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No Gear Check in the LFG tool?

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This is why I am avoiding 50+ content... Not everyone knows what they should and shouldn't have. I would hate to queue for ages for a HM FP and get turned away because my gear was not up to the elitist standards. I would love to do FP's and HM but I have not done barely any and I have played since beta.


The highest FP I have done is colicoid war games. I wish it was different I would like to experience the whole game but people like this put me off..


You have to remember there are a lot of people like myself who have never played an MMO before and are on a steep learning curve with a lot of things. To just exclude someone because they do not reach you level of expectation will make players feel they are not worthy and it will push more away from the game. Instead give a helping hand and advice... People complain about the community.. when they act like elitist snobs sitting on their pedal stool's looking down at us mere mortals in judgement.

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I dont think this will be a problem.


You wont have to worry about people in greens queing for Hard Mode because the LFG Tool is same server only.Since all servers are dead except the Fatman I 'm guessing only there it may be an issue.

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The pictures Bioware released of the LFG tool didn't seem to include a gear check of any kind. What is preventing a level 50 in all green gear from queuing up for Devona or HM Lost Island?


The last thing we need is spending an hour in a queue for a group only to get stuck in a group that doesn't even have the gear required to complete it and having to start over.


Please Bioware don't make the fatal mistake of trying to make the bads happy. A gear check is very important or you will have many frustrated and annoyed players.




And so it begins.

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You are applying a logic that this game has been devoid of.


It does seem like they are making the game in some galaxy far far away.


It's super awesome that you found a thread to take potshots at the game in. I'm happy for you. :rolleyes:

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This is why I am avoiding 50+ content... Not everyone knows what they should and shouldn't have. I would hate to queue for ages for a HM FP and get turned away because my gear was not up to the elitist standards. I would love to do FP's and HM but I have not done barely any and I have played since beta.


The highest FP I have done is colicoid war games. I wish it was different I would like to experience the whole game but people like this put me off..


You have to remember there are a lot of people like myself who have never played an MMO before and are on a steep learning curve with a lot of things. To just exclude someone because they do not reach you level of expectation will make players feel they are not worthy and it will push more away from the game. Instead give a helping hand and advice... People complain about the community.. when they act like elitist snobs sitting on their pedal stool's looking down at us mere mortals in judgement.


The green gear is an issue because with oranges you got thru leveling and doing dailies you have access to better gear to get your columi the problem is people don't like to put in effort.

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This is why I am avoiding 50+ content... Not everyone knows what they should and shouldn't have. I would hate to queue for ages for a HM FP and get turned away because my gear was not up to the elitist standards. I would love to do FP's and HM but I have not done barely any and I have played since beta.


The highest FP I have done is colicoid war games. I wish it was different I would like to experience the whole game but people like this put me off..


You have to remember there are a lot of people like myself who have never played an MMO before and are on a steep learning curve with a lot of things. To just exclude someone because they do not reach you level of expectation will make players feel they are not worthy and it will push more away from the game. Instead give a helping hand and advice... People complain about the community.. when they act like elitist snobs sitting on their pedal stool's looking down at us mere mortals in judgement.


It has less to do with excluding people and more to do with "Its physically impossible to get X boss down if everyone isn't wearing Y gear"

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This is why I am avoiding 50+ content... Not everyone knows what they should and shouldn't have. I would hate to queue for ages for a HM FP and get turned away because my gear was not up to the elitist standards. I would love to do FP's and HM but I have not done barely any and I have played since beta.


The highest FP I have done is colicoid war games. I wish it was different I would like to experience the whole game but people like this put me off..


You have to remember there are a lot of people like myself who have never played an MMO before and are on a steep learning curve with a lot of things. To just exclude someone because they do not reach you level of expectation will make players feel they are not worthy and it will push more away from the game. Instead give a helping hand and advice... People complain about the community.. when they act like elitist snobs sitting on their pedal stool's looking down at us mere mortals in judgement.

It's not an elitist standard, you can run normal level 50 flash points to get a couple blues then gear up columi armor doing every hard mode besides lost island. I'd suggest giving it a try and not branding people who've used this system of content to gear up elitist jerks.. We all were in greens at some time. I'm now in full rakata supplanted with two pieces of black hole gear.


If you don't want to do the content don't, but don't brand people elitist jerks because they expect the people they group with to have gone through some of the effort at least they did while gearing up.

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It has less to do with excluding people and more to do with "Its physically impossible to get X boss down if everyone isn't wearing Y gear"


It's nice to say that , even if you really mean it..


We all know that's not how it will be used though.

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So let me get thiis straight. You ( and some other players) complain there is no LFG tool in game (there is, just not many people use it). So Bioware says to you "ok, we hear you, here it is". Sounds rather straight forward, you asked for it, they are giving it to you.


But no, you are NOW complaining that the LFG tool doesnt come with....tools. How on earth do you manage that one? They give you what you ask for, and yet you're still moaning about it like a stroppy toddler. I bet that if you were given a bag of gold, you'd complain about how heavy it is.


Hard to please? Not at all....you make up these complaints as you go along, im sure

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I don't normally post on this god forsaken board but I am tired of the people who claim a gear check is "elitist".


It is NOT elitist to check peoples gear. Am I supposed to spend my time wiping in raids just so that I am not deemed an "elitist"? My time is precious to me and when I play I want to succeed. I put my time in on my gear and I don't want to be put into a situation where I cannot succeed because I decided to be "nice" and try to carry an under geared party member.


Certain content requires certain gear to complete. There is a path for undergeared people to get the gear they need. It's not like I am saying that you cant play the game because you have green gear - you just can't play at my level.


