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ToR Needs to be F2P


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No one who is experienced in MMO's would ever say this game has to go F2P right now, nor would it give this game 3 months. I suggest you get some more MMO experience or go read the posts from the people who gave SWTOR 3 months, half a year ago.
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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


Oh mister who has played wow since the release of wotlk considers himself "experienced".

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$15 a month is nothing.


It's worth every penny.




In the modern western world where more and more gamers are grown ups this is nothing.


I would gladly pay more.


I pay my monthly fee with a smile. The day I am not happy anymore I will stop paying. Simple as that.


$15 a month. No problem.

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I don't see a problem with a FTP model just as long as they would also have a premium pay sub for people who would rather just pay a sub fee and not be bothered with cash shop crap(me).


I wouldn't even care if the cash shop had like BM gear for people to buy.. what do i care really some people have time and some have money at the end of the day i have 14 people in fleet and no Q pops for 4 or more or sometimes not at all. Its just a game and not playing with anyone is not all that much fun tbh, so whatever would get more people in game i don't have any problem with it just as long as my game while playing a sub doesn't change much.

Edited by Razot
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I think the OP has completly missed the point. People aren't leaving the game due to the sub. They're leaving due to the issues and problems with the game. It's my opinion that a F2P model won't hold players any better than what the sub model does until the issues are sorted and addressed. Edited by Caspian_Rho
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Firstly, it's not "ToR"; it's "TOR". This stands for "The Old Republic", in which each word is significant. The "O" does not stand for a less significant word like "of".


Secondly, the game is nowhere near the point where this needs to be considered. With patches and super servers, problems will start to be ironed out gradually over the coming months.


Yes, it's irritating that the game isn't where it needs to be yet, but it is improving and a lot of paying players are still enjoying themselves.

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umm, no, the only way one could play Rune Keeper or the Warden is if you bought Mines of Moria. It wasn't until the game went Free to play that one was able to buy the class seperate from the expansion pack. But prior to Free to Play, you did in fact have to buy Mines of Moria to play those classes.


This article, released before the game went free to play even mentions Warden/Rune Keeper only for those who bought Mines of Moria http://mark-mcgee.suite101.com/lord-of-the-rings-online-races-a279085


2008 Article http://www.gamefront.com/lotro-mines-of-moria-in-depth-look-at-warden-and-rune-keeper/


and the FAQ



Yes, articles always reflect exactly what happens in the game, right? Just like we have ranked warzones in SWTOR right now.


Oh wait, plans change, right? Of course when they release an expansion you "have" to buy it to get anything from it, be it post-50 leveling, the new area or the new classes. A few months later, though, you don't need to buy the expansion to get it all. You just have to pay the subscription. You only "had" to buy Mines of Moria if you wanted warden and rune-keeper right at the expansion release date. So, saying you "always" had to buy that expansion to play those classes is a flat-out LIE.


Of course, F2P hits and the spin doctors start their work. They conveniently forget that soon after the expansion was released, anyone paying the subscription has access to the new classes and say that to justify charging separately for them in the cash shop - EVEN FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS... because it was "always" like that.


Truth is, it was NOT "always" like that. It used to be like subscribers had access to EVERYTHING just by paying the subscription.


If this game actually dies and F2P is adopted too, it will happen here, too. All things we have access to by paying our subscription can be charged separately - even for subscribers. Fast travel, speeder training, speeders, access to the GTN, access to quests in planets, even chat bubbles if some day they implement it.


So please stop praising Lotro's "successful" F2P model, it's just a disgusting double-dip system.

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+10 Troll points to you sir.

There currently isn't a single f2p game that can come even close to SWTOR.


DDO is more fun then this game by far. It has more content, runs smoother and its servers aren't barren wastelands. SWTOR will never make it more then two years if it doesn't go F2P. Even though going F2P wont save this game, you couldn't pay me to play this tripe.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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DDO is more fun then this game by far. It has more content, runs smoother and its servers aren't barren wastelands. SWTOR will never make it more then two years if it doesn't go F2P. Even though going F2P wont save this game, you couldn't pay me to play this tripe.


no it actually doesn't have more content if you look at it. While I do enjoy DDO and going F2P saved that game SWTOR does not need to go F2P to survive. It just needs to make some fixes like mega servers / server merges, new space combat and more seasonal events like the Rakghoul plauge.

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I find it odd that somehow SWTOR going f2p will suddenly fix the multitude of problems this games has. I hate to break it to you but going f2p isn't some kind of cure all. It doesn't make a mediocre game any less mediocre, It doesn't fix a poorly optimized engine, it doesn't make for better QA or quicker bug fixes, it doesn't make for more complex PvE or competitive PvP. All f2p will get Bioware is some short term interest from people looking to play through class stories and an ton of negative PR. F2p is generally not wroth the time or capital to develop and maintain it. In EAs mind those founds could be better spent in their never ending pursuit of WoW type profit.


TL: DR F2p wont save this mediocre game especially if EA is calling the shots on whatever items/convenience/content go on sale in the MT store.

Edited by Orrow
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I played Champions F2P before this came out too kill some time I probably spent more money buying stuff than I ever would have if I had dropped the $15 a month for the gold subscription. Now that's only one game but there is a reason these games seem to make more when they go to the F2P model.
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DDO is more fun then this game by far. It has more content, runs smoother and its servers aren't barren wastelands. SWTOR will never make it more then two years if it doesn't go F2P. Even though going F2P wont save this game, you couldn't pay me to play this tripe.


Yes, DDO actually got better when it went to F2P. For some reason they started putting out content almost every month. I think what happened there is they fired the original Dev team and the new guys that came along were really motivated to build some great adventure packs.


Since it's F2P I play it off and on when I like.

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


I think not. I hate f2p or pay to win games. I would more a month if need be. But I cant stand micro transactions.

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I dont think you have played lotro or EQ2 then. i haven't seen any ad's. and yes you have to pay for expansions, but you have to pay for expansions here too. and you can lvl a char 1-50 without paying a cent for anything on lotro.


Played them both paid and unpaid. Unpaid you may as well not be playing for all the good you can do. The games are worthless F2P.

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i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


I'm willing to bet you $100 that three months from now (i.e. 8/26/2012), the game is still here and it will still be a subscription model. PM me for contact info.

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


Trust me, if things continue like this Bioware will have no choice but to make this game f2p.

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