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Queueing as a level 10


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Yeah, you're COMPLETELY right. I lost one warzone and came here. Not that I've played basically hundreds of pre 50 warzones and experienced this. Just the one. Nice constructive post there bro


Clearly not mad.

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Under 50 bracket I think is really for goofing around. I have fun and don't mind of I am the only 30+ on my team even if we do get face rolled by an opposing team comprised of 35+ which happens a lot
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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.



i have loads of lvl 10 - 20 lawl and always do beter than most

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as long as level 10s can queue up for both sides there is no problem. soemtimes you may have the low levels on your team, others they will be on the other team, its swings and roundabouts, and as long as it stays like that its fine. just face the fact: you cant win every game.
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I am going against the grain here and agree with you :) but will say there

Is more of a problem with level 49 players that will not make the step up

To the big league bc they will lose their leet status

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I am going against the grain here and agree with you :) but will say there

Is more of a problem with level 49 players that will not make the step up

To the big league bc they will lose their leet status


Ok at the risk of sounding like a moron...


How do people do that? I mean you play the match, you get experience, eventually you're gonna hit 50. Are you accusing them of quitting the match at the very end? Cause that I have not seen, and it would be ridiculous.

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Ok at the risk of sounding like a moron...


How do people do that? I mean you play the match, you get experience, eventually you're gonna hit 50. Are you accusing them of quitting the match at the very end? Cause that I have not seen, and it would be ridiculous.


it's done. i've done it too. Only have 2 weeks left of play time so no reason for me to make the jump on my sage

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I consistently have done very well with my tank-spec Powertech, starting at level 10 (I'm about 22 now IIRC). In fact, I have often scored the most medals or been close, and am otherwise consistently one of the "better" (in terms of metrics) players in my matches.


Does it help that I PvP a ton on my 50 tank-spec Vanguard, and therefore I'm familiar with the gameplay mechanics of the mirror? Sure--which is exactly why I like to PvP as my BH, as opposed to my DPS Juggernaut which I simply do not enjoy PvPing with. It was a deliberate choice on my part, because I like to PvP, and I'm pretty good at what I like to do, so I felt no need to rock the boat.


(And before anyone calls me lazy... I do PvP a fair amount with my Scoundrel healer too :rolleyes: )



My point is, the issue isn't what level anyone is--I know no one ever likes to give Bioware credit for a good idea, but their "bolster" system genuinely is one--and while gear can be an issue, I find that no matter what level a player is you'll have some fools running around in all-green gear or social gear as a tank (yes, I realize that the Trooper armor is awesome, but wearing it as a BH is just nerfing yourself) and others smart enough to equip orange/purple/blue gear--and all of that is worthless if you don't understand what your abilities are and when to use them. There really is skill involved in PvP, even if people refuse to acknowledge it.

Edited by TitusVorenus
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Ok at the risk of sounding like a moron...


How do people do that? I mean you play the match, you get experience, eventually you're gonna hit 50. Are you accusing them of quitting the match at the very end? Cause that I have not seen, and it would be ridiculous.


Yes I am and they do leave before the end and get no xp gain

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I consistently have done very well with my tank-spec Powertech, starting at level 10 (I'm about 22 now IIRC). In fact, I have often scored the most medals or been close, and am otherwise consistently one of the "better" (in terms of metrics) players in my matches.


Does it help that I PvP a ton on my 50 tank-spec Vanguard, and therefore I'm familiar with the gameplay mechanics of the mirror? Sure--which is exactly why I like to PvP as my BH, as opposed to my DPS Juggernaut which I simply do not enjoy PvPing with. It was a deliberate choice on my part, because I like to PvP, and I'm pretty good at what I like to do, so I felt no need to rock the boat.


(And before anyone calls me lazy... I do PvP a fair amount with my Scoundrel healer too :rolleyes: )


My point is, the issue isn't what level anyone is--I know no one ever likes to give Bioware credit for a good idea, but their "bolster" system genuinely is one--and while gear can be an issue, I find that no matter what level a player is you'll have some fools running around in all-green gear or social gear as a tank (yes, I realize that the Trooper armor is awesome, but wearing it as a BH is just nerfing yourself) and others smart enough to equip orange/purple/blue gear--and all of that is worthless if you don't understand what your abilities are and when to use them. There really is skill involved in PvP, even if people refuse to acknowledge it.




While i agree that some lowlevel players are more or less not helping in a WZ, it's not universal. It's about experience and understanding the game mechanics.


I have 4 level 50 toons at this point and another 2 around 20-25. I started warzones on ALL of them at level 10.


You dont have to be able to 1vs1 anyone, you dont have to do massive ammounts of damage - you just need to know your limitations and adapt your role to that fact. Ofc, if there are like 5 level 10's in a team, opposing a full team of highlevels, it will be a hard fight - Unless their players are generally bad (Which isn't too rare either).


