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Powertechs aren't OP


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The healing nerfs are fine.


I'm not talking about any class but powertechs. No other class takes me down in less than 15 seconds. Powertechs can do it in 7. What's so difficult to understand about that? Why keep on bringing up the healing nerfs? They are fine. That's not the point. I'm talking about powertechs, and you guys keep on changing the subject.


I'm not talking about "DPS."


We're talking about powertechs and powertechs alone.


I give up. You guys win. You suck, but you win. I can't even tell if you're trolling or if you actually believe that verbal diarrhea you mistake for intelligent conversation.


And to anyone who thinks Guild Wars 2 is going to offer more balanced PVP, it's not. It's a ranged AoE spamfest, far worse than Ilum ever was.


I'm not talking about my broken arm Doctor! I'm talking about this pain emenating from the upper extremity of my body!!!


What I am getting at is that no one wants to heal or tank anymore because everything is so heavily weighted to make going for a purely DPS focused spec and gear build that it's no contest.


In most other games I've played there was a very succinct statement about healers, "If you can heal, you should heal." In this game it's more like "If you ca... damn, he died before I could finish".


Incentives have been provided for every class to focus on DPS and taken away from the pursuit of any other potential role. This is not a "PT's only" issue.


A PT is roflstomping you and you can't heal through the amount of DPS he can slam into you with. I'm not surprised. I'm trying to explain to you the environment in which these conditions were created. My guess is he's certainly not "tanking" you to death. I'd also guess that a Mara/Op/Jugg/etc., spec'd and geared to, would pull you apart faster than you could heal through their DPS too.


Oh and yeah and, GW2 has AoE.... and RvR...

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Yes, they do. Just takes 1.5 seconds to apply it. Useful if no one else is guarding the ball carrier in Huttball.


When he changes stance hes not a pyro and wont kill absolutely anything end of story.


Go complain about juggs in tank stance being able to do 7k aoe crits, pyro cant do that since the Carolina Parakeet has been destroyed.

Edited by SajPl
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There were screens on the forums of a sorc and a jugg doing more ... so whats your point ?


That we must nerf all classes until everyone just does 1 DPS max, and stands still, and well.. really doesn't do anything, because then no one will have to learn how to play

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More damage than a PT?


Burst or sustained?


Snipers and Agents can easily do the burst of a PT, y'know.


Sustained, Maras are still king of the hill.


Neither. I'm talking about how much damage can be done even when the right counters are applied. Snipers are affected by LoS and there are many ways to reduce Marauder's uptime in melee range (i.e stun them after leap).


A good indication of this is PTs are by far the scariest DPS when I'm healing on my Sage/Scoundrel. PT + any other DPS class means I'll die stupidly fast, whereas I can last much longer against any other duo without a PT.


Also, PTs easily do more overall damage than Marauders if you're going by WZ scoreboards (and not training dummy dps).

Edited by Antipodes
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When he changes stance hes not a pyro and wont kill absolutely anything end of story.


Go complain about juggs in tank stance being able to do 7k aoe crits, pyro cant do that since the Carolina Parakeet has been destroyed.


The PT is still Pyro spec. I'm not saying you should be guarding people often, but to say that they don't have guard is wrong. As I mentioned, it can still be useful in very specific situations.


Not sure why you bring up rage spec Juggs but they are a below average class. They give up a lot of utility, do easy to heal through damage, and die faster than a Pyro PT.

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I don't think the ability to burn me down in about 5 seconds is balanced, regardless of their own defenses or lack thereof. The fact of the matter is that powertechs do more burst damage than any other class in the game, and they also have some really nice utility to back it up (slows, pulls, etc.).


If you dont have the correct gear in pvp at level 50 you will get burned in 5 seconds. Lower levels need not apply.

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If you dont have the correct gear in pvp at level 50 you will get burned in 5 seconds. Lower levels need not apply.


Full BM + several WH pieces, including my mainhand (offhand soon). Not exactly sure what you count as "the correct gear," but I'm sure I fit the bill.

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IM a full Wh combat medic, there are good power techs and bad ones.... The good ones make me disappear with all my cooldowns up.



