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There is no fun in losing 100% of the time....


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Thank you for changing the daily PVP.


Yet the problem behind this remains the same.


NO COMMENT from Bioware is even more worrying... and the problem worsen:


1) Better geared = more medals (THEY DO NOT SCALE................. why????)

2) The loser gets gear slower

3) The winner gets gear faster.... and the more he gets gear the MORE he gets medals (meaning more gear, etc...)


VICIOUS circle pattern. Recognized???


Losing all the time REGARDLESS if we get medals / commendation = NOT FUN.


I am and several others are losing interest. No comment from "official sources" DOES NOT HELP either. :(

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2) The loser gets gear slower

3) The winner gets gear faster.... and the more he gets gear the MORE he gets medals (meaning more gear, etc...)


. :(




you think it should be reversed??? quit losing... Problem /fixed

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you simply point a fact people don't want to talk about...


reward the best by making them better... it was always the worst idea but there is absolutly horrible.


Bioware if you take time to read, think about it.

do you think it's a good idea to make the best player in pvp, stronger by giving them stuff? do think it give challenge for them? do you think it's balanced? do you think it will be possible to make Ranked WZ in this situation?


Ask yourself this only question that a lot of people is wondering about.


do is the best to give more power to the best pvp player?


if they are the best... they don't need it, no?

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Thank you for changing the daily PVP.


Yet the problem behind this remains the same.


NO COMMENT from Bioware is even more worrying... and the problem worsen:


1) Better geared = more medals (THEY DO NOT SCALE................. why????)

2) The loser gets gear slower

3) The winner gets gear faster.... and the more he gets gear the MORE he gets medals (meaning more gear, etc...)


VICIOUS circle pattern. Recognized???


Losing all the time REGARDLESS if we get medals / commendation = NOT FUN.


I am and several others are losing interest. No comment from "official sources" DOES NOT HELP either. :(


This is definitely an issue. Cross-server pvp needs to happen in 1.3 or bye-bye more subs. I'd prefer if they had more of a ranked system in pvp with or without rateds actually doing anything of the sort.

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Thank you for changing the daily PVP.


Yet the problem behind this remains the same.


NO COMMENT from Bioware is even more worrying... and the problem worsen:


1) Better geared = more medals (THEY DO NOT SCALE................. why????)

2) The loser gets gear slower

3) The winner gets gear faster.... and the more he gets gear the MORE he gets medals (meaning more gear, etc...)


VICIOUS circle pattern. Recognized???


Losing all the time REGARDLESS if we get medals / commendation = NOT FUN.


I am and several others are losing interest. No comment from "official sources" DOES NOT HELP either. :(


Realistically the gear feedback loop stops at Battlemaster. War Hero is only very very slightly better. I think thats reasonable. Its much batter than some other MMO's/


I do agree that losing every time isnt fun though. All I can suggest is go to one of the bigger servers.

Edited by glenbruton
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you think it should be reversed??? quit losing... Problem /fixed




I am on a low population server. Servers are imbalanced. PVP is even more biased. This is silly.


You get rolled the WHOLE NIGHT by the same opposite team.... with the occasional FUN GAME when it's against your own faction.


Having fun? You are likely on the winning team... and even when winning all the time this is stupid and the other team knows it.


EVEN if it was 1 win out of 10 games.... IT IS NOT NORMAL........ and you know it. Think behind the screen... not your little self. I am and I know what it is.

Edited by LFDUVEZ
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The only thing that will even begin to fix pvp in this game is x server ques, in which pre made groups compete against pre made groups and solo quers compete against other solo quers.


As it stands if you are on a low or medium pop server no matter which faction chances are very good that you will be facing at least one pre made on the other side. This is not a bad thing in and of itself after all it's an mmo and such encourages grouping. However always being able to put together a good pre made is not possible, there are times when people que alone, the experience for them can sometimes be very frustrating.


Couple that with such a short TTK brought on by the expertise changes, the boring repetition of playing the same 4 maps over and over again, and the lack of any real open world raid on raid pvp action and the pvp in this game may well be some of the worst of any developed.


I came from LOTRO, with a dozen other pvp orientated players, of the original 12, 2 of us remain. The rest are chilling in various other genres waiting for GW2 and hoping that it doesn't suck as bad as this game does.

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So... the solution is to give the losing team better gear faster? What sense does that make? I realize this is a game, and it's supposed to be fun but... come on...


When you play competitively, you SHOULD have to work for your rewards... if you get your **** pushed in constantly, you should strive to improve your play (also known as "competition.") If you don't like competing for better gear, don't PvP...


I agree it sucks for awhile, and ranked warzones (if done right) should help by pairing up like-skilled players... but the "something for nothing" **** has to stop when it comes to competitive play...




If you're on a low population server, server population is the problem, not the PvP reward system...

Edited by TSgtSeuss
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This is definitely an issue. Cross-server pvp needs to happen in 1.3 or bye-bye more subs. I'd prefer if they had more of a ranked system in pvp with or without rateds actually doing anything of the sort.


i could not have said it better, the premades basically have me no longer que'ing up and i have temporarilly retired from pvp. the only thing that will get me to come out of retirement is:


1. cross server pvp que's.