If Hard Mode Flashpoints did not have a level restriction would it be "elitist" if we excluded level 45s? How is it different? Level restriction is acceptable but gear restriction is not?


The sad thing is, is that it is not up to you. This is the way the game is designed. It would make it easier on us raid leaders if they offered some sort of gear restriction because we would not have to be the bad guys all the time. It would remove any assumption of bias into our decision to cut you.


It would be best if the system was automated out of the hands of raid organizers to the point that where we were guaranteed the gear level needed and all we would have to vette was your skill.

Edited by Docmal
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Geared based junk again. If the encounter, as you say, requires certain gear then people lacking that gear should automatically be excluded by the system. Since they are not then it is either an oversight by the designers or the designers expect diverse groupings to be able to survive the encounter. Edited by Elkard
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Some people might truly be elitist and shun the less geared. However, I am not elitist but I only have a few hours every couple of days to play and would love to use the LFG tool when quildies aren't available. I also don't want to bang my head against the wall wasting time because someone grouped for content that they don't have the gear for. I'm not saying they are bad but they need to grind the dailies and taral V and possibly story EV before trying to do the harder FPs and OPs. Its the same thing that I and many others had to do.


I have helped gear many players in my guild and server and dont mind helping anyone who asks and would never turn away a group from the LFG tool however, I would try to get the group to do something else to help the less geared player. Now that is asking alot from potentially 2 others that dont want/need whatever lower level FP we would need to run and I would understand if they dropped. You cant hate on players just because they dont want to waste time doing something that even if they can complete it will take twice as long and be twice as expensive (repair bills).

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Greens were ok for the early storymode. So there was no effort required; which was nice - because after 50 levels I wanted to start doing things with people right away. Not 2 weeks of dailies. The problem is the true gear requirement and the one people will cry about so they can faceroll the content are two different things.


EV and KP were totally doable in greens on storymode (the only mode available in this tool). So if the LFG prevented people from wearing gear less than voss in EV than I dont think people would have a problem.


I am sure they have kicked this idea around. Its not like no one has thought about it. They have not released all teh info about it.


You people on the interwebs should start yoga or something to calm down.

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Hmm, that's strange..

All these threads from people saying that a LFG tool would make everyone more social and build up the overall SWTOR community because it would allow *all* players to group up and enjoy the game in an atmosphere where you didn't need to spend forever looking for specific people in order to do FPs.


Now we see that it's yet another way to shun players who aren't up to whatever arbitrary standards set by a minority.


What do you want next? A mandatory upload of each potential group member's latest combat log so you can scrutinize it before they join? Maybe a checkbox for only those with Bio? Maybe a Founder's only option so those newer players who aren't worthy of you can't participate?




This this and this...


And to the OP....Id like you to show me 1, just 1 single player in the game that has all green gear at level 50.....Unless of course that player decided to use level 20-30-40 gear throughout the entire game.....To which I would say, if he/she managed that, they are obviously a better player than you are :-)

Edited by Nippon
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OP thinks he is pro because he has good gear. hahahahahahahaha


wait a minute.....ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah


The thing is...hang on....ahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha


The thing is there is no skill in gear based mmo's so maybe dont call them "bads" when they could easily have more skill than you.

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OP thinks he is pro because he has good gear. hahahahahahahaha


wait a minute.....ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah


The thing is...hang on....ahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha


The thing is there is no skill in gear based mmo's so maybe dont call them "bads" when they could easily have more skill than you.


Worst post ever, thanks for making me just the tiniest bit less intelligent.

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Yep, one of the biggest negatives that come with it. Heaven forbid they play to have fun.


Reminds me of the release of another games expansion. I was in part of the front pack that was running the heroic instances in our greens and blues, because we had nothing better at the time. We didn't have guides, tutorials, or gear requirements. We wiped, but had fun figuring it out. That was then. Now you see silly gear "requirements" to run those same things, by "expert" players who insist it can't be done without them.


Funny thing is, if the advanced gear is required, how did they get it?


Heaven forbid that people should be appropriately geared before attempting content that requires gear. You can't beat EV Story Mode in greens. If you can, you're the one person in the group being carried rather than pulling your own weight.

Edited by DarthTHC
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So let me get thiis straight. You ( and some other players) complain there is no LFG tool in game (there is, just not many people use it). So Bioware says to you "ok, we hear you, here it is". Sounds rather straight forward, you asked for it, they are giving it to you.


But no, you are NOW complaining that the LFG tool doesnt come with....tools. How on earth do you manage that one? They give you what you ask for, and yet you're still moaning about it like a stroppy toddler. I bet that if you were given a bag of gold, you'd complain about how heavy it is.


Hard to please? Not at all....you make up these complaints as you go along, im sure

Wrong. People are asking for the LFG tool which will actually work. Bioware says: "Ok, we hear you, here it is. Oh, btw, don't mind this and that major flaws which can make the tool useless".

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Meh...I understand the desire, but if I want to do a serious hardmode/nm run, I'll group with my guild. If I'm just trying to kill time, I'll sign up for story mode and help players I don't know get some basic PvE gear. If I happen to join a HM Ops that's well under geared, I can always leave. I'm not overly worried.
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EV and KP were totally doable in greens on storymode (the only mode available in this tool). So if the LFG prevented people from wearing gear less than voss in EV than I dont think people would have a problem.


Heaven forbid that people should be appropriately geared before attempting content that requires gear. You can't beat EV Story Mode in greens.


Ah.. so *you* weren't able to do EV storymode in Greens DarthTHC. Many others were able to.

Yet you want to have the ability to refuse access to your group because you weren't able to do something others could?


Do you not see how arbitrary such a LFG limitation would be?

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