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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What about the casual PvP-ers?


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Let's call a spade a spade man.


Rated warzones = epeen for hardcore pvpers and nothing more.


Not that there is a problem with that, but rated WZ bare no significance to the average gamers experiece save for the chance at some extra swag. The average gamer has now started to leave this game along with the majority of the true hardcore gamers that had full BM in the first month or so. This is the result of grind style, time-gated, game play mechanics and lack of true community building/maintaining features.


Social interaction with rated war zones will be reduced, not enhanced. No one is going to care about me having the nicest gear save for a few, the rest will get on with their lives.


I think this is the key here, isn't it? By making gear the most important factor in PvP, Bioware is alienating the large casual population who would like to be able to take part in overall PvP effort and be on a level playing field with the rest of the overall PvP population.


It is only when you can eliminate this gear gap that the hardcore PvPers will get the respect they deserve and have a larger PvP population to boost their skills, epeen, whatever you wanna call it. However, when there is already a huge grind to get the best PvP gear, you are limiting the overall PvP population to those who have the most time commitment hence reducing, significantly, overall PvP population.


Instead, they should really focus on Scoreboard type of site where they should, on a daily basis, show statistics on who earned the most Valor ranks, who got the most kills, who had the highest kill/death ratio, which guild earned the most Valor Ranks per day, week, and month.


Dark Age of Camelot had this nailed perfectly and these scoreboards actually meant something to people. Of course, DAOC had minimal entry to the highest end of the PvP scene as the best gear was easily obtained within weeks.

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If RWZ's are used to inflate their epeen, then they are barking up the wrong tree. Ratings can be either watered down or inflated very easily. Our guild doing arenas would "sell" spots often to players to get titles and better ratings.


You can log onto any server in WoW and find people selling spots on rated teams to players to boost them. I see this system will be no different. You will have players running around in rated gear professing their pro pvp skills while being mediocre at best in any given game.


So fight to preserve your precious team rating. You will be no different than the rest of the medioccre palyers standing around professing your leet non exsistant skills.

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So with the recent announcement that solo ranked warzones have been canceled I ask you: What is there to do for the casual PvP-er? What incentive do they have to play warzones after 1.3?


I actually consider myself to be a decent PvP-er but don't have much time to play the game and when I do it's usually at non-peak hours. So I will rarely be able to find 7 other good people to group with. I'm sure there will be a ton of people in my position.


Sure warzones are fun to play but with no rewards, with no goal it will become dull quickly. If they would have added solo ranked WZ in the game, I'm sure the majority would have chosen this option instead of unranked. With ranked, we would have played for our rating. We would have played with / against people of our own skill level, matches would have been more interesting, exciting and close. To take this all away because "people might quit or AFK" is a lame excuse in my opinion.


Solo ranked WZ was the #1 feature I was interested in. It didn't have to come now, I was fine with "later", just knowing it will come would have kept me subscribed and convinced I'm gonna be in this game for the long haul. Now, I must reconsider. I am really saddened they took this option away from us. I strongly believe it was a mistake which won't be good for anyone.


EDIT: I feel some clarifications are required for the misinformed people who are against this. Ranked solo queue should be separate from team ranked queue. That was the plan BW announced originally when they would have cross server PvP. We understand solo ranked wouldn't have been possible right now but with cross server PvP it would have. The rewards for solo ranked can be less than for team ranked. It's not about the rewards, it's about having a goal, a sense of progression (i.e. rating) and being able to benefit from the ELO matchmaking system (same skill players = more fun games) .


my suggestion is to find a pvp guild willing to work accept your play schedule and have you on a team until the x-server/solo ques are implimented

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Well isnt the point of pre 50 pvp to give you a taste of pvp and allow players to decide if they want to persue 50 pvp, or just do pve content?


This game is either : 1. at 50 you Strickly pvp and run very few FP..



2. at 50 you only run HM's and FP's and never pvp.


Because rakata and columni gear has no expertise people that have that gear will get owned in WZ's..


