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Everything posted by furiousferret

  1. No they can't unless the healer / tank is terrible. I still doubt a PT can, but even though someone claims they are 'balanced' and its a L2P issue, they can do things no other class can. I call bs that he can pull it off, just funny he claims that and still thinks the class doesn't need a nerf.
  2. Whenever we crush a pug I always insist against the 3 cap so they can get comms and keep queueing. I've played on teams that went 20-2 a night and others that went 0-5 and some of the top teams just make it miserable for the pugs with insults and 3 caps. Thats the internet though, were there are no reprecussions for acting like a dbag.
  3. So you can take out a guarded healer / tank combo with your pyro? I cant think of any other class that can do that.
  4. So everyone that plays class x is just better than class y? I'm not sure what is worse, the 'L2P' crowd or the 'Cry Nerf' crowd. We're all seeing the same comps ran and the same classes excluded, not sure how that falls into L2P. The game is not perfectly balanced nor are there classes that are grossly overpowered. A big issue is the starter gear is 30% worse than the a fully modded WH.
  5. Op healers are strong right now, and I get the feeling Op Healers will get the nerf bat and it will put us back at the bottom. Surgical Probe is powerful but take away anything without redesigning the other heals and its a useless spec. Personally I feel like its balanced, and while Merc healing needs a buff and Sorc survivability needs a buff.
  6. 3 concealment ops jumping one guy is the swtor equivalent of Prison rap3.
  7. That is what has me perplexed as well, healers are far from unkillable. The issue is when you have 3-4
  8. Every week this comes up and every derpPS says something to the extent of 'my damage should barely outdamage a healers heals'. So essentially what they want is the healers to be warzone target dummies. Now people are mad that if healers act as a team they can't be killed. Thats kinda the point of a team based game. Right now its pretty balanced. A healer should be able to stay alive long enough to support the team, if he isn't then whats the point of even bringing a healer?
  9. You're right, I'm thinking about Lethality: Fixed.
  10. The big thing to do as an Op healer is work nonstop. I typically do 300-750k healing in regular warzones and have broken 1m in extended ones. There's no downtime with the class as you should either be spamming KProbes or DiagScan. It also goes without saying that you really need to learn to use all your defensive abilities, we have a ton and they're all good in different situations. Contrary to opinion we are not immortal with probe spam. Stack probes all over, more probes, more TA. Probe everyone before the match, you should have 3 stacks of TA before the warzone starts. Use Diagnostic Scan whenever you are under 80% or the target is not going down fast. Dont be afraid to use it as a healing ability. Once you hit your 3rd Stack use Stim Boost, Surgical Probe, or Kolto Infusion. I prefer the SProbe after Stim Boost because its free. Alot of Operatives will disagree with me on this point, but I hate having 3 stacks and having one drop off with a fresh TA. Dont use Kolto Injection very often, it kills 25% of your energy and dimishes energy return. Take advantage of the free 30% SProbes, and learn to keep several -30% players alive at a time. Use Recuperative Nanotech whenever its off CD. Dont forget to cleanse targets.
  11. I went back to Concealment for the weekend after not playing it for a few months. I've been Lethality or Medicine since 1.2. Playing it is a blast and for single target 1v1 its still a very good spec but the game does not revolve around 1v1. I respecced to Lethality for the same reasons others did; more uptime and less reliance on stealth. Its fairly obvious why Concealment Operatives dont get many spots in rateds, they just dont put up the pressure other DPS Classes do. There are just too many why bring concealment when I can bring (insert melee class here). Powertechs - Currently best damage dealer in game, and can taunt. Most rateds run 2-3 Marauders - Probably the best single target damage, and tons of group utility. Most rateds run 1-2 Juggernauts - Decent Damage, can offtank in a pinch, tons of cc, taunts. Most rateds run 0-2 Assassins - Good single target damage, taunts, good survivability. Most rateds run 1-2 For a team effort, concealment is lacking. Its hard to effectively focus fire targets with other DPS since there is no gap closer and the game has so much AOE that can break you out of stealth. There is a huge DPS loss with setup time; by the time an Operative hits his Hidden Strike at the beginning of a match a Marauder, Juggernaut, or Ranged DPS is already on their 5th damage dealing GCD (which is roughly 15k damage) Yes, Assassins have this issue as well but its tolerable as they are much better defensively. Operatives can pick off single targets, but a Marauder is better at this role, as they can Force Leap to the next target after the kill. Operatives have to restealth (if its not bugged or you're dotted) or walk to the next target, again, a DPS loss. Additionally, why bring a class that is a great single target damage dealer, when you can bring a class with close to the same single target burst and additional AOE damage? We do run a Concealment Operative in rateds, but he's an exceptional player and geared. In fact, he's the only concealment Op I've seen in 100 matches so far. I have seen 2 scrapper equivalents and dont even bother getting a peel because the damage is easy to outheal.
