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Official Q&A Thread for June 8th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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We have some bugs since the lauch of this game nt fixed yet. Any chance to get them fixed? Example:

1. Social ranks bged. For me at list, still rank 1 with alot of FP done since start.

2. Scoundrel knokdown, becuase of delayed animation make it 6 sec CC instead of 4 sec.

3. Resilience does not always remove force/tech impairings.

4. Players killed into fire in Hutball may die inside the safe zone every single time they respawn so they basicaly get killed infinite times inside the safe zone and they can not go outside unless they leave the WZ.


One more thing:

Do you consider to Balance classes corectly and do not favorize any of them?

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With the previous info you gave us on being 100% committed to characters slots and server transfers on the way, I think I have a valid question for you. There are so many of us that post on these forums about wanting to play all eight classes on both factions. My family and I were debating on moving characters to other servers so we could do this (with the free transfers). I would really like to know if you could give us some kind of feedback on the character slots.


I mean is it going to come with extra species or extra classes? Or are we talking about extra slots that will be available to play those other "8" classes. I really don't want us to move characters to create the open slots on a server if your going to allow us to have extra slots to make those other eight classes. Instead I rather just move the toons I have now to a busier server. I really don't' think its a terrible question to ask for some info. I think most of the community would like to know about the extra slots and how they will work. Any info would be appreciated.

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I play on a PvP server. I have spoken to many people on my server about the current tab targeting system for combat, and they have expressed to me that it is extremely unreliable. I would have to agree. My question is...


Is the current tab targeting system for combat working as intended, and if not what changes do you plan to implement to this targeting system?

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In update 1.3, one of the biggest things that you are bringing in is character transfers, but I was wondering if you guys were planning on doing server merges, combining servers to increase the populations. On a somewhat related note, I would also like to know (if you are not planning on doing server merges) if the character transfers are going to require paying a separate fee. If they do, can you tell us how much?
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can you talk about efficiency bonuses for crew skills? are they a percent reduction to the time it takes to complete tasks, or is there more to it than that? also, is there an efficiency bonus granted by companion affection? how does it scale from 0 affection through to full?
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How will the new group system work after ranked matches and cross server is implemented? As it is right now, 4 man premades are dominating and causing people who are not in a group to queue less. Also because they are together they tend to take away the spots on a 8 man team. Can the new pvp features address these issues?
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I have enjoyed many MMORPGs that I have played that are like SW:TOR in that they are designed to be PvE games with PvP as an option. I will be honest that in many of this style MMORPGs I have had fun PvPing at times.


But I am starting to get worried about the direction of SW:TOR. To be blunt the developers seem to be planning on SW:TOR being a PvP game with a PvE option. Is this true?


I get this feeling because prior to 1.2 PvP was the quickest way to gear up for PvE content. After 1.2 PvP still seems to be the best mechanism to gear up for PvE, especially for the Imperial Players. I am in favor of the ranked PvP but with the posts that implies that a significant effort is being put into Open World PvP I am worried. My experience has been that significant open world PvP significantly disrupts PvE play. Especially when the players and developers feel that restricting open PvP to PvP only zones like Restuss in SWG and Wintergrasp in WoW is not open world PvP.

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This there still going to be a Mac version of the game? I had read that it was a idea to have it come out after a while, so what me and a lot of other people were wondering is, is it still a idea and will we be seeing TOR on a mac? i know a lot of mac users want to see one come out and not have to play on a windows version only. even tho they can bootcamp it but that's really not the ideal way to have to play this game. I myself am playing on my laptop because that's the only windows that i have and playing on a laptop isn't really the best way to be playing games unless it's built for that reason.
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Here's an idea... Why not have an app for devices where you can do all your crafting, and all that, and then have a mini-game system which helps you make money to get more resources and such...
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My question involves guild admin capabilities. Currently, if you click on "Remove From Guild" there is no confirmatory box that opens and says something to the effect of "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS?. This command line is directly below "Set Member Note" and if you move in the slightest while you are trying to click on "Set Member Note" you find that you have inadvertently clicked on "Remove From Guild". My question is: Has there been any thought about adding a confirmatory step to the gkick process like there is in just about every other game on the market that has guilds? This becomes an even bigger nightmare when you try to send a game mail to the individual you just accidentally gkicked. :eek: The game mail message size is SO LIMITED that to 1) Explain who you are, then 2) Explain what just happened, :o then 3) Apologize profusely, and finally 4) Give the individual directions on how to remedy the issue, you are on the 2nd or possibly even 3rd page of the game mail and you have lost the individual on the 1st page. All of this could be avoided by simply adding a confirmatory step to clicking "Remove From Guild". :rolleyes: I can't imagine that a small dialog box with a single question and a yes/cancel answer box to click can amount to that much code being added to the game. :rolleyes:: And it would certainly make this diplomatic nightmare :eek: go away for all of us that have admin privleges in our guilds. Please say you will consider my suggestion and "MAKE IT SO". Thanks for listening! :D:D
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Server Migration will be a great answer to many of the current population issues in-game. In looking through the forums, you can see many attempts being made on a grassroots level to keep the communities that currently exist on many servers together once the ability to transfer becomes available. Would BIOWARE consider giving the community some advance information on the transfer options that will be available? The more early info we have, the easier it will be for players to coordinate.
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Are there any plans for holiday events with unique awards?


The Rakghoul event was fun and I think it would be great if you did holiday events with seasonal rewards as well. Especially Christmas, please give us presents, quests, and orange santa gear for male and female characters! And make it sexy looking like the slave outfit :D


Oh and don't forget Holloween, would be so awesome if you did something special and fun for that and give us orange holloween gears that we can mod.

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Can we please get some feedback about the sound issues that got introduced since v1.2 and that are still not resolved. Those issues did not exist prior to v1.2 so they are regression bugs and a large community is complaining about them. They do not appear as well in the known issue list.

The sound issues that were reported in some of the patches after v1.2 did not solve the issue for the major part of the community.

Edited by pieteral
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We know you plan to release the ever so anticipated ranked warzones and while I feel its pretty self explanatory on how they will work I have one question. My main concern is the rare DC from warzones and how you will address this for ranked warzones. Will you have some sort of safe guard in place like grouping with 8 and having a sub spot option which in the event of a disconnect they will automatically be placed in the game?
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My Question:


As a player who likes to be a completionist and loves titles, I find there are many missing entries in the Codex, particularly with titles, that have been documented by players who have been in beta and seen titles removed. When asked, the usual response from CSRs has been "titles, what titles? Don't believe everything you read." And yet, in the codex there are missing entries for those titles, so whats being said by beta testers on the forums can't be purely mede of whole cloth.


Is there a plan to revisit putting titles back in and correcting errors with the codex, so that those of us who love titles and are completionists can finally do both?

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Are there plans to eventually allow switching animations between mirror classes via legacy, eg so that DS Shadow uses Seethe / Force Lightning or LS SW uses Meditate (or whatever is JK's current recovery skill called) / Master's Strike?
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