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Nerf Jedi Sentinel


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I am only gonna talk in Sith Marauder jargen cause I know their ability names better than their jedi counterparts.


Sith Marauders and I am sure all of you will agree with me have good damage. Whether or not this is overpowered is another discussion all together. As a DPS only class (i.e. non-hybrid) I feel they deserve this slight advantage over other classes especially when it comes to PvP.


Marauders however, have undoubtedly overpowered defensive abilities in my honest opinion. [Cloak of Pain] the ability to reflect damage for 30 seconds in PvP is game breaking. Yes, I know that in a 1v1 if you don't attack him for 6 seconds the buff wears off, but since when PvP is about balancing around 1v1's in a 2v1 even, if you teammate lacks the comprehension behind this defensive ability the penalty is something you have to bear with also. Even if you were to assume a 1v1 scenario 6 seconds of trying to kite/cc the Marauder is "doable" but still puts you at a disadvantage making it such that no course of action you take will give you a true profitable outcome.


Next ability that is even more overpowered than the previously mentioned is [undying Rage]. Sacrificing 50% of their health to gain a 99% (~100% or complete shutdown to incoming damage) for another whooping 6 seconds is ridiculous. This makes is so even 8v1 a marauder lasts those 6 seconds in a WZ. I know I would hate to draw the WoW reference here, but the game is a common reference against which all other mmo's are compared to. [undying Rage] is very similar to WoW's Rogue Class' ability [Cheat Death] which was initially 90% damage reduction for 4 seconds once every 1.5 minutes with the any damage that would otherwise kill the Rogue would instead drop him to 10% maximum hp. This [Cheat Death] was nerfed to 80% and the internal cooldown for a reason, it was and still remained fairly overpowered. It is clear that BioWare with all due respect does not realize how ridiculously overpowered [undying Rage] is.


Sith Marauders are the only class in game that have a passive self heal in the Annihilation tree, [Hungering]. Although this ability is seemingly not that overpowered, when used with [berserk] and [bloodthirst] provides an insane amount of healing averaging around 300 hp ticks per second. This increases a Sith Marauder's survivability overall when compared to any other pure DPS class (the only other is Sniper so you justify).


Other defensive abilities include [Force Camouflage] and [saber Ward] but these aren't in any manner overpowered.



While Sith Marauder's pack arguable one of the top damage outputs in game they unjustly possess greater survivability than their brother/sister class the Sith Juggernaut which is supposed to be a tanky class.


My Class:

My main was or used to be a Sith Assassin on Darth Malak. [Force Shroud] is one of the best defensive abilities we got but it doesn't make us invicible we are still vulnerable to physical attacks such as, [Maul] [Ambush] [Viscious Strike] to name a few. The reason I say this was and used to be my main, is because I got bored with how one spec the class had become. Sith Assassin Darkness tree has become the only choice of play because with the hybrid 27/0/14 or 27/1/13 specs, they pull out more overall damage output, and yes more burst damage than Deception tree Assassins post patch 1.2, while still offering the survivability. While it is true I have always had a soft corner for Assassin Deception tree, it is also true that hitting the 5k damage on a tree with virtually zero toe-to-toe resilience is a dream I have yet to live.


Thank you for reading this post, hope you all realize that this is what's game breaking about Sith Marauders and not their damage. Also apologize for the wall of text, and hope that BioWare will take the same effort in absorbing the above message as I have taken in preparing it.


ah right so because your teammates are ignorant of class mechanics then a class should take a nerf to compensate for that...lol you dont see what wrong with that do you?


umm jugg tanks are in a different league of survivability to maras. dps juggs? well they are dps juggs so havign a tank tree option has nothing to do with the survival compared to another dps tree?


also dps juggs easily have comparable survival to maras, alongside def cd's they can intercede to friendlies, chill push/combo etc.. juggs are an awesome class I dont think you will find many who are unhappy with how they compare to maras.


ah so at the end of it you think assassin tanks are too strong? so are you calling for nerf to sin tanks?

Edited by Gigabolt
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Really? How common is it to see someone break 800K damage in a single warzone? The fact that some guy can do it with any given regularity is I think de facto evidence that the class is overpowered. I would love to see any player in any class get that much damage.


In the level 50 bracket it's quite common for all dps classes to have that much damage done. Especially a place like voidstar when there is a stalemate.


Also keep in mind that once 1.3 comes around marauders/sentinels are getting nerfed.

Edited by Phlem
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It's getting a bit ridiculous. There's one guy on our server who is consistently getting 600-800k Damage per warzone. Now I'm sure skill has something to do with it, but considering that even the best players in other DPS classes rarely ever (if at all) get that high, shows that there is a massive unbalance.


And before people start dispensing with the "you're all bads" nonsense, we were rolling with War Heros and two of the best Imp guilds on our server. I was ranging between 200-500k Damage per WZ but it literally took 2 or 3 of us to take down 1 sentinel. Way way way overpowered.


I can do 1 million on sniper or mercenary. The key is to move as less as possible but constantly nuking from the good spot, if player run away don't chase but switch to another.

