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So what, if the romances arent sensable dont play them. There are many of us who dont give a shart about video game romances. Its called Star Wars, not Star Romance.


Whats a story driven MMO if you throw all rationality and story out the window?

This game is about experiencing the story not playing as a wookie.

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Whats a story driven MMO if you throw all rationality and story out the window?

This game is about experiencing the story not playing as a wookie.


I didnt say that, i'm talking about the romance aspect, the story can still be told without it, just because it exists and you like it, does not mean its an essential part of the game that everyone wants to take part in.


Im asking for the opportunity to experience the story as a wookiee, or expeience a new story for a wookiee, like they did for the goblin n watever the good thing was on wow, it costed an expansion, but if swtor would just do that with wookiees n maybe another race that starts dark side like Trandoshan or Quarren I think itd b well worth the price of an expansion, id buy it.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Some of the people on these forums, my God.


Wookiees cannot speak Galactic Basic.




Trandoshans CAN.

Selkath CAN.


Selkath spoke their native tongue on Manaan- those of you in the U.S. generally speak English on a daily basis, right? It's well documented by The Clone Wars (yeah, I hate it too, but it's cannon) that both Trandoshan and Selkath can speak Basic (Bossk and the Selkath bounty hunter that attacked Padme)




AS far as races go, I'm unexcited by Cathar. It shows BioWare is taking a step- a lackadaisical step, but a step nonetheless. The species I'd like to see, in descending order of importance, are:





Kel Dor



Mon Calamari

Ithorian (impossible, but I'd still love to see it)



Please, if any deities are listening, please do not allow Wookiees to become playable...this game has sunk low enough. Let Chewie be special and leave it at that.

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@cesar. U say you want devlelopers to take fan requests seriously but u cant take any request that doesnt match your own seriously. U have good points alot of the time, but the way you shoot down other fans ideas, I don't see why anyone would want to use yours, were all star wars fans here, some people think chewbacca is so special hes there fave character, why should you get what you want, if ul go out of your way to try n keep others from getting what they want?

As for the other aliens Im tryin not to be too demanding here, its easier to do a selkath or trandoshan speaking there own language with subs, n personally unless they make the accents fitting to the species, i dont wana hear either speak galactic basic.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Lol, that's what I've been saying all along!


The thing is that some of us really really hate cats. I like having Cathar in game - Taris for instance - so I can terrify them, demoralize them and finally kill them:)


Having Cathar in Vaiken spacedock? NOT HAPPY:mad:

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Some people are so amazingly dense. Getting a non-English (basic) speaking race as a playable race will probably never happen. Throw the stupid requests for world PVP that people keep blabbling about which makes zero sense since you'll never have a balanced population server so you'll always end up with one side outmanning the other 2-1. God, get a clue people.:rolleyes:
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Some people are so amazingly dense. Getting a non-English (basic) speaking race as a playable race will probably never happen. Throw the stupid requests for world PVP that people keep blabbling about which makes zero sense since you'll never have a balanced population server so you'll always end up with one side outmanning the other 2-1. God, get a clue people.:rolleyes:


We all kno there gona try and add stuff to get more players anyway, whats so wrong with making requests and having hope, maybe theyl figure out a way n wel get lucky. These forums are for more than just whining about how ur hoods not showing up properly.

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IMO not the best race to be added but at least there adding races Torguta would be sweet. Wookie i love them but im sorry guys will not happen. Like guy said earlier was voted number 1 still not in, u may not care if u hear wookie sounds in your story but at least all the new comers in the F2P will be like "this is dumb i can't understand him, this is lazy he just makes sounds". I'm with you i wouldnt care but majority of people would and EA cares more about the people there gonna get with the F2P option. I just dont get it, why people complain so much, they wont be adding everyone's favourite race off the bat, mine would be Kel Dor, or Mon Cal which could be done easy. Honeslty never saw why people like the twlek with horns at the end of their lekku and why so many people want them, there just Twlek with little horns at the end, can't pinpoint the name of the race. But Gamers nowadays are so spoiled that they ***** about everything.
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The best way to implement alien species that do not speak basic IMO would be to add them as legacy unlock by class.


For instance if you beat the jedi knight storyline, then you open that class up for alien species.


This way the storyline is not affected and it gives people a new way to enjoy the story when they want to roll the advanced class with out having to hear all the same lines again. It will make it feel slightly different.


This prevents new players from picking a species that does not speak basic.

Edited by kirorx
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The best way to implement alien species that do not speak basic IMO would be to add them as legacy unlock by class.


For instance if you beat the jedi knight storyline, then you open that class up for alien species.


This way the storyline is not affected and it gives people a new way to enjoy the story when they want to roll the advanced class with out having to hear all the same lines again. It will make it feel slightly different.


This prevents new players from picking a species that does not speak basic.


