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Why don't you play all 8 class story lines?


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It seems a lot of people started one character, played that character until they had full end game PVP/PVE gear and then just consider the game to be over. Like they had done everything the game had to offer. Personally, my highest level character is only level 44 because I constantly switch around between the 8 class stories. They're all very interesting to me. I can't help myself.


Is it just that the other 7 don't appeal to you? Or are you maybe stuck in the old MMO "my character is me" frame of mind? Again, I'm not trying to say you're wrong for your play style, I'm just curious as to what makes you not want to experience the other stories in the game as well.


Heck, to me, thanks to the different animations for mirror classes + light and darkside, I have 16 characters total, one of every AC in the game with one of each class being LD and one being DS. I'll eventually experience each story twice, though each one will be through a different perspective thanks to the LS/DS system. I did the same thing in KOTOR 1 and 2.


My biggest problem is sticking with one story at a time... at this rate, the LFG tool will be out before I ever even experience end game (though I am trying my best to finish up my Vanguard).


Well, I do want to play an MMO with one main char which i play most of the time. I have started a couple of other chars as well, but will not play thru all 8 because frankly, the story telling aint that damn good (imo). The cutscenes aren't spectacular at all. And to play a char to 50 is not just class story, it's lots, and lots of the same cutscenes over and over.

If this wasn't supposed to be an MMORPG i would accept rerolling as "endgame".


To answer your question though the main reason for not playing all 8 stories is: Not interrested in seeing world story more than once really...

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Endlessly leveling alts which I abandon once they hit the level cap is what you do in a single-player RPG.


You understand this genre about as well as Biowarwe does.

Edited by JustTed
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I don't understand doesn't every MMO go through this when making alts? Doing quests you've already done before? Even games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect have you repeating the same quests on your second playthrough...


...why is this such a big surprise?


I guess this is why I've never minded redoing quests on replay throughs. Heck, TOR one ups a lot of those games thanks to the class stories being completely different from one another and also LS/DS making side quests different for two play throughs.


You could also throw in a female toon vs male toons and get some different options as well.

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I don't understand doesn't every MMO go through this when making alts? Doing quests you've already done before? Even games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect have you repeating the same quests on your second playthrough...


...why is this such a big surprise?


No-one said it was a surprise. Most people just said it was what was putting them off playing all 8 class stories.

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It seems a lot of people started one character, played that character until they had full end game PVP/PVE gear and then just consider the game to be over.


I play all 8 classes, three storylines are complete so far the rest are around chapter 1-2 :rak_03:

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It seems a lot of people started one character, played that character until they had full end game PVP/PVE gear and then just consider the game to be over. Like they had done everything the game had to offer. Personally, my highest level character is only level 44 because I constantly switch around between the 8 class stories. They're all very interesting to me. I can't help myself.


Is it just that the other 7 don't appeal to you? Or are you maybe stuck in the old MMO "my character is me" frame of mind? Again, I'm not trying to say you're wrong for your play style, I'm just curious as to what makes you not want to experience the other stories in the game as well.


Heck, to me, thanks to the different animations for mirror classes + light and darkside, I have 16 characters total, one of every AC in the game with one of each class being LD and one being DS. I'll eventually experience each story twice, though each one will be through a different perspective thanks to the LS/DS system. I did the same thing in KOTOR 1 and 2.


My biggest problem is sticking with one story at a time... at this rate, the LFG tool will be out before I ever even experience end game (though I am trying my best to finish up my Vanguard).



I have 7 of 8 classes completed and 450 bonus presence for doing so. At some point, leveling gets redundant - even with new stories. They need a way to go back and watch your story (which will never happen unless they continue to get large amounts of development dollars... which will probably start to dry up from EA).

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I have 4 50s, 1 47 done with the class story, and 2 32s. It's easy to mix up what side quests you do while leveling (sometimes I can skip whole planets if I integrate different bonus series) so that I don't repeat that many; most of the time I do them out of convenience only. One notable exception being the starter/capitol worlds, probably doesn't help that you have to run the whole time on those. Not sure why people who say it is repetitive are upset about choosing to do the same thing over and over when it's not forced on you. I also mixed up mirror ACs so that I play the opposite role for more variation in actual gameplay as well.


All video games are repetitive if you play them enough. If you choose to repeat the same thing over and over while leveling in this game, then (from my experience) you have no one to blame but yourself.

Edited by mokkh
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I have 2 level 50s, a lvl 40, a couple of level 30s and the rest of the classes are in the high teens. Class Story is great but after a while repeating all the other ones gets really tedious. You can skip them and PVP but then all the travel time going to and for from planets gets annoying. In a way, the class stories gave the game a lot more replayability but the linear nature of the rest of the questing really negates that.
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Believe me, I'm working on it! :)


I've finished one story (Jedi Knight) and about 99% finished with Sith Warrior -- currently gearing up for the boss fight that I suspect is right around the corner. I'm also approaching the end of Chapter 2 with my Smuggler.