So if you are a "casual": pvper , dont expect to do well in PVE gear because you wont.. Period

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I've got feeling that premade ranked teams will be playing in the unranked bracket alot more than they think. Some guilds may be able to deliver a consistent 8man team but certainly not all for sustained periods of time. During peak hours they may queue up as ranked but all it will take is 1 person to log off to eat dinner and that team is now short. So its not like they will be consistently earning 3x as much ranked comms, not that that is really the issue here but hey.
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Well isnt the point of pre 50 pvp to give you a taste of pvp and allow players to decide if they want to persue 50 pvp, or just do pve content?


This game is either : 1. at 50 you Strickly pvp and run very few FP..



2. at 50 you only run HM's and FP's and never pvp.


Because rakata and columni gear has no expertise people that have that gear will get owned in WZ's..


So if you are a "casual": pvper , dont expect to do well in PVE gear because you wont.. Period


That's the thing, pre-50 PvP is insanely fun. I love it. But I barely stomach 50-PvP on my Shadow because of how incredibly imbalanced it is. As my alts level I get more and more depressed because I know that eventually I'll hit 50 and just have to shelve them. Before anyone says a thing, understand that 50-PvP is a completely time consuming thing. At least on my server the Reps get some PvP, but we may win 2-3 out of 15 or so. So it's slowly gearing while Empire plays 2-3x as often and get more gear faster.


If I didn't have a stubborn streak I'd have quit after the first week. Reminds me way too much of WoW PvP once you throw Expertise into the pot. And I LOATHED WoW PvP.

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I've got feeling that premade ranked teams will be playing in the unranked bracket alot more than they think. Some guilds may be able to deliver a consistent 8man team but certainly not all for sustained periods of time. During peak hours they may queue up as ranked but all it will take is 1 person to log off to eat dinner and that team is now short. So its not like they will be consistently earning 3x as much ranked comms, not that that is really the issue here but hey.


yeah i have a feeling that this will be the case as well, but "hopefully" with server transfers , this will not be the case...one can only hope :confused:

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This doesn't make sense.


What people want is the ability to solo queue for ranked warzones against other solo queue players. This won't affect 8 man teams at all. Why does this bother some of you people so much?


cuz this is there life you have to get this on your head this is the start of something special for this guys this guys soon will star asking for this to cost more and the to look better and to get more rank wz gear a new set and new weapon every single season and trust me wait for the can you plzz make the Rank rating for gear on every single piece of Rank Warzone gear and the no rating gear from wz make the stats on it lower and can we get some titles the you can only get from getting a TWZ RATING Allot of the players on this game have



B) came from world of warcrack


So do what i did and allot of players have done oready quit is ok trust me this is only a game star wars or not quit and dont look back soon this devs will learn to stop doing what raiders and no life hardcore pvp'rs want and do more what the other 80% player base want a FUN DAMN GAME WHERE WE ALL GET TO PLAY AND Play and went i say play i mean PLAY not turn this in to a ego Home for thos whit no lifes out of this game

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Rateds will be rolled out in waves. With the first wave being 8 man ques. That will be before you can start earning a ranking and ought to give everyone a chance to find a group. 8 mans will be in the regular wzs too. I suggest you guys adapt and find a group to run with.
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It seems to me that the OP is angry that he can't play casually a game mode that is being put in for non-casual players. Unranked WZ is for casual play, ranked WZ is for noncasual play. Not sure I see a problem here.
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It seems to me that the OP is angry that he can't play casually a game mode that is being put in for non-casual players. Unranked WZ is for casual play, ranked WZ is for noncasual play. Not sure I see a problem here.


Would you be satisfied if ranked was only for 8-man premades?

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It wouldn't bother me. Although I think they should probably allow 4 vs 4 queues also. I'm completely bored of playing against and with pugs.


Well you see, this is why I want ranked for solo as well, so I won't be playing against and with pugs. Why shouldn't everyone enjoy the benefit of a matchmaking system?

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Well you see, this is why I want ranked for solo as well, so I won't be playing against and with pugs. Why shouldn't everyone enjoy the benefit of a matchmaking system?


And I want them for solo as I don't want to play with or against premade groups.

