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Hardcore people, I don't care what you say...


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Seriously I don't see any increase in difficulty and I just returned to this game yesterday and I was gone since January. Can anyone tell me what was done except a few nerfs? Edited by vladx
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It would be far easier to remove casual and hardcore as terms and replace with;


People seeking fun without drama,


People seeking challenge without drama,


People seeking fun,


People seeking challenge.



we could group these under the term "Gamers" if you like.

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Super Casual - Facebook games.


Casual - Games enjoyable by most people.


Casual Core - Games enjoyable by most people and people who are hardcore (Smash Bros, lots of Nintendo games)


Core - Where most gamers are. In between Casual Core and Hardcore. Can enjoy most kinds of games, maybe not the most extreme all the time.


Hardcore Lite - Hardcore games who like hardcore style but don't play hours and hours a day.


Hardcore Obsessive - Hardcore gamers who have enough free time to waste away their lives playing hardcore games too much.


Super Casual Obsessive - Moms who play facebook games all day (DARN YOU MOM!)

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I love the difficulty, casual shouldn't mean "because you paid here we want to give you everything so you feel good about yourself".


Screw that, go get barby magical island.


Difficulty-wise, compared to the competition, this game IS barbie magical island. This entire thread is based on a strawman argument; the hardcores left a long time ago. Anyone that thinks serious competitive raiding or pvp is happening in TOR doesn't understand what serious competitve raiding or pvp are.

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Super Casual - Facebook games.


Casual - Games enjoyable by most people.


Casual Core - Games enjoyable by most people and people who are hardcore (Smash Bros, lots of Nintendo games)


Core - Where most gamers are. In between Casual Core and Hardcore. Can enjoy most kinds of games, maybe not the most extreme all the time.


Hardcore Lite - Hardcore games who like hardcore style but don't play hours and hours a day.


Hardcore Obsessive - Hardcore gamers who have enough free time to waste away their lives playing hardcore games too much.


Super Casual Obsessive - Moms who play facebook games all day (DARN YOU MOM!)


Although I agree with you to some height that facebook games and flashgames belong to the casual games, and in fact MMO's are more on the other side of the spectrum, your definition has some flaws lol..when you start about hardcore, you start about gamers instead of games ;)


But in fact any game can be played hardcore style or casual...

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Difficulty-wise, compared to the competition, this game IS barbie magical island. This entire thread is based on a strawman argument; the hardcores left a long time ago. Anyone that thinks serious competitive raiding or pvp is happening in TOR doesn't understand what serious competitve raiding or pvp are.


heh. after years of ffxi and people giving up on bosses after 18 hours... (lolpandemoniumwarden) I can tell you one thing: you most likely don't understand 'competetive raiding' either.

Edited by amnie
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personally i hate the comms system

i dont like the daily and weekly ti give same comms

prefer to have daily taral and daily false emperor to gain false emperor comms for the chest only and taral coms for the gloves only


now as the system is, all ppl doing taral and maybe BOI but nobody touch the lost island cuz its too hard, and since doesnt give any special nobody doing it, ppl like me that hunts the speeders we cursed with that system

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...The game is NOT casual or EVEN semi-casual friendly. It was at least semi-casual friendly at launch, but since 1.2 it's only geared towards the hardcore, get over it, that's why so many people have quit. If you want the game to survive, you need to get over this whole hardcore enraged timers/tight tuning bosses/not letting groups rerun ops and just be loot locked that is going on. All these people that have left were the casual and semi-casual, and now you're realizing that the hardcore is almost the only ones left. Our server at least is dead in the water, and transfers are going to fix nothing, there needs to be forced mergers.


I'm a casual player and raider. Our guild is just now raiding as of this past month. we've cleared EV and KP regular in the first week or so. We just cleared EV hard-mode. Did up to Soa in our first night. Three-shotted him last night (two of those wipes due to disorganization). We ended up short a player after our first night in EV hard, so went back and 7 manned KP regular with ease.