  12. You're just coming off as a hater. If NC is stalemated, its because no one is dying, which means the healer is doing their job (and the dps isn't). I tend to discount numbers if a team has more than 2 healers, but anyone breaking 1m in NC is probably a good healer.
  13. 1 million protection? You sir win at the game. Uninstall and bask in your glory. Personally I think the true marker of heals is not letting anyone on your team die. Of course that is a team effort.
  14. I like Operatives because of instant casts and mobility. The emergency 30% heal is great. However, I cant compete with a good Sorcerer, they do amazing heals. Mercenaries are good and their saving grace seems to be that they are the one class that can dish out some DPS as well.
  15. 1.05 million, not sure what the HPS are.
  16. Like others have said, you want to stack crit, and have it around 40-45%.
  17. I dont think there are any overly powered classes but lets not pretend its in perfect balance. In rateds you see a certain set of classes, and you rarely see certain other specs. While I think some of it is perception there are some balance issues. There are too many, why bring class x when I can bring class y situations. There are also alot of cases where player X is amazing and knows his class spot on, but will lose a spot to player y who only has to press 3 buttons and misses his interrupts.
  18. I really enjoy rateds. However if there is an issue its the massive amount of CC. Its not a biggie in regular warzones because people are lazy. In rateds you have 8 players with at least 3 cc's each and they know how to cycle them as a unit which gets frustrating. Most guilds lose interest in rateds because once you get measured as a team players get discouraged. No one likes to lose, and the top guilds wont magically get worse and the guilds players wont magically get better. The pool is teams is relatively small so a pug or newer guild will face the top dogs.
  19. Juggernauts have tons of utility and can lock down healers while the other teammates burst the dps. The point of focusing on a healer if you are solo isn't to kill them but to keep them from not healing others.
  20. You guys act as if a healers sole role in the job is to provide kill stats for dps. Healers and tanks counter DPS, and if they didn't there really wouldn't be a point in bringing them. There are classes not viable in this game because 2-3 dps class / specs are hands down better than others, which has nothing to do with healing. So essentially your counter countered you so you want it nerfed?
  21. They need a bit more defensive survivability, because the game always seems to be attack the sorc's first, and when a class is seen as that easy a kill and is always the first option, that is a problem. For the people that play the class the fun factor is diminished. Sorc healing and DPS are fine. Revivication and bubble are 2 of the best healing abiliites in the game, and good Sorc's can keep up if not do more healing that Operatives.
  22. Backpeddaling doesn't mean a player is bad, its just a useless keybind for PVP.
  23. The only thing that bothers about Marauders is that for DPS they trump my Jugg in every way. Everytime I spec dps on my Jugg the answer always comes back to 'why do this when I can get 100k more damage on my Mara?' I dont think they're overpowered though. A Rage Spec Marauder survives better and can put out more dps than a Jugg. A Annihiliation / Carnage put out better dps than Vengeance. My Marauder never worries about Rage whereas my Jugg is contstantly Rage starved, and the kicker is their defensive CD eats rage. I realize Juggernauts have taunts and more utility, but for a pure dps role Marauders trump Juggs in every way, and still have their own utility (Predation, Bloodthirst). Many Juggs rerolled Marauder and not many have went back to the Jugg. The reason there are so many Marauders in the game is because its hands down the funnest melee class in the game. I dont think they are overpowered, but I do think damage is high across the board since 1.3 (14 augment slots account for alot of the issues) and Marauders being a pure dps benefit the most from it. Damage across the board needs to be toned down. Even if Marauders were Op, you wouldn't get any sympathy here, everyone has a Marauder and they're going to throw the l2p card around. If a Marauder 1 shot me for 18k, someone would claim its balanced and cry 'l2p'.
  24. The biggest issue with this game is that its too easy to level to 50. That's not going to change though. If there's even a perception one class is overpowered there are hordes of rerolls. I leveled my Marauder in a week (3 days played), and geared him pretty fast in pvp. I stopped playing him just because there are so many and I tank and heal more....
  25. Well when I roll with a premade on Empire I do well, however, solo queueing does not go so well. IMO, the problem with Empire is they have alot more casual players. Before we xfered to the Bastion, we got rolled over and over and it wasn't because we were overall worse than them, but we always had to carry 3 fresh 50's against 8 geared players in 2 premades. I think that's prevalent across all the servers, Empire just has more casual players or kids that just care about swinging a lightsaber, and that's their right I guess. The best solution is to get serious about the game, gear up, and get in a premade.
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