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So you are just assuming the pugs would not que solo for rateds why? Thats why they are doing it this way. At least to do rateds you have to go to the trouble of finding a group.


Rated implies an ELO rating so it doesn't matter that they queue. After your rating settles you won't be meeting them anymore and everyone would have a good time; no more facerolls.

Edited by Pahomi
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I see, I didnt really understand it to imply they would only form groups of the same rateing with the population of this game I dont see that being possible really. Unless they do cross server which would disappoint me greatly.
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Yes, solo ranked definitely isn't possible at the moment but the most recent news we have says that solo ranked will not be coming at all anymore. Oh and cross server queuing is still in the works so it seems that will come unless they change their minds again. I heard cross server will prioritize people from your own server so that doesn't sound bad to me. Edited by Pahomi
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That is why there are different genres, play a single player game or a game like D3 if you dont like playing with other people. Its pretty simple.

Reading is FUNdamental!


It seems to me that the OP is angry that he can't play casually a game mode that is being put in for non-casual players. Unranked WZ is for casual play, ranked WZ is for noncasual play. Not sure I see a problem here.

Wrong. Hard-core players are going to be excluded from Ranked WZ's too. That's the problem that's being brought up.

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Reading is FUNdamental!



Wrong. Hard-core players are going to be excluded from Ranked WZ's too. That's the problem that's being brought up.


dude...i allready tried to explainn to you once...RATED WZS WILL REQUIRE THE SAME AMOUT OF TIME AND EFFORT THAT WOW ARENAS/RBGS do...which is close to NONE!...1/2 hours per WEEK can get you high ratings and capped points/comms...


if you cant get a team its because you have a crappy rating...if u have a good rating BE SURE that u will find a team in no time...


SOLO QUEU NEVER EXISTED...at least in any competitive mmo...people asking for it are obviously either 1:clueless...2: bad at pvp and can allready imagine how hard it will be to get into a team..even a pug one..





and if it anoys you going agasint organized teams...guess what...GET IN ONE OR MAKE ONE URSELF...



srsly people suck at a game and still want the game to get catered to them..





ohh and i can tell you...any "harcore" self proclaimed skilled pvp player WILL PLAY RATED WZS with a team..because thats how it has allways been ...and how it will allways be

Edited by filipesantana
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dude...i allready tried to explainn to you once...RATED WZS WILL REQUIRE THE SAME AMOUT OF TIME AND EFFORT THAT WOW ARENAS/RBGS do...which is close to NONE!...1/2 hours per WEEK can get you high ratings and capped points/comms...


if you cant get a team its because you have a crappy rating...if u have a good rating BE SURE that u will find a team in no time...


SOLO QUEU NEVER EXISTED...at least in any competitive mmo...people asking for it are obviously either 1:clueless...2: bad at pvp and can allready imagine how hard it will be to get into a team..even a pug one..





and if it anoys you going agasint organized teams...guess what...GET IN ONE OR MAKE ONE URSELF...



srsly people suck at a game and still want the game to get catered to them..





ohh and i can tell you...any "harcore" self proclaimed skilled pvp player WILL PLAY RATED WZS with a team..because thats how it has allways been ...and how it will allways be


i could be a professional soccer player cuz im pretty ahrdcore and all...but i rather play by myself then with a team(cuz i dont have time and all to commit)...so my choices have allways been playing by myself against 11...or playing with 10 other random people i pick up in the street...in both cases i dont succeed...nerf life?!


wzs are not a SOLO envioroment..so rated CANT be solo..like in ANY sports outhtere that is not singular..



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i could be a professional soccer player cuz im pretty ahrdcore and all...but i rather play by myself then with a team(cuz i dont have time and all to commit)...so my choices have allways been playing by myself against 11...or playing with 10 other random people i pick up in the street...in both cases i dont succeed...nerf life?!


wzs are not a SOLO envioroment..so rated CANT be solo..like in ANY sports outhtere that is not singular..




While I agree that premades will be an added benefit to rated warzones, you are rated on your individual performance and ranking. There is actually nothing related to "teams" in this type of content. If anything the "team" is a collection of proficient to elite players.

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