In the end, if you know your limitations, play smart accordingly and focus on objectives there is a good chance you will end up being one of the most best performing players in your team.

Because from my experience in 10-49, most players, low medium and highlevel alike - seems to think even huttball is a deathmatch where topping the DPS on scoreboard is what matters...


It's more often then not that i get at least 1-2 MVP votes from random ppl in my group - which makes me glad, since it means more ppl then just me recognise how you play objectives.




EDIT: And ofc, if the level 10 is completly new to the game and to warzones, they wont be very helpful. We were all new and started out at some point. The sign of being a good pvper in that situation is to have patience, explain and generally make an effort to make that guy understand - so he'll get better each match.


There is also no reason why a new player would not queue up, since you get an ingame tip about it

Edited by Twin
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You clearly don't understand. You're missing so many key abilities and talents that level 30+ all have. This is a massive disadvantage and I call BS on you out dpsing people consistantly as a level 10.




I've posted up top DPS and medals at level 10 many times, and have seen lots of other players do it too. The only thing lacking are new skills, as damage scales. Yes, lowbies can be gimped as far as having better abilities/talents to use, but don't fool yourself into thinking they're worthless players.


Bads are bads, regardless of gear or level. Period.

Edited by TheronFett
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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




joined a wz on my fresh lvl 10 smuggler (aka no ac, I literally queued right after the lvl-up beam appeared over my head)

ended up being second on the scoreboard. (not forgetting to mention I used dirty kick a lot to keep people from killing my team mates, threw my granates to stop people from capping and so on...)


(also lol@'noobie bracket'. if we had more brackets there would be no warzones at all on my server)



but to answer your question: warzone commendations

Edited by amnie
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I suggest joining at level 17-18, you will get enough time to farm you commendations for a level 20 stuff and you already would have some of your key class abilities. I joined with my alt on 16 - that's when you get Force Speed as a sorc. Have respect for other people's time mates, finish Coruscant/Dromund Kaas at least and you will be much more useful; 23 is even better that's enough to grab one-two of your tier 3 skills. Edited by Shadenuat
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i got several lv 10-20 chars and pvp with all of them usaly top dmg and heals just because a player is lv 49 dosnt make them a good player matter of fact they just come to faceroll and dont play objective based several wz i won where the whole team was lvl 10-15 so dont blame it on the lvl
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I think that it's very easy to generalize the level 10 PvP experience across the board, when in reality, things are much different than that. Some classes scale much differently over the leveling spectrum, and with the bolster buff than others.


My Operative, for example (now lv 50 rank 62 valor), was fairly SOL for the first ~35 levels of warzone PvP. Of course, objective PvP with an Op in wzs like huttball is quite difficult to being with.


My newly christened Juggernaut, on the other hand, rolled through his first 3 wzs with the second highest number of medals in the wz. At level 10.


You also need to realize that new people need a chance to l2p as well.


And I'd just be happy to see more people, less queue times on my server in general, haha

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Grandma what large qq you have there.


10s queueing is fine. They can still do good damage (depending on class) and make good decoys lol. Just need to play smart - stay in back/assume a supporting role and not be a hero. All ranged classes can easily top 100k damage at lvl 10. Melees not so much but they can still contribute.


Just drop immediately next time so we don't have to hear your crying.

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If you're eligible to join a Warzone, then please queue. Queue early! Queue often! PvP's a ghost town on many servers and we need every player we can get. Bolstering may not be perfect, but it is pretty good. And a low-level player can still be a great asset to his or her team.


I'm the only regular PvP player left in my guild (my regular partner left three days ago), but back when we had a large PvP group, we loved the way that bolstering allowed us to team up with nearly anyone. We didn't have to carefully measure our leveling so that we didn't get too far ahead of our friends. We could just team up and join the queue. It was a great way to play the game with your friends.


And finally, starting at level 10 is also a great way to learn how to PvP with a new character. It lets you focus on a small set of abilities and, if you play regularly as you level, it lets you integrate new abilities at a nice, even pace.

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When I hit level 10 I joined a WZ before choosing an advance class.. did over 200k dmg and topped the chart.. So i think its more about experience then level. I crush high levels all the time.
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I like pvp but really hate how it plays out in the 10-49 but do partake on my level 13 shadow, I guess I do it to piss people off.


Horse poops. I disagree with the OP tremendously. Start early. If you are good, you'll do fine with bolster. I'll take a smart level 10-20 player in greens than a 40-49 comparatively well geared dummy.


And starting early helps with valor ranks later in life. Before the population took a swan dive on my server I was able to get my main toon a lot of valor by levelling up via PVP. Not so much for my poor alts, one of which will hit 50 (she is 46 atm) at valor rank 16 :(


Queue on. Anyone who whines about lower level players queueing are only looking for more higher level ones to carry them to victory. Heaven forbid they work for it/help their team along.

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