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Powertech Pyrotech deserve the HUGE nerf


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The "as described" part makes me hopeful, because well.. the 70% thing is described in the tooltip.


If they didn't fix it, well, I dunno what to say tbh, months to fix an issue that the mirror class isn't having ...


Yeah we'll see. Not sure they've even acknowledged that PG is broken for vanguard yet.

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Sniper have damn higher dmg then pyro,+have nice defence skills,stuns,cc,etc.

td dont hiting per 4k><

snipe=cb hiting damn more then fb 700again 2500 only its give dot+2sec slow.

But you cnat spam it like sniper can all skill heat is limited,expansive skill+slow reg


No, Gunslinger outputs about the same damage as a vanguard at the end of a wz, and if matched against each other, you do more damage to us than we can do to you with your shield and your heavy armor. If we want to use any ability that reduces your ability to damage us (like hunker down or scrambling field) then we need to not move at all which allows a powertech to be in an ideal position to get their flame burst and rocket punch procs as often as it's possible. If we try to instead be a bit mobile, you can easily pull us in and snare.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not in this thread agreeing with the OP saying powertech needs nerf. Whenever I fight a powertech it's a 50/50 for who wins. I just think it's important not to delude yourself about your class. It's good. You have tools. You have survivability. You don't have escape mechanisms like the gunslinger doesn't. Although, I would argue that the gunslinger is the second most underpowered class in the game (behind the scoundrel -imagine that, both the smuggler classes are the worst. Bioware take note-). You guys have it slightly better in general, and far better if facing us.

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After playing in the PTS all the morning i got a good feeling about PT PYRO damage.


They still kick *** but the insanity of their adrenal burst has been crippled.


I think its fine as it is, how are u pyros doing in PTS?

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Anyone can check on PTS if in tanking tree there is still a talent for 30% Stockstrike/Rocket Punch critical damage bonus?


My Vanguard friend said the talent is now raising the CHANCE TO CRIT instead of CRITICAL DAMAGE BONUS.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Powertech specced as Pyrotech currently do an unbalanced amount of damage in warzones being above all other classes by a big margin. This is only one class has all its main attacks completly ignore target armor. This is only one class with all instant casts ranged attacks. Playstyle is rediculius, you run pressing few button and do crazy damage on the move slowing enemies at the same time. This class ruins PvP completly and it should be stopped.

PvP is about skills and tactics, with powertech you don't need this, just spam flame burst and railshot and see everyone dead.


The nerf powertech needs:

1. railshot should not ignore armor, for instant cast skill 30 meters range completly ignore armor is too OP.

2. Something should be done with flame burst. It is way too much having 10 meter range instant cast ability with no CD which do high damage, place dot, slow target and ignore armore at the same time. It shoul be placed on 10 seconds CD or have 1.5 sec cast time and it should not ignore armor.


Generally overall powertech damage ignoring target armor and spammable slow should be precisely reconsidered.


Powertech burns any class in seconds especially sages and operatives with no option to survive. many classes cannot play at all if powertech on them. I have powertech and burned other classes in seconds using very easy rotation. Usually good powertechs are on the top of every warzone damage with a gap about 100k - 200k to any othe class.


i agree with that : therefor they have no interrupt ability its not a reason making them HUGE AOE damage ability with very short cooldown or almost no cooldown. They are already heavy armor & hard to kill. My option would be to add lil bit more HEAT on all ability & increasing cooldown slightly , reducing AOE dmg & removing that penetration armor completly would make him WAY more balanced compare to other classes

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Agree on most of the post..

PvP wise : Powertech's have to be nerfed. Atm they are destroying the PvP cause of their insaine bursts. ( I'm not quite sure what Bioware was actually thinking to let this actually go live - Did you ever tested it ?? )


I didn't really complained about the big nerf in 1.2 ( Sorcs healers where very powerful before that and tbh still are ).

My play style was a bit messed up, but besides that and after a bit of training i'm doing pretty good to keep me and the others alive in warzones..

