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List your kill order


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Actually, you should always...

kill hacker then healer.


Hacker, healer, dps dealer, tank comes last

so we all can blast.


...yep I just made up a pvp rhyme rule... zomg... so next level.



how do you


how do you know someone is a hacker?


On the forums I see posts about "hackers, cheaters, etc" but I don't know how you can recognize one?

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1. Low geared dps (~13k hp) - They are mostly easier to kill than healers with gear, so I take some pressure from my team.

2. Healers - Well, I think everyone should see why it makes sense to kill enemy healers

3. Dps-Sorc/Dps-Merc - Freekills and Sorcs are dangerous if left to freecast

4. Snipers - They are extremely dangerous if left to freecast

5. Marauders - Because I want to see some dead FOTM-bodies

6. Other Dps

7. Tanks


There are exceptions, for sure, for example if a tank is the ballcarrier in huttball, healers are #1 and he is #2.

Or if a tank is guarding a healer and his life drops below 30% just from guard, I will try to cc the healer and burst down the tank. A healer without guard is not even half as hard to kill as one with.

[Heal Sorc BM/WH mix, currently playing dps for fun]

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Vengeance Juggernaut here, this is my priority queue when I'm group queued.




1. Marauders: If I have all my CDs up I will outlast a marauder and if I keep him taunted, he won't be doing murdering my allies. The more defensive I make him, the better my chances are at getting rid of him from the game.

2. Sorc Heals, there's no class I can shut down or pressure better

3. Arsenal BH: I can shut them down and by staying on them, prevent them from killing off me or my allies. I simply cannot ignore these guys.

4. Pyro Pts: I can't ignore these guys. Enraged defense as vengeance can really help reduce a lot of the damage they deal and keep me alive while I take them out. Contrary to popular opinion (or hysteria), PT Dps drop VERY quickly when focused, even with their shield active.

5. Tanks: I can kill tanks very efficiently and quickly due to the fact that itemizing for accuracy gives me a huge edge over my teammates. 1% of accuracy past 95% is as good as 30-40 bonus damage to me.

5.5. Non-sorc heals: These are really easy for me to pressure, especially operative healers if they don't have guard. BH heals can be tricky (due to their shield preventing interrupts), but pushes/chokes can really make it hard for them to heal multiple targets and themselves.

6. Other DPS: I have no particular priority, it's all dependant upon positioning and what I want to deal with. Snipers (esp eng and lethality) are my least amenable fight while operatives and juggernauts are interesting.

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I'm an objective based player, so it's all situational.


1: Anyone on an objective. Someone capping a node or carrying the huttball.

2: The player in front of the the guy carrying the huttball, or others around nodes.

3: Enemy healers.

4: Enemy focusing on our healers.


Anyone who talks smack in a warzone or uses emotes such as /laugh or /no all the time gets an auto bump to the top of the priority list. If they keep at it, I've been known to mark them as well. I hate trolls.

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1. Healer

2. Anything with low health

3. My personal grudge list, mainly containing Sorcs as they are the most annoying class in the game, they need to die, constantly lol

4. Marauders, especially FOTM lowbie re-rollers, I find it my personal duty to wreck them, normally in such a way that they feel humiliated.

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4. Marauders, especially FOTM lowbie re-rollers, I find it my personal duty to wreck them, normally in such a way that they feel humiliated.


I'm a lowbie maurader reroll, and ppl actually have a tough time trying to take me down...

anyway, as sniper...

1) sorcs and dps shadows first, fast kill cause of light armor

2) any healer, isnt it obvious already?

3) any other dps, dont have good defenses, pretty easy if they arnt heavy armor, but even then its not TO hard

4) tanks... I hate tanks...

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I have no kill order. Healers do not take precedence over dps or tanks or anything. I see who is on the battlefield and I figure out who is going to cause the most issues and I kill them first, if I can't kill them I lock them down in any other way I can. You get to know who is dangerous on your server if you pvp enough and actually pay attention.


If I notice someone low on HP that I do not have to go out of my way to hit I will quickly swap targets then Assassinate > Shock kill to wipe them out, then back to who I was fighting. 1 less person on the field is always good. So yes this means I even target baddies and squishies that I know to make less enemies in the area.


IMO having a set rotation is not nearly as good as just playing situationaly

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I'm a lowbie maurader reroll, and ppl actually have a tough time trying to take me down...

anyway, as sniper...

1) sorcs and dps shadows first, fast kill cause of light armor

2) any healer, isnt it obvious already?

3) any other dps, dont have good defenses, pretty easy if they arnt heavy armor, but even then its not TO hard

4) tanks... I hate tanks...


I forgot to put dps spec shadows on my list... they are glass canons and are high up on my list.