>> http://s1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii489/ephex01/?action=view&current=Screenshot_2012-04-14_14_57_02_826377-1.jpg


Edit to go grab my top pt on my server to show you in good hands what can be done.

Edited by Roast-Beast
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i just love how PT's are getting ALL the focus in this thread. As if Vanguards arent running around doing the SAME thing.


its getting so stupidly bad


Vanguard and PT's are not balanced, this has been run and tested by my server. PT>>>Vanguard: Heat>>>Ammo

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Vanguard and PT's are not balanced, this has been run and tested by my server. PT>>>Vanguard: Heat>>>Ammo


Vanguards are still putting out way too much dmg. dont try and defend them, when they nerf PTs, they will nerf vanguards.


are you going to stick with your vanguard or are you going to wait to see what the next fotm class is?

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i just love how PT's are getting ALL the focus in this thread. As if Vanguards arent running around doing the SAME thing.


its getting so stupidly bad


Obviously people are also referring to Vanguards when they mention PT. It's just that people don't want to bloat their statements by listing the mirror class and abilities.

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i just love how PT's are getting ALL the focus in this thread. As if Vanguards arent running around doing the SAME thing.


its getting so stupidly bad


I like how people posting Voidstar numbers with multiple healers somehow merits part of an argument? (Not you, but just saying)

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When carebears get together in nerf threads, every class sounds horrifying and ghastly.


After reading thread after thread about how there's zero world pvp, what's the difference between a pvp and pve server?


BTW I'm positive he pvps way more than you do.


Also, for the guys talking about how great GW2 is gonna be. Have you ever played it? I have, it sucks(I skipped the open beta weekend). It's GW with new graphics and warhammers public quest system, my bad "unique epic quests". With no tanks and no healers every fight will be nothing more than one dps zerg vs another. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't zerg vs zerg what drives most "true" pvpers away? That game will be killed by the players just like pretty much every other MMO. The GW2 forums, couple months after release, will be flooded with OMG <insert new game here> is gonna kill this game. OMG <insert random class here> is OP.

Edited by Thaelcron
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Noone was talking about powertechs being OP before 1.2, now it seems we are the next target for the forum whiners. It's all this whining that gets each class nerfed one after the other. You cannot objectively say which classes are OP, because there are a load of different factors to consider. Each class is meant to bring something different to the table. The pyro tree brings burst, which guess what - is good in pvp. Go figure. So a super duper geared player killed you, a light armor class, really quickly. Sounds about right, you shouldn't have been in the way.
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No matter how you try to describe it, 24,478 damage in 9.624 seconds is extraordinarily high damage.


Take down the adrenals and relics, and approximately cut back around 30% damage and that is still around 17k damage, which translates to taking down a lv50 in BM armor with around 17k health within 6.5 GCDs, in terms of average, 2.6k damage per every global cool which is actually very high.


Now is this OP? That's a very careful path to tread upon. Given equal opportunities the damage itself can be considered on par with Mara/Sents, and probably a bit lower than Gunlsingers/Snipers. Considering Gunslingers/Snipers are severely limited in a lot of ways as compensation for their extremely high damage, perhaps it is the fact that Mara/Sents or PTs do not share such obvious limitations while being able to deal such damage, that makes people angry.

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No matter how you try to describe it, 24,478 damage in 9.624 seconds is extraordinarily high damage.


Take down the adrenals and relics, and approximately cut back around 30% damage and that is still around 17k damage, which translates to taking down a lv50 in BM armor with around 17k health within 6.5 GCDs, in terms of average, 2.6k damage per every global cool which is actually very high.


Now is this OP? That's a very careful path to tread upon. Given equal opportunities the damage itself can be considered on par with Mara/Sents, and probably a bit lower than Gunlsingers/Snipers. Considering Gunslingers/Snipers are severely limited in a lot of ways as compensation for their extremely high damage, perhaps it is the fact that Mara/Sents or PTs do not share such obvious limitations while being able to deal such damage, that makes people angry.


yeah. . . what he said

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