2. seperate the solo que'ers from the premade que'ers, most likely when they release the 8 man rated wz's.


if i que up i am the one guilty of feeding the lion and making him / her stronger. why should i help them get their gear faster and be left spinning my wheels in the mud taking 2 times if not 3 times as long.

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You guys are literally complaining that bad players should be given the same rewards as good players. You're not saying that new players should get better gear, cause clearly they have recruit gear right off the bat, with the ability to have a few battlemaster pieces and a War Hero Main hand or w/e as soon as they hit 50. No you're saying that you are so bad that getting battlemaster gear (which is easier than ever before) is sooooooo hard with your increased rewards for losing, that you demand them to completely close the gap and make everything and everybody everybody even.


How about you learn how to play the game and buy recruit gear so you can get better? Or how about you do your 6 warzones and finish your daily? Do you have any idea how long it took me to get my battlemaster gear? I was valor 70 before i completed it and that was before they boosted valor and comms for warzones. Now you can just buy it with the comms you got from losing.


You think you deserve to kill people who have earned their gear and are going through the horrific War Hero gear grind, just as easily as they do you? You think you deserve to compete at the same level as people who learned how to be a team player and play their class well?


You don't deserve anything imo. You lose all the time because you aren't good yet, not because you're undergeared.


When ranked warzones come out, stay in the unranked queue. Problem solved.

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You guys are literally complaining that bad players should be given the same rewards as good players. You're not saying that new players should get better gear, cause clearly they have recruit gear right off the bat, with the ability to have a few battlemaster pieces and a War Hero Main hand or w/e as soon as they hit 50. No you're saying that you are so bad that getting battlemaster gear (which is easier than ever before) is sooooooo hard with your increased rewards for losing, that you demand them to completely close the gap and make everything and everybody everybody even.


How about you learn how to play the game and buy recruit gear so you can get better? Or how about you do your 6 warzones and finish your daily? Do you have any idea how long it took me to get my battlemaster gear? I was valor 70 before i completed it and that was before they boosted valor and comms for warzones. Now you can just buy it with the comms you got from losing.


You think you deserve to kill people who have earned their gear and are going through the horrific War Hero gear grind, just as easily as they do you? You think you deserve to compete at the same level as people who learned how to be a team player and play their class well?


You don't deserve anything imo. You lose all the time because you aren't good yet, not because you're undergeared.


When ranked warzones come out, stay in the unranked queue. Problem solved.


Hey, you think you "earned" these rewards of yours? I will ask you one simple question: are you on the lower population of your server? Were you "farmed" an entire night before by a single (or 2) premade team? I bet your answer will be: NO.


I am however and have been playing since almost start. I tried to PVE but due to lack of time I started PVP. It used to be "random". Then the highest population always or ALMOST ALWAYS owned Illum which made them get battlemaster gear a LOT faster (if not from the infamous Illum bug which killed most pvp servers). The vicious circle, once it is "up", will not "slow down" but rather "speed up" as time continues. I am a vanguard tank (as I dislike 1 button smashing like some classes) and earned "my" war hero gear. I am in full battlemaster (from before 1.2) and earned 4 war hero gear so far.


How about you? Can you say you "really worked hard" for your gear?


BE HONEST.......... REALLY. I am talking to the person behind the computer at the moment.

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Hey, you think you "earned" these rewards of yours? I will ask you one simple question: are you on the lower population of your server? Were you "farmed" an entire night before by a single (or 2) premade team? I bet your answer will be: NO.


I am however and have been playing since almost start. I tried to PVE but due to lack of time I started PVP. It used to be "random". Then the highest population always or ALMOST ALWAYS owned Illum which made them get battlemaster gear a LOT faster (if not from the infamous Illum bug which killed most pvp servers). The vicious circle, once it is "up", will not "slow down" but rather "speed up" as time continues. I am a vanguard tank (as I dislike 1 button smashing like some classes) and earned "my" war hero gear. I am in full battlemaster (from before 1.2) and earned 4 war hero gear so far.


How about you? Can you say you "really worked hard" for your gear?


BE HONEST.......... REALLY. I am talking to the person behind the computer at the moment.



Well, Be honest... This isn't exactly manual labor or anything... People don't spend 8 hours a day pouring concrete in the game... Do they "work hard?" No... Do they put a ton of time, coordination, and planning in to it? Not answering for everyone, but yes, probably...


Again, I'd say: Your issue isn't (shouldn't be) with the PvP reward system, your issue should be with the population of your server. But to say the people who group together and learn how to play a competitive part of the game as a well-oiled machine deserve nothing for their efforts? That's just messed up...

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Try harder

You got to work it better harder faster stronger better


Also Reroll to a high pop server and wait for transfers


This helps soooo much! REALLY! Thank you for helping me...


/sigh :confused:

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Hey, you think you "earned" these rewards of yours? I will ask you one simple question: are you on the lower population of your server? Were you "farmed" an entire night before by a single (or 2) premade team? I bet your answer will be: NO.


