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Everything posted by iphobia

  1. Got hit for 13k by another Sin on my Sin (2018 exp) with Maul once so it happens. Had no defenses up since everything was on cd. No screenies though.
  2. FFS, if you want rating without getting dragged down by random noobs, find mates and play team ranked. I don't understand how anyone can seriously see solo ranked as something, that deserves the "ranked" part in its name. It was a bad idea from the very beginning and the execution is even worse. For me, it is not even close to being "ranked".
  3. While I know that yoloqueue is like 50% or more luck, I still think that any win/loss ratio below 1.5 shouldn't bring you in the range for any rewards. Losing just as many games as you win doesn't deserve any special rewards.
  4. http://www.wowwiki.com/Gimp Google nach "Gimp gaming", 2. Resultat. Suchaufwand: 10 Sekunden. Die Beschreibung gilt eigentlich für alle MMOs, sind halt konkrete Beispiele aus WoW dabei weils eine WoW-Seite ist. Falls du kein Englisch kannst, versuchs mit dem Google Übersetzer, ich glaub da kommen sogar noch Texte raus die man besser lesen kann als deine. Ich habe es nicht für möglich gehalten, aber der Tag, an dem ich Maloriaq mal zustimmen muss, ist endlich gekommen. Es ist mir egal ob eine Person ein Mann oder eine Frau ist, welche Hautfarbe sie hat, ob sie geistig oder körperlich benachteiligt ist etc., solange sie pausenlos nur Schwachsinn von sich gibt und nicht normal mit sich reden lässt muss sie mit entsprechenden Reaktionen rechnen. Wie man an meiner Antwort an Unterlord sehen kann ist meine Geduld mit ihm langsam am Ende, genauso wie mit unserem werten Herrn Alrik, der ebenfalls in die obige Kategorie gehört.
  5. Also did a few games as Madness with my Sin (Conq/Bolster with ~5 Obroan), I am so gonna play this spec in regs with the announced buffs. Got one pretty nice game, we ended up losing but it was huge fun: http://i.imgur.com/ePH65TH.jpg
  6. Wow, ich habe in diesem Forum schon viel Müll gelesen, aber das übertrifft sogar die Meisterwerke von Alrik und Maloriaq.
  7. Kann dir nur sagen dass es bei Wow genauso schlimm war. Da kommt noch dazu dass teilweise jeder unter einem Rating von 2-2.2k sozusagen kein Recht darauf hat, an Diskussionen über PvP teilzunehmen.
  8. Theoretically yes, the only problem with this is that the 46 mods for planetary coms are high endurance ones. So you will end up with way to high HP and not enough mainstat. The level 46 stuff is good, but you'll need a crafter to get the versions with low endurance. I don't know what's the best lowie gear since I used my level PvE 50 purples from the start.
  9. Tu nicht so als würdest du zur Arbeit gehen um zu arbeiten Sorry btw für die Zwecksentfremdung dieses Threads. Sieh es als Gratis-Push.
  10. I use 69/63/61 for 3-mod-items and 61/61 for 2-mod-items (don't have anything better for those slots). Level 54 blue earpiece and implants. I currently have the 4 piece Conqueror setbonus and 2 Obroan relics. Rest PvE as stated above. Works like a charm and gives me better stats than full Conqueror while still having the setbonus. In general you could say that the level 50 purple PvE stuff (61/63) isn't the worst choice, just as the level 46 blue. If you don't have access to this, just make sure you have full expertise (2018), everything else isn't that important for starting PvP.
  11. Waaaaaaas SWTOR ist auch nach 2 Jahren noch ein MMO? Unmöglich
  12. Alrik, when will you finally be able to look into a mirror and search for your own faults before blaming others for everything? I don't know you personally, but your posts in this forum are always full of arrogance and ignorance. You always seem to be blaming the people around you for everything bad that happens to you while thinking that you did everything perfectly fine. Not wanting to improve and not being able to improve are two different things, but if the first one is your problem, the second one will be too. Your problem seems to be the first one. Overcome this and you will be able to improve, just like I did when I first startet playing MMOs. But you need to accept that you are sometimes wrong and learn from your mistakes. If you are not able to do this, you will face major problems in your whole life. This doesn't only count for you but every single one of us.
