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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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For some reason, all my toons are in a kneeling position when I log on. Not only is this bizarre, but in order to get them out of kneeling position, I actually have to jump AND move forward (W).


Whatever you did to make this change, please undo it. It's a small, but constant annoyance, whereas before this change, I logged on to find my character standing right where I left it, and I don't have to press any keys to acquire control over it.

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For some reason, all my toons are in a kneeling position when I log on. Not only is this bizarre, but in order to get them out of kneeling position, I actually have to jump AND move forward (W).


Whatever you did to make this change, please undo it. It's a small, but constant annoyance, whereas before this change, I logged on to find my character standing right where I left it, and I don't have to press any keys to acquire control over it.


Put your pet away before you log if you don't want to be in the kneeling position when you log back in. There have been many threads on this. Did you know these forums have a search function?

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I thought this thread was about recording TV :rolleyes:


I was looking into getting a cablecard last night...see what happens when you can't play the game!


But yea, it's the pet being out that causes you to kneel.

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I don't understand what the big deal is with this? You log in, and are slightly afk for a second - if you were not kneeling you would still have to hit a button to move?

The kneeling thing is pretty cool IMO - complain about more important features that are lacking

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To be fair, I have *once* had my character appear to be permenently stuck in that kneeling position even when running around. (No idea if other people saw me that way). Never thought to jump, maybe that would have fixed it.


Either way, in the months since I first starting have a pet, across multiple characters, I've only seen that happen once. And it's purely cosmetic, so don't really care. Didn't even bother /bugging it.

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Put your pet away before logging off, "problem" solved.


I don't consider this a problem, personally, because finding my character kneeling when I log doesn't bother me. However, I am not sure the so-called problem is solved by putting my pet away before logging off since I frequently find my character logging in while kneeling and his pet is not out.


The only caveat to that would be that the bug, if it is one, could be that he had a pet out when he logged at one point and that it is not showing up when he logs back in, but the game thinks it is still out. I will try summoning and dismissing the pet next time I am on and then log out without the pet out to test if it still happens. However, I am fairly certain that I have not logged out with the pet out since, even though I like having them, I typically get bored fairly quickly with them when they are out so I almost never have them out for more than a few minutes at a time. Likewise, I don't recall having resummoned the pet since the last time I dismissed him.


At any rate, I will test it out, but to be honest, I don't think this necessarily solves the so-called problem since my pet is not out, and I am fairly certain I have not had him out since the last time I dismissed him.

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