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Queueing as a level 10


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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Lol I have played WZ at 10 and topped the charts, sure they dont have as much utility but that doesnt mean they are hurting the team. Your team doesnt get facerolled because of level, from my experience teams get facerolled for lack of team cohesion and organization. For instance if you have a team of all lvl 10s who works together in huttball they stand an excellent change of winning, if you have a team of 49's in huttball who are running all over the place and mostly just fighting the opponents they see and not focusing on the objectives they will almost always lose.

Level does factor but in a minor way. I play alot of premades with my guild and often times we take low level alts and pwn the enemy, then I will que solo, get alot of high level idiots who dont go for objectives and we get roflstomped. Logic, facts, and common sense are your friends.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Ya I'll bite.


I did 135k damage as a level 10 Jedi Guardian yesterday. The amount of horrible horrible 30+ players was insane.


I que to start banking adrenals and medpacs, and cap my Valor level, so at 50 I have 100's of consumables, Valor 49, as well as 3500 ranked comms and 2000 wz comms, so I can have a 4 the second I ding, plus MH wep, plus anothe piece when i finish the daily.


That's why.

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Yes I am and they do leave before the end and get no xp gain


Wow, that is just dumb. They are so deperate to stroke their epeen they give up the creds, exp, and valor for 10 miunutes of deathmatch... Weak.


That's like level 50's camping a level 20 planet and ganking lowbies screaming "This is a PVP server!"

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Wow, that is just dumb. They are so deperate to stroke their epeen they give up the creds, exp, and valor for 10 miunutes of deathmatch... Weak.


That's like level 50's camping a level 20 planet and ganking lowbies screaming "This is a PVP server!"


That does make me laugh, play 9 minutes of huttball, ragequit and get NOTHING for that time 30s to end. And the ganking....oh the hilarious arguements for it "This is PvP (no its ganking)" or "Its cuz I haz mad skills(if you did you could gank equal levels)" But lets not forget these 50s are obviously superior pvpers which is why they must attack players 20 to 30 levels lower than them.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




meh, while a lvl 10 is missing some talents and a few abilities. it's not going to make a break a warzone. their raw damage numbers when played well show they can easily contribute to the warzone. . .plus the fact that you dont even HAVE to put out good dps numbers to be successful in a warzone.


they queue up for the xp and/or to get a head start on their valor/commendations the level 20 and 40 pvp sets are really good, even for pve leveling. it's not like your team is the only person that gets a lvl 10. there will be other teams, and on the opposing faction too. everyone levels a toon at least once.

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Two reasons to pvp at level 10:

1. For the very first PvP daily, you just have to complete 2 warzones. Win or Lose, so why not?

2. Some people haven't played the game and want to see the maps. Yes, not everyone that has wanted to play has yet.

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There is nothing wrong with queuing as a lvl 10. You can not only contribute to the success of the team but excel even if you just pay attention and do what you need to do as a team to win so i thought "hey i have a lvl 11 sitting around doing nothing" and i logged him in, queued up. I figured good or bad ill just post a SS of the first match. Here it is.




I don't think of myself as uber or leet as a PvPer, i would say I'm pretty average.

I didn't turn out to be the super hero of the match but i did just fine at lvl 11, carrying the ball twice to their in-zone, passing it once to get a goal and right here as the match ended i have the ball again.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.

"lol lets play pvp at lvl 10 as a jedi consular and see if i can make anyone rage trolool"

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I level all my characters mainly through warzones, as I simply have no appetite anymore for PvE questing after years and years of MMO play. So yes, I'm in there at 10...and 11...and 12...if people don't like it, oh well. It's true the skills gained with levels are a big help, but if you play the objectives intelligently, you can be an asset to your team at any level. And certainly some classes already have the tools to be a force at level 10--I was topping the damage list by a wide margin on my level 10 vanguard.


There used to be a very serious drawback to low levels in warzones before they got sprint, but now that everyone has that, it's really not a big deal anymore.

Edited by EternalMarvel
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Disagree with the OP. I've levelled all my characters largely through WZs. Yeserday I joined one on my newest level 10 and went "ohh this is my first WZ on this one" which as you can imagine got an enthusiastic response. When I played 2 matches and came 2nd for dmge/kills/objectives, then 1st for all on the next, I got 5 MPVs and invited to join a pre made. Not all level 10s are useless, although it's amusing when people assume that. I've also hit over 20k objective points on a regular basis in Huttball just by staying on defence and killing the enemy ball carrier repeatedly, on my scrub alts. You really don't need a lot of skills for that type of gameplay, particularly if you are ranged.


Fair enough some classes struggle until they unlock key skills. Doesn't mean they can't contribute to the game, as long as they understand the objective. Actually, low valor lvl 50s are more annoying (particularly undergeared) than the under 20s. If you level through WZs you also learn the utility of each skill as it unlocks. Bear in mind the XP rewards push you through 10-20 very fast compared to later on; BioWare actually put more incentives to play earlier than not. I've seen loads of numpty 30-49s running about clearly with no understanding of the game, objectives, or what skills to use in certain situations. They're usually the ones who scream "Help" from some random spot, or start verbally abusing people who don't pass when they are stunned or out of range of anyone. I'd rather have a team full of 10-20s I know understand the game and utilitise what skills they have, over a higher bracket team with no clue. Given the state of the servers atm it's safe to assume a major % of those low lvl players are alts of people who know what they're doing anyway.