Edited by Roiz
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Um... so you lose 2v4 with your premade? Presumably this premade has a healer, 2 dps and a tank. There is no way one sentinel has enough dps to kill someone through guard and heals. Not to mention 4 ppl can keep a sentinel perma-cced. So since you say you're not bad, I can only conclude you are making all this up, seems to be a popular pastime today (just earlier there was a "OMG SENTINEL 1v3 COMMANDOS" thread).


This happens quite often with one particular Sentinel on Iron Citadel. He can usually pull off 2 vs 4s or 2v3s pretty easily. I'm not saying they need a nerf, but they should really be analyzed. I'm sure this guy would still be an amazing player, probably top player on our server even if the class was nerfed. Good players will be good no matter what, all the scrub maras/sentinels will be scrubs and no longer have a great class for a crutch.

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first off i do think sents/mara or just a little bit over the top.


2nd did you stop to think that this guy might be getting 800k a lot because his dps is low enough that most his damage is being healed through, and probably doing 50k damage to kill a target?


i have seen SS of people getting these kind of numbers or better and yet only had like 10 kills.


there are 2 pyros that Q together that just destroy **** on my server. don't think i have seen them ever get these kind of numbers cause they focus fire, and what they focus doesnt live long enough for a heal.


P.S. i hate these guys they definitely have the kill healer first mentality, and of course i am a healer :)


I can guarantee pretty much that Donnie does have a good load of dmg - he certainly does not take an eternity to kill someone (only Marauder that gives me trouble in a 1 on 1 against my shadow). The thing that I can also guarantee though is that he is absolutely killable.

It's just that simple: going against a good premade with voicecoms. skill and knowledge about strategy with the people they had on their team (I know a few of the names) is a doomed action. Not to mention: If they are trying to go for one player with a tunnel view - it is incredibly easy to protect said player - and it allows him to keep smacking people without a break.

Edited by Eranus
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I can guarantee pretty much that Donnie does have a good load of dmg - he certainly does not take an eternity to kill someone (only Marauder that gives me trouble in a 1 on 1 against my shadow). The thing that I can also guarantee though is that he is absolutely killable. It's just that going against a good premade with voicecoms. skill and knowledge about strategy with the people you had on your team (I know a few of the names) is a doomed action. Not to mention: If you are trying to go for one player with a tunnel view - it is incredibly easy to protect said player - and it allows him to keep smacking people without a break.


Yet Marauders/sentinels are the only one that you can effectively do this with. Any other class will go down for the count. I know, I do it all the time pocket healing a decent marauder. He just DOESN'T die. Any other class will.

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Yet Marauders/sentinels are the only one that you can effectively do this with. Any other class will go down for the count. I know, I do it all the time pocket healing a decent marauder. He just DOESN'T die. Any other class will.


never heard of stealth away?

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never heard of stealth away?


Are you referring to operatives, assassins? I don't get the point of your post. Marauders are the only class that can soak up ridiculous amounts of damage and live. Stealth has an stupid easy counter....

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Are you referring to operatives, assassins? I don't get the point of your post. Marauders are the only class that can soak up ridiculous amounts of damage and live. Stealth has an stupid easy counter....

Only for 5 sec.

They are the first line of pvp.

If they can't DPS or live long enough for 5 sec then what they can do?

Tank?Heal? Or be a target practices?


Others class has higher burst, better CC, some they very own bubble that last much longer and hold more dmg then sent/mara.

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that's what happens when you have 3 dedicated healers and a good team versus one dedicated healer and a pug. probably ended up chain-feeding the good side too


we had 1 healer on Donnie there and me guarding him. The fact that I only did 54k protection should tell you alot about how much people from the other team attacked him

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Only for 5 sec.

They are the first line of pvp.

If they can't DPS or live long enough for 5 sec then what they can do?

Tank?Heal? Or be a target practices?


Others class has higher burst, better CC, some they very own bubble that last much longer and hold more dmg then sent/mara.


I'm talking with you in another thread about Maras/Sents, I've already made a conclusion that you aren't a very good mara/sent, whatever side you play on. It's ok, you have some room for improvement, that's a good thing. I'll go back to my server where I can have good conversations about the class, with good players who know how to properly utilize the AC.

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Really? How common is it to see someone break 800K damage in a single warzone?


Have you met our good, yet silent, friend the Powertech? We don't talk about him much, but in the hands of a decent player 800k is easily attainable. :)

Edited by Kyhren
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It's getting a bit ridiculous. There's one guy on our server who is consistently getting 600-800k Damage per warzone.


Is it really just one guy putting out that damage every match, or is it a pre-made putting out that damage every WZ? The numbers listed under a single persons name on the scoreboard mean so very little, and I wish they would remove the scoreboard all together, or at least only track Objectives and Medals.


You are being beat by a team of players with a strategy of keeping their best DPS player alive and in the fight as much as possible.

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Yet Marauders/sentinels are the only one that you can effectively do this with. Any other class will go down for the count. I know, I do it all the time pocket healing a decent marauder. He just DOESN'T die. Any other class will.