  13. Always nice to discuss with someone when he just ignores half of what you said and carries on with the same nonsense argument over and over and over again. Also, your assumption is that the system is always abused, which is in fact very rare (never seen anyone kicked for no reason in 55 HM's at all). Since you don't seem to find any arguments to the second half of my last post and instead tell me how pathetic my arguments are, I see no sense in "discussing" with you any further. I will no longer answer you.
  14. Zu lange, denke 2h wäre eine bessere Idee. Das wäre wohl auf den meisten Servern sehr einseitig, da auf der grösseren Seite wohl mehr Leute teilnehmen würden. Würde also nur funktionieren, wenn sichergestellt wird dass auf beiden Seiten immer gleich viele Leute reinkommen. Klingt mir verdächtig nach Tol'Barad...Aber max PvE/PvP Setteile? Ist das dein Ernst? Die dürfen auf NHC maximal NHC-Gear sprich 69 und das kleinere PvP-Zeug droppen. Auf HC von mir aus 72er PvE und das grosse PvP-Set. MMO und so, ich glaub du hast da was noch immer nicht ganz verstanden. Ich bezweifle ja dass sich sogar zu Spitzenzeiten 40 Leute pro Seite dafür anmelden. Ist wohl etwas hoch angesetzt. Die Problematik mit der Fraktions-Ungleichheit habe ich oben auch schonmal angesprochen. Ulti- oder Ranked-Marken für simple Dailies halte ich für eine schlechte Idee. Ausserdem ist eine Ulti-Marke viel mehr wert als eine Ranked. Immerhin kriegt man Ulti-Handschuhe für 100 Stück und Ranked-Handschuhe für 2500. PvE UND PvP für eine Quest ist eh keine gute Idee, entweder oder. Da das wohl PvE Dailies sein würden, sollten sie auch PvE Marken als Belohnung geben. Gleiches Problem wie oben. Hier würde ich allerdings PvP Marken vergeben, da es sich bei der Schlacht um PvP handelt. Die Idee an sich ist nicht schlecht, aber so wie du das forderst ein billiger und schlecht durchdachter Tol'Barad Abklatsch mit viel zu guten Belohnungen.
  15. Wow, such colors, very beauty, much emphasis. Let's try it too. There are FOUR people in the group. THREE of them do their job. ONE doesn't fit in. He decides to do his own thing, trolls or just behaves badly. He pulls the whole group down. So the other THREE have to decide wether or not they want to keep going with this person holding them back. TWO out of those THREE decide they don't want to endure this person. That's a majority and should result in a kick. It's just like when you're in a team in real life. If ONE person is holding the whole team back and not able to cooperate, THE REST OF THE TEAM decides what to do with this person. Maybe he/she gets one last chance to change, but if not, they start the voting. Since the ONE person had the chance to cooperate with the team before this process, he/she is no longer allowed to participate on this voting. If the MAJORITY OF THE OTHERS agree with a kick, it should happen. If you introduce a veto for the person getting kicked, you could also just remove the whole votekick system alltogether, since it would be always the ONE person's decision whether or not he/she would be gonna be kicked out, and not the one of THE REST OF THE GROUP which maches no sense at all. Yes, this system can be abused, like any system, in real life aswell as ingame, but it doesn't change the fact that it is working as intended in general. Abuse can happen, well, get over it and move on. There is absolutely no need to change this. I see no reason as why this simple thing would be so hard to compute. Please tell me you're trolling.
  16. 3 people get to vote, so 2 out of 3 is a majority and should result in a kick. Simple maths. A veto or vote for the person getting kicked makes no sense at all, who would ever kick himself out of the group? This system is fine as it is, no changes needed. I don't know how to make this any simpler but if you're having troubles understanding these basic principles of logic and mathematics, let me know. I can always pull my crayons out and draw you a picture.
  17. This thread is all about the top of the ladders. With big I mean the servers that provide a big part of the upper end of the ladders. From this point of view, TOFN and POT5 are the "biggest". So yeah, try again.
  18. FOTM Sorcs? Are you stuck in the year 2011, still playing patch 1.1? Because a complete immunity against everything without any downsides wouldn't be ridiculous and every other class except Sorc/Sin wouldn't be affected by this change at all.