The benefits of having people start earlier: knowledge of the maps, tactics, learning to shout incoming etc far outweigh the whining of a few wannabe elitists. Who quite frankly, shouldn't be playing in the sub 50 bracket anyway if they're so awesome.


That said, an earlier suggestion to split the brackets into 10-29 / 30-49 isn't without merit (would we be allowed to nominate the 10-29 one the one you are allowed to have fun in?)

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.



Most level 10-50's still only spam 3 skills too.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




lvl to 50 and do some real pvp.

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Just rolled a Merc and I've been queing at 10, only 13 now and I've been breaking 300k in dmg. That's why I love 1-49 it's less depended on gear/expertise.


Another reason why expertise is not needed. 10-49 queues are a blast because they're not dependent on an over-inflated stat. Everyone has fun because despite the level/ability/talent gap, there is no expertise to compound it all into a huge mess.

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I don't like 10-49 bracket due to this problem and other reasons. At 50 at least every one has all their abilities and a ceiling for gear. For the 10-49 players can twink their character and will have an advantage against people in mostly quest or orange gear that isn't even blue level for your current level. At 50 it isn't called twinking, but a geared character. If you play your character enough you will eventually reach the same gear level as other geared characters.


I like to point out all you people who say you did well on a low level character. Gear is normalize based on the quality of the gear you have on. If a fresh low level character joins he is most likely only wearing blues near his level. After normalization said player will probably have more hp than a player who is in the 30's or 40's due to the huge lag in blue or better quality gear that comes only from questing. On my sage I notice most low level characters have like 1.5k or more hp due my gear being 10 levels behind. You gain too much xp while leveling that you out level your zone and thus have to take in lower level quest gear.


If a higher level were to twink low level characters would not have much chance kinda like what happens at 50 warzones when your a new 50. However, it cost so much credits to twink and for the short time you will be pvp in 10-49 bracket that it isn't worth the credits.

Edited by Knockerz
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Really, I have played in WZ as a level 10 and out DPS/Badged everyone on my team. Its not hard to figure out the mechanics. Higher levels only advantage is new spells the aquire at there level but everything scales together. L2P noob


Well talents and new spells are about 80% of pvp, I mean you can go into a wz as a lvl 10, but you're gonna be fodder for level 37+'s (Unless they're absolutely terrible.)

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Are you the terribad level 42 mara/sent that did 120k damage while the level 12 sent/mara did 200k ? I know its embarassing for you, I am top damage pretty much 90% of the time since lvl 12, assisting ballcariers, being troublesome to healers, preventing door caps. I'd rather have a level 10 that knows what he is doing than a terrible level 42.


*insert any other class you wish

Edited by SajPl
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I have PvP'ed on all my characters from level 10, I am often top of the warzone charts and regularly outplay level 40+ players, my trophy kill was a level 49 Marauder killed by my level 11 Powertech. As someone else has stated I would rather have level 10-15 players who know what they were doing rather than a group of 40+ players who are utterly clueless.


Here's some advice, the good players and I mean really good players don't need to be high level to beat people and contribute, good players will Kite, use los, not run into the middle of the zerg like Rambo and get insta gibbed, position themselves properly, use stims, buy medpacs, throw the huttball, guard a door, call incomings etc... etc.... Your not just automatically deemed good because your over a certain level.

Edited by Archaar
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You clearly don't understand. You're missing so many key abilities and talents that level 30+ all have. This is a massive disadvantage and I call BS on you out dpsing people consistantly as a level 10.


380k dmg as a lvl 10 PT in my very first warzone... 100k more than the other 42-49 PT. PTs are overpowered imo.... but not everyone can pull it off.


As a gunslinger/marauder/sorc topping dmg/heals is routine.


Its not really the level that matters, usually the Level 10 player is also a noob. Then again there are noobs in full war hero gear too and in the 30+ levels.


Again.. I routinely outdps heal full augmented Warheros in recruit gear.


The game is 70% skill, 30% gear at any bracket or level. Bad players exist at all levels and gear. Just level 10 players are more often not bad, undergeared and underlevelled. Personally I don't mind these at all as you gotta start somewhere.... its the bad's in war hero / pve gear at 50 that piss me off.


At least the lvl 10 noob might be able to blossom into a decent pvp'er... the ones at 50 already have peaked.

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Well talents and new spells are about 80% of pvp, I mean you can go into a wz as a lvl 10, but you're gonna be fodder for level 37+'s (Unless they're absolutely terrible.)


WRONG. Player skill is more important than talents and new spells. Terrible players at any level can be rolled over if you know what your doing, the decent players regardless of their level will be a challenge.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over?


Wrong answers all over this thread.


People pvp at level 10 because they are playing from Russia. Because, you know...


In Soviet Russia, the warzones queue for YOU!

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