Marauders can give you a pretty hard time, as well as operatives but it's not like they can kill you in a few seconds when running LoS and stuff like that.

Whenever we meet a Powertech dps / Vanguard dps, we are screwed in a few seconds, run LoS or not. That damage is just insaine, period!


Please fix this bioware, this will ruin Ranked Solo Q or Premaded Warzones in a certain way ... ( No powertech or Vanguard in your team and having one in the opposite = lose ) GG ...

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i agree with that : therefor they have no interrupt ability its not a reason making them HUGE AOE damage ability with very short cooldown or almost no cooldown. They are already heavy armor & hard to kill. My option would be to add lil bit more HEAT on all ability & increasing cooldown slightly , reducing AOE dmg & removing that penetration armor completly would make him WAY more balanced compare to other classes


Lol, you're the reason we can't have nice things. I honestly don't even know where to start with this...

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Ok nerf pt/vang damage in assault tree. what would you like them to have instead? I mean it is the easiest class to kill. no mobility what so ever, we can set up a burst and hope for the best. how about same defense as maras/sents also a dps class. not that much armor that people tend to believe. around 4,5k if pt/vang damage get nerfed they really need something in exchange!
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Ok nerf pt/vang damage in assault tree. what would you like them to have instead? I mean it is the easiest class to kill. no mobility what so ever, we can set up a burst and hope for the best. how about same defense as maras/sents also a dps class. not that much armor that people tend to believe. around 4,5k if pt/vang damage get nerfed they really need something in exchange!


LOL no mobility what so ever? real? Tell me one skill with cast time a pyro PT uses in his standart rotation. Yeah none which means he can MOVE all the time while using his skills. I mean seriously

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i agree with that : therefor they have no interrupt ability its not a reason making them HUGE AOE damage ability with very short cooldown or almost no cooldown. They are already heavy armor & hard to kill. My option would be to add lil bit more HEAT on all ability & increasing cooldown slightly , reducing AOE dmg & removing that penetration armor completly would make him WAY more balanced compare to other classes


Tell me more about my "HUGE" AoE and lack of interrupt. Maybe I've been playing a different class.


I think the adrenal/relic changes will make the burst a lot more manageable for others to deal with. There are still some classes on the lower end of the spectrum at need changes, but blind nerfs are not the answer. (except for stunlocking operatives. I unsubbed way too many times in the past few days)

Edited by Recon_Grim
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LOL no mobility what so ever? real? Tell me one skill with cast time a pyro PT uses in his standart rotation. Yeah none which means he can MOVE all the time while using his skills. I mean seriously


Mobility also includes the ability of being able to close gaps quickly(one closer that brings our victim TO us, that has a long CD and is affected by resolve) and to avoid being kited (2sec snare is all we have to counter that). In that regard the pyro closes the gap usually by running toward his victim at normal speed.


If you compare thy pyro gap closer with the charges of other classes you will find him lacking, a lot. The gap closers of the other classes can usually be used as escape buttons as well. The pyro has nothing of that sort.

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I'm not sure whats doing the most harm. Bad players who cry nerf about PT's, or bad PT's who post in defense of their class but prolly have less then 10 days played.


bad pt players say "we got the best burst dmg" really? says who? what numbers you backing that up with? how does it compare with other classes?


Overall bad players need to spend less time on the forums and more time in game.

Edited by xBloodcrazed
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Although, I would argue that the gunslinger is the second most underpowered class in the game (behind the scoundrel -imagine that, both the smuggler classes are the worst).


And I would argue that if you truly believe that you have no business posting in the PvP forums.

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And I would argue that if you truly believe that you have no business posting in the PvP forums.


this...there is a reason that operatives and scoundrels have seen the most nerfs


and there is nothing wrong with gs/sniper --- in my opinion the only thing that needs to happen in pvp are more maps and putting a team to fix ilum and make some reward/reason for folks to use Outlaw's den.

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