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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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With hundreds if not thousands of doomsayers waiting in the shadows to post, you would think the DOC's would have taken a more professional route, rather than posting on the forums.


Not saying they where not sincere, but an utterly dumb time to post this.


Of course, if it turns out to make players think that their crying got results, maybe it will prove a successful tactic. I.E. Thread topics "No swimming in TOR got millions of bioware employees laid off" or "Haha, you nerfed healers, now the players are nerfing your paychecks". Horrible examples, but since I've already seen threads popping up where people try to relate layoffs to their particular wants in game, I think its rather valid.


Sorry for the people that got laid off.


Now, what are you going to do to get subs up, to get people rehired? Its gonna take some serious thought, and I don't think legacy perks are going to do it.

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Could be the access fat from the original development that they no longer need, seems every MMO development team goes through this. OR it could be they needed to cut the people that suck...which I hope this one is true.
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With hundreds if not thousands of doomsayers waiting in the shadows to post, you would think the DOC's would have taken a more professional route, rather than posting on the forums.


Not saying they where not sincere, but an utterly dumb time to post this.


Of course, if it turns out to make players think that their crying got results, maybe it will prove a successful tactic. I.E. Thread topics "No swimming in TOR got millions of bioware employees laid off" or "Haha, you nerfed healers, now the players are nerfing your paychecks". Horrible examples, but since I've already seen threads popping up where people try to relate layoffs to their particular wants in game, I think its rather valid.


Sorry for the people that got laid off.


Now, what are you going to do to get subs up, to get people rehired? Its gonna take some serious thought, and I don't think legacy perks are going to do it.


Bioware is big on providing the stage for those that hate them no matter what.


Why that is, is anyone's guess.

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WOW Layoff's that sucks. I guess that the Community is really speaking, give us what we want or we stop playing and paying. LOOK SWG all over again you did in 7 mouths what took them 7 years Kill a game. Two thumbs way up. with a smile
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Could be the access fat from the original development that they no longer need, seems every MMO development team goes through this. OR it could be they needed to cut the people that suck...which I hope this one is true.


If this was about normal downsizing of a development team post launch, I don't think they would've made a post about it. If this was about "replacing" people who didn't do their jobs well enough, same situation. I don't think they would've made a post. I'm far from being an expert on things like this. Honestly I know very little about it. But to me this sounds like trouble. I usually try to stay on the positive side of things, but to answer the OP's question, I don't think this'll be good for content.


I really feel for the people losing their jobs.

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I feel bad for the people, I've been in the similar situation, so I can sympathise.


I feel absolutley nothing but disgust for the management level, even when mmos have the greatest community support of any videogame genre, they couldn't work with the players and give them the proper QA and customer support.


Business sense is a euphamism for ignorant, opertunistic greed, dressed in a suit, sporting a fake smile, if you can fake it well enough, people call it being proffessional. You can't mask that no matter how many insinere press releases you put out to kid yourself you are in touch with the community.

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WOW Layoff's that sucks. I guess that the Community is really speaking, give us what we want or we stop playing and paying. LOOK SWG all over again you did in 7 mouths what took them 7 years Kill a game. Two thumbs way up. with a smile


Can I borrow your rose tinted glasses for this weekend, I'm going to the bar and I want to take home a fake ten.


Seriously, SWG died 6 months after launch when its subs dropped from 1 mill plus to 200k, they reacted(badly in my opinion) and really kicked up the fail with more epic nge fail, but it was a failed mmo period.


Don't get me wrong lol, I'm a fail, and played it and loved it for 4 years, but I never thought of it as a major blockbuster success in the gaming world.


Even if they only have 200k subs, swtor will be around for along time.

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...and this update from massively


[update: SWTOR Community Manager Stephen Reid has today changed his LinkedIn page indicating that his tenure with the studio ended in May 2012, suggesting that he might be one of those affected by these layoffs. We'll keep you posted as we learn more.]

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...and this update from massively


[update: SWTOR Community Manager Stephen Reid has today changed his LinkedIn page indicating that his tenure with the studio ended in May 2012, suggesting that he might be one of those affected by these layoffs. We'll keep you posted as we learn more.]


Really sorry to hear that. Was a nice chap. Hope he finds better opportunity elsewhere.

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...and this update from massively


[update: SWTOR Community Manager Stephen Reid has today changed his LinkedIn page indicating that his tenure with the studio ended in May 2012, suggesting that he might be one of those affected by these layoffs. We'll keep you posted as we learn more.]


Really, really sad.

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Really sorry to hear that. Was a nice chap. Hope he finds better opportunity elsewhere.


Yeah he was very active on Google plus and always had time to answer questions, it's sad to see him go.


I just hope his replacement can handle the TORchan forum community.

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Maybe they laid off those people so they could bring in people that know how to program automated server transfers?


Or maybe they laid them off to bring in people with experience in converting a subscription based MMO to a free to play MMO. The suits at EA may have already decided that is the only way to produce the return they had planned on from the game.

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I am very sad and want to express my sympathies to all the people that lost their jobs, and wish they find a better and more secure job elsewhere.


However, i hope that some of the terrible decision makers were included in this restructure, it was their fault that TOR seems to be sinking.


Lets hope for the best.

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...and this update from massively


[update: SWTOR Community Manager Stephen Reid has today changed his LinkedIn page indicating that his tenure with the studio ended in May 2012, suggesting that he might be one of those affected by these layoffs. We'll keep you posted as we learn more.]

this has EA's fingerprints all over it.


some shots needed to be fired, but apparently someone placed the gun in EA's hands, and they just randomly picked the biggest target.



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to put things in perspective Blizzard fired 600 employes in Feb




As much as you hate this game it's still going on


Blizzard's firings are different. WoW will jump back up to 12+ mill with MoP. They made a business decision that is unfortunately made too often in our world. Those employees were tenured employees and the people who Blizz will hire in their place will be paid starting salaries.


For TOR to fire employees this soon after launch is a bit different.

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Hire the guys who invented the original Star Wars Galaxies for Yoda's sake, make TOR a good game please!

Just trash the corridor planet concept and do it the SWG way for lvl 50-100. And add JTL plus housing where those damn exhaustion zones are!



Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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