the point with the smuggler story. You ARE special and you ARE a Big Damn Hero by the end. You're constantly told how all the people against you would normally be able to kill you as easily as breathing, but they consistently fail to do so. You go from being a petty criminal who's a pretty okay shot to being a Republic hero and an underworld king/queen. That's what I liked about it...I was able to see my character progress from "some chick that delivers packages" to "holy crap cross her and you gon' get murdered".


Also, I LOVED the story from a girl's POV. I honestly never felt like "oh this would be better if I were playing a dude". It's sort of designed to be the class where you get it on with someone who's way similar to someone from the original story; the girls get Luke-without-the-Force while guys get even-sassier-Leia so it's all good.

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Also, I LOVED the story from a girl's POV. I honestly never felt like "oh this would be better if I were playing a dude". It's sort of designed to be the class where you get it on with someone who's way similar to someone from the original story; the girls get Luke-without-the-Force while guys get even-sassier-Leia so it's all good.


I've played a female smuggler to cap and a male smuggler to 43 (so far) and I tend to agree, it works great as a female smuggler ... unless you don't like the Corso romance. I do not like the Corso romance at all. Not even a teeny, tiny bit. So my male smuggler wins. But story-wise? It totally works as a woman.




The only two stories I have thought to myself "christ this is boring" have been sith warrior and the trooper. The sith warrior might pick up later (I'm only just finished with Tattooine), so it's not REALLY in the running for "worst" for me yet, but the trooper one? Snoozeville, man.

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Personally, I gotta say the Trooper story is terrible. Aside from Act I, which is decent. Act II is boring aside from the last mission, and Act III is close to a travesty. I mean, the galaxy is at WAR and Havoc Squad spends most of Act III doing...meh stuff. That said I think the companions are great, probably the overall best crew in the game.


Consular is good, but it's dull. So little of anything exciting happens. Companions are poorly done. But the storyline is decent, and I REALLY like that after Act I, the Consular story is always very closely entwined with the Republic storylines on the planet... meaning that the work the JC does may seem unexciting, but is actually very important and meaningful.


BH has a great crew, but Act I is only fun in a kind of novelty way. You're playing a game, pretty much. And then you win the game, yay! And spend Act II doing nothing of import. Act II has literally no point than to set up Act III. But at least Act III was good!


My SW is on Voss, and maybe finishing the story will change things, but so far it's my favorite. Act I - great. Act II - great. Act III so far - amazing. Companions - great.


And yes I've played an Agent! Of course the agent story is amazing, but it has one weakness - Act I. Act I is largely boring. Also I'd rate the companion characters as subpar.

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Actually, I found the

Darth Baras boss fight

to be dissapointingly easy. All you have to do is apply DoTs to the enemy to slow him down while Vette empties her blasters into him; when he reaches half health lay everything on him and you can get him on the first try. I found the

Nomen Karr

boss fight to be more difficult then this.

Strangely, as a juggy tank, with malavi out, the 2nd spoiler fight was quite easy, and I am only at lvl 37, so I'm not done yet.

Edited by lord-durpp
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My first character was a Consular (Sage) and I found it terribly boring and stopped around level 24.


But I'm giving it another chance and it's ranking for me (so far) 2nd only to the Sith Warrior's (haven't played Agent yet). The quality of the story is really great if you play light-sided and follow the Jedi code. The reason I didn't enjoy it the first time was because I went dark side and the dark side options made absolutely no sense in the context of the story. The story is really about putting others before yourself and resisting the temptation of the dark side. After spending my three prior storylines incinerating, choking, and electrocuting people on the Empire side it felt awesome to be saving people for once.


I also went as a Shadow instead of a Sage this time because the Sage/Sorceror feel totally out of place to me in the Star Wars universe. They feel too much like a medieval fantasy spellcaster and they never use their lightsabers at all, which is one of the most iconic things about Star Wars. Shadows/Assassins kill things so fast, and can stealth past all the unnecessary enemies that I barely even notice the grind in between the story quests, so it felt a lot more connected.


Some minor things that helped the enjoyment a lot for me - don't play as a Miraluka because you can't see your character's facial expressions. And I found a robe without a hood and that I could wear with pants instead of a dress:



with color unified



to make it feel a lot more like a Jedi instead of a medieval wizard.


I personally hated the idea of being a goody-goody at first, and I expect a lot of new players are interested in the whole Anakin-fallen-Jedi thing, but it just doesn't work out in the Consular story. After getting over that, the story was highly enjoyable. You're playing as a diplomat and healer, after all. And what the Consular does on each planet gives a better idea of the overall story of what the Republic's doing which you miss on other characters (the JK and Trooper are pretty much just disabling superweapons and the Smuggler is bedding every woman).


