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Okay Let's talk about repairing SWToR (i.E. what needs to be done asap.)


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Okay first off, lets get some things out of the way,

Fanbois: I love this game and still actively play so I'm not doom or gloomin ya. So it's cool. This thread is a what needs to be fixed to give the game a better appeal and to get new players or bring back some of that 25% or more.


Trolls: Guys I get it you're mad, the game didn't live up to your expectations. Or you just like grieving people. Either way, there's tons of other threads for you, so if you can't contribute actual constructive criticism (Not snark criticism to be funny or "cute".) I'm politely asking you not to post here.


Okay now that that's out of the way let's talk.


Currently I'm on Master Zhar Lestin server, the server may not be the deadest or even the most populated, but there's a "decent" amount of people on nightly (not great just decent.) One of the biggest issues I'm running into are that MMO gamers seem to have become Anti-Social. This seems to be a huge problem, not only is this issue very present on my server it even affects things like my guild etc, and I'm sure it's not Isolated to just my server. So the first thing I want to discuss in this post is building community, currently it seems there is none. So the first improvement to SWToR I'm going to suggest is something that we the gamers can change.. start talking, Have conversations in general, try to spark one on something that others may join in on.. start making people feel like hey this planet with 30+ people is active, you may even make new friends.


Another thing we as a community can do to help things along ourselves is helping lowbies. When you see someone spamming for a group and you're not doing anything if it's content you can help them on by all means, an FP run through takes roughly 10 - 15 minutes at max. Your 10 -1 5 minutes can save a player who may be on the verge of quitting because they can't find a group from doing so. Who knows that person may end up being the tank, healer, or dps you desperately need later. People remember, the people that help them out.


Okay so those are things that we can do to help out. Now let's discuss what BW needs to do to help us.


Server Transfers: These needs to happen Yesterday. This game loses more people to the population being spread thin than anything else atm. A lot of people are very invested in their characters and do not want to simply re-roll. I understand BW is waiting to see numbers after X-Events before implementing them, but BW Listen to me and many others that have played enough games that have seen this very thing happen so many times in other games it's Deja Vu. Get the transfers out, if you have the technology roll it out asap. (and let's be fair we should really be blaming the people that QQed for more servers at launch. had they waited in queues most servers wouldn't be in this dilemma right now)


LFG Tool: We all know this is coming out on 1.3 which is great but here's the thing it's been eerily quiet about 1.3 lately and this feature (along with the delayed Rated WZs) need to happen quickly, in say 1.2.5 rather than 1.3, I think it's pretty safe to say you get these out sooner the community will be more than happy to wait a little longer for 1.3 itself. (this is just my speculation, I realize I do not speak for everyone, but in theory, I'd like to think we would.)


These are the biggest issues SWToR faces atm, every other issue is staggeringly small (except more performance upgrades but those come as they are finished.)


So for the first half I plea to the community, let's give this game an actual community in game, and for the second half I'm pleading to BW get these features out asap. I love this game the IP and the possibilities this game can offer. I'd hate to see this game falter any further. I want to see it soar from here out so please, I know this may be falling on deaf ears.. but I care enough to try, please BW, get these features to us asap.



Edited by WarSiren
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I would like to see a cross-server LFG tool for flashpoints. In other MMO's, my guild and I do raids, but the heroic dungeons are done on our own time. I want a place where I can spacebar my way through the instance, ignore the people around me, and focus on getting my toon the tokens I want to be able to raid with my guild. An LFG tool that utilizes only one server runs into an issue if it's a dead server like mine.


So while I agree that adding an LFG tool is a great thing, I don't think it's being committed to enough. Go all of the way, go x-server, or go home.

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Good post, wholeheartedly agree. Server transfers do need to happen asap. That and rated wz to keep PvP alive. I don't really care for PvP but I'm certain most of the 25% that left would be people who love their competetive PvP.
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Good post.