  19. I don't think merging a PvP- with a PvE-server is a good idea. What we need are cross server queues for both, PvP and PvE.
  20. Sieht bei uns auf 55 etwa gleich aus, ausser wenn die Reps mit einer Premade oder einer allgemein guten Truppe am Start sind gewinnen die Imps auch meistens. Allerdings spielt man aufgrund der hohen Anzahl Imps eh sehr oft gegen Leute von der eigenen Fraktion, was es wieder etwa ausgleicht.
  21. Since I am at school I don't really have any numbers, but I'm quite sure that mainstat augments are better than power for almost every class. With those you would also be above 2.6k WP, so I think this number isn't that bad. Oh, another thing, also always check your tooltip for Maul or another melee attack when comparing gear, they seem to scale differently. I can provide numbers when I'm at home, I'll check this. As a full spec dps Sin (Deception) I had to use guard in 3 out of those 10 games and had other Dps Juggernauts/PTs/Sins use guard in like 4 others, in the other games I had tanks in my group. In those games I didn't do really much damage, since I had to sit in tank stance the whole time, but I was able to help keeping my team alive until my other 2 Dps mates killed them. Guard is an important factor, especially if you have a healer or at least a healer hybrid on your team. You'd rather have a Dps using Guard in Arenas than no Guard at all. Yes, Guard-swapping is exactly what the name says, it's switching guard to another player when it's needed. Deciding who to Guard is important. It's not always the best thing to guard a healer. For example if you have a dps Sorc/Merc/Sniper on your team. People are very likely to focus them, so you should start the game either with guard on them or be ready to switch it to them.
  22. Take a look at the server they play on. A majority of the top ranks is taken by people from TOFN and POT5. Those are the biggest PvP servers we have right now, and both are imperial sided and have been for a long time, as most servers. There were enough nerf threads about Ops/Scoundrels, but it seems they stopped when Bioware announced the 2.7 nerfs. And besides, Snipers/Slingers are pretty strong in Warzones, so this could be the reason for the whining. People seem to forget that they get destroyed in Arenas. This is actually quite sad and needs to be changed. Yeah, I agree here, if you don't have a heal Ops and a dpsPT on your team, you're doing it wrong. As I stated above, the big PvP servers are Imperial sided, and always have beeen. I also know that the old Ilum steamroll caused some Republic pvp players to reroll to also get a piece of the cake. Also, some Republic classes had bugged animations when the game was released. This also caused people to reroll Imperial toons. I don't care about this, since there is no real difference between Imperials and Republics, the classes and specs are exactly mirrored. I always prefer evil characters. I am on the evil side in every game that lets you choose, BW has nothing to do with it.
  23. In my opinion, this is required for a successful start in ranked PvP: - 2018 expertise (with 30k+ hp and 2.5k+ mainstat buffed while bolster is active) - Depending on your class your 2- or 4-piece bonus - Obroan relics (they are so much better than Conqueror) - Augments (blue or purple) in every slot - General knowledge about PvP and arenas - Know how to play your class (don't get this wrong, you don't need to play perfectly, but I've seen Dps classes do 20k total damage, 0 protection and 0 heal over 2 rounds of arena, while others did 150k damage and 50k protection...I hope you get what I mean.) So the only real PvP gear you need are the relics and the pieces for your set bonus. In the other slots you can put bolster stuff. What also is important is that you are able to communicate with your team, discuss who goes for which target, who should use guard if there is no tank etc. Did this on my sin, got 7-3 on my first 10 games with 2 of the losses being due to 38k Hp PvE idiots. This character has 2 Obroan relics and a 4pc Conqueror bonus, rest is bolster stuff, everything with purple augments.
  24. Skillung hab ich grad keine parat, aber einfach Wahnsinn bis ganz oben zu schleichender Schrecken. Feste Rota gibts nicht, einfach paar Dinge die du beachten solltest. Pein immer auf dem Target halten. Schrecken und Todesfeld auf CD. Machtblitz spammen bis Proc, dann erdrückende Dunkelheit. Für schöne Zahlen auf dem Score-board multi-dotten (Pein auf mehreren Gegnern draufhalten) Viel mehr sollte da eigentlich nicht sein.
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