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Everything posted by Blavatsky

  1. Game will be cancelled soon and you will have to return to your life
  2. Personally I want to see some more info on EverquestNext. SOE has been really secretive about this one , letting almost nothing out . True MMO fans are really looking forward to this one.
  3. The game is on life support. 100 + servers down to 12 in 6 months. This is a record flop . Content is minimal , they launched with a very small playable world and have added little since. Next major content update? a companion . Great BIG content update before that? LFG , should have launched with that. Game is in huge trouble.
  4. Collectors Edition is worthless, i dont see why you are pondering this. Interesting oddity you found . I'd say note it as such and move on.
  5. You are not paying attention to the game , or you have not played WoW . Nailed it? are you trolling?
  6. This game is a carbon copy of World of Warcraft and this is the number # 1 reason people dont like it. WoW players came here looking for something different , found a pale imitation with less functionality , decried its horrors and left. This is a WoW copy and a Bad one , Literally. Have you not seen the comparison of Warrior abilities here in and in WoW. That is just one example of how they directly copied WoW.
  7. There is no metric for player skill level , so the discussion is incoherent. Like much online discourse. Carry on
  8. Ridiculous , That is not at all a fair example. Everquest. DCUO LoTRO are just a few, There are real MMOs you can make the comparison with. Pick one.
  9. People have been making " Save SWTOR" threads since 1.2 if not earlier. In the spirit of Star Wars let me put it to you this way "He's dead Jim" Guild wars 2 looks pretty good, and Panda planet pokemon party is going live soon
  10. I think the problem for many is they dont enjoy the now and are awaiting some future state of the game that increasingly seems doubtful.
  11. Totally up to EA I guess, but sure. Some very small games have been around for years. Take Vanguard for example. Sure there's plenty of other examples.
  12. We can pretty drop the discussion about sandpark and themebox or SandThemed Boxpark or whatever. There is no common definition of the terms, everyone has their own idea what these terms mean.Hell as I understand it , there are only a handful of Sandbox MMOs ever made and none are popular at the moment. So the discussion is incoherent. Like most e-discourse. carry on
  13. quit stalking me , seriously its getting creepy.
  14. Age of Conan is still going though , and its too early to call TSW only been 2 weeks? though i did think it looked dull. Age of Conan has actually released an expansion... Can you even envision a SWTOR expansion at this point? I think the chances are pretty slim.
  15. Normally this kind of post would draw insults as a retort. But you are probably correct. I would be played by Tonetta.
  16. We have like 8 useless companions already and you guys are debating the " Role " of the new one? Game needs a massive overhaul , new expansion worth of content and probably a full relaunch. Not excited about another companion i wont use.
  17. Yeah but this one only took about 3- 4months after launch before the mass exodus began and the Deathknell rang. Gotta be some kind of record.
  18. Lack of difference between the playable races was just one of many factors that contributed to the demise of SWTOR. Lack of class difference didnt help either . Pick Between : Guy With GlowSword. Guy With Gun.
  19. I think they hate it because they feel let down and want their money back.
  20. There is another dynamic event coming soon. The Free to Play conversion. Soon you will be able to purchase some of the in game items you get for free now.
  21. It means nothing and reads like crap. If you mean or , if you mean and then use them.
  22. I demand Homosexual Content in SWTOR and ALL Games. The People Want Gay romance and they want it NOW !
  23. Gona agree here. It would have been better to let Star Wars Galaxies continue than even create this game.
  24. I fixed your quote. What/is/this/supposed/to/mean/when/people/do/this. How is the reader supposed to read this symbol /
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