If it were up to me, I'd give whichever of the two options that can be completed fastest the priority. Cross server LFG/PvP could be a stopgap measure that could be introduced before server transfers. However, if server transfers could be pumped out faster (which I believe it can), I would prioritize that.

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I would say LFG is need asap, if you have to, start with same server then add cross server if that doesn't work out.


Same-server LFG would be next to useless on many dead servers. On many low-pop servers it takes hours to get a PvP queue and in some cases, an entire week.

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What are BW actually saying about Server Transfers? Are there *any* dates?


There are so few players on my server I had to log off without getting to play pvp, I could tell by doing a *blank* /who search of available 50's it was not going to happen...

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What are BW actually saying about Server Transfers? Are there *any* dates?


There are so few players on my server I had to log off without getting to play pvp, I could tell by doing a *blank* /who search of available 50's it was not going to happen...


Summer officially begins on June 21st. Bioware says "early summer" for server transfers. So, it follows that server transfers aren't likely until July at the earliest.

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Fix Ilum

Open all worlds to both factions.


Obviously they need to fix Ilum but no way do they need to open all worlds? You can PVP on a ton of different planets, the problem is that populations are light and their isn't any real reason to pvp.

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Server merges/transfers and a LFG tool and the game would get a gigantic boost... They should really just stop everything they are doing and focus on those two things and get them out yesterday.


Unfortunately it is already too late. BW won't get their stuff together before they've bled to death from sub loss. Inc f2p...:(


Hey it makes me sad and disappointed too. What am I if I'm not a troll or a fanboy? Just someone who sees the fatal flaws and won't lie to themself everything is A.O.K.


SWTOR could have been so much more... The magic hour is over now and people's interest has now wained. All they can do now is try and retain some of us and to do that they'll need merges/lfg tool. Which won't be here soon enough.

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It's a simple answer as to what needs to be done ASAP. There are about a thousand posts a day now, and almost every thread is about it:


Fix the population issue by merging servers and allowing free, open server transfers.


Many people would love to pay EA/Bioware and stay subscribed to play this game, if they actually had people to play it with. That is the fastest way to staunch the bleeding.


The worst part is though, that despite the recent increasing outcry for it, we haven't heard anything additional from the devs on this. Not even a "we hear you loud and clear!"

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Obviously they need to fix Ilum but no way do they need to open all worlds? You can PVP on a ton of different planets, the problem is that populations are light and their isn't any real reason to pvp.


except for the 4 starter worlds.


Open Corscant and Drummond Kaas

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Server Transfers/Merges

LFG Tool

Removal of the fleets and make the capital cities the hubs

Make it so that all the planets (except starting planets as mentioned above, i didn't think about that before) are available to both factions and stop segregating them so much.


And another thing just occurred to me. If you are going to make a traditional theme park, holy trinity (tank, healer, dps) game, than make a traditional theme park, holy trinity game. People that like this genre want to play that genre. Don't nerf the tanks and the healers to the point they have difficulty simply doing their role. Yeah, it's good to change some thing up and add some twists to the mechanics to keep things interesting, but this is a holy trinity game, let the roles be able to perform their roles.

Edited by Destronicus
Had another idea to add
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I would like to see a cross-server LFG tool for flashpoints. In other MMO's, my guild and I do raids, but the heroic dungeons are done on our own time. I want a place where I can spacebar my way through the instance, ignore the people around me, and focus on getting my toon the tokens I want to be able to raid with my guild. An LFG tool that utilizes only one server runs into an issue if it's a dead server like mine.


So while I agree that adding an LFG tool is a great thing, I don't think it's being committed to enough. Go all of the way, go x-server, or go home.


Add more heroic group quests, and make the rewards for those really nice. If that is done, there will be plenty of grouping that can happen server side and cross server LFG won't be an issue.

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1: Transfers. Without this within the next month the game will fall below 1 million subs. They have already taken too long.