Or you could just have that species available from the begining with all of its language not in basic accompanied with subtitles. Before selecting them, a warning message could appear alerting players that the species wont be speaking in basic (english).

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If they ever introduce a race such as wookiee, they just need to do it right an giv then there own unique storyline, class(es) exclusive to that race and no romance or companions that would work romantically. A race such as wookie wouldn't fit in the empire, so so make them playable by 'Pubs only. You would have to exclude them as a legacy un-lockable race. As for the not speaking basic issue, if you dont want to hear alien noises and read subtitles... don't play a wookiee. I know it's a crazy concept: don't like it, don't play it.


Oh, and it wouldn't be pain painstakingly difficult or costy to use an alien language: Any programer could write a script that just selects alien audio files based the amount of characters (text) in the dialogue. You could add tags in the dialogue code that dictactes thing such as angry, sad ect.


Non basic speaking would require far more work, but are do-able.

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Thank the Eye of Thundera, we finally the Cathar…….YES!! Just when I thought the game was getting lame they add a race that needs to be dipped for fleas and tick. So now I can make a sexy Cathar agent that will steal your heart, scratch out the eyes of the bad old Empire and cough up hair balls as there special attack. Break out the advantix flea and tick collar because I got me a thunder cat to play!! Woot! Thunder, Thunder, Thunder cats, hoooooo! Oh, can I please get snarf as a pet!!


Don’t forget to have your pets spayed or neutered!

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I have no problem with cathar being the new species. I would have preferred nautolan, togruta, or kel-dor, but i'm sure some people are happy with this choice and that's all that matters because no matter what species they chose there would have been people that had a problem with it.


My only question is; isn't cathar really a republic only species? I mean am i the only one that can't really see a cathar being a SW, SI, or IA? That makes me think that Bioware does have other species planned they just don't really have them ready to be introduced yet. If i'm wrong tell me so i can be relieved of my ignorance lol, but as far as i remember there wasn't too many cathar on the Empire side(but yet it's been awhile since i last played the game)


A little late in replying, but I'm still going through the thread.


Refering the the bolded part above. Cathar could indeed be a SW or maybe even a SI, not sure about IA, but I don't see why not. As an example within the EU, 400 years prior (~3,996 BBY) there was a Cathar Jedi named Crado who went dark side and followed Exar Kun. Of course he came to his demise when he died in a supernova explosion during the Exar Kun war, but this just goes to show it should be possible to make an Imp factioned Cathar if you wanted.

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Community: We want more species! GOD.

Bioware: We give you... CATHAR!

Community: We want a different one!

Bioware: ...



But seriously.


I hope the next one is trandoshan. I want to beat up a trooper named captain kirk in a hand to hand brawl as a trandoshan... really badly.


What do you guys want next?


(Ps: ty bioware for more species.)


I dont complain about much but this is one think i cant stand. Did BW listen to us? NO. no one asked for Cather or Mekob, Id like to see a planet that we all recognize with Star wars. I never played Kotor so I have no clue what its about but right now it seems they are making their own version of SW. oh well

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I dont complain about much but this is one think i cant stand. Did BW listen to us? NO. no one asked for Cather or Mekob, Id like to see a planet that we all recognize with Star wars. I never played Kotor so I have no clue what its about but right now it seems they are making their own version of SW. oh well


Cathar was a very requested species by the community, I have no idea why but people loved them but they topped all polls taken.


I agree 100% on Makeb, I dont understand why they could not have done Yavin, Dantooine, or Dathomir


Or they could have gone with the environmental route; we could get mustafar or Sullust for a volcanic Planet or they could have gone with a water planet and we could have either Manaan or Mon Cal (Dac) which is the home of Mon Calamari and Quarren.


Makeb is just not exciting, i just dont get why they create new planets when there are so many already established, its more fun to explore something we have read about then something new.

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Heck for any non human species they can record about 40 "sentences" of their language and just play them randomly through out the entire class.


Who's going to say, "Hey I already heard that squeak!" when sith inqs say "Murrrderrr and mayyhhaam awwaiiit!" about 5 times that I've heard alone so far. -_-


The story is great, absolutely, but revolving everything including new species around story limitations is not going to work. Don't back yourselves into even more of a corner, bioware. Give us none human species to start! THEN THE WORLD!

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I have only read a few posts and for real, I don't know why all this rant about the Cathar being released instead of the Troguta, Mon Calamari or other race.


Since I started my trooper and I found out that his 1st companion was a Cathar (Aric Jorgan), I really wanted to have a Cathar toon myself.


As the friend said above, this race topped the polls and now people are complaining.


To be honest, sometimes I avoid coming to this forum, because instead of trying to enjoy the game, all most of them do is complain.


One thing I can say... when the Cathars come out, I'll have a smuggler in that race.

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