Not to insult you, but there comes a time when one must do a little self evaluation, stop blaming others and seek out ways to improve one's self (yes, crazy I know). In this case, not as a person, but as a raider you need to work on your game if you are having such difficulty in these first two raid instances. They really and truly are geared to the casual raider and player. In fact, I think they did a fine job of it. I just hope that they followed through with nightmare and we get our butts kicked in there for a healthy amount of time. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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Seriously I don't see any increase in difficulty and I just returned to this game yesterday and I was gone since January. Can anyone tell me what was done except a few nerfs?


1 warzone

1 raid/operation

1 flashpoint

More dailies.


Yeah that is about it.

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These "hardcore" players suck anyway. They always need some sort of advantage or excuse to not actually play the content the way it's supposed to be played. They want macros, they want premades vs PUGs, they want to be overgeared for content, they want add-ons to make the game easy to play, then afterwards they want to wave their e-peens around.


Yes it's a joke, and yes the devs cater to them. Because the devs are stupid and MMOs have the absolute worst communities of any genre I've ever been a part of.


I would have to say hardcore players are by far some of the worst players in most of the games ive played including this one. Its why they flock to games like this where its gear not skill that wins the fight.

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I would have to say hardcore players are by far some of the worst players in most of the games ive played including this one. Its why they flock to games like this where its gear not skill that wins the fight.


It's just what your definition of hardcore players is. If you mean elitist jerks who only care about min/max, I can agree with you, but there are also players (even soloplayers) who invest a lot of time in games like this and often enough are very enjoyable company.

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Rofl sorry but this is not a Hardcore game at all, I dont consider any "PvE content" Hardcore in any game, and if you are a Hardcore PvP'r then you dont play SWtoR since the PvP in SWtoR doesnt matter,at all.


Soooooo....no endgame PvP, boring PvE (PvE is always boring but w/e) and you dont have a "winning MMO"

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Not being able to help out undergeared or guilds not divisible by they're arbitrary number does cater to the static hardcores. Enraged timers and tight tuning does cater to the hardcores. Not being able to get tokens to at least work towards pieces of gear when you can't finish HM EC does cater to the hardcore.

Don't go mistaking casual with lazy, they aren't the same. If you're talking about lack of players to run with with then that is something different and I do agree that unless you are in a guild who is active when you play it's tough since most servers there just aren't the numbers of good players to fill PUGs and complete instances successfully.


I'm a casual player, I play for perhaps 2 hours per night productively at best but I've still been able to participate in end-game in just about every MMO which I've ever played. Do you know why that is? It's because I don't expect my hand held and I'm perfectly happy to spend 2-3 months preparing to do my first raids if that's what it takes.


The only way this game is not casual friendly is if you are either unguilded (or in a guild which doesn't suit your playing times) or one of those 'casual' players who essentially wants to hit L50 and jump straight into the tougher flashpoints and raids without putting in any effort to gear up first.

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r u sure those who stay r the hardcore or just addicted?


Hardcores play challenging games, what part of this game has a challenge?

* There is no consequence of doing anything wrong.

* If you die, you keep all your gear.

* Money is easily gained from boring dailies.

* Gear is easily gained from pvp and doing raids.

Edited by Valperion
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Rofl sorry but this is not a Hardcore game at all, I dont consider any "PvE content" Hardcore in any game, and if you are a Hardcore PvP'r then you dont play SWtoR since the PvP in SWtoR doesnt matter,at all.


Soooooo....no endgame PvP, boring PvE (PvE is always boring but w/e) and you dont have a "winning MMO"


you are correct. people who are serious about PVP don't play MMOs to begin with.

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Hardcores play challenging games, what part of this game has a challenge?

* There is no consequence of doing anything wrong.

* If you die, you keep all your gear.

* Money is easily gained from boring dailies.

* Gear is easily gained from pvp and doing raids.


so your definition of 'hardcore' is = game with more penalties than fun. goood to know :D

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