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Everything posted by NoTomorrow

  1. Merc healing was overpowered before 1.2. The nerf was brutal, but better that than not doing anything about it. Now about op healers. You do agree that op healing got a buff in 2.0 compared to 1.7. You cannot argue against this. If you claim that op healers in 2.0 are balanced than based on this and previous statement tge 1.7 op healers had to be underpowered? Do you honestly believe, that 1.7 op healing was underpowered (during the era when pt pyros had that powerful burst)? To me the class was very very good even during 1.7. All the 2.0 op healing changes were over the top.
  2. One ability is enough for this overall situation to not be considered entirely desperate for your the guardians. Take this as a minor disavantage of your class.
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, hereby i present you the second BS statement that operative healers have been trying to shove down your throats: "Operative healer players are on average more skilled than everybody else".
  4. Are you seriously suggesting taking down the marauder first or the tank before the healer? The classes that have a crapload of defensive CDs to spare? I've seen tanks being healed through huttball fire, do you expect DPS to take down such a tank BEFORE the healer? Do you take the people on this forum for idiots? Hell even I on my sniper can be a real pain in the butt for multiple DPS if I got a healer backing me up.
  5. No, it's you that need to stop BS the entire forums with this typical lie about healers being balanced even if they don't die. A healer needs to die, or otherwise no PvP objective is ever going to be capped in his vicinity Things actually need to DIE if your are expecting to progress further in a warzone. Otherise the PvP is all about who is sitting on defense and waiting for the time to run out. Sounds familiar? yeah yeah, Novarre coast 30minutes matches? Does it ring any bells? Civil war middle fight stalemate with the win being decided by who caps their sidenote first? You like playing this sort of crap, do you? Do you enjoy healing in these games yeah? So this is what you call is fun?
  6. Are you implying that Operative players are some bads that just sit there in front of sorcs and wait for them to hard cast the thundering blast on them, or sniper ambushes? Who are you trying to fool here? Outside of electronet, there is nothing that the 5 Ranged DPS specs (arsenal, pyrotech, lightning, madness, marksmanship, engineering, lethality) can use to realiably thereten an operative healer. You will never kill a roll-happy, pillar LoSing operative healer with any of the castable ranged/tech damage abilities alone. He will interrupt your casts by LoSing you over and over again. Effortlessly. And if you will try to chase him as a ranged DPS, you will be melted by his friends arround the corner. What we really need, is either well defined weakness for operative healers, either by making them susceptible to roots (nerf toxic scan CD to 30s instead of 5s), or just make any Melee DPS specs a guaranteed hard counter, so that they really need the help of their team mates when melee is onto them, because ranged DPS will never 1vs1 good operative healers. Their melee stun is on a freaking 30s CD usually. Do I need to tell you how much I can heal during those 4s? Operative healers don't deserve to be so good against both types of DPS at the same time. A class that has no problem combat stealthing when crap hits the fan, shouldn't be so good at kiting while it is visible. Snares and roots should be the counter to operatives. Toxin scan should be 30s CD, Evasion base CD should be 1:30s. No more idiotic, haha, I can just cleanse your physical DoTs Anni maras, or i can remove your legshot roots at whim. Moving so easily out of line of sight against Ranged DPS and kiting so easily melee DPS, this is overpowered. Even tanks don't have this against the entire DPS spectrum. There is always that lethality sniper that will just melt the tank 1vs1.
  7. Why should a scoundrel healer count for two classes while the rest for one? That's some nice sense of entitlement you got there.
  8. I assure you he had plenty of GCDs available for instacast healing his team mates. On maps with obectives, all he needs to do, is stay alive, that's enough to interrupt any sort of capping from your team. I like how operative players try to make it sound that's it's OK for them not to die. That this crazy survivability is balanced. But well, bioware doesn' care, they seem to leave the class unchanged in 2.4.
  9. As a sniper I am completely against this change. Roots are our #1 tool how we keep people in our line of sight. We already got a huge nerf in 2.0 by having almost every spec getting some root breaker: (smash obliterate, snipers with evasion, entire bounty hunter with hydraulic overrides). So NO. You have had it already too comfortable after 2.0. I can only support this change if melee DPS gets nerfed because they will effectively have a much longer duration to effectively DPS their targets.
  10. NoTomorrow

    Cybertech Nerf

    6. It's less than agent CC.
  11. NoTomorrow

    Cybertech Nerf

    It doesn't make sense. But then we have a class with no CD lolroll and 2 separate abilities to cleanse roots and snares that would try to counter it.
  12. NoTomorrow

    Cybertech Nerf

    Still a disadvantage if you dont use them. It still forces the player to buy/craft them if he wants to maximize their chances in pvp.
  13. lies! you only healed 26k out of 27k hp.
  14. A few tweaks here and there could be done probably but nothing major really. I will not agree with radical proposals such as allowing leaps to snipers in cover and other wishfull thinking from melee players.
  15. haha i thought that too. It's like wow! they bothered to write some text about huttball caster.. jeeez
  16. what was your team doing? Did they all jump to you?
  17. Yeah, and we will all perceive it as a huge buff and be thankful to bioware.
  18. Those sniper buffs are lacking in comparison to marauder I say
  19. Guys guys, as much as we all love ambush, we all know that this is not our universal ability. It's more often used in MM than in other specs. I'd rather we find some use for Series of Shots with it. Making it crit one single ability like Ambush FT, Takedown once every 2-3 minutes is underwhelming.
  20. bwahaha That's some huge lack of respect towards the player base. I think if we respect ourselves we should just stop subbing and playing. It's a waste of time with their current attitude.
  21. no no no, it's wayyy too powerful what you are asking. This would lead to a massive QQ storm against snipers. Don't forget that we are the ones that send smashers to respawn. MM is the most powerful smash spec killer in the game simply because we can make crit smashes completely harmless to us with our siege bunker + ballistic dampers + armor (smash is kinetic damage). And all that without even popping our ballistic shield which got improved in 2.0. You cannot go the route of just MORE damage for the snipers. We have been accused already too often of being an easy class to play.
  22. Well yeah, we take whatever we can grab. But i really really don't know if guaranteeing an ambush to crit every 2,5 minutes or so really useful to us. It's at best some extra 3000 damage out there. And in PvP we might as well just have your ambush reflected, deflected, missing, interrupted by diversion, stuns and who knows what. I have a gripe with current snipe in the game. I don't like this double snipe business they did with MM for ambush reactive shots and FT resets. The second snipe will always be hard casted if the first one is snap shotted. And this is something that just drives me mad. One more thing: how often we find ourselves paying one GCD for shatter shot incovenient for our rotation in PvP? I have this situation quite often.
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