Overall story ranking out of the ones I have played:

1. DS Sith Warrior

2. LS Jedi Consular

3. LS Sith Warrior

3. Bounty Hunter

4. Smuggler

5. Trooper

6. DS Jedi Consular


7. Inquisitor


The reason I ranked Inquisitor so low is because it doesn't deliver what was promised. I expected to be a scheming mastermind like Palpatine, and instead I got comic relief from a comic book villain. Except it wasn't as funny as the Smugger, and it wasn't subtle enough to be considered "dark" humor. The SW of either alignment does more manipulation in the single first act than the Inquisitor does throughout the entirety of the storyline. I even found the "schizophrenic" DS Jedi Consular better than the Inquisitor.

Edited by Jenzali
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Consular was a snore fest, companions boring and seemingly random like the story

Rumour has it, the person who wrote it started out doing fan fiction for ME and i feel that really shows

It was all over the place, often felt like they ran out of ideas or didnt really know where they were heading,

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I think it really depends on your personal preference. For example, I hear that the Bounty Hunter story is pretty decent, but the whole "become a great hunter and hunt bounties!" thing just didn't appeal to me. And unlike many, I loved the Consular story. I wanted to play a kind, diplomatic, self-sacrificing Jedi, and played lightside the Consular was perfect for that.


Smuggler was pretty fun, though I don't think the story/plot itself was all that great. IMHO it was my character that made the Smuggler fun -- the voice acting, the cute lines, the wisecracking, the clever comebacks, how she reacted to sticky situations. Use the Consular's voice and dry dialogue with the Smuggler's plot line, and it would be absolutely horrid.

Edited by Gwena
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I've played a female smuggler to cap and a male smuggler to 43 (so far) and I tend to agree, it works great as a female smuggler ... unless you don't like the Corso romance. I do not like the Corso romance at all. Not even a teeny, tiny bit. So my male smuggler wins. But story-wise? It totally works as a woman.


Yeah, I liked his romance a lot - it was a 100% perfect fit for how I wrote my character's backstory. But I can definitely see why some people wouldn't like it. He only works for a certain kind of smuggler, which sucks because we don't have another option.

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Personally I liked the Inquisitor. But then I love politics and SW lore, so that makes sense. I liked exploring new aspects of the Force and found all the Sith Lords I met fascinating. One thing I disliked - we didn't meet any of the Jen'Jidai... Or even heard anything about them. I mean, I'm exploring the tomb of the Jen'ari himself! Why am I not getting any quests involving this???? And why don't I go to Yavin4? We KNOW there is a Force Ghost there... (okay, okay, I know why I can't got to Yavin. Because Kun remains trapped until Luke decides to build his order there...)


I enjoyed the Consular's prologue (I haven't done her chapter one yet) but, again, I like lore. Meeting Nomi Sunrider... er... Da Boda (will they EVER figure out that copyright issue?) really made that for me. Sigh... I loved the Sith Lords comic. It's one of the only two comic books I actually own.... I actually think the idea of her story sounds interesting but I haven't gone far enough to say. (I'm playing my Consular, Knight and Agent all at the same time...)


Currently I'm enjoying my knight (mostly the fact that I don't get killed as often LOL!) I also enjoy him as a Roleplayer since I keep pretending that he's worried people won't accept him because he's of obviously Sith blood. But then I roleplay all my characters and let them make their own choices... I also like some other aspects of his personality (like he can't stop himself from flirting with every girl he meets... LOL! Naughty Jedi...) So yes, enjoying my knight.


Agent is my favorite. Her storyline is by far the best. I never really know what to expect from one moment to the next... And I'm loving every second of it! I can't wait to meet Jadus... My agent really created herself. She's smart and snarky and would have made a good Sith. Pity her idiot half-brother got the sensitivity. (That's my pureblood Knight. She's a half-Sith half-Chiss agent. And no, I have no proof that this is possible... but no evidence to the contrary either.) She also makes LS choices, but also believes in the Dark Council and truly respected Jadus...


I rolled a BH and a Trooper, but I haven't played those stories yet so I can't say which one I like best. Personally I think Bioware did a good job creating a different story for all the different types of people. (Like I doubt Warrior will be a favorite. I don't like fighting that much. I'd rather do the conversations. My knight enjoys it though and my consular is simply blood thirsty.)

Edited by Silimaa
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[...] The quality of the story is really great if you play light-sided and follow the Jedi code. The reason I didn't enjoy it the first time was because I went dark side and the dark side options made absolutely no sense in the context of the story. The story is really about putting others before yourself and resisting the temptation of the dark side.


It does actually make sense if you have an underlying DS philosophy. My Consular follows the principles of Rajivari you learn on Tython. It makes sense and he is stuck with Dark II.



Killing Master Yuon and killing Lord Vivicar, which dooms dozens of Jedi, were extremely hard choices to me. I chose DS and it really felt like "I don't want to to it, but I have no choice."


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My consular is DS because she believes in Exar Kun's Broterhood. The Empire is not the Brotherhood and so she hates them as she believes they are falsifying the REAL Sith philosophy. Since the Order is fighting the Empire she remains a Jedi, slowly building her power base so that when the time comes she can strike.
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I loved the Smuggler story! I'm lvl 42, and I just love how things happen. It's fast paced, and things work for male and female. The humor, flirts, and lines make it amazing! The Risha romance is forced a little, but it works with my back story!
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