I am however and have been playing since almost start. I tried to PVE but due to lack of time I started PVP. It used to be "random". Then the highest population always or ALMOST ALWAYS owned Illum which made them get battlemaster gear a LOT faster (if not from the infamous Illum bug which killed most pvp servers). The vicious circle, once it is "up", will not "slow down" but rather "speed up" as time continues. I am a vanguard tank (as I dislike 1 button smashing like some classes) and earned "my" war hero gear. I am in full battlemaster (from before 1.2) and earned 4 war hero gear so far.


How about you? Can you say you "really worked hard" for your gear?


BE HONEST.......... REALLY. I am talking to the person behind the computer at the moment.


Are you serious? Did you not read what I wrote? I've solo queued my way up surviving two dead guilds. I play a Mercenary, and eat lightsabers all day every day. I have a powertech alt, who is the easiest class to play so far. I have LESS War Hero gear than you, and still grinding. So yes, it has been hard. And no Ilum did not give people Battlemaster gear, it gave them valor ranks. Once they hit valor 60, THEN they began the BM gear grind. Like I said, I didn't get full BM till I was valor 70. So you think that players who don't want to learn their classes and figure out how to win warzones should be given the same rewards as the winners? They already increased rewards for losing and made the daily just warzones played. They already made BM gear way easier to get and made champion/recruit gear purchasable with credits. What more do you want?


If you don't like playing against good players and good teams, then stay in the unranked queue when rateds come out. It's that simple.


Edit: And why are you complaining if you have better gear than 90% of other players? Full BM and 4 WH pieces?

Edited by Sybaris
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This helps soooo much! REALLY! Thank you for helping me...


/sigh :confused:


It's good advice

reroll and you won't look back theres good some servers around for rep pvp

I Was on a extremely imbalanced server with a Very low rep population I rerolled and my reroll quickly

Out geared my main

so instead of getting whipped everyday by that same op

Group of imps do something about it and reroll... Also you could have 2-3 geared toons by the time

Transfers come

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As long as gear is not normalized then you will never have an equal footing.


Most MMOs I PvP in have all had the same problem that they inherited from the 800lbs gorilla.


It's a broken and painfull model that doesn't encourage fun competition. It fosters elitism and poor conduct from the players with gear. Some may legitimately be good players but the reality is that many just got their status by playing 14 hours day.


PvP becomes frustrating with gear factoring in so prominently....it's supposed to be a fun competition right?



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Game is dead no worries. Guild of 100+ active players is now down to 7. Its over, forget winning and losing just play D3/Tera...BW is too slow and there is no hope.


In my book, BW is the biggest failure ever. This game had so much promise but:


1) they cant balance factions for ****;

2) they cant balance classes for anything, in fact, they have gone backwards;

3) Ilum was a massive fiasco;

4) pve is a ****ign joke, and boring;

5) severs are dead;

6) they cant perform routine maintenance without breaking ****, like the M.cube;

7) healing has no place in pvp;

8) they hand out gear and undermine prior playes effort like its candy and ya'll are three year olds;

9) the cant get crafting right and have made most obsolete or pointless;

10) the economy sucks and is basically non-existent;

11) bugs, bugs, bugs....man o'lordy have there been bugs;

12) pvp is boring as hell 1 hr wait just to have the same team of op maras and PTs, lameo;

13) lies and misdeception from the developers, always with an eye towards investors, **** players....



I could go on, but BW and GZ are HORRIBLE...im done with them forever. **** them.

Edited by Bluetickone
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I don't get these posts about losing 100% of the time.


I mean even if there's a good premade in the queue you're losing to, if they're on your faction you'll get put on the same team with them sometimes and win that way.


Is it being on the wrong faction? There's just not a single good group of 4 players on the whole faction on your server? I guess this could be the case on one of those pointless servers with 7 people on the fleet on saturday afternoon.

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PvP becomes frustrating with gear factoring in so prominently....it's supposed to be a fun competition right?




Except for all out, RL war, ALL competition's are supposed to be "just for fun"... But there's always a loser in a competition, and it's always more fun for the winners than it is for the losers...


This isn't Counter-Strike... People don't play match after match just for sheer S&G's and JUST for the fun of it... They play to win, and they play to improve their toon. If all players had the same gear, and there weren't any gear rewards for PvPing, then PvP would just be a "mini-game" and not "content."

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Simply put:


gear should not have any effect in pvp. Rewards in pvp should be non-gear based. until that happens there will be horrible imbalance in some WZ matches (more so in certain servers were one faction can't even get into a match to gear up most of the time, and when they are in a match it's against grossly overgeared opponents who are less deprived of Qs)

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the problem isnt with reward mechanics. those imo are working very well now, and the new system for dailies has balanced it out even more.


the problem lay with the fact that not asd many people are playing as bioware expected and there are far too many servers. they need to merge the lowest population servers, allow server transfers, and introduce cross server queues.


having said that, they did introduce same faction games, so in reality, there is a good chance youll end up on your own factions games and have just as much chance being on the better team as on the bad team, or even heaven forbid end up with evenly matched teams. if you are getting rolled constantly by the same team, wait 10 mins before queueing next and see if that changes things. may not help if the population on your server is really small, but then again it may make all the difference.

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