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Kill the healer!


The strength of healers pre 1.2 trained us all in marking and systematically destroying heals. Now that they aren't the god-like class they were, we need to learn to protect them .


I would like to see more tanks with their number 1 priority being protect the healer instead of kill the healer.


Having said that, I do understand why this isn't the case - when you are attacking (rather than defending) it often makes more sense to protect the dps that can put out the burst dmg to win the node, than the healer who isn't sending anyone back to spawn. And when five guys gank a healer every time they walk out of spawn, forcing them to turtle heal themselves, taking 50% of their dmg seems like a waste of resources.

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My list of things to kill (as a lightning/madness dps sorc) goes as follows:


1) Any objective related kill

- Enemy Ball carrier

-Bomb planters

-Node cappers


2) Marked healers (once I have stunned or removed their guard somehow) (if not included in point 1)


3) Other sorcs/sages (if not uncluded in point 1 or 2). This is a good way to determine how well you're playing your class. If you're having problems with other people who are your class, you're in trouble!!!!!


4) Anyone who I see as "problematic" eg: someone who i have a playful grudge for, or has one for me. (if not already in points 1,2 or 3)


5) Anyone with stupid names. eg: Brawlkillz (if not already included in points 1,2,3 or 4)


6) Snipers or other long range classes who are happily popping us off from what they believe to be a safe distance. I have nothing against these classes, it's purely tactical. (If not already included in points 1,2,3,4 or 5)


7) People silly enough to be in a possition to be knocked off a bridge, into fire/acid etc (If not included in points 1,2,3,4,5 or 6)


8) low health bars. Just because they have 10% health, it doesnt mean they do less damage per hit, clean these players up before moving to their full health counter parts. 2v1 is still 2v1 ! (Unless already included in points 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7)


9) Free for all (says it all really) (unless already included in points 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8)



Edited by chimex
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Separate dangerous dps from healers and kill them.

Then kill healers.

If tank present leave tech/force dps on tank and interrupts on healers until they can be separated.

Taunt/Slow Melee dps on friendly healers.

LoS ranged dps.

NEVER let a sorc/sage free cast.

Rolling cleanses.


Honestly though as a Sentinel in full war hero, if there's no guard swapping enemy tank anything in front of me is caught in a meat grinder.


As it stands 2 healers cannot keep up a DPS being burst on without guard swapping.

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I'm surprised noone is mentioning Snipers. For me as a guardian it's


1) Healers

2) Snipers

2) The rest


If we leave a good snipers alone on our server, they just destroy people, it's not even close.

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0) DPS Mercs, Pyro/Assault, DPS ops/snipers

1) Healers

2) Non Tank specced DPS

3) Tanks



I run in a premade. Group 0 will usually die in 2-4 GCDs, healers take about 4 GCDs, the others just take a little longer. Dead DPS = no dps.


This. ^ With TTK how it is in this game organized focus fire can just overwhelm healers to the point they are just slowing the inevitable by a GCD or two. And it makes it extremely easy on your healer when the only people hitting you are tanks.

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While the answers in this thread make a lot of sense, obviously, it should also show Bioware that they went the wrong direction with 1.2 and healer survivability. At least for everyone not OP/Scoundrel.


Seeing that most people systematically go after healers in many situations, as they should and given the current Expertise behavior and high damage output, healers are just unable to keep themselves alive anymore. Nearly anyone can take out a healer all alone, without much of a problem. Sages/Sorcs actually drop like flies. And all of that is terribly frustrating.

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Offensive play


#1 Unguarded Sage Full-Healer

#2 Unguarded Scoundrel-Healer

#3 Unguarded Sage-Support/Off-Healer

#4 Unguarded Commando

then other Sages/Scoundrels that are unguarded, then DD-non-tanks, then guarded Sage/Scoundrel-Healers, then tanks, then guarded Comm-Healers, then Marauders (cuz you won't kill em anyways with their RIDICULOUSLY OP CD's)


Defensive play:


#1 Unguarded Sage-DPS

#2 Unguarded non-tank shadows

#3 Gunslinger

#4 Scoundrel-DPS

#5 Non-tank Powertechs or Comm-DD's

#6 guarded Sage/scoundrel/gunslinger/non-tank shadow DD's

#7 guarded Powertechs, comm DD's

#8 Tanks

#9 Marauders

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1. ) Pyro PT

2. ) Healer




. 3.) Target of opportunity


I will usually direct the group to remove strong Powertech's from the battlefield first. If they keep getting negated it usually causes a cascading effect as well as dramatic drop in enemy DPS. Even as CM medic I will get in on the killing of PT & healer if we need that lil bit extra to push them over the edge.

Edited by Stovokor
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