I figure it will take me another ten months, maybe less, to finish all the stories. But I'm also doubling up a few classes to replay them...I want to replay Jedi Knight as a Sentinel build, and I want to replay Sith Warrior with Dark Jaesa.

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I am actually going through each of the story lines one by one, though i have thoroughly enjoyed the inquisitor and warrior story lines and have started two toons on a different server to do the light/darkside options for both. All in all, I'm balancing time between 13 toons.
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Because it isn't worth grinding through all the other quests I've done already just to occasionally read new text (class story). It was great the first time because I hadn't seen all the "normal" non class quests before. Now I have.


So now it's like telling yourself "I have this book here I want to read, but I'm going to force myself to do jumping jacks for 20 minutes before reading each page"


Meanwhile you can just go on youtube, skip all the grinding of old content you did before, and just watch the entire class story there if that's what you're playing for...and you can do it without killing 10 space boars again.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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I have 3 at Lvl 50, one at 40 and two at 36 and I just cannot find the interest to do more or even finish the ones that are not 50 yet. Being railroaded into the same planetary and side quests on every toon and only having a few class quests on each planet makes leveling each one feel pretty much the same, gets really boring. My server is such a ghost town there is nothing to do at 50 except the same boring limited set of dailies.


Got to the point that I would rather go for a walk or read book than grind the same content yet again.

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In my opinion worst problem is common misions outside class that you got to quest if you don't want to suddenly find that your character level is 25 and you should have 29 to keep on doing the class quest. To me, this has been the problem, side quests (including flashpoints) that have to be repeated. The third time i got to Tatooine and had to do that Czerka mission, i gave up. Edited by rickyard
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Does the word "boring" mean anything to you?


After my first lvl 50, I even changed factions to try and level a different class and story.. still got boring 30 levels in, never finished her because I could never get a group to run FP's with. I quit trying.

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im playing 7 of them, on my second SW playthrough cause i had no intrest in the smuggler and wanted to see the differances in LS and DS for the SW story. 3 lvl 50's my main is my merc healer who is pretty geared. i was pvping my juggernaut but Q's take too long now so hes stopped at valor rank 54 (i dont pvp much and i never kill traded on ilum) trying to wait for merges/transfers and the LFD tool so i can enjoy the rest of the game again.
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I do want to do all 8 stories. Did Bounty Hunter first (awesome), also started up a Sniper, Trooper, and Juggernaut, and now I've made characters for the rest of the classes. I want to finish them all, I just needed to be inspired for a character of their class.
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Curious then, what do you currently do with your one character at 50?


Hey, at lvl 50 you can at least play warzones / do operations, each of which presents _a challenge_. Repeating the same generic quests on the 3rd consecutive alt does not.


It would be really cool if you could have a really large boost to XP gains (like permanent rested status or something similar) plus if the legacy gear system REALLY WORKED (for all the levelling I did with my characters, I get one lousy piece of 13lvl mainhand? how about a least giving me an adaptive weapon that keeps levelling together with the character up to a certain moment so I don't have to grind commendations for gear?)


As it is, levelling alts is only fun due to learning the class mechanics / class quests / the challenge of soloing the occasional HC / pvping on 2 hour-long queues. Not really that much, unfortunately :/

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I level'd 2 chars to 50. I started a counsular, a bounty hunter and a jedi sentinel as for mostly their story (except for BH and consular, those are purely for their classes)


I like doing story but the xp grind for them is so tedius after doing an first Alt that I am barely interrested, and my main interrest is doing pvp.


But, as you can guess, 50 pvp is mostly dead and low lvl pvp is being more alive. but low lvl pvp isn't as fun as 50, atleast, IMO


that's mostly the reason why I don't :/

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Because the story lines are bad. They're all formulaic and dull. I've played through all of the Imperial ones, and it just got to be a chore. And if they managed to make the Imperial story lines dull, I can't even imagine how sleep inducing the Republic side ones must be (I fell asleep at the keyboard playing through a couple of the class lines - I've never done that playing a RPG before).


I feel like they took the people who wrote ME3's story and put them on this. They are both just awful.

Edited by Robert_Guiscard
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3 characters at level 50. One with complete Rakata gear and some BH gear. The other with complete Columni, third with daily commendation gear. 1 character at level 49 (finished storyline). About 5 characters at levels 20-30. One level 50 with rakata/columni gear in another server.


11 days of play time remaining on my subscription. Haven't played for a week.

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Played my JK to 44 (with a friend so once a week), got my BH to 50 and am now working on my Trooper, after that it will be my Sorceror. Got 4 more character parked at 10-15 to pick up later on.


Switching factions definitely keeps things fresher though.

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