2: Seperation of pre-made and PuGs in PvP. This is a bigger issue than rated itself and needs to be in ASAP


3: Fix Ilum. Seriously.


4: More warzones, even if its just a reworking of existing maps with different objectives- these should be done with the express intention of allow other classes and specs to shine

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I think the biggest problem is that this just isnt Star Wars. Yes, you have all the 'classes' and some faction banners dotted around but the setting Bioware have created - a 'fragile peace' is another problem.


At launch, I remember on Tatooine a group of us taking on the world boss. Now, I cant EVER remember seeing giant slugs and Rancors running around(Jabbas one was captured!!! :p ) and the one single thing I didnt see was ..... a Krayt Dragon - alive.


They have simply played this far too safe and all the grinding you do, it just doesnt feel like you are contributing for the good of your faction.


This is Star Wars and as such, should have engaging Imperial vs Republic content - both pve and pvp. The Rakghoul Outbreak was woeful. Stand around on fleet, waiting to get infected - then infect, collect DNA. YAWN.


And that is the problem. The development team just are not creative enough. Its like they have never seen Star Wars and just decided to copy other MMOs with generic game mechanics.


MMO essentials are lacking - LFG, pvp ranked, X-server support, the list is endless.


The only way this can be saved is by introducing the 'war' and getting rid of this fragile peace BS and have some PvE battlefields where you can go score some XP in small groups taking on your enemy faction - maybe to control a city someone on Tatooine, or other planet.

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OK - I love the game - but somewhere it misses - things I have been thinking about:


Capital City - fleet does not have atmosphere for me - in fact I think it's horrible - be nice to have a capital city instead, with housing, the lot, and a sense of belonging (and really nice to look at!)

A quick travel point to it would be great


Transport is a major issue and pain in this game

quick travel points could work to anywhere from anywhere


Groups could have a teleporter to bring the rest of the group to an instance, or near heroic 4s and 2s - or people can get ported into an instance when one goes in


the ops portals could be placed on location on the planets


Been said - free transfers once a week, and a X server lfg and ops group (and no - it did not mess up wow - people are just how you find them - some nice and some not so nice)

Edited by Jeffleigh
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id say server merges should happen instead of transfers


anyone who has half a brain knows how much of a disaster server transfers would be.unless your a part of the select few servers the community is so obsessed about your servers probably going to be dead

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Yeah, LFG tool and server transfer need to go out right now, and by right now I mean 2 months ago. As for other things, I wonder, don't BW ask themselves why around a million players stopped playing TOR since launch? Clearly something dramatic needs to be done. Is it EA that's forcing them to take this road?


Judging by the stock price; TOR is a complete writeoff and EA's got nothing positive in the future.

Edited by Neloth
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Judging by the stock price; TOR is a complete writeoff and EA's got nothing positive in the future.


As EA said in their analysts call, SWTOR is sub-single digits in contribution to their earnings. Hence while every % counts, the movement in this game +/- has very little affect on their financials. EA is heavily diversivfied in gaming properties.


Yeah, LFG tool and server transfer need to go out right now, and by right now I mean 2 months ago.


:rolleyes: you cant have it before it's ready for bullet proof automated use you know.


As for other things, I wonder, don't BW ask themselves why around a million players stopped playing TOR since launch? Clearly something dramatic needs to be done. Is it EA that's forcing them to take this road?


You do realize that is particular MMO had probably the larges pent-up demand of any MMO since WoW, right? Add to that so many peoples projections and illusions as to what the game would be + coupled with their lack of managing their own expectations and you get a lot of "try it, don't like it, drop it" behavior. Not really so different then Rift for that matter though Rift peaked much lower). Rift peaked quickly at 600k and then dropped rapidly to the low 200K and then stabilized.


I firmly believe most, if not all, MMOs will lose ~ 60-70% of their players in the first 6 months. MMO players are very fickle these days, especially MMO veterans.

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