Not sure what kind of shadows you are playing with but I can play in a 4 or 5 vs 2 (other person being a healer) and live for a loooong time. The amount of incredibly stupid people out there is staggering, especially if you watch them in PvP. A lot depends on correct timing of the abilities, cooldowns and kiting - while knowing where your healer is. The thing, which makes Marauders / Sents so vital in PvP, is the fact that they can mess up healers to an incredible degree. Otherwise - it's just another class.

Edited by Eranus
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I think this really just suggests he queues up with one or two dedicated healers. We used to have a guy on our server that queued up with two healers that would just focus on healing him. He would then proceed to tear though everything until said healers were taken down. This is the only way he has enough uptime to do this. Its not just him; its also his team.
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we had 1 healer on Donnie there and me guarding him. The fact that I only did 54k protection should tell you alot about how much people from the other team attacked him


^Thread. You let *any* class do their thing essentially unmolested, they will put up huge numbers.

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I mean it was so bad last night that on Civil War, we had captured Snow and Repubs at Mid and Grass, and we had to to leave 4 on Snow to defend while the other 4 tried to cap mid/grass, because this one sentinel and a healer could still kill all 4 guarding Snow.


Given that your team was competent ...thats beyond skill for this game. I mean seriously, 4 focus fire an unguarded healer, he's dead in seconds ... the sent is then left to his own accord, CC/Kite during his defensive cooldowns ... there is no excuse for any death in that situation.


If it was the class, then more folks would be doing it.


When someone goes THAT far ABOVE the skillbar, it just makes you wonder if we are in Denmark?

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Yet Marauders/sentinels are the only one that you can effectively do this with. Any other class will go down for the count. I know, I do it all the time pocket healing a decent marauder. He just DOESN'T die. Any other class will.


Given the same support Donnie had I could push out very very competative numbers in a long Voidstar map, infact so could PT's or Sorcs and Snipers who are ignored and allowed to free cast. While undying rage is a bastard to deal with a cheeky force choke can easily nullfy it. Mararders are no op, what is op is the incompetance of the average player.


In fact I would go as far to say Juggernauhts would challange marauder for the title of most op warrior AC :p


Signed Donnies least favourite Juggernaught

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It's getting a bit ridiculous. There's one guy on our server who is consistently getting 600-800k Damage per warzone. Now I'm sure skill has something to do with it, but considering that even the best players in other DPS classes rarely ever (if at all) get that high, shows that there is a massive unbalance.


And before people start dispensing with the "you're all bads" nonsense, we were rolling with War Heros and two of the best Imp guilds on our server. I was ranging between 200-500k Damage per WZ but it literally took 2 or 3 of us to take down 1 sentinel. Way way way overpowered.


You score a 2 out of 6 on the Zaodon's Guide to Crying for Nerfs (see link in sig): Points #1 and #6.

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Not sure what kind of shadows you are playing with but I can play in a 4 or 5 vs 2 (other person being a healer) and live for a loooong time. The amount of incredibly stupid people out there is staggering, especially if you watch them in PvP. A lot depends on correct timing of the abilities, cooldowns and kiting - while knowing where your healer is. The thing, which makes Marauders / Sents so vital in PvP, is the fact that they can mess up healers to an incredible degree. Otherwise - it's just another class.


Exactly my scoundrel with pocket heals from a guildy dominates. Extreme burst when proccing adrenals and relics. And any sign my healer looks like he is struggling I escape through stealth.


I unload so much burst the other team doesn't know whats hits them.


add to this for some reason they always focus me and not my pocket heals go figure.

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It is very very hard to do 800k or even 500k in warzone anymore because of the TTK you kill things so fast you sit around or spend more time moving to a new location.


300k is about where it is at.


Did you look at his kills? those numbers sounds like he was doing alot of Aoe damage with people not dying at all, which can really bring the numbers up.


I had played against BH and sorcs that all did 400-600k and they still lost and that was 5 of them over 400k, It just seems the numbers are a bit misleading to the goal at hand. Lots of damage lots of healing on the other side.

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Sounds like it was Voidstar or NC and the AoE tree to me...


If not its just a dad gum good Watchman Sentinel and still probably one of those 2 WZ's as they have the biggest chance for putting up big numbers like that, especially if they are not ROFLSTOMPS.

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I don't think people realize what's actually going on here.


These Watchman Sentinels (Annihilation Marauders) that are putting up large damage totals are padding the numbers by multi-dotting as many people as possible. This results in people's health dropping slow enough to get healed up, but it's affecting multiple people at once to get large accumulative numbers for the Sentinel/Marauder. Since this Sentinel/Marauder is not focusing his damage on one single person, it's actually a detriment to the objectives of the game if they are trying to cap a turret or a door, since nobody would be dieing and can easily heal up the low individual dps per person.


Combat on the other hand can burst down a single target in significantly less time, and then that person is dead and they are now waiting for another target / doing objective related tasks. This results in less overall damage.

Edited by Rogean
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