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  1. Another stay tuned message How do we know you've taken anything of what has been said by players in the last 24 hours seriously? Here's some advice: deliver something tangable, then perhaps the next time you issue a statement like this, more of us will to you seriously. Until then, Bioware is taking the heat it deserves.
  2. What really compounds all of this is that the company have gone silent, no mods or anything. You'd think someone would have the spine to atleast try and address the community properly if they truely mean to take the players seriously. But going by past performances, probably not, if they are even aware of threads like this they are probably putting together another PR statement full of more meaningless sentiments. Stay tuned for more folks!
  3. I feel bad for the people, I've been in the similar situation, so I can sympathise. I feel absolutley nothing but disgust for the management level, even when mmos have the greatest community support of any videogame genre, they couldn't work with the players and give them the proper QA and customer support. Business sense is a euphamism for ignorant, opertunistic greed, dressed in a suit, sporting a fake smile, if you can fake it well enough, people call it being proffessional. You can't mask that no matter how many insinere press releases you put out to kid yourself you are in touch with the community.
  4. I thought the press release was kinda sad. I honestly thought they were about to break into the whole "these steps are necessary for us to continue to be world class *insert sport", and these sacrifices are what we need" schik I feel pretty bad for those that did get the news that they were no longer required. In most cases, a by the numbers press release means exactly the opposite of what is going on behind closed doors, so I've no doubt the businessmen had any problem with culling jobs. As for the "this means we can concentrate on content" line, that doesn't make sense, at present BW have a bad rep for releasing new content that is incredibly bug ridden, how exactly will cuts help this? If you reinvested the sub money you save in improving your model, you might get away with this statement, but when we consider EA's part in this, its pretty clear what they are steering at here. Your customer service has not improved since the day I had the misfortunte to purchase a CE with no product key. Hours of phone calls and dumb cut and paste emails later and no appoligy to this day. Does this sound like it needs a less is more restructuring? Oh well, keep up with those press releases from your ivory tower, it just shows